939 resultados para data-driven simulation


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Pullpipelining, a pipeline technique where data is pulled from successor stages from predecessor stages is proposed Control circuits using a synchronous, a semi-synchronous and an asynchronous approach are given. Simulation examples for a DLX generic RISC datapath show that common control pipeline circuit overhead is avoided using the proposal. Applications to linear systolic arrays in cases when computation is finished at early stages in the array are foreseen. This would allow run-time data-driven digital frequency modulation of synchronous pipelined designs. This has applications to implement algorithms exhibiting average-case processing time using a synchronous approach.


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This contribution introduces a new digital predistorter to compensate serious distortions caused by memory high power amplifiers (HPAs) which exhibit output saturation characteristics. The proposed design is based on direct learning using a data-driven B-spline Wiener system modeling approach. The nonlinear HPA with memory is first identified based on the B-spline neural network model using the Gauss-Newton algorithm, which incorporates the efficient De Boor algorithm with both B-spline curve and first derivative recursions. The estimated Wiener HPA model is then used to design the Hammerstein predistorter. In particular, the inverse of the amplitude distortion of the HPA's static nonlinearity can be calculated effectively using the Newton-Raphson formula based on the inverse of De Boor algorithm. A major advantage of this approach is that both the Wiener HPA identification and the Hammerstein predistorter inverse can be achieved very efficiently and accurately. Simulation results obtained are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel digital predistorter design.


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Background: In many experimental pipelines, clustering of multidimensional biological datasets is used to detect hidden structures in unlabelled input data. Taverna is a popular workflow management system that is used to design and execute scientific workflows and aid in silico experimentation. The availability of fast unsupervised methods for clustering and visualization in the Taverna platform is important to support a data-driven scientific discovery in complex and explorative bioinformatics applications. Results: This work presents a Taverna plugin, the Biological Data Interactive Clustering Explorer (BioDICE), that performs clustering of high-dimensional biological data and provides a nonlinear, topology preserving projection for the visualization of the input data and their similarities. The core algorithm in the BioDICE plugin is Fast Learning Self Organizing Map (FLSOM), which is an improved variant of the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm. The plugin generates an interactive 2D map that allows the visual exploration of multidimensional data and the identification of groups of similar objects. The effectiveness of the plugin is demonstrated on a case study related to chemical compounds. Conclusions: The number and variety of available tools and its extensibility have made Taverna a popular choice for the development of scientific data workflows. This work presents a novel plugin, BioDICE, which adds a data-driven knowledge discovery component to Taverna. BioDICE provides an effective and powerful clustering tool, which can be adopted for the explorative analysis of biological datasets.


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We consider a random design model based on independent and identically distributed (iid) pairs of observations (Xi, Yi), where the regression function m(x) is given by m(x) = E(Yi|Xi = x) with one independent variable. In a nonparametric setting the aim is to produce a reasonable approximation to the unknown function m(x) when we have no precise information about the form of the true density, f(x) of X. We describe an estimation procedure of non-parametric regression model at a given point by some appropriately constructed fixed-width (2d) confidence interval with the confidence coefficient of at least 1−. Here, d(> 0) and 2 (0, 1) are two preassigned values. Fixed-width confidence intervals are developed using both Nadaraya-Watson and local linear kernel estimators of nonparametric regression with data-driven bandwidths.

The sample size was optimized using the purely and two-stage sequential procedure together with asymptotic properties of the Nadaraya-Watson and local linear estimators. A large scale simulation study was performed to compare their coverage accuracy. The numerical results indicate that the confidence bands based on the local linear estimator have the best performance than those constructed by using Nadaraya-Watson estimator. However both estimators are shown to have asymptotically correct coverage properties.


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We consider a random design model based on independent and identically distributed pairs of observations (Xi, Yi), where the regression function m(x) is given by m(x) = E(Yi|Xi = x) with one independent variable. In a nonparametric setting the aim is to produce a reasonable approximation to the unknown function m(x) when we have no precise information about the form of the true density, f(x) of X. We describe an estimation procedure of non-parametric regression model at a given point by some appropriately constructed fixed-width (2d) confidence interval with the confidence coefficient of at least 1−. Here, d(> 0) and 2 (0, 1) are two preassigned values. Fixed-width confidence intervals are developed using both Nadaraya-Watson and local linear kernel estimators of nonparametric regression with data-driven bandwidths. The sample size was optimized using the purely and two-stage sequential procedures together with asymptotic properties of the Nadaraya-Watson and local linear estimators. A large scale simulation study was performed to compare their coverage accuracy. The numerical results indicate that the confi dence bands based on the local linear estimator have the better performance than those constructed by using Nadaraya-Watson estimator. However both estimators are shown to have asymptotically correct coverage properties.


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Precise and reliable modelling of polymerization reactor is challenging due to its complex reaction mechanism and non-linear nature. Researchers often make several assumptions when deriving theories and developing models for polymerization reactor. Therefore, traditional available models suffer from high prediction error. In contrast, data-driven modelling techniques provide a powerful framework to describe the dynamic behaviour of polymerization reactor. However, the traditional NN prediction performance is significantly dropped in the presence of polymerization process disturbances. Besides, uncertainty effects caused by disturbances present in reactor operation can be properly quantified through construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for model outputs. In this study, we propose and apply a PI-based neural network (PI-NN) model for the free radical polymerization system. This strategy avoids assumptions made in traditional modelling techniques for polymerization reactor system. Lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method is used to develop PI-NN model for uncertainty quantification. To further improve the quality of model, a new method is proposed for aggregation of upper and lower bounds of PIs obtained from individual PI-NN models. Simulation results reveal that combined PI-NN performance is superior to those individual PI-NN models in terms of PI quality. Besides, constructed PIs are able to properly quantify effects of uncertainties in reactor operation, where these can be later used as part of the control process. © 2014 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is growing at a staggering rate, but, little is known about the cause of this condition. Inferring learning patterns from therapeutic performance data, and subsequently clustering ASD children into subgroups, is important to understand this domain, and more importantly to inform evidence-based intervention. However, this data-driven task was difficult in the past due to insufficiency of data to perform reliable analysis. For the first time, using data from a recent application for early intervention in autism (TOBY Play pad), whose download count is now exceeding 4500, we present in this paper the automatic discovery of learning patterns across 32 skills in sensory, imitation and language. We use unsupervised learning methods for this task, but a notorious problem with existing methods is the correct specification of number of patterns in advance, which in our case is even more difficult due to complexity of the data. To this end, we appeal to recent Bayesian nonparametric methods, in particular the use of Bayesian Nonparametric Factor Analysis. This model uses Indian Buffet Process (IBP) as prior on a binary matrix of infinite columns to allocate groups of intervention skills to children. The optimal number of learning patterns as well as subgroup assignments are inferred automatically from data. Our experimental results follow an exploratory approach, present different newly discovered learning patterns. To provide quantitative results, we also report the clustering evaluation against K-means and Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). In addition to the novelty of this new problem, we were able to demonstrate the suitability of Bayesian nonparametric models over parametric rivals.


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Despite several years of research, type reduction (TR) operation in interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) cannot perform as fast as a type-1 defuzzifier. In particular, widely used Karnik-Mendel (KM) TR algorithm is computationally much more demanding than alternative TR approaches. In this work, a data driven framework is proposed to quickly, yet accurately, estimate the output of the KM TR algorithm using simple regression models. Comprehensive simulation performed in this study shows that the centroid end-points of KM algorithm can be approximated with a mean absolute percentage error as low as 0.4%. Also, switch point prediction accuracy can be as high as 100%. In conjunction with the fact that simple regression model can be trained with data generated using exhaustive defuzzification method, this work shows the potential of proposed method to provide highly accurate, yet extremely fast, TR approximation method. Speed of the proposed method should theoretically outperform all available TR methods while keeping the uncertainty information intact in the process.


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Karnik-Mendel (KM) algorithm is the most used and researched type reduction (TR) algorithm in literature. This algorithm is iterative in nature and despite consistent long term effort, no general closed form formula has been found to replace this computationally expensive algorithm. In this research work, we demonstrate that the outcome of KM algorithm can be approximated by simple linear regression techniques. Since most of the applications will have a fixed range of inputs with small scale variations, it is possible to handle those complexities in design phase and build a fuzzy logic system (FLS) with low run time computational burden. This objective can be well served by the application of regression techniques. This work presents an overview of feasibility of regression techniques for design of data-driven type reducers while keeping the uncertainty bound in FLS intact. Simulation results demonstrates the approximation error is less than 2%. Thus our work preserve the essence of Karnik-Mendel algorithm and serves the requirement of low
computational complexities.


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Karnik-Mendel (KM) algorithm is the most widely used type reduction (TR) method in literature for the design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS). Its iterative nature for finding left and right switch points is its Achilles heel. Despite a decade of research, none of the alternative TR methods offer uncertainty measures equivalent to KM algorithm. This paper takes a data-driven approach to tackle the computational burden of this algorithm while keeping its key features. We propose a regression method to approximate left and right switch points found by KM algorithm. Approximator only uses the firing intervals, rnles centroids, and FLS strnctural features as inputs. Once training is done, it can precisely approximate the left and right switch points through basic vector multiplications. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate that the approximation accuracy for a wide variety of FLSs is 100%. Flexibility, ease of implementation, and speed are other features of the proposed method.


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Instrumentation and automation plays a vital role to managing the water industry. These systems generate vast amounts of data that must be effectively managed in order to enable intelligent decision making. Time series data management software, commonly known as data historians are used for collecting and managing real-time (time series) information. More advanced software solutions provide a data infrastructure or utility wide Operations Data Management System (ODMS) that stores, manages, calculates, displays, shares, and integrates data from multiple disparate automation and business systems that are used daily in water utilities. These ODMS solutions are proven and have the ability to manage data from smart water meters to the collaboration of data across third party corporations. This paper focuses on practical, utility successes in the water industry where utility managers are leveraging instantaneous access to data from proven, commercial off-the-shelf ODMS solutions to enable better real-time decision making. Successes include saving $650,000 / year in water loss control, safeguarding water quality, saving millions of dollars in energy management and asset management. Immediate opportunities exist to integrate the research being done in academia with these ODMS solutions in the field and to leverage these successes to utilities around the world.


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This study presents an approach to combine uncertainties of the hydrological model outputs predicted from a number of machine learning models. The machine learning based uncertainty prediction approach is very useful for estimation of hydrological models' uncertainty in particular hydro-metrological situation in real-time application [1]. In this approach the hydrological model realizations from Monte Carlo simulations are used to build different machine learning uncertainty models to predict uncertainty (quantiles of pdf) of the a deterministic output from hydrological model . Uncertainty models are trained using antecedent precipitation and streamflows as inputs. The trained models are then employed to predict the model output uncertainty which is specific for the new input data. We used three machine learning models namely artificial neural networks, model tree, locally weighted regression to predict output uncertainties. These three models produce similar verification results, which can be improved by merging their outputs dynamically. We propose an approach to form a committee of the three models to combine their outputs. The approach is applied to estimate uncertainty of streamflows simulation from a conceptual hydrological model in the Brue catchment in UK and the Bagmati catchment in Nepal. The verification results show that merged output is better than an individual model output. [1] D. L. Shrestha, N. Kayastha, and D. P. Solomatine, and R. Price. Encapsulation of parameteric uncertainty statistics by various predictive machine learning models: MLUE method, Journal of Hydroinformatic, in press, 2013.


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In this research the 3DVAR data assimilation scheme is implemented in the numerical model DIVAST in order to optimize the performance of the numerical model by selecting an appropriate turbulence scheme and tuning its parameters. Two turbulence closure schemes: the Prandtl mixing length model and the two-equation k-ε model were incorporated into DIVAST and examined with respect to their universality of application, complexity of solutions, computational efficiency and numerical stability. A square harbour with one symmetrical entrance subject to tide-induced flows was selected to investigate the structure of turbulent flows. The experimental part of the research was conducted in a tidal basin. A significant advantage of such laboratory experiment is a fully controlled environment where domain setup and forcing are user-defined. The research shows that the Prandtl mixing length model and the two-equation k-ε model, with default parameterization predefined according to literature recommendations, overestimate eddy viscosity which in turn results in a significant underestimation of velocity magnitudes in the harbour. The data assimilation of the model-predicted velocity and laboratory observations significantly improves model predictions for both turbulence models by adjusting modelled flows in the harbour to match de-errored observations. 3DVAR allows also to identify and quantify shortcomings of the numerical model. Such comprehensive analysis gives an optimal solution based on which numerical model parameters can be estimated. The process of turbulence model optimization by reparameterization and tuning towards optimal state led to new constants that may be potentially applied to complex turbulent flows, such as rapidly developing flows or recirculating flows.


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Due to the increase in water demand and hydropower energy, it is getting more important to operate hydraulic structures in an efficient manner while sustaining multiple demands. Especially, companies, governmental agencies, consultant offices require effective, practical integrated tools and decision support frameworks to operate reservoirs, cascades of run-of-river plants and related elements such as canals by merging hydrological and reservoir simulation/optimization models with various numerical weather predictions, radar and satellite data. The model performance is highly related with the streamflow forecast, related uncertainty and its consideration in the decision making. While deterministic weather predictions and its corresponding streamflow forecasts directly restrict the manager to single deterministic trajectories, probabilistic forecasts can be a key solution by including uncertainty in flow forecast scenarios for dam operation. The objective of this study is to compare deterministic and probabilistic streamflow forecasts on an earlier developed basin/reservoir model for short term reservoir management. The study is applied to the Yuvacık Reservoir and its upstream basin which is the main water supply of Kocaeli City located in the northwestern part of Turkey. The reservoir represents a typical example by its limited capacity, downstream channel restrictions and high snowmelt potential. Mesoscale Model 5 and Ensemble Prediction System data are used as a main input and the flow forecasts are done for 2012 year using HEC-HMS. Hydrometeorological rule-based reservoir simulation model is accomplished with HEC-ResSim and integrated with forecasts. Since EPS based hydrological model produce a large number of equal probable scenarios, it will indicate how uncertainty spreads in the future. Thus, it will provide risk ranges in terms of spillway discharges and reservoir level for operator when it is compared with deterministic approach. The framework is fully data driven, applicable, useful to the profession and the knowledge can be transferred to other similar reservoir systems.


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We study semiparametric two-step estimators which have the same structure as parametric doubly robust estimators in their second step. The key difference is that we do not impose any parametric restriction on the nuisance functions that are estimated in a first stage, but retain a fully nonparametric model instead. We call these estimators semiparametric doubly robust estimators (SDREs), and show that they possess superior theoretical and practical properties compared to generic semiparametric two-step estimators. In particular, our estimators have substantially smaller first-order bias, allow for a wider range of nonparametric first-stage estimates, rate-optimal choices of smoothing parameters and data-driven estimates thereof, and their stochastic behavior can be well-approximated by classical first-order asymptotics. SDREs exist for a wide range of parameters of interest, particularly in semiparametric missing data and causal inference models. We illustrate our method with a simulation exercise.