870 resultados para determinants of public spending
Numerous theories have been advanced in the effort to explain how a given policy issue manages to take root in the public sphere and subsequently move forward on the public legislative agenda—or not. This study examined how the social determinants of health (SDOH) came to be part of the legislative policy agenda in Britain from 1980 to 2003. ^ The specific objectives of the research were: (1) to conduct a sociopolitical analysis grounded in alternative agenda-setting theories to identify the factors responsible for moving the social determinants health perspective onto the British policy agenda; and (2) to determine which of the theories and related dimensions best accounted for the emergence of this perspective. ^ A triangulated content and context analysis of British news articles, historical accounts, and research commentaries of the SDOH movement was conducted guided by relevant agenda-setting theories set within a social movement framework to chronicle the emergence of the SDOH as a significant policy issue in Britain. ^ The most influential social movement and agenda setting elements in the emergence of the SDOH in Britain were issue generation tactics, framing efforts, mobilizing structures, and political opportunities grounded in social movement and agenda setting theories. Policy content or the details of the policy had comparatively little impact on the successful emergence of the SDOH. Despite resistance by the government, from 1980 to 1996 interest groups created a political understanding of the SDOH utilizing a framing package encompassing notions of inequality, fairness, and justice. This frame transmitted a powerful idea connected to a core set of British values and beliefs. After 1996, a shift in political opportunities cemented the institutional arrangements needed to sustain an environment conducive to the development and implementation of SDOH policies and programs. ^ This research demonstrates that the U.S. emergence of the SDOH on the policy agenda will depend upon: (1) U.S. ideals and values regarding poverty, inequality, race, health, and health care that will determine issue framing; (2) political opportunities that will emerge—or not—to advance the SDOH policy agenda; and (3) the mobilizing structures that support or oppose the issue. ^
Nearly one in three children in the developing world is malnourished. Poor nutrition contributes to one out of two deaths (53%) associated with infectious diseases among children aged under five in developing countries. Using data from the 2005 World Food Program’s (WFP) Livelihood Vulnerability and Nutritional Assessment of Rural Kassala and Red Sea State this study examines the impact of female headed households and maternal education on malnutrition in children 6-59 months old. The dependent variable investigated in this study is moderate to severe wasting or less than -2 weight for height Z-score, also known as global acute malnutrition (GAM). ^ The study population consisted of 450 households in Kassala State and Red Sea State, Sudan. A total of 900 children 6-59 months of age were part of the households sampled from these states and one child per household (773 children) was randomly chosen for the analysis along with the child’s mother. Results of the study found that 18 percent of children between 6-59 months of age had GAM/wasting. Maternal education, main source of water, and income were strongly related to wasting. Gender of head of household was not found to have a significant relationship with GAM/wasting. Mothers with at least primary education were much less likely to have malnourished children, even after controlling for income and environmental conditions. Children in households with unsafe sources of water were 2.6 more likely to have wasting than those with piped in/tube wells as their main source of water. For every increase of 100 dinar in a household, the children in the household are approximately two-thirds times (.662) less likely to be wasted. ^ The results of this study support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between maternal education on wasting of children 6-59 months old. The results do not, however, support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between gender of head of household on wasting of children 6-59 months old. Better understanding of the association of wasting and other measures of malnutrition with maternal education levels can program managers and other health officials to target important nutritional and non-nutritional interventions. ^
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has taken HIV-infection from a rapidly terminal illness to one that is a slowly progressive, chronic illness. HIV-infected children can now live long, normal lives. Today, four classes of antiretroviral medications are widely used and several antiretrovirals are available in each class, but resistance and cross-resistance to these medications can occur very quickly if the patient does not adhere to strict medication dosing guidelines. One method to improve pediatric adherence to antiretrovirals is to focus on identified determinants of adherence at clinical visits, but very few studies have been conducted to identify determinants of adherence to antiretrovirals and the best methods to measure adherence in the pediatric population. This research synthesis found adherence factors related to children can be divided into child-identified factors and caregiver-identified factors. Child identified factors include medication-related, demographic-related, cognitive-related, psychosocial-related, and biological marker-related barriers to adherence. Caregiver identified factors include medication-related, cognitive-related, relationship-related, and psychosocial-related barriers to adherence. More randomized clinical trials are needed to identify determinants to adherence, identify methods to best measure adherence, and to identify the best interventions to improve adherence in HIV-infected children and adolescents. ^
Introduction. Cervical cancer is the most common and lethal cancer among Mexican women. A nationwide cervical cancer screening program established in 1974 has had little impact on cervical cancer incidence or mortality rates. This case-control study was designed to determine the association between knowledge factors and structural, organizational, and sociocultural perceptions related to adherence to cervical cancer screening guidelines among women living and working in Monterrey, Mexico.^ Methods. Cases were defined as sexually active female store clerks ages 18-64 who do not adhere to cervical cancer screening guidelines in accordance with the Official Mexican Standard (Norma Oficial Mexicana, NOM 014-SSA2-1994). Controls were defined as sexually active female store clerks ages 18-64 who do adhere to cervical cancer screening guidelines in accordance with the NOM. Participants (N = 229) answered survey questions regarding cervical cancer screening practices as well as their knowledge and perceptions about screening for cervical cancer. Two multivariate logistic regression models were built to analyze (1) knowledge factors and (2) perceptions significantly associated with adherence in univariate analysis.^ Results. Having no or inaccurate knowledge of national cervical cancer screening guidelines (OR = 11.05, 95%CI: 4.28, 28.54) and no knowledge of the utility of the Papanicolaou (Pap) exam (OR = 6.77, 95%CI: 0.99, 46.43) were risk factors for non-adherence to cervical cancer screening guidelines. Perceptions of fear or embarrassment of the Pap exam (OR = 16.17, 95%CI: 5.08, 51.49) and lower levels of spousal or partner acceptance of the Pap exam (OR = 5.82, 95%CI: 1.34, 25.31) were risk factors for non-adherence to cervical cancer screening guidelines.^ Conclusion. Knowledge factors and sociocultural perceptions related to cervical cancer screening were strong predictors of adherence to screening guidelines. Future studies may be able to further explore these findings with larger sample sizes and in other populations in Mexico. By identifying these factors, future population-specific recommendations and interventions to increase screening rates can be formulated with the long-term goal of reducing morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer among Mexican women.^
Objective. To conduct a systematic review of literature to determine the factors associated with STI including HIV screening uptake among African American young adults in the United States. ^ Methods. The electronic databases OVID Medline and OVID PsycINFO were systematically searched to identify potentially relevant articles. Ninety-six articles were initially identified, five of which were included in the final review. ^ Results. The results of this review were inconclusive. There was no definitive evidence to suggest which determinants were predictive of screening uptake. ^ Conclusions. There is a limited body of literature examining the demographic and behavioral risk factors associated with uptake or non-uptake of STI including HIV screening among African American young adult populations. This finding points to the need for more quality research to be conducted in this area. ^
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis in the US, affecting approximately 37% of adults. Approximately 300,000 total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures take place in the United States each year. Total knee arthroplasty is an elective procedure available to patients as an irreversible treatment after failure of previous medical treatments. Some patients sacrifice quality of life and endure many years of pain before making the decision to undergo total knee replacement. In making their decision, it is therefore imperative for patients to understand the procedure, risks and surgical outcomes to create realistic expectations and increase outcome satisfaction. ^ From 2004-2007, 236 OA patients who underwent TKA participated in the PEAKS (Patient Expectations About Knee Surgery) study, an observational longitudinal cohort study, completed baseline and 6 month follow-up questionnaires after the surgery. We performed a secondary data analysis of the PEAKS study to: (1) determine the specific presurgical patient characteristics associated with patients’ presurgical expectations of time to functional recovery; and (2) determine the association between presurgical expectations of time to functional recovery and postsurgical patient capabilities (6 months after TKA). We utilized the WOMAC to measure knee pain and function, the SF-36 to measure health-related quality of life, and the DASS and MOS-SSS to measure psychosocial quality of life variables. Expectation and capability measures were generated from panel of experts. A list of 10 activities was used for this analysis to measure functional expectations and postoperative functional capabilities. ^ The final cohort consisted of 236 individuals, was predominately White with 154 women and 82 men. The mean age was 65 years. Patients were optimistic about their time to functional recovery. Expectation time of being able to perform the list activities per patient had a median of less than 3 months. Patients who expected to be able to perform the functional activities by 3 months had better knee function, less pain and better overall health-related quality of life. Despite expectation differences, all patients showed significant improvement 6 months after surgery. Participant expectation of time to functional recovery was not an independent predictor of capability to perform functional activities at 6 months. Better presurgical patient characteristics were, however, associated with a higher likelihood of being able to perform all activities at 6 months. ^ This study gave us initial insight on the relationship between presurgical patient characteristics and their expectations of functional recovery after total knee replacement. Future studies clarifying the relationship between patient presurgical characteristics and postsurgical functional capabilities are needed.^
Patients who had started HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment) under previous aggressive DHHS guidelines (1997) underwent a life-long continuous HAART that was associated with many short term as well as long term complications. Many interventions attempted to reduce those complications including intermittent treatment also called pulse therapy. Many studies were done to study the determinants of rate of fall in CD4 count after interruption as this data would help guide treatment interruptions. The data set used here was a part of a cohort study taking place at the Johns Hopkins AIDS service since January 1984, in which the data were collected both prospectively and retrospectively. The patients in this data set consisted of 47 patients receiving via pulse therapy with the aim of reducing the long-term complications. ^ The aim of this project was to study the impact of virologic and immunologic factors on the rate of CD4 loss after treatment interruption. The exposure variables under investigation included CD4 cell count and viral load at treatment initiation. The rates of change of CD4 cell count after treatment interruption was estimated from observed data using advanced longitudinal data analysis methods (i.e., linear mixed model). Using random effects accounted for repeated measures of CD4 per person after treatment interruption. The regression coefficient estimates from the model was then used to produce subject specific rates of CD4 change accounting for group trends in change. The exposure variables of interest were age, race, and gender, CD4 cell counts and HIV RNA levels at HAART initiation. ^ The rate of fall of CD4 count did not depend on CD4 cell count or viral load at initiation of treatment. Thus these factors may not be used to determine who can have a chance of successful treatment interruption. CD4 and viral load were again studied by t-tests and ANOVA test after grouping based on medians and quartiles to see any difference in means of rate of CD4 fall after interruption. There was no significant difference between the groups suggesting that there was no association between rate of fall of CD4 after treatment interruption and above mentioned exposure variables. ^
The purpose of this study was to apply the Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization to examine an existing worksite HRA program to identify and examine the roles of determinants of participation in HRA programs. The program consisted of three activities: questionnaire, physical examination, and group interpretation sessions. All of the 1821 employees were eligible for the program; 523 (29%) participated in at least one activity. Results from bivariate analyses suggest that being female, being white, having fewer dependents, and having higher medical claims for the past year were positively associated with participation. Results of logistic regression suggest that Age, Sex, Race, Marital, Number of Dependents, Job Title, Months with the Company, and a log transformed value of Employee's Total Medical Claims were all significant determinants of participation. Applications of the logistic regression models, other factors that should be investigated in future studies, and the limitations of the study were discussed. ^
This study examines the individual and health care system determinants of two types of preventive health care practice behaviors, having a routine physical exam or a preventive dental exam, in the past year among Chicanos in the Southwestern United States. The study utilizes the Health System Model, developed by Aday and Andersen in 1974, to analyze the relative effect of education, income and occupation on the use of discretionary health care, controlling for other individual and health care system determinants.^ The study is based on a sample of 4,111 Mexican origin adults, drawn from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). This sample is representative of Mexican American residing in the Southwestern United States.^ The study tests the hypothesis that education is the most important social class predictor of preventive health care practice behavior. The fully elaborated model tests the hypothesis that individual determinants alone are insufficient to explain the use of preventive health care services among Chicanos.^ The study found that education and income are statistically significant social class indicators only as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Education is not the most important social class predictor of either preventive health care practice behavior. Health care system determinants are key predictors of both behaviors. Need, as measured by self-perceived health status of teeth and gender, is as important a determinant as having dental insurance coverage as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Implications for health programs to effectively reach Chicano target groups and remove access barriers to their use of discretionary health care services are discussed. ^
Data derived from 1,194 gravidas presenting at the observation unit of a city/county hospital between October 11, 1979 through December 7, 1979 were evaluated with respect to the proportion ingesting drugs during pregnancy. The mean age of the mother at the time of the interview was 22.0 years; 43.0 percent were Black; 34.0 percent Latin-American, 21.0 percent White and 2.0 percent other; mean gravida was 2.5 pregnancies; mean parity was 1.0; and mean number of previous abortions was 0.34. Completed interview data was available for 1,119 gravida, corresponding urinalyses for 997 subjects. Ninety and one-tenth percent (90.1 percent) of the subjects reported ingestion of one or more drug preparation(s) (prescription, OTC, or substances used for recreational purposes) during pregnancy with a range of 0 to 11 substances and a mean of 2.7. Dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals) were most frequently reported followed by non-narcotic analgesics. Seventy-six and one tenth percent (76.1 percent) of the population reported consumption of prescription medication, 42.5 percent reported consumption of over-the-counter medications, 45.7 percent reported consumption of a substance for recreational purposes and 4.3 percent reported illicit consumption of a substance. For selected substances, no measurable difference was found between obtaining the information from the interview method or from a urinalysis assay. ^
This paper explores intra-state disparity in access to electricity and examines the determinants of electrification at the village level in Bihar, one of the underdeveloped states in India. Our field survey of 80 villages in 5 districts conducted in 2008-09 found that 48 villages (60%) are electrified when using the definition of electrification that a village is electrified if any one household in the village is connected to electricity. The degrees of “electrification” in terms of the proportion of household connection and available hours of electricity remain by and large low, and at the same time differ across districts, villages and seasons. In the processes of electrification, approximately 40% of villages have been electrified in recent years. Based on the basic findings of the survey, this paper examines the electrification processes and how it has changed in recent years. The econometric analyses demonstrate that location is the most important determinant of a village’s electricity connection. Another important finding is that with the rapid progress of rural electrificationunder the recent government programme and the tendency to connect the villages which are easily accessible, the collective bargaining power of the village, which used to significantly affect the process of electrification, has lost influence. This adversely affects remote villages. In order to extend electricity supplies to remote and geographically disadvantaged villages, the government needs to consider seriously other options for sustainable electricity supply, such as decentralized distribution of electricity rather than the conventional connection through the national/local grids.
The paper focuses on the recent pattern of government consumption expenditure in developing countries and estimates the determinants which have influenced government expenditure. Using a panel data set for 111 developing countries from 1984 to 2004, this study finds evidence that political and institutional variables as well as governance variables significantly influence government expenditure. Among other results, the paper finds new evidence of Wagner's law which states that peoples' demand for service and willingness to pay is income-elastic hence the expansion of public economy is influenced by the greater economic affluence of a nation (Cameron1978). Corruption is found to be influential in explaining the public expenditure of developing countries. On the contrary, size of the economy and fractionalization are found to have significant negative association with government expenditure. In addition, the study finds evidence that public expenditure significantly shrinks under military dictatorship compared with other form of governance.
Objectives: To analyse the association between self-perceived discrimination and social determinants (social class, gender, country of origin) in Spain, and further to describe contextual factors which contribute to self-perceived discrimination. Methods: Cross-sectional design using data from the Spanish National Health Survey (2006). The dependent variable was self-perceived discrimination, and independent and stratifying variables were sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. sex, social class, country of origin, educational level). Logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of self-perceived discrimination was 4.2% for men and 6.3% for women. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination was higher in people who originated from low-income countries: men, odds ratio (OR) 5.59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.55–6.87]; women, OR 4.06 (95% CI 3.42–4.83). Women were more likely to report self-perceived discrimination by their partner at home than men [OR 8.35 (95% CI 4.70–14.84)]. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination when seeking work was higher among people who originated from low-income countries than their Spanish counterparts: men, OR 13.65 (95% CI 9.62–19.35); women, OR 10.64 (95% CI 8.31–13.62). In comparison with Spaniards, male white-collar workers who originated from low-income countries [OR 11.93 (95% CI 8.26–17.23)] and female blue-collar workers who originated from low-income countries (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.08–2.39)] reported higher levels of self-perceived discrimination. Conclusions: Self-perceived discrimination is distributed unevenly in Spain and interacts with social inequalities. This particularly affects women and immigrants.
Casual observation shows that that the financial systems in the southern and eastern Mediterranean are unable (or unwilling) to divert the financial resources that are available to them as funding opportunities to private enterprises. Using a sample of both northern and southern Mediterranean countries for the years 1985 to 2009, this study empirically assesses the reasons underlying such conditions. The results show that strong legal institutions, good democratic governance and adequate implementation of financial reforms can have a substantial positive impact on financial development only when they are present collectively. Moreover, inflation appears to undermine banking development, but less so when the capital account is open. Government debt growth appears to weaken credit growth, which confirms that public debt ‘crowds out’ private debt. Lastly, capital inflows appear to primarily have an income effect, increasing income and thereby national savings, and thus increasing the availability of credit.
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