485 resultados para depressing synapses


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The cerebellum is a major supraspinal center involved in the coordination of movement. The principal neurons of the cerebellar cortex, Purkinje cells, receive excitatory synaptic input from two sources: the parallel and climbing fibers. These pathways have markedly different effects: the parallel fibers control the rate of simple sodium spikes, while the climbing fibers induce characteristic complex spike bursts, which are accompanied by dendritic calcium transients and play a key role in regulating synaptic plasticity. While many studies using a variety of species, behaviors, and cerebellar regions have documented modulation in Purkinje cell activity during movement, few have attempted to record from these neurons in unrestrained rodents. In this dissertation, we use chronic, multi-tetrode recording in freely-behaving rats to study simple and complex spike firing patterns during locomotion and sleep. Purkinje cells discharge rhythmically during stepping, but this activity is highly variable across steps. We show that behavioral variables systematically influence the step-locked firing rate in a step-phase-dependent way, revealing a functional clustering of Purkinje cells. Furthermore, we find a pronounced disassociation between patterns of variability driven by the parallel and climbing fibers, as well as functional differences between cerebellar lobules. These results suggest that Purkinje cell activity not only represents step phase within each cycle, but is also shaped by behavior across steps, facilitating control of movement under dynamic conditions. During sleep, we observe an attenuation of both simple and complex spiking, relative to awake behavior. Although firing rates during slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) are similar, simple spike activity is highly regular in SWS, while REM is characterized by phasic increases and pauses in simple spiking. This phasic activity in REM is associated with pontine waves, which propagate into the cerebellar cortex and modulate both simple and complex spiking. Such a temporal coincidence between parallel and climbing fiber activity is known to drive plasticity at parallel fiber synapses; consequently, pontocerebellar waves may provide a mechanism for tuning synaptic weights in the cerebellum during active sleep.


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The dynamic interaction of limb segments during movements that involve multiple joints creates torques in one joint due to motion about another. Evidence shows that such interaction torques are taken into account during the planning or control of movement in humans. Two alternative hypotheses could explain the compensation of these dynamic torques. One involves the use of internal models to centrally compute predicted interaction torques and their explicit compensation through anticipatory adjustment of descending motor commands. The alternative, based on the equilibrium-point hypothesis, claims that descending signals can be simple and related to the desired movement kinematics only, while spinal feedback mechanisms are responsible for the appropriate creation and coordination of dynamic muscle forces. Partial supporting evidence exists in each case. However, until now no model has explicitly shown, in the case of the second hypothesis, whether peripheral feedback is really sufficient on its own for coordinating the motion of several joints while at the same time accommodating intersegmental interaction torques. Here we propose a minimal computational model to examine this question. Using a biomechanics simulation of a two-joint arm controlled by spinal neural circuitry, we show for the first time that it is indeed possible for the neuromusculoskeletal system to transform simple descending control signals into muscle activation patterns that accommodate interaction forces depending on their direction and magnitude. This is achieved without the aid of any central predictive signal. Even though the model makes various simplifications and abstractions compared to the complexities involved in the control of human arm movements, the finding lends plausibility to the hypothesis that some multijoint movements can in principle be controlled even in the absence of internal models of intersegmental dynamics or learned compensatory motor signals.


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Microglia are largely known as the major orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response. As such, they have been traditionally studied in various contexts of disease, where their activation has been assumed to induce a wide range of detrimental effects. In the last few years, a series of discoveries have challenged the current view of microglia, showing their active and positive contribution to normal brain function. This Research Topic will review the novel physiological roles of microglia in the developing, mature and aging brain, under non-pathological conditions. In particular, this Research Topic will discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia contribute to the formation, pruning and plasticity of synapses; the maintenance of the blood brain barrier; the regulation of adult neurogenesis and hippocampal learning; and neuronal survival, among other important roles. Because these novel findings defy our understanding of microglial function in health as much as in disease, this Research Topic will also summarize the current view of microglial nomenclature, phenotypes, origin and differentiation, sex differences, and contribution to various brain pathologies. Additionally, novel imaging approaches and molecular tools to study microglia in their non-activated state will be discussed. In conclusion, this Research Topic seeks to emphasize how the current research in neuroscience is challenged by never-resting microglia.


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A ação inibitória dos organofosforados sobre as esterases, por ser específica, pode ser empregada como um eficiente biomarcador da exposição de seres vivos aos organofosforados. A inibição da acetilcolinesterase (AChE; EC provoca acúmulo do neurotransmissor acetilcolina nas fendas sinápticas colinérgicas, o que pode resultar na morte do indivíduo. Outra atividade também afetada por organofosforados é a da enzima carboxilesterase (CarbE; EC CarbE estão envolvidas na fase I da biotransformação de xenobióticos e atuam como captadoras (scavengers) de organofosfatos, incluindo os formados pela biotransformação dos organofosforados. As CarbE estudadas até hoje se ligam com maior velocidade aos organofosfatos do que as colinesterases. Por isto se admite que CarbE possam diminuir, por captação estequiométrica, a ligação tóxica de moléculas de organofosfatos às acetilcolinesterases das sinapses colinérgicas e das placas motoras dos músculos. Experimentos realizados em nosso laboratório mostraram que a atividade da CarbE está aproximadamente 50% menor no soro e no fígado de pacus submetidos à hipoxia. Por causa disso, em razão de uma possível diminuição da capacidade captadora da CarbE, decidimos verificar se o pacu em hipoxia seria mais sensível aos agrotóxicos organofosforados. Para este propósito foram colocados seis pacus divididos em dois tanques. No primeiro tanque, os animais foram submetidos a 24 horas de hipoxia seguidos por mais 4 horas de exposição ao organofosforado metilparation em duas concentrações diferentes (0,02 ou 0,01 mg / L). No segundo tanque os animais permaneceram em normoxia durante o mesmo período de 24 horas e depois foram expostos ao metilparation como no primeiro tanque. As atividades da AChE ensaiada com acetiltiocolina, a da butirilcolinesterase (BChE) ensaiada com butiriltiocolina e a da CarbE ensaiada com p-nitrofenilacetato foram avaliadas no soro, fígado, cérebro, músculo e coração dos pacus. Houve redução de aproximadamente 35% da atividade de CarbE no soro dos pacus submetidos a 24 horas de hipoxia. Uma queda de 85% na atividade de CarbE do soro foi observada nos animais que sofreram hipoxia e subsequente exposição a 0,02 mg de metilparation por litro. Com metilparation a 0,01 mg/L a diminuição observada foi de 48,2%. No músculo dos pacus expostos a 0,02 mg/L, as atividades de AChE e BChE cairam pela metade quando os mesmos foram submetidos à hipoxia quando comparados a animais que permaneceram em normoxia. Nos diversos tecidos dos pacus expostos a 0,01 mg/L de metilparation não observamos diferenças significativas nas atividades de AChE, BChE ou CarbE. Concluímos que a duplicação da concentração de metilparation de 0,01 para 0,02 mg/L levou à atividade residual de CarbE do soro de 51,8% para 15%. A ausência de mudanças nas atividades das esterases dos tecidos de animais expostos a 0,01 mg/L entre os grupos hipoxia e normoxia deve ter ocorrido porque a concentração de organofosforado não foi suficiente para superar a primeira barreira de proteção das esterases séricas e atingir os tecidos. Mas, no experimento com 0,02 mg/L de metilparation, as inibições de AChE e de BChE no músculo dos animais em hipoxia podem ser explicadas pela diminuição da atividade de CarbE do soro dos pacus.


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Pesticidas organofosforados são amplamente usados e seu uso constitui um grave problema de saúde pública. A ação clássica destes compostos é a inibição irreversível da acetilcolinesterase, promovendo acúmulo de acetilcolina nas sinapses e hiperestimulação colinérgica. No entanto, as consequências da exposição a baixas doses podem se estender a outros mecanismos de ação e sistemas neurotransmissores. Considerando que crianças constituem um grupo particularmente vulnerável aos efeitos de pesticidas, neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos da exposição aos organofosforados metamidofós (MET) e clorpirifós (CPF) durante o desenvolvimento sobre os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico e sobre o comportamento de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos suíços foram expostos a injeções subcutâneas de MET, clorpirifós ou veículo do terceiro (PN3) ao nono (PN9) dias de vida pós-natal. As doses de exposição foram previamente escolhidas através da construção de uma curva dose-resposta que identificou como mais adequadas para este estudo as doses de 1mg/kg de MET e 3mg/kg de CPF, as quais promoveram em torno de 20% de inibição da acetilcolinesterase. Em PN10, parte dos animais foi sacrificada e foram avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico no tronco encefálico e córtex cerebral. De PN60 a PN63, os animais foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes comportamentais. Em seguida, estes animais também foram sacrificados tendo sido avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico. Em PN10, MET e CPF causaram alterações que sugerem aumento da atividade colinérgica respectivamente no tronco e córtex em fêmeas. No sistema serotoninérgico, apenas CPF promoveu alterações, aumentando a ligação ao receptor 5HT1A e transportador 5HT em fêmeas e diminuindo na ligação ao 5HT2. Em PN63, a atividade da acetilcolinesterase foi reestabelecida em todos os grupos. Ainda assim, MET diminuiu a atividade da colina acetiltransferase no córtex e a ligação ao transportador colinérgico no tronco. Quanto aos efeitos do CPF, no tronco, houve redução da atividade da colina acetiltransferase em fêmeas e aumento em machos. Sobre o sistema serotoninérgico, MET e CPF promoveram diminuições no 5HT1A respectivamente no tronco e córtex das fêmeas e CPF aumentou a ligação no córtex de machos. A ligação ao 5HT2 foi aumentada após o tratamento com MET e ao transportador 5HT foi diminuída em fêmeas após o tratamento com clorpirifós. Sobre o comportamento, identificamos comportamento associado à depressão em animais expostos a MET e aumento dos níveis de ansiedade, além de prejuízo de aprendizado/memória após exposição à CPF. Desta forma, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição à metamidofós e clorpirifós durante o desenvolvimento é capaz de alterar, de diferentes formas, a atividade colinérgica e serotoninérgica, mesmo que as doses de exposição sejam toxicologicamente equivalentes. Foram verificados efeitos nas vias neuroquímicas logo após a exposição e após um longo período de interrupção do tratamento, indicando efeitos tardios em sistemas importantes que podem estar associados às alterações comportamentais. Finalmente, o presente estudo reforça a associação epidemiológica entre pesticidas e alterações psiquiátricas e a capacidade da programação de alterações a longo-prazo quando a exposição se dá durante o desenvolvimento.


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Under the guidance of Ramon y Cajal, a plethora of students flourished and began to apply his silver impregnation methods to study brain cells other than neurons: the neuroglia. In the first decades of the twentieth century, Nicolas Achucarro was one of the first researchers to visualize the brain cells with phagocytic capacity that we know today as microglia. Later, his pupil Pio del Rio-Hortega developed modifications of Achucarro's methods and was able to specifically observe the fine morphological intricacies of microglia. These findings contradicted Cajal's own views on cells that he thought belonged to the same class as oligodendroglia (the so called "third element" of the nervous system), leading to a long-standing discussion. It was only in 1924 that Rio-Hortega's observations prevailed worldwide, thus recognizing microglia as a unique cell type. This late landing in the Neuroscience arena still has repercussions in the twenty first century, as microglia remain one of the least understood cell populations of the healthy brain. For decades, microglia in normal, physiological conditions in the adult brain were considered to be merely "resting," and their contribution as "activated" cells to the neuroinflammatory response in pathological conditions mostly detrimental. It was not until microglia were imaged in real time in the intact brain using two-photon in vivo imaging that the extreme motility of their fine processes was revealed. These findings led to a conceptual revolution in the field: "resting" microglia are constantly surveying the brain parenchyma in normal physiological conditions. Today, following Cajal's school of thought, structural and functional investigations of microglial morphology, dynamics, and relationships with neurons and other glial cells are experiencing a renaissance and we stand at the brink of discovering new roles for these unique immune cells in the healthy brain, an essential step to understand their causal relationship to diseases.


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Three species of intertidal filter feeding bivalves (Modiolus carvalhoi, Modiolus sp. and Donax spiculum) exposed to mercury and cadmium filtered significantly less volume of water under individual metal and metal mixture stress. Mercury and cadmium in mixtures interacted additively and more than additively (Synergism) in depressing the filtration rate of the bivalves.


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Experience-dependent long-lasting increases in excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus are believed to underlie certain types of memory(1-3). Whereas stimulation of hippocampal pathways in freely moving rats can readily elicit a long-term potentiation (LTP) of transmission that may last for weeks, previous studies have failed to detect persistent increases in synaptic efficacy after hippocampus-mediated learning(4-6). As changes in synaptic efficacy are contingent on the history of plasticity at the synapses(7), we have examined the effect of experience-dependent hippocampal activation on transmission after the induction of LTP, We show that exploration of a new, non-stressful environment rapidly induces a complete and persistent reversal of the expression of high-frequency stimulation-induced early-phase LTP in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, without affecting baseline transmission in a control pathway. LTP expression is not affected by exploration of familiar environments. We found that spatial exploration affected LTP within a defined time window because neither the induction of LTP nor the maintenance of long-established LTP was blocked. The discovery of a novelty-induced reversal of LTP expression provides strong evidence that extensive long-lasting decreases in synaptic efficacy may act in tandem with enhancements at selected synapses to allow the detection and storage of new information by the hippocampus.


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Many ionotropic receptors are modulated by extracellular H+. So far, few studies have directly addressed the role of such modulation at synapses. In the present study, we investigated the effects of changes in extracellular pH on glycinergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) as well as glycine-evoked currents (I-Gly) in mechanically dissociated spinal neurons with native synaptic boutons preserved. H+ modulated both the mIPSCs and I-Gly, biphasically, although it activated an amiloride-sensitive inward current by itself. Decreasing extracellular pH reversibly inhibited the amplitude of the mIPSCs and I-Gly, while increasing external pH reversibly potentiated these parameters. Blockade of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) with amiloride, the selective antagonist of ASICs, or decreasing intracellular pH did not alter the modulatory effect of H+ on either mIPSCs or I-Gly, H+ shifted the EC50 of the glycine concentration-response curve from 49.3 +/- 5.7 muM at external pH 7.4 to 131.5 +/- 8.1 muM at pH 5.5, without altering the Cl- selectivity of the glycine receptor (GlyR), the Hill coefficient and the maximal I-Gly, suggesting a competitive inhibition of I-Gly by H+. Both Zn2+ and H+ inhibited I-Gly. However, H+ induced no further inhibition of I-Gly in the presence of a saturating concentration of Zn2+. In addition, H+ significantly affected the kinetics of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. It is proposed that H+ and/or Zn2+ compete with glycine binding and inhibit the amplitude of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. Moreover, binding of H+ induces a global conformational change in GlyR, which closes the GlyR Cl- channel and results in the acceleration of the seeming desensitization of IGly as well as speeding up the decay time constant of glycinergic mIPSCs. However, the deprotonation rate is faster than the unbinding rate of glycine from the GlyR, leading to reactivation of the undesensitized GlyR after washout of agonist and the appearance of a rebound I-Gly. H+ also modulated the glycine cotransmitter, GABA-activated current (I-GABA). Taken together, the results support a 'conformational coupling' model for H+ modulation of the GlyR and suggest that W may act as a novel modulator for inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian spinal cord.


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Prior synaptic or cellular activity influences degree or threshold for subsequent induction of synaptic plasticity, a process known as metaplasticity. Thus, the continual synaptic activity, spontaneous miniature excitatory synaptic current (mEPSC) may correlate to the induction of long-teen depression (LTD). Here, we recorded whole-cell EPSC and mEPSC alternately in the Schaffer-CA1 synapses in brain slice of young rats, and found that this recording configuration affected neither EPSC nor mEPSC. Low frequency stimulation (LFS) induced variable magnitudes of LTD. Remarkably, larger magnitudes of LTD were significantly correlated to smaller amplitude/lower frequency of the basal mEPSC. Furthermore, under the conditions reduced amplitude/frequency of the basal mEPSC by exposure to behavioral stress immediately before slice preparation or low concentration of calcium in bath solution, the magnitudes of LTD were still inversely correlated to mEPSC amplitude/frequency. These new findings suggest that spontaneous mEPSC may reflect functional and/or structural aspects of the synapses, the synaptic history ongoing metaplasticity. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Subiculum receives output of hippocampal CAI neurons and projects glutamatergic synapses onto nucleus accumbens (NAc), the subicular-NAc pathway linking memory and reward system. It is unknown whether morphine withdrawal influences synaptic plasticity in


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Synapses exhibit an extraordinary degree of short-term malleability, with release probabilities and effective synaptic strengths changing markedly over multiple timescales. From the perspective of a fixed computational operation in a network, this seems like a most unacceptable degree of added variability. We suggest an alternative theory according to which short-term synaptic plasticity plays a normatively-justifiable role. This theory starts from the commonplace observation that the spiking of a neuron is an incomplete, digital, report of the analog quantity that contains all the critical information, namely its membrane potential. We suggest that a synapse solves the inverse problem of estimating the pre-synaptic membrane potential from the spikes it receives, acting as a recursive filter. We show that the dynamics of short-term synaptic depression closely resemble those required for optimal filtering, and that they indeed support high quality estimation. Under this account, the local postsynaptic potential and the level of synaptic resources track the (scaled) mean and variance of the estimated presynaptic membrane potential. We make experimentally testable predictions for how the statistics of subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations and the form of spiking non-linearity should be related to the properties of short-term plasticity in any particular cell type.


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Alternative promoter usage and alternative splicing enable diversification of the transcriptome. Here we demonstrate that the function of Synaptic GTPase-Activating Protein (SynGAP), a key synaptic protein, is determined by the combination of its amino-terminal sequence with its carboxy-terminal sequence. 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends and primer extension show that different N-terminal protein sequences arise through alternative promoter usage that are regulated by synaptic activity and postnatal age. Heterogeneity in C-terminal protein sequence arises through alternative splicing. Overexpression of SynGAP α1 versus α2 C-termini-containing proteins in hippocampal neurons has opposing effects on synaptic strength, decreasing and increasing miniature excitatory synaptic currents amplitude/frequency, respectively. The magnitude of this C-terminal-dependent effect is modulated by the N-terminal peptide sequence. This is the first demonstration that activity-dependent alternative promoter usage can change the function of a synaptic protein at excitatory synapses. Furthermore, the direction and degree of synaptic modulation exerted by different protein isoforms from a single gene locus is dependent on the combination of differential promoter usage and alternative splicing.


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Cortical neurons receive balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents. Such a balance could be established and maintained in an experience-dependent manner by synaptic plasticity at inhibitory synapses. We show that this mechanism provides an explanation for the sparse firing patterns observed in response to natural stimuli and fits well with a recently observed interaction of excitatory and inhibitory receptive field plasticity. The introduction of inhibitory plasticity in suitable recurrent networks provides a homeostatic mechanism that leads to asynchronous irregular network states. Further, it can accommodate synaptic memories with activity patterns that become indiscernible from the background state but can be reactivated by external stimuli. Our results suggest an essential role of inhibitory plasticity in the formation and maintenance of functional cortical circuitry.


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Single-electron devices (SEDs) have ultra-low power dissipation and high integration density, which make them promising candidates as basic circuit elements of the next generation VLSI circuits. In this paper, we propose two novel circuit single-electron architectures: the single-electron simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) circuit and the single-electron cellular neural network (CNN). We used the MOSFET-based single-electron turnstile [1] as the basic circuit element. The SAA circuit consists of the voltage-controlled single-electron random number generator [2] and the single-electron multiple-valued memories (SEMVs) [3]. The random-number generation and variable variations in SAA are easily achieved by transferring electrons using the single-electron turnstile. The CNN circuit used the floating-gate single-electron turnstile as the neural synapses, and the number of electrons is used to represent the cells states. These novel circuits are promising in future nanoscale integrated circuits.