964 resultados para drivers scheduling problem
Abstract Scheduling problems are generally NP-hard combinatorial problems, and a lot of research has been done to solve these problems heuristically. However, most of the previous approaches are problem-specific and research into the development of a general scheduling algorithm is still in its infancy. Mimicking the natural evolutionary process of the survival of the fittest, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have attracted much attention in solving difficult scheduling problems in recent years. Some obstacles exist when using GAs: there is no canonical mechanism to deal with constraints, which are commonly met in most real-world scheduling problems, and small changes to a solution are difficult. To overcome both difficulties, indirect approaches have been presented (in [1] and [2]) for nurse scheduling and driver scheduling, where GAs are used by mapping the solution space, and separate decoding routines then build solutions to the original problem. In our previous indirect GAs, learning is implicit and is restricted to the efficient adjustment of weights for a set of rules that are used to construct schedules. The major limitation of those approaches is that they learn in a non-human way: like most existing construction algorithms, once the best weight combination is found, the rules used in the construction process are fixed at each iteration. However, normally a long sequence of moves is needed to construct a schedule and using fixed rules at each move is thus unreasonable and not coherent with human learning processes. When a human scheduler is working, he normally builds a schedule step by step following a set of rules. After much practice, the scheduler gradually masters the knowledge of which solution parts go well with others. He can identify good parts and is aware of the solution quality even if the scheduling process is not completed yet, thus having the ability to finish a schedule by using flexible, rather than fixed, rules. In this research we intend to design more human-like scheduling algorithms, by using ideas derived from Bayesian Optimization Algorithms (BOA) and Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) to implement explicit learning from past solutions. BOA can be applied to learn to identify good partial solutions and to complete them by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions [3]. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph with each node corresponding to one variable, and each variable corresponding to individual rule by which a schedule will be constructed step by step. The conditional probabilities are computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each node is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until values for all nodes have been generated. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the Bayesian network is updated again using the current set of good rule strings. The algorithm thereby tries to explicitly identify and mix promising building blocks. It should be noted that for most scheduling problems the structure of the network model is known and all the variables are fully observed. In this case, the goal of learning is to find the rule values that maximize the likelihood of the training data. Thus learning can amount to 'counting' in the case of multinomial distributions. In the LCS approach, each rule has its strength showing its current usefulness in the system, and this strength is constantly assessed [4]. To implement sophisticated learning based on previous solutions, an improved LCS-based algorithm is designed, which consists of the following three steps. The initialization step is to assign each rule at each stage a constant initial strength. Then rules are selected by using the Roulette Wheel strategy. The next step is to reinforce the strengths of the rules used in the previous solution, keeping the strength of unused rules unchanged. The selection step is to select fitter rules for the next generation. It is envisaged that the LCS part of the algorithm will be used as a hill climber to the BOA algorithm. This is exciting and ambitious research, which might provide the stepping-stone for a new class of scheduling algorithms. Data sets from nurse scheduling and mall problems will be used as test-beds. It is envisaged that once the concept has been proven successful, it will be implemented into general scheduling algorithms. It is also hoped that this research will give some preliminary answers about how to include human-like learning into scheduling algorithms and may therefore be of interest to researchers and practitioners in areas of scheduling and evolutionary computation. References 1. Aickelin, U. and Dowsland, K. (2003) 'Indirect Genetic Algorithm for a Nurse Scheduling Problem', Computer & Operational Research (in print). 2. Li, J. and Kwan, R.S.K. (2003), 'Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Driver Scheduling', European Journal of Operational Research 147(2): 334-344. 3. Pelikan, M., Goldberg, D. and Cantu-Paz, E. (1999) 'BOA: The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm', IlliGAL Report No 99003, University of Illinois. 4. Wilson, S. (1994) 'ZCS: A Zeroth-level Classifier System', Evolutionary Computation 2(1), pp 1-18.
Nurse rostering is a complex scheduling problem that affects hospital personnel on a daily basis all over the world. This paper presents a new component-based approach with adaptive perturbations, for a nurse scheduling problem arising at a major UK hospital. The main idea behind this technique is to decompose a schedule into its components (i.e. the allocated shift pattern of each nurse), and then mimic a natural evolutionary process on these components to iteratively deliver better schedules. The worthiness of all components in the schedule has to be continuously demonstrated in order for them to remain there. This demonstration employs a dynamic evaluation function which evaluates how well each component contributes towards the final objective. Two perturbation steps are then applied: the first perturbation eliminates a number of components that are deemed not worthy to stay in the current schedule; the second perturbation may also throw out, with a low level of probability, some worthy components. The eliminated components are replenished with new ones using a set of constructive heuristics using local optimality criteria. Computational results using 52 data instances demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach in solving real-world problems.
Schedules can be built in a similar way to a human scheduler by using a set of rules that involve domain knowledge. This paper presents an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) for the nurse scheduling problem, which involves choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for the assignment of each nurse. Unlike previous work that used Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to implement implicit learning, the learning in the proposed algorithm is explicit, i.e. we identify and mix building blocks directly. The EDA is applied to implement such explicit learning by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions. The conditional probability of each variable in the network is computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each variable is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until all variables have been generated, i.e. in our case, a new rule string has been obtained. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the conditional probabilities for all nodes in the Bayesian network are updated again using the current set of promising rule strings. Computational results from 52 real data instances demonstrate the success of this approach. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approach might be suitable for other scheduling problems.
The aim of this research is twofold: Firstly, to model and solve a complex nurse scheduling problem with an integer programming formulation and evolutionary algorithms. Secondly, to detail a novel statistical method of comparing and hence building better scheduling algorithms by identifying successful algorithm modifications. The comparison method captures the results of algorithms in a single figure that can then be compared using traditional statistical techniques. Thus, the proposed method of comparing algorithms is an objective procedure designed to assist in the process of improving an algorithm. This is achieved even when some results are non-numeric or missing due to infeasibility. The final algorithm outperforms all previous evolutionary algorithms, which relied on human expertise for modification.
During our earlier research, it was recognised that in order to be successful with an indirect genetic algorithm approach using a decoder, the decoder has to strike a balance between being an optimiser in its own right and finding feasible solutions. Previously this balance was achieved manually. Here we extend this by presenting an automated approach where the genetic algorithm itself, simultaneously to solving the problem, sets weights to balance the components out. Subsequently we were able to solve a complex and non-linear scheduling problem better than with a standard direct genetic algorithm implementation.
Our research has shown that schedules can be built mimicking a human scheduler by using a set of rules that involve domain knowledge. This chapter presents a Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA)for the nurse scheduling problem that chooses such suitable scheduling rules from a set for each nurse’s assignment. Based on the idea of using probabilistic models, the BOA builds a Bayesian network for the set of promising solutions and samples these networks to generate new candidate solutions. Computational results from 52 real data instances demonstrate the success of this approach. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed algorithm may be suitable for other scheduling problems.
The railway planning problem is usually studied from two different points of view: macroscopic and microscopic. We propose a macroscopic approach for the high-speed rail scheduling problem where competitive effects are introduced. We study train frequency planning, timetable planning and rolling stock assignment problems and model the problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem considering competitive transport markets. The aim of the presented model is to maximize the total operator profit. We solve the optimization model using realistic probleminstances obtained from the network of the Spanish railwa operator RENFE, including other transport modes in Spain
OBJECTIVES AND STUDY METHOD: There are two subjects in this thesis: “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” and “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network”. Although these two themes seem unrelated, the main idea is the optimization of complex systems. The “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” deals with a manufacturing setting where sets of pieces form finished products. The aim is to maximize the profit of the finished products. Each piece may be processed in more than one mold. Molds must be mounted on machines with their corresponding installation setup times. The key point of our methodology is to solve the single period lot-sizing decisions for the finished products together with the piece-mold and the mold-machine assignments, relaxing the constraint that a single mold may not be used in two machines at the same time. For the “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network” we deal with One of the most annoying problems in urban bus operations is bus bunching, which happens when two or more buses arrive at a stop nose to tail. Bus bunching reflects an unreliable service that affects transit operations by increasing passenger-waiting times. This work proposes a linear mathematical programming model that establishes bus holding times at certain stops along a transit corridor to avoid bus bunching. Our approach needs real-time input, so we simulate a transit corridor and apply our mathematical model to the data generated. Thus, the inherent variability of a transit system is considered by the simulation, while the optimization model takes into account the key variables and constraints of the bus operation. CONTRIBUTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: For the “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” the relaxation we propose able to find solutions more efficiently, moreover our experimental results show that most of the solutions verify that molds are non-overlapping even if they are installed on several machines. We propose an exact integer linear programming, a Relax&Fix heuristic, and a multistart greedy algorithm to solve this problem. Experimental results on instances based on real-world data show the efficiency of our approaches. The mathematical model and the algorithm for the lot production size problem, showed in this research, can be used for production planners to help in the scheduling of the manufacturing. For the “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network” most of the literature considers quadratic models that minimize passenger-waiting times, but they are harder to solve and therefore difficult to operate by real-time systems. On the other hand, our methodology reduces passenger-waiting times efficiently given our linear programming model, with the characteristic of applying control intervals just every 5 minutes.
In aircraft components maintenance shops, components are distributed amongst repair groups and their respective technicians based on the type of repair, on the technicians skills and workload, and on the customer required dates. This distribution planning is typically done in an empirical manner based on the group leader’s past experience. Such a procedure does not provide any performance guarantees, leading frequently to undesirable delays on the delivery of the aircraft components. Among others, a fundamental challenge faced by the group leaders is to decide how to distribute the components that arrive without customer required dates. This paper addresses the problems of prioritizing the randomly arriving of aircraft components (with or without pre-assigned customer required dates) and of optimally distributing them amongst the technicians of the repair groups. We proposed a formula for prioritizing the list of repairs, pointing out the importance of selecting good estimators for the interarrival times between repair requests, the turn-around-times and the man hours for repair. In addition, a model for the assignment and scheduling problem is designed and a preliminary algorithm along with a numerical illustration is presented.
This paper presents a stochastic mixed-integer linear programming approach for solving the self-scheduling problem of a price-taker thermal and wind power producer taking part in a pool-based electricity market. Uncertainty on electricity price and wind power is considered through a set of scenarios. Thermal units are modeled by variable costs, start-up costs and technical operating constraints, such as: ramp up/down limits and minimum up/down time limits. An efficient mixed-integer linear program is presented to develop the offering strategies of the coordinated production of thermal and wind energy generation, aiming to maximize the expected profit. A case study with data from the Iberian Electricity Market is presented and results are discussed to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
In rural and isolated areas without cellular coverage, Satellite Communication (SatCom) is the best candidate to complement terrestrial coverage. However, the main challenge for future generations of wireless networks will be to meet the growing demand for new services while dealing with the scarcity of frequency spectrum. As a result, it is critical to investigate more efficient methods of utilizing the limited bandwidth; and resource sharing is likely the only choice. The research community’s focus has recently shifted towards the interference management and exploitation paradigm to meet the increasing data traffic demands. In the Downlink (DL) and Feedspace (FS), LEO satellites with an on-board antenna array can offer service to numerous User Terminals (UTs) (VSAT or Handhelds) on-ground in FFR schemes by using cutting-edge digital beamforming techniques. Considering this setup, the adoption of an effective user scheduling approach is a critical aspect given the unusually high density of User terminals on the ground as compared to the on-board available satellite antennas. In this context, one possibility is that of exploiting clustering algorithms for scheduling in LEO MU-MIMO systems in which several users within the same group are simultaneously served by the satellite via Space Division Multiplexing (SDM), and then these different user groups are served in different time slots via Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). This thesis addresses this problem by defining a user scheduling problem as an optimization problem and discusses several algorithms to solve it. In particular, focusing on the FS and user service link (i.e., DL) of a single MB-LEO satellite operating below 6 GHz, the user scheduling problem in the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode is addressed. The proposed State-of-the-Art scheduling approaches are based on graph theory. The proposed solution offers high performance in terms of per-user capacity, Sum-rate capacity, SINR, and Spectral Efficiency.
The study of the user scheduling problem in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Multi-User MIMO system is the objective of this thesis. With the application of cutting-edge digital beamforming algorithms, a LEO satellite with an antenna array and a large number of antenna elements can provide service to many user terminals (UTs) in full frequency reuse (FFR) schemes. Since the number of UTs on-ground are many more than the transmit antennas on the satellite, user scheduling is necessary. Scheduling can be accomplished by grouping users into different clusters: users within the same cluster are multiplexed and served together via Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), i.e., digital beamforming or Multi-User MIMO techniques; the different clusters of users are then served on different time slots via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The design of an optimal user grouping strategy is known to be an NP-complete problem which can be solved only through exhaustive search. In this thesis, we provide a graph-based user scheduling and feed space beamforming architecture for the downlink with the aim of reducing user inter-beam interference. The main idea is based on clustering users whose pairwise great-circle distance is as large as possible. First, we create a graph where the users represent the vertices, whereas an edge in the graph between 2 users exists if their great-circle distance is above a certain threshold. In the second step, we develop a low complex greedy user clustering technique and we iteratively search for the maximum clique in the graph, i.e., the largest fully connected subgraph in the graph. Finally, by using the 3 aforementioned power normalization techniques, a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) beamforming matrix is deployed on a cluster basis. The suggested scheduling system is compared with a position-based scheduler, which generates a beam lattice on the ground and randomly selects one user per beam to form a cluster.
This paper deals with the traditional permutation flow shop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing mean flowtime, therefore reducing in-process inventory. A new heuristic method is proposed for the scheduling problem solution. The proposed heuristic is compared with the best one considered in the literature. Experimental results show that the new heuristic provides better solutions regarding both the solution quality and computational effort.
In this paper, we address the problem of scheduling jobs in a no-wait flowshop with the objective of minimising the total completion time. This problem is well-known for being nondeterministic polynomial-time hard, and therefore, most contributions to the topic focus on developing algorithms able to obtain good approximate solutions for the problem in a short CPU time. More specifically, there are various constructive heuristics available for the problem [such as the ones by Rajendran and Chaudhuri (Nav Res Logist 37: 695-705, 1990); Bertolissi (J Mater Process Technol 107: 459-465, 2000), Aldowaisan and Allahverdi (Omega 32: 345-352, 2004) and the Chins heuristic by Fink and Voa (Eur J Operat Res 151: 400-414, 2003)], as well as a successful local search procedure (Pilot-1-Chins). We propose a new constructive heuristic based on an analogy with the two-machine problem in order to select the candidate to be appended in the partial schedule. The myopic behaviour of the heuristic is tempered by exploring the neighbourhood of the so-obtained partial schedules. The computational results indicate that the proposed heuristic outperforms existing ones in terms of quality of the solution obtained and equals the performance of the time-consuming Pilot-1-Chins.
The flowshop scheduling problem with blocking in-process is addressed in this paper. In this environment, there are no buffers between successive machines: therefore intermediate queues of jobs waiting in the system for their next operations are not allowed. Heuristic approaches are proposed to minimize the total tardiness criterion. A constructive heuristic that explores specific characteristics of the problem is presented. Moreover, a GRASP-based heuristic is proposed and Coupled with a path relinking strategy to search for better outcomes. Computational tests are presented and the comparisons made with an adaptation of the NEH algorithm and with a branch-and-bound algorithm indicate that the new approaches are promising. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.