946 resultados para decision theory


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We often need to estimate the size of wild populations to determine the appropriate management action, for example, to set a harvest quota. Monitoring is usually planned under the assumption that it must be carried out at fixed intervals in time, typically annually, before the harvest quota is set. However, monitoring can be very expensive, and we should weigh the cost of monitoring against the improvement that it makes in decision making. A less costly alternative to monitoring annually is to predict the population size using a population model and information from previous surveys. In this paper, the problem of monitoring frequency is posed within a decision-theory framework. We discover that a monitoring regime that varies according to the state of the system call outperform fixed-interval monitoring This idea is illustrated using data for a red kangaroo (Macropits rufus) population in South Australia. Whether or not one should monitor in a given year is dependent on the estimated population density in the previous year, the uncertainty in that population estimate, and past rainfall. We discover that monitoring is-important when a model-based prediction of population density is very uncertain. This may occur if monitoring has not taken place for several years, or if rainfall has been above average. Monitoring is also important when prior information suggests that the population is near a critical threshold in population abundance. However, monitoring is less important when the optimal management action would not be altered by new information.


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Neural networks are statistical models and learning rules are estimators. In this paper a theory for measuring generalisation is developed by combining Bayesian decision theory with information geometry. The performance of an estimator is measured by the information divergence between the true distribution and the estimate, averaged over the Bayesian posterior. This unifies the majority of error measures currently in use. The optimal estimators also reveal some intricate interrelationships among information geometry, Banach spaces and sufficient statistics.


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The problem of evaluating different learning rules and other statistical estimators is analysed. A new general theory of statistical inference is developed by combining Bayesian decision theory with information geometry. It is coherent and invariant. For each sample a unique ideal estimate exists and is given by an average over the posterior. An optimal estimate within a model is given by a projection of the ideal estimate. The ideal estimate is a sufficient statistic of the posterior, so practical learning rules are functions of the ideal estimator. If the sole purpose of learning is to extract information from the data, the learning rule must also approximate the ideal estimator. This framework is applicable to both Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods, with arbitrary statistical models, and to supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning schemes.


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Flow control in Computer Communication systems is generally a multi-layered structure, consisting of several mechanisms operating independently at different levels. Evaluation of the performance of networks in which different flow control mechanisms act simultaneously is an important area of research, and is examined in depth in this thesis. This thesis presents the modelling of a finite resource computer communication network equipped with three levels of flow control, based on closed queueing network theory. The flow control mechanisms considered are: end-to-end control of virtual circuits, network access control of external messages at the entry nodes and the hop level control between nodes. The model is solved by a heuristic technique, based on an equivalent reduced network and the heuristic extensions to the mean value analysis algorithm. The method has significant computational advantages, and overcomes the limitations of the exact methods. It can be used to solve large network models with finite buffers and many virtual circuits. The model and its heuristic solution are validated by simulation. The interaction between the three levels of flow control are investigated. A queueing model is developed for the admission delay on virtual circuits with end-to-end control, in which messages arrive from independent Poisson sources. The selection of optimum window limit is considered. Several advanced network access schemes are postulated to improve the network performance as well as that of selected traffic streams, and numerical results are presented. A model for the dynamic control of input traffic is developed. Based on Markov decision theory, an optimal control policy is formulated. Numerical results are given and throughput-delay performance is shown to be better with dynamic control than with static control.


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A dolgozatban a döntéselméletben fontos szerepet játszó páros összehasonlítás mátrix prioritásvektorának meghatározására új megközelítést alkalmazunk. Az A páros összehasonlítás mátrix és a prioritásvektor által definiált B konzisztens mátrix közötti eltérést a Kullback-Leibler relatív entrópia-függvény segítségével mérjük. Ezen eltérés minimalizálása teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében konvex programozási feladathoz vezet, nem teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében pedig egy fixpont problémához. Az eltérésfüggvényt minimalizáló prioritásvektor egyben azzal a tulajdonsággal is rendelkezik, hogy az A mátrix elemeinek összege és a B mátrix elemeinek összege közötti különbség éppen az eltérésfüggvény minimumának az n-szerese, ahol n a feladat mérete. Így az eltérésfüggvény minimumának értéke két szempontból is lehet alkalmas az A mátrix inkonzisztenciájának a mérésére. _____ In this paper we apply a new approach for determining a priority vector for the pairwise comparison matrix which plays an important role in Decision Theory. The divergence between the pairwise comparison matrix A and the consistent matrix B defined by the priority vector is measured with the help of the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy function. The minimization of this divergence leads to a convex program in case of a complete matrix, leads to a fixed-point problem in case of an incomplete matrix. The priority vector minimizing the divergence also has the property that the difference of the sums of elements of the matrix A and the matrix B is n times the minimum of the divergence function where n is the dimension of the problem. Thus we developed two reasons for considering the value of the minimum of the divergence as a measure of inconsistency of the matrix A.


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Population models for multiple species provide one of the few means of assessing the impact of alternative management options on the persistence of biodiversity, but
they are inevitably uncertain. Is it possible to use population models in multiple-speciesconservation planning given the associated uncertainties? We use information-gap decision theory to explore the impact of parameter uncertainty on the conservation decision when planning for the persistence of multiple species. An information-gap approach seeks robust outcomes that are most immune from error. We assess the impact of uncertainty in key model parameters for three species, whose extinction risks under four alternative management scenarios are estimated using a metapopulation model. Three methods are described for making conservation decisions across the species, taking into account uncertainty. We find that decisions based on single species are relatively robust to uncertainty in parameters, although the estimates of extinction risk increase rapidly with uncertainty. When identifying the best conservation decision for the persistence of all species, the methods that rely on the rankings of the management options by each species result in decisions that are similarly robust to uncertainty. Methods that depend on absolute values of extinction risk are sensitive to uncertainty, as small changes in extinction risk can alter the ranking of the alternative scenarios. We discover that it is possible to make robust conservation decisions even when the uncertainties of the multiple-species problem appear overwhelming. However, the decision most robust to uncertainty is likely to differ from the best decision when uncertainty is ignored, illustrating the importance of incorporating uncertainty into the decision-making process.


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Introducción: La minería es considerada uno de los sectores económicos más importantes por su capacidad para generar recursos en su propio sector y en otros sectores como metalmecánica, agricultura e informática entre otros, y por su contribución al desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible de las poblaciones. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los riesgos percibidos por los trabajadores que laboran en minería subterránea en 3 departamentos de Colombia y los Accidentes de Trabajo (AT) y Enfermedades Laborales (EL). Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 476 trabajadores de minería subterránea. Se incluyeron variables independientes (características sociodemográficas y laborales y percepción del riesgo) y variables dependientes (enfermedad laboral y accidente de trabajo), obtenidas a través de una entrevista directa aplicada por profesionales de la salud previamente capacitados. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la Prueba Exacta de Fisher, el Odds Ratio (OR) con el Intervalo de Confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados: En los trabajadores de minería subterránea en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Santander, se encontró relación estadística significativa entre la accidentalidad con la percepción de riesgo por iluminación (OR= 2.059, IC= 95%: 1.116, 3.798, p=0.013), percepción de riesgo por movimientos repetitivos (OR= 1.951, IC= 95%: 0.998, 3.815, p=0.034), percepción de riesgo por ruido (OR= 2.275, IC= 95%: 0.974, 5.312, p=0.039) y percepción de riesgo por manejo de cargas (OR= 1.778, IC= 95%: 0.969, 3.264, p=0.041). Conclusión: se encontró que existe una relación significativa entre la percepción de riesgo de los trabajadores de minería subterránea con accidentes de trabajo y que no existe relación entre esta percepción y las enfermedades laborales.


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El presente artículo contribuye con la investigación de las Finanzas Corporativas del Comportamiento, rama de las finanzas corporativas que considera que el individuo que toma decisiones financieras no es completamente racional y que por hecho existen sesgos psicológicos que influyen en sus decisiones. Este documento se enfoca, desde el punto de vista conceptual y también mediante el análisis de un estudio de campo, en la influencia de la felicidad en las decisiones de inversión en activos de largo plazo para un grupo de siete gerentes ubicados en la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2016. En el documento se abarca el concepto general de las finanzas corporativas del comportamiento, se define la felicidad y se presentan sub-variables determinantes para la felicidad del individuo como lo son: salud, balance vida/trabajo, educación y habilidades, conexiones sociales y medio ambiente. Finalmente se presenta cómo éstas afectan a los gerentes financieros en sus decisiones de acuerdo a la investigación realizada.


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Power system restoration after a large area outage involves many factors, and the procedure is usually very complicated. A decision-making support system could then be developed so as to find the optimal black-start strategy. In order to evaluate candidate black-start strategies, some indices, usually both qualitative and quantitative, are employed. However, it may not be possible to directly synthesize these indices, and different extents of interactions may exist among these indices. In the existing black-start decision-making methods, qualitative and quantitative indices cannot be well synthesized, and the interactions among different indices are not taken into account. The vague set, an extended version of the well-developed fuzzy set, could be employed to deal with decision-making problems with interacting attributes. Given this background, the vague set is first employed in this work to represent the indices for facilitating the comparisons among them. Then, a concept of the vague-valued fuzzy measure is presented, and on that basis a mathematical model for black-start decision-making developed. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed method could deal with the interactions among indices and more reasonably represent the fuzzy information. Finally, an actual power system is served for demonstrating the basic features of the developed model and method.


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Purpose: As resident work hours policies evolve, residents’ off-duty time remains poorly understood. Despite assumptions about how residents should be using their postcall, off-duty time, there is little research on how residents actually use this time and the reasoning underpinning their activities. This study sought to understand residents’ nonclinical postcall activities when they leave the hospital, their decision-making processes, and their perspectives on the relationship between these activities and their well-being or recovery.

Method: The study took place at a Liaison Committee on Medical Education–accredited Canadian medical school from 2012 to 2014. The authors recruited a purposive and convenience sample of postgraduate year 1–5 residents from six surgical and nonsurgical specialties at three hospitals affiliated with the medical school. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, semistructured interviews were conducted, audio-taped, transcribed, anonymized, and combined with field notes. The authors analyzed interview transcripts using constant comparative analysis and performed post hoc member checking.

Results: Twenty-four residents participated. Residents characterized their predominant approach to postcall decision making as one of making trade-offs between multiple, competing, seemingly incompatible, but equally valuable, activities. Participants exhibited two different trade-off orientations: being oriented toward maintaining a normal life or toward mitigating fatigue.

Conclusions: The authors’ findings on residents’ trade-off orientations suggest a dual recovery model with postcall trade-offs motivated by the recovery of sleep or of self. This model challenges the dominant viewpoint in the current duty hours literature and suggests that the duty hours discussion must be broadened to include other recovery processes.


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Successful participation in competitive endurance activities requires continual regulation of muscular work rate in order to maximise physiological performance capacities, meaning that individuals must make numerous decisions with regards to the muscular work rate selected at any point in time. Decisions relating to the setting of appropriate goals and the overall strategic approach to be utilised are made prior to the commencement of an event, whereas tactical decisions are made during the event itself. This review examines current theories of decision-making in an attempt to explain the manner in which regulation of muscular work is achieved during athletic activity. We describe rational and heuristic theories, and relate these to current models of regulatory processes during self-paced exercise in an attempt to explain observations made in both laboratory and competitive environments. Additionally, we use rational and heuristic theories in an attempt to explain the influence of the presence of direct competitors on the quality of the decisions made during these activities. We hypothesise that although both rational and heuristic models can plausibly explain many observed behaviours in competitive endurance activities, the complexity of the environment in which such activities occur would imply that effective rational decision-making is unlikely. However, at present, many proposed models of the regulatory process share similarities with rational models. We suggest enhanced understanding of the decision-making process during self-paced activities is crucial in order to improve the ability to understand regulation of performance and performance outcomes during athletic activity.


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The present study tested the appHcabiUty of Ajzen's (1985) theory of planned behaviour (TPB), an extension of Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) theory of reasoned action (TRA), for the first time, in the context of abused women's decision to leave their abusive relationships. The TPB, as a means of predicting women's decision to leave their abusive partners' was drawn from Strube's (1988, 1991) proposed decision-making model based on the principle that the decision-making process is a rational, deliberative process, and regardless of outcome, was a result of a logical assessment of the available data. As a means of predicting those behaviours not under volitional control, Ajzen's (1985) TPB incorporated a measure of perceived behavioural control. Data were collected in two phases, ranging from 6 months to 1 year apart. It was hypothesized that, to the extent that an abused woman held positive attitudes, subjective norms conducive to leaving, and perceived control over leaving, she would form an intention to leave and thus, increase the likelihood of actually leaving her partner. Furthermore, it was expected that perceptions of control would predict leaving behaviour over and above attitude and subjective norm. In addition, severity and frequency of abuse were assessed, as were demographic variables. The TPB failed to account significantly for variability in either intentions or leaving behaviour. All of the variance was attributed to those variables associated with the theory of reasoned action, with social influence emerging as the strongest predictor of a woman's intentions. The poor performance of this model is attributed to measurement problems with aspects of attitude and perceived control, as well as a lack of power due to the small sample size. The insufficiency of perceived control to predict behaviour also suggests that, on the surface at least, other factors may be at work in this context. Implications of these results, and recommendations such as, the importance of obtaining representative samples, the inclusion of self-esteem and emotions as predictor variables in this model, a reevaluation of the target behaviovu" as nonvolitional, and longitudinal studies spanning a longer time period for future research within the context of decision-making are discussed.