999 resultados para ddc: 658


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We experimentally study the effect of having hinged leaflets at the jet exit on the formation of a two-dimensional counter-rotating vortex pair. A piston-cylinder mechanism is used to generate a starting jet from a high-aspect-ratio channel into a quiescent medium. For a rigid exit, with no leaflets at the channel exit, the measurements at a central plane show that the trailing jet in the present case is never detached from the vortex pair, and keeps feeding into the latter, unlike in the axisymmetric case. Passive flexibility is introduced in the form of rigid leaflets or flaps that are hinged at the exit of the channel, with the flaps initially parallel to the channel walls. The experimental arrangement closely approximates the limiting case of a free-to-rotate rigid flap with negligible structural stiffness, damping and flap inertia, as these limiting structural properties permit the largest flap openings. Using this arrangement, we start the flow and measure the flap kinematics and the vorticity fields for different flap lengths and piston velocity programs. The typical motion of the flaps involves a rapid opening and a subsequent more gradual return to its initial position, both of which occur when the piston is still moving. The initial opening of the flaps can be attributed to an excess pressure that develops in the channel when the flow starts, due to the acceleration that has to be imparted to the fluid slug between the flaps. In the case with flaps, two additional pairs of vortices are formed because of the motion of the flaps, leading to the ejection of a total of up to three vortex pairs from the hinged exit. The flaps' length (L-f) is found to significantly affect flap motions when plotted using the conventional time scale L/d, where L is the piston stroke and d is the channel width. However, with a newly defined time scale based on the flap length (L/L-f), we find a good collapse of all the measured flap motions irrespective of flap length and piston velocity for an impulsively started piston motion. The maximum opening angle in all these impulsive velocity program cases, irrespective of the flap length, is found to be close to 15 degrees. Even though the flap kinematics collapses well with L/L-f, there are differences in the distribution of the ejected vorticity even for the same L/L-f. Such a redistribution of vorticity can lead to important changes in the overall properties of the flow, and it gives us a better understanding of the importance of exit flexibility in such flows.


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A new general route for the synthesis of novel beta-aryl-beta-(methylthio)acroleins, a class of stable potential 1,3-dielectrophilic synthons, has been reported. The overall protocol involves treatment of either beta-chloroacroleins or their precursor iminium salts (generated in situ from the corresponding active methylene ketones under Vilsmeier-Haack reaction conditions) with S,S-dimethyldithiocarbonates (DDC)/aqueous KOH in either a one-pot or two-step process. The dimethyldithiocarbonate (DDC)/30% aqueous KOH has been shown to be an excellent source of methylthiolate anion. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El presente estudio se realizó en la granja porcina de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (U.N.A), ubicada en el Km. 13 a los 86°. 09' 36" longitud oeste y los 12° 08'15" latitud norte de la comunidad de Sabana Grande, Municipio de Managua con un elevación de 56 m sobre el nivel del mar (INETER, 1987). La fase de campo fue realizada de Julio a Octubre de 1999, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo de cerdos en crecimiento, desarrollo y engorde alimentados con tres raciones diferentes: (T1) Desperdicio de Galleta 100%, (T2) Desperdicio de Galleta 75% + Desperdicio de cocina 25%, (T3) Desperdicio de cocina 100%. Se utilizaron 18 cerdos comerciales de ambos sexos, con peso promedio de inicio de 54.86 kg, que fueron distribuidos en tres tratamientos con seis repeticiones con los datos levantados de pesaje de los diferentes tratamientos, se efectúo el análisis estadístico correspondiente al diseño experimental completamente al Azar (DCA) y su correspondiente análisis para las variables en estudio, G.M D. y C.A. Los cerdos que presentaron una ganancia de peso más alta, fueron los que se alimentaron con la ración l00 % de desperdicio de cocina teniendo una ganancia media diaria de 0.758 kg. los cerdos alimentados 75 % DDG, + 25 % DDC, alcanzaron una ganancia de peso promedio de 0.578 kg. mientras que el tratamiento 100% DDG alcanzo una ganancia media de peso promedio de 0.17 kg. El análisis de la ganancia media diaria se demostró con una alfa de 5 %. El análisis estadístico mostró que las diferencias en conversión alimenticia fueron significativas entre tratamientos con un Alfa al 5 %. Al comparar las utilidades generadas entre el T t y T2, estos resultaron financieramente aceptables, de forma similar se comportaron el T1 y T3., no obstante, desde el punto de vista nutricional, estos no cumplieron los requerimientos de la categoría, por lo que el T2, se presentó finalmente como el más aceptable nutricionalmente.


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本文研究从上面加热的液桥中不同 pr 数流体的热表面张力驱动对流。在 Ma 数相同的条件下,不同 pr 数流体液桥中的温度分布和流场结构定性相似,但定量结果不同。小pr数(pr<<1)流体液桥中的粘性边界层远小于热边界层,最大流函数所在位置向冷端偏移,有较大的流动速度。结果表明,Ma 数是描述这种流动的敏感参数。


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从基本的无网格光滑粒子法SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)近似出发,修正了模拟固体力学中大变形弹塑性碰撞的SPH方法.在边界处采用修正的边界条件,弹塑性分析过程中采用增量理论计算应力,迭代过程中用守恒光滑法进行滤波修正消除拉力不稳定.对SPH方法进行了程序实现,给出了杆弹塑性碰撞的算例.计算分析表明,SPH方法节点的影响域较大、精度较相同节点间距有限元法的结果有一定差距,但是通过增加粒子数量可以提高SPH的精度,保持了其简单性和计算大变形的特性.


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A pesquisa procura identificar e analisar as circunstâncias e motivações teóricas que levaram ao surgimento, no final do século XIX, da área de estudo denominada Documentação. Apresenta informações biográficas sobre os principais artífices deste projeto, os advogados e bibliógrafos belgas, Paul Otlet e Henri La Fontaine, que visaram ampliar a compreensão sobre o meio social e cultural em que atuaram. Procura ampliar a discussão sobre os fatores que motivaram em 1895 a proposta de organização racional de toda a produção intelectual do homem. Apresenta em linhas gerais a visão abrangente e integradora da Documentação que eliminando barreiras físicas, acessava acervos arquivísticos, bibliográficos e museológicos para o registro integral dos assuntos pesquisados. Discute a utilização da Classificação Decimal de Dewey (CDD) na criação do Repertório Bibliográfico Universal e analisa o processo que levou ao surgimento da Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU). Conclui sugerindo a inclusão desta visão extensiva e integradora da documentação ao referencial teórico da Ciência da Informação. Sugere que o resgate deste aporte teórico poderá contribuir para um melhor enfrentamento dos problemas da gestão do conhecimento registrado, produzido e acumulado até os dias atuais, nos mais diversos formatos, suportes e repositórios.