978 resultados para dental cements
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the adaptation of different types of restorations towards deciduous and young permanent teeth. Materials and Methods: Class V cavities were prepared in deciduous and young permanent teeth and filled with different materials (a conventional glass-ionomer, a resin-modified glass-ionomer, a poly-acid-modified composite resin and a conventional composite resin). Specimens were aged in artificial saliva for 1, 6, 12 and 18 months, then examined by SEM. Results: The composite resin and the polyacid-modified composite had better marginal adaptation than the glass-ionomers,though microcracks developed in the enamel of the tooth. The glass-ionomers showed inferior marginal quality and durability, but no microcracking of the enamel. The margins of the resin-modified glass-ionomer were slightly superior to the conventional glass-ionomer. Conditioning improved the adaptation of the composite resin, but the type of tooth made little or no difference to the performance of the restorative material. All materials were associated with the formation of crystals in the gaps between the filling and the tooth; the quantity and shape of these crystals varied with the material. Conclusions: Resin-based materials are generally better at forming sound, durable margins in deciduous and young permanent teeth than cements, but are associated with microcracks in the enamel. All fluoride-releasing materials give rise to crystalline deposits.
OBJECTIVES: The biological effects of resin-modified glass-ionomer cements as used in clinical dentistry are described, and the literature reviewed on this topic. METHODS: Information on resin-modified glass-ionomers and on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), the most damaging substance released by these materials, has been collected from over 50 published papers. These were mainly identified through Scopus. RESULTS: HEMA is known to be released from these materials and has a variety of damaging biological properties, ranging from pulpal inflammation to allergic contact dermatitis. These are therefore potential hazards from resin-modified glass-ionomers. However, clinical results with these materials that have been reported to date are generally positive. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Resin-modified glass-ionomers cannot be considered biocompatible to nearly the same extent as conventional glass-ionomers. Care needs to be taken with regard to their use in dentistry and, in particular, dental personnel may be at risk from adverse effects such as contact dermatitis and other immunological responses.
Water uptake and water loss have been studied in a commercial resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, Fuji II LC, under a variety of conditions. Uptake was generally non-Fickian, but affected by temperature. At room temperature, the equilibrium water uptake values varied from 2.47 to 2.78% whereas at low temperature (12 degrees C), it varied from 0.85 to 1.18%. Cure time affected uptake values significantly. Water uptake was much lower than in conventional glass-ionomer restorative cements exposed to water vapor. Loss of water under desiccating conditions was found to be Fickian for the first 5 h loss at both 22 and 12 degrees C. Diffusion coefficients were between 0.45 and 0.76 x 10( -7) cm(2)/s, with low temperature diffusion coefficients slightly greater than those at room temperature. Plotting water loss as percentage versus s(-(1/2)) allowed activation energies to be determined from the Arrhenius equation and these were found to be 65.6, 79.8, and 7.7 kJ/mol respectively for 30, 20, and 10 s cure times. The overall conclusion is that the main advantage of incorporating HEMA into resin-modified-glass-ionomers is to alter water loss behavior. Rate of water loss and total amount lost are both reduced. Hence, resin-modified glass-ionomers are less sensitive to water loss than conventional glass-ionomers.
OBJECTIVES: This paper reports a study of the water loss behaviour of two commercial glass-ionomer cements coated with varnishes. METHODS: For each cement (Fuji IX Fast or Chemflex), specimens (6mmdiameterx2mm depth) were prepared and cured for 10min at 37 degrees C. They were exposed to a desiccating environment over H(2)SO(4) either uncoated or coated with the appropriate varnish (Fuji Varnish, a solvent-based lacquer, or Fuji Coat, a light-cured varnish). Four specimens were prepared for each material. They were weighed at hourly intervals for 6h, daily for up to 5 days, then weekly thereafter until equilibration. RESULTS: Unlike the uncoated specimens, water loss from varnished cements was not Fickian, but followed the form: mass loss=A/t+B, where t is time, A and B are constants specific to each cement/varnish combination. A varied from 1.22 to 1.30 (mean 1.26, standard deviation 0.04), whereas B varied from 1.54 to 2.09 (mean -1.83, standard deviation 0.29). At equilibrium, varnished specimens lost much less water than unvarnished ones (p>0.01) but there was no significant difference between the solvent-based and the light-cured varnishes. SIGNIFICANCE: Varnishes protect immature glass-ionomer cements from drying out by altering the mechanism of water loss. This slows the rate of drying but does not necessarily change the total amount of water retained. It confirms that, in clinical use, glass-ionomer restoratives should be varnished to allow them to mature satisfactorily.
A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R) e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC) e de resina composta híbrida (Z100), utilizada como controle. Nos testes de retenção de microrganismos, in situ, 12 voluntários utilizaram, por 7 dias, placa de Hawley contendo corpos-de-prova de todos os materiais. A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para tubos contendo 2,0 ml de Ringer-PRAS e os microrganismos presentes em sua superfície foram cultivados em placa com ágar-sangue e ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina, os quais foram incubados, a 37ºC, em anaerobiose (90% N2, 10% CO2), por 10 e 2 dias, respectivamente. Os ionômeros modificados por resina retiveram quantidade de bactérias similar àquela mostrada pela resina testada. Os ionômeros modificados por resina também apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans do que a resina e os cimentos ionoméricos convencionais. Os ionômeros de vidro convencionais apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans que a resina, sendo que essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa.
The cementation procedure of metal-free fixed partial dentures exhibits special characteristics about the porcelains and cementation agents, which turns the correct association between these materials necessary. Our purpose in this literature review was to point the main groups of cements associated to metal-free restoration and discuss about the advantages, disadvantages, and recommendations of each one. Our search was confined to the electronic databases PubMed and SciELO and to books about this matter. There are essentially 3 types of hard cement: conventional, resin, or a hybrid of the two. The metal-free restorations can be fixed with conventional or resin cements. The right choice of luting material is of vital importance to the longevity of dental restorative materials. Conventional cements are advantageous when good compressive straight, good film thickness, and water dissolution resistance are necessary. However, they need an ideal preparation, and they are not acid dissolution resistant. Conventional cements are indicated to porcelains that cannot be acid etched. Resin cements represent the choice to metal-free restoration cementation because they present better physical properties and aesthetic than conventional agents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives. To evaluate the effects of current resin-modified glass-ionomer cements (RMGICs) applied on culture of cells or implanted into subcutaneous tissue of rats.Methods. Experiment 1 - Thirty round-shaped samples of every RMGICs: Rely X Luting Cement (RL), Vitremer (VM), and Vitrebond (VB) were placed into wells with 1.1 mL of culture medium (DMEM), and incubated for 24,48 or 72 h. The extracts from every sample were applied on the MDPC-23 cells. Fresh DMEM was used as control group. The MTT assay was carried out for mitochondrial respiration. Experiment 2 - Fifty-four polyethylene tubes filled with the experimental materials were implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of rats. At 7, 30, and 90 days the animals were killed and the biopsies were processed for histological evaluation.Results. Experiment 1 - Both time of elution and material significantly influenced cell respiratory activity. in general, the extracts obtained at 24 h were less cytotoxic than 48 and 72 h incubation. The cytotoxic effect of VM and RL were not statistically different (P < 0.05) for the 24-hour period. VB showed the highest cytotoxic effect. Experiment 2 - All RMGICs elicited at 7 days a moderate to intense inflammatory reaction which decreased over time. However, connective healing occurred for most of samples at 90-day evaluation.Significance. Glass-ionomer cements may cause noticeable inflammatory response when in direct contact to connective tissue. The toxic effects of this kind of soluble material depend on the amount of components released in the aqueous environment. (C) 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pulp response following cementation of inlays using two different resin cements.Methods. Deep Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of 34 sound human premolars. impressions were taken and inlays were prepared which were cemented with the following luting materials-Group 1: Rely X(TM) Unicem. (3M ESPE); Group 2: Variolink(R) II (Ivoclar Vivadent). in Group 3 (control), after lining the cavity floor with Dycal(R) (Dentsply Caulk) the inlays were cemented with Rely X(TM) Unicem. Four additional teeth were used as an intact control group. For Variolink(R) II, the adhesive system Excite was used as part of the cementation procedure. After 7 or 60 days, the teeth were extracted and processed for histological assessment.Results. At 7 days, Rely X(TM) Unicern and Variolink(R) II system triggered in two samples a mild and moderate inflammatory response, respectively. At 60 days, the pulpal response decreased for both groups. A discrete persistent inflammatory response occurred in Group 2 in which displacement of resin components across the dentin tubules was observed. In the control group, normal histological characteristics were observed. The inflammatory response and tissue disorganization were related to the remaining dentin thickness between the cavity floor and the pulp tissue.Significance. Techniques for inlay cementation using distinct luting cements may cause specific pulpal damage. Variolink(R) II associated with the adhesive system Excite cause more aggressive effects to the pulp-dentin complex than Rely X(TM) Unicern cement when both are used to cement inlay restorations. (C) 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)