496 resultados para deregulation


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Os tumores de mama são caracterizados pela sua alta heterogeneidade. O câncer de mama é uma doença complexa, que possui o seu desenvolvimento fortemente influenciado por fatores ambientais, combinada a uma progressiva acumulação de mutações genéticas e desregulação epigenética de vias críticas. Alterações nos padrões de expressão gênica podem ser resultado de uma desregulação no controle de eventos epigenéticos, assim como, na regulação pós-transcricional pelo mecanismo de RNA de interferência endógeno via microRNA (miRNA). Estes eventos são capazes de levar à iniciação, à promoção e à manutenção da carcinogênese, como também ter implicações no desenvolvimento da resistência à terapia Os miRNAs formam uma classe de RNAs não codificantes, que durante os últimos anos surgiram como um dos principais reguladores da expressão gênica, através da sua capacidade de regular negativamente a atividade de RNAs mensageiros (RNAms) portadores de uma seqüencia parcialmente complementar. A importância da regulação mediada por miRNAs foi observada pela capacidade destas moléculas em regular uma vasta gama de processos biológicos incluindo a proliferação celular, diferenciação e a apoptose. Para avaliar a expressão de miRNAs durante a progressão tumoral, utilizamos como modelo experimental a série 21T que compreende 5 linhagens celulares originárias da mesma paciente diagnosticada com um tumor primário de mama do tipo ErbB2 e uma posterior metástase pulmonar. Essa série é composta pela linhagem obtida a partir do tecido normal 16N, pelas linhagens correspondentes ao carcinoma primário 21PT e 21NT e pelas linhagens obtidas um ano após o diagnóstico inicial, a partir da efusão pleural no sítio metastatico 21MT1 e 21MT2. O miRNAoma da série 21T revelou uma redução significativa nos níveis de miR-205 e nos níveis da proteina e-caderina e um enriquecimento do fator pró-metastático ZEB-1 nas células 21MT. Considerando a importância dos miRNAs na regulação da apoptose, e que a irradiação em diferentes espectros é comumente usada em procedimentos de diagnóstico como mamografia e na radioterapia, avaliamos a expressão de miRNAs após irradiação de alta e baixa energia e do tratamento doxorrubicina. Para os ensaios foram utilizados as linhagens não tumorais MCF-10A e HB-2 e as linhagens de carcinoma da mama MCF-7 e T-47D. Observou-se que raios-X de baixa energia são capazes de promover quebras na molécula do DNA e apoptose assim como, alterar sensivelmente miRNAs envolvidos nessas vias como o let-7a, miR-34a e miR-29b. No que diz respeito à resposta a danos genotóxicos, uma regulação positiva sobre a expressão de miR-29b, o qual em condições normais é regulado negativamente foi observada uma regulação positiva sobre miR-29b expressão após todos os tratamentos em células tumorais. Nossos resultados indicam que miR-29b é um possível biomarcador de estresse genotóxico e que miR-205 pode participar no potencial metastático das células 21T.


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Cyclin A(2) is critical for the initiation of DNA replication, transcription and cell cycle regulation. Cumulative evidences indicate that the deregulation of cyclin A(2) is tightly linked to the chromosomal instability, neoplastic transformation and tumor proliferation. Here we report that treatment of chronic myelogenous leukaemia K562 cells with doxorubicin results in an accumulation of cyclin A(2) and follows by induction of apoptotic cell death. To investigate the potential preclinical relevance, K562 cells were transiently transfected with the siRNA targeting cyclin A(2) by functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes. Knocking down the expression of cyclin A(2) in K562 cells suppressed doxorubicin-induced growth arrest and cell apoptosis. Upon administration with doxorubicin, K562 cells with reduced cyclin A(2) showed a significant decrease in erythroid differentiation, and a small fraction of cells were differentiated along megakaryocytic and monocyte-macrophage pathways. The results demonstrate the pro-apoptotic role of cyclin A(2) and suggest that cyclin A(2) is a key regulator of cell differentiation.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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PTEN‐induced kinase 1 (PINK1) was identified initially in cancer cells as a gene up‐regulated by overexpression of the central tumour suppressor, PTEN. Loss‐of‐function mutations in PINK1 were discovered subsequently to cause autosomal recessive Parkinsonʹs disease (ARPD). Despite much research focusing on the proposed mechanism(s) through which loss of PINKI function causes neurodegeneration, few studies have focused on a direct role for this serine/threonine kinase in cancer biology. The focus of this thesis was to examine a direct role for PINK1 function in tumourigenesis. Initial studies showed that loss of PINK1 reduces tumour‐associated phenotypes including cell growth, colony formation and invasiveness, in several cell types in vitro, indicating a pro‐tumourigenic role for PINK1 in cancer. Furthermore, results revealed for the first time that PINK1 deletion, examined in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFS) from PINK1 knock‐out animals, causes cell cycle defects, whereby cells arrest at in cytokinesis, giving rise to a highly significant increase in the number of multinucleated cells. This results in several key changes in the expression profile of cell cycle associated protein. In addition, PINK1‐deficient MEFs were found to resist cell cycle exit, with a proportion of cells remaining in proliferative phases upon removal of serum. The ability of cells to progress through mitosis conferred by PINK1 expression was independent of its kinase activity, while the cell cycle exit following serum withdrawal was kinase dependent. Investigations into the mechanism through which loss of PINK1 function gives rise to cell cycle defects revealed that dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1)‐mediated mitochondrial fission is enhanced in PINK1‐ deficient MEFs, and that increased expression of Drp1 on mitochondria and activation of Drp1 is highly significant in PINK1‐deficient multinucleated cells. Deregulated and increased levels and activation of mitochondrial fission via Drp1 was shown to be a major feature of cell cycle defects caused by PINK1 deletion, both during progression through G2/M and cell cycle exit following serum removal. Altered PINK1 localisation was also observed during progression of mitosis, and upon serum deprivation. Thus, PINK1 dissociated from the mitochondria during the mitotic phases and localised to mitochondria upon serum withdrawal. During serum withdrawal deletion of PINK1 disabled the ability of MEFs to increase mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and increase autophagy. This was co‐incident with increased mitochondrial fission, and increased localisation of Drp1 to mitochondria following serum deprivation. Together, this indicates an inability of PINK1‐negative cells to respond protectively to this stress‐induced state, primarily via impaired mitochondrial function. In contrast, PINK1 overexpression was found to protect cells from DNA damage following treatment with oxidants. In addition, deletion of PINK1 blocked the ability of cells to re‐enter the cell cycle in response to insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1), a major cancer promoting agonistwhich acts primarily via PI3‐kinase/Akt activation. Furthermore, PINK1 mRNA expression was significantly increased following serum deprivation of MCF‐7 cells, and this was rendered more significant upon additional inhibition of PI3‐kinase. Conversely, IGF‐1 activation of PI3‐kinase/Akt causes a time‐dependent and significant reduction of PINK1 mRNA expression that was PI3‐kinase dependent. Together these results indicate that PINK1 expression is necessary for IGF‐1 signalling and is regulated reciprocally in the absence and presence of IGF‐1, via PI3‐kinase/Akt, a signalling system which has major tumour‐promoting capacity in cancer cell biology. The results of this thesis indicate PINK1 is a candidate tumour-promoting gene which has a significant function in the regulation of the cell cycle, and growth factor responses, at key cell cycle checkpoints, namely, during progression through G2/M and during exit of the cell cycle following removal of serum. Furthermore, the results reveal that the regulation of mitochondrial fission and Drp1 function is mechanistically important in the regulation of cell cycle control by PINK1. As deregulation of the cell cycle is linked to both tumourigenesis and neurodegeneration, the findings of this thesis are of importance not just for understanding cancer biology, but also in the context of PINK1‐associated neurodegeneration.


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Sprouty proteins are key regulators of cell growth and branching morphogenesis during development. Human SPRY3 which maps to the pseudoautosomal region 2, undergoes random X-inactivation in females and preferential Y-inactivation in males, behaving as though genetically X-linked. Spry3 is widely expressed in neuronal tissues, being found at high levels in the cerebellum and particularly in the Purkinje cells which, notably, are deficient in the autistic brain. Spry3 is also highly expressed in other ganglia in adults including retinal ganglion cells, dorsal root ganglion and superior cervical ganglion. SPRY3 enhancer can drive SPRY3 expression in the lung airway, which is consistent with a role in branching morphogenesis and the function of the original Drosophila Spry gene, which is critical for lung morphogenesis, providing a possible explanation for an observed anatomic abnormality in the autistic lung airway. In the human and mouse, the SPRY3 core promoter contains an AG-rich repeat and we found evidence of coexpression, promoter binding and regulation of SPRY3 expression by transcription factors EGR1, ZNF263 and PAX6. Spry3 over-expression in mouse superior cervical ganglion cells inhibits axon branching and Spry3 knockdown in those cells increases axon branching, consistent with known functions of other Sprouty proteins. Novel SPRY3 upstream transcripts that I characterised originate from three start sites in the X-linked F8A3 – TMLHE gene region, which is recently implicated in autism causation. Arising from these findings, I propose that the lung airway abnormality and low levels of blood carnitine found in autism suggest that deregulation of SPRY3 may underpin a subset of autism cases.


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The SREBP (sterol response element binding proteins) transcription factors are central to regulating de novo biosynthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids. The SREBPs are regulated by retention or escape from the ER to the Golgi where they are proteolytically cleaved into active forms. The SREBP cleavage activating protein (SCAP) and the INSIG proteins are essential in this regulatory process. The aim of this thesis is to further characterise the molecular and cellular aspects surrounding regulation of SREBP processing. SREBP and SCAP are known to interact via their carboxy-terminal regulatory domains (CTDs) but this interaction is poorly characterised. Significant steps were achieved in this thesis towards specific mapping of the interaction site. These included cloning and over expression and partial purification of tagged SREBP1 and SREBP2 CTDs and probing of a SCAP peptide array with the CTDs. Results from the SREBP2 probing were difficult to interpret due to insolubility issues with the protein, however, probing with SREBP1 revealed five potential binding sites which were detected reproducibly. Further research is necessary to overcome SREBP2 insolubility issues and to confirm the identified SREBP1 interaction site(s) on SCAP. INSIG1 has a central role in regulating SREBP processing and in regulating stability of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), a rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. There are two protein isoforms of human INSIG1 produced through the use of two in-frame alternative start sites. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that the presence of two in-frame start sites within the 5-prime region of INSIG1 mRNA is highly conserved and that production of two isoforms of INSIG1is likely a conserved event. Functional differences between these two isoforms were explored. No difference in either the regulation of SREBP processing or HMGCR degradation between the INSIG1 isoforms was observed and the functional significance of the two isoforms is as yet unclear. The final part of this thesis focused on enhancing the cytotoxicity of statins by targeted inhibition of SREBP processing by oxysterols. Statins have significant potential as anti-cancer agents as they inhibit the activity of HMGCR leading to a deficiency in mevalonate which is essential for cell survival. The levels of HMGCR fluctuate widely due to cholesterol feedback of SREBP processing. The relationship between sterol feedback and statin mediated cell death was investigated in depth in HeLa cells. Down regulation of SREBP processing by sterols significantly enhanced the efficacy of statin mediated cell death. Investigation of sterol feedback in additional cancer cell lines showed that sterol feedback was absent in cell lines A- 498, DU-145, MCF-7 and MeWo but was present in cell lines HT-29, HepG2 and KYSE-70. In the latter inhibition of SREBP processing using oxysterols significantly enhanced statin cytotoxicity. The results indicate that this approach is valid to enhance statin cytotoxicity in cancer cells, but may be limited by deregulation of SREBP processing and off target effects of statins, which were observed for some of the cancer cell lines screened.


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Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), encompasses a range of chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory disorders that are usually classified under two major relapsing conditions, Crohn’s Disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Extensive studies in the last decades have suggested that the etiology of IBD involves environmental and genetic factors that lead to dysfunction of epithelial barrier with consequent deregulation of the mucosal immune system and inadequate responses to gut microbiota.Over the last decade, the microbial species that has attracted the most attention, with respect to CD etiology, is Eschericia coli. In CD tissue, E. coli antigens have also been identified in macrophages within the lamina propria, granulomas, and in the germinal centres of mesenteric lymph nodes of patients. They have been shown to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells whilst also being able to extensively replicate within macrophages. Through the work of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), there is growing evidence to suggest that the microbial imbalance between commensal and pathogenic bacteria in the gut is aided by a defect in the innate immune system. Autophagy represents a recently investigated pathway that is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of CD, with studies identified a variant of the autophagy gene, ATG16L1, as a susceptibility gene. The aim of my thesis was to study the cellular and molecular mechanism promoted by E.coli strains in epithelial cells and to assess their contribution to IBD pathology. To achieve this we focused on developing both an in vitro and in vivo model of AIEC infection. This allowed us to further our knowledge on possible mechanisms utilised by AIEC that promoted their survival, as well as developing a better understanding of host reactions. We demonstrate a new survival mechanism promoted by E.coli HM605, whereby it induces the expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-XL and BCL2, all of which is exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system. We have also demonstrated the presence of AIEC-induced inflammasome responses in epithelial cells which are exacerbated in an autophagy deficient system and expression of NOD-like receptors (NLRs) which might mediate inflammasome responses in vivo. Finally, we used the Citrobacter rodentium model of infectious colitis to identify Pellino3 as an important mediator in the NOD2 pathway and regulator of intestinal inflammation. In summary, we have developed robust and versatile models of AIEC infection as well as provide new insights into AIEC mediated survival pathways. The collected data provides a new perception into why AIEC bacteria are able to prosper in conditions associated with Crohn’s disease patients with a defect in autophagy.


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Wg/Wnt signals specify cell fates in both invertebrate and vertebrate embryos and maintain stem-cell populations in many adult tissues. Deregulation of the Wnt pathway can transform cells to a proliferative fate, leading to cancer. We have discovered that two Drosophila proteins that are crucial for cytokinesis have a second, largely independent, role in restricting activity of the Wnt pathway. The fly homolog of RacGAP1, Tumbleweed (Tum)/RacGAP50C, and its binding partner, the kinesin-like protein Pavarotti (Pav), negatively regulate Wnt activity in fly embryos and in cultured mammalian cells. Unlike many known regulators of the Wnt pathway, these molecules do not affect stabilization of Arm/beta-catenin (betacat), the principal effector molecule in Wnt signal transduction. Rather, they appear to act downstream of betacat stabilization to control target-gene transcription. Both Tum and Pav accumulate in the nuclei of interphase cells, a location that is spatially distinct from their cleavage-furrow localization during cytokinesis. We show that this nuclear localization is essential for their role in Wnt regulation. Thus, we have identified two modulators of the Wnt pathway that have shared functions in cell division, which hints at a possible link between cytokinesis and Wnt activity during tumorigenesis.


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Deregulation of the Sonic hedgehog pathway has been implicated in an increasing number of human cancers. In this pathway, the seven-transmembrane (7TM) signaling protein Smoothened regulates cellular proliferation and differentiation through activation of the transcription factor Gli. The activity of mammalian Smoothened is controlled by three different hedgehog proteins, Indian, Desert, and Sonic hedgehog, through their interaction with the Smoothened inhibitor Patched. However, the mechanisms of signal transduction from Smoothened are poorly understood. We show that a kinase which regulates signaling by many "conventional" 7TM G-protein-coupled receptors, G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), participates in Smoothened signaling. Expression of GRK2, but not catalytically inactive GRK2, synergizes with active Smoothened to mediate Gli-dependent transcription. Moreover, knockdown of endogenous GRK2 by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) significantly reduces signaling in response to the Smoothened agonist SAG and also inhibits signaling induced by an oncogenic Smoothened mutant, Smo M2. We find that GRK2 promotes the association between active Smoothened and beta-arrestin 2. Indeed, Gli-dependent signaling, mediated by coexpression of Smoothened and GRK2, is diminished by beta-arrestin 2 knockdown with shRNA. Together, these data suggest that GRK2 plays a positive role in Smoothened signaling, at least in part, through the promotion of an association between beta-arrestin 2 and Smoothened.


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The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.


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Several lines of evidence indicate that altered expression of SEPT9 is seen in human neoplasia. In particular there is evidence of altered expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform. The functional consequences of this remain unclear. We have studied the expression of wild-type- and GTP-binding mutants (G144V and S148N) of the SEPT9_v4 isoform in the MCF7 cell line as a model for its deregulation in neoplasia. We find that SEPT9_v4 expression induces dramatic actin cytoskeletal reorganization with the formation of processes around the cell periphery. Expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform and a G144V mutant cause delocalization of endogenous SEPT9 from filamentous structures but the S148N mutant does not have this effect. In addition SEPT9_v4 isoform expression enhances cell motility and is associated with perturbation of directional movement. Expression of SEPT9_v4 GTP binding mutants also has potent effects on morphology and motility and causes loss of normal polarity, as judged by Golgi reorientation assays. The phenotypes induced by expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform and the GTP mutants provide an insight into possible mechanisms of SEPT9_v4 function and suggest that the GTPase functions have both ras- and rab-like features. We propose a model in which overexpression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform in neoplasia is associated with perturbation of SEPT9 complexes, leading to phenotypes associated with neoplasia. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Human papillomavirus type 16 proteins E6 and E7 have been shown to cause centrosome amplification and lagging chromosomes during mitosis. These abnormalities during mitosis can result in missegregation of the chromosomes, leading to chromosomal instability. Genomic instability is thought to be an essential part of the conversion of a normal cell to a cancer cell. We now show that E6 and E7 together cause polyploidy in primary human keratinocytes soon after these genes are introduced into the cells. Polyploidy seems to result from a spindle checkpoint failure arising from abrogation of the normal functions of p53 and retinoblastoma family members by E6 and E7, respectively. In addition, E6 and E7 cause deregulation of cellular genes such as Plk1, Aurora-A, cdk1, and Nek2, which are known to control the G2-M-phase transition and the ordered progression through mitosis.


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Erythrocytosis can arise from deregulation of the erythropoietin (Epo) axis resulting from defects in the oxygen-sensing pathway. Epo synthesis is controlled by the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) complex, composed of an a and a ß subunit. There are 2 main a subunits, HIF-1a and HIF-2a. Recently, a HIF-2a Gly537Trp mutation was identified in a family with erythrocytosis. This raises the possibility of HIF2A mutations being associated with other cases of erythrocytosis. We now report a subsequent analysis of HIF2A in a cohort of 75 erythrocytosis patients and identify 4 additional patients with novel heterozygous Met535Val and Gly537Arg mutations. All patients presented at a young age with elevated serum Epo. Mutations at Gly-537 account for 4 of 5 HIF2A mutations associated with erythrocytosis. These findings support the importance of HIF-2a in human Epo regulation and warrant investigation of HIF2A in patients with unexplained erythrocytosis.


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Political commentators often cast religious con? ict as the result of the numerical growth and political rise of a single faith. When Islam is involved, arguments about religious fundamentalism are quick to surface and often stand as an explanation in their own right. Yet, as useful as this type of explanation may be, it usually fails to address properly, if at all, two sets of important issues. It avoids, Ž rst, the question of the rise of other religions and their contribution to tensions and con? icts. Second, it reduces the role of the State to a reactive one. The State becomes an object of contest or conquest, or it is simply ignored. Adopting a different approach, this article investigates a controversy that took place in Mozambique in 1996 around the ‘ofŽ cialisation’ of two Islamic holidays. It looks at the role played by religious competition and state mediation. The article shows that the State’s abandonment of religious regulation – the establishment of a free ‘religious market’ – fostered religious competition that created tensions between faiths. It suggests that strife ensued because deregulation was almost absolute: the State did not take a clear stand in religious matters and faith organisations started to believe that the State was becoming, or could become, confessional. The conclusion discusses theoretical implications for the understanding of religious strife as well as Church and State relations. It also draws some implications for the case of Mozambique more speciŽ cally, implications which should have relevance for countries such as Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe where problems of a similar nature have arisen.