806 resultados para critical legal theory
This paper builds on Ferguson's important contribution to the debate on personalization in social work that appeared in the British Journal of Social Work in 2007. Whereas Ferguson approached the topic through the lens of political philosophy, the account below draws on critical social theory to examine not only the nature of personalization, but also its supportive pillar of individualization. In particular, Axel Honneth's critique of individualization in modern society is presented before setting out his ideas on the need for self-realization through inter-subjective recognition. The implications of Honneth's position are then considered in terms of four interrelated dimensions of social work practice, namely: (i) social work as symbolic interaction; (ii) social work as care; (iii) social work as respect; and (iv) social work as validation. It is argued that this constellation of practices poses a direct and necessary challenge to a social work of personalization.
Summary: This article outlines a framework for approaching ethical dilemmas arising from the development, evaluation and implementation of child welfare policies. As such, it is relevant to policy-makers, social researchers and social workers. The central tenets of the framework are developed by drawing on ideas from moral philosophy and critical social theory. These ideas are presented as axioms, theorems and corollaries, a format which has been employed in the social sciences to offer a rational justification for a set of claims. • Findings: This process of reasoning leads to four principle axioms that are seen to shape the ethical scrutiny of social policy: 1) problematizing knowledge; 2) utilizing structured forms of inquiry to enhance understanding; 3) engendering enabling communication with those affected by the ethical concern; and 4) enhancing self-awareness. • Applications: The four axioms are then applied, by way of example, to the current and contentious, 'third way' policy of mandated prevention in child welfare, where the aim is to obviate deleterious outcomes in later life. It is argued that the framework can be applied beyond this specific concern to other pressing, ethical challenges in child welfare.
This is an introduction to a symposium on Brian Simpson's posthumously published boo, Reflections on 'The Concept of Law' held at Nottingham University in FebruaRY 2012.
In a 1999 essay, J.M. Balkin and Sanford Levinson called for law to be considered as a performing art. Against or perhaps going further than Balkin and Levinson, this commentary claims that while engagement with performance practices in the arts, such as music, is of the utmost value to law and legal theory, we must not take for granted what it means to ‘‘perform’’. Uniting Jacques Derrida’s la Villette performance (with jazz legend, Ornette Coleman) with his writings on performativity in law, this commentary looks to the musical practice of improvisation to trouble the notion of performance as immediate and singular and to question taken for granted distinctions between text and performance, writing and music, composition and improvisation. The consequence of this refined understanding of the performative on legal theory and the actual practice of law is a reconceptualization of law as improvisation, that is, both singular and general, pre-existent and immediate, and a refocusing on the creativity that lies at the heart of law’s conservativism.
In the throes of her mimetic exposure of the lie of phallocratic discursive unity in 'Speculum of the Other Woman', Irigaray paused on the impossibility of woman’s voice and remarked that ‘it [was] still better to speak only in riddles, allusions, hints, parables.’ Even if asked to clarify a few points. Even if people plead that they just don’t understand. After all, she said, ‘they never have understood.’ (Irigaray 1985, 143).
That the law has never understood a uniquely feminine narrative is hardly controversial, but that this erasure continues to have real and substantive consequences for justice is a reality that feminists have been compelled to remain vigilant in exposing. How does the authority of the word compound law’s exclusionary matrix? How does law remain impervious to woman’s voice and how might it hear woman’s voice? Is there capacity for a dialogic engagement between woman, parler femme, and law?
This paper will explore these questions with particular reference to the experience of women testifying to trauma during the rape trial. It will argue that a logically linked historical genealogy can be traced through which law has come to posit itself as an originary discourse by which thinking is very much conflated with being, or in other terms, law is conflated with justice. This has consequences both for women’s capacity to speak or represent the harm of rape to law, but also for law’s ability to ‘hear’ woman’s voice and objectively adjudicate in cases of rape. It will suggest that justice requires law acknowledge the presence of two distinct and different subjects and that this must be done not only at the symbolic level but also at the level of the parole, syntax and discourse.
The neoliberalisation of the university could be undermining decades of progress in combatting rape myths
This analysis of Article 23 CFREU (Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union) argues that this provision can promote a more progressive understanding of gender equality then promoted by the European Court of Justice, in that it requires actual change in gender relations. It also finds shortcomings in that the EU conceptualises gender equality by relating women to men, thus falling short of providing a basis for women's rights.
Law's Ethical, Global and Theoretical Contexts examines William Twining's principal contributions to law and jurisprudence in the context of three issues which will receive significant scholarly attention over the coming decades. Part I explores human rights, including torture, the role of evidence in human rights cases, the emerging discourse on 'traditional values', the relevance of 'Southern voices' to human rights debates, and the relationship between human rights and peace agreements. Part II assesses the impact of globalization through the lenses of sociology and comparative constitutionalism, and features an analysis of the development of pluralistic ideas of law in the context of privatization. Finally, Part III addresses issues of legal theory, including whether global legal pluralism needs a concept of law, the importance of context in legal interpretation, the effect of increasing digitalization on legal theory, and the utility of feminist and postmodern approaches to globalization and legal theory.
Beyond Criminal Justice presents a vision of a future without brutal, authoritarian and repressive penal regimes. Many of the papers brought together here have been unavailable for more than two decades. Their republication indicates not only their continuing theoretical importance to abolitionist studies but also how they provide important insights into the nature and legitimacy of criminal processes in the here and now. Contributors highlight the human consequences of the harms of imprisonment, evidencing the hurt, injury and damage of penal incarceration across a number of different countries in Europe. Focusing on penal power and prisoner contestation to such power, the moral and political crises of imprisonment are laid bare. The contributors to Beyond Criminal Justice explore the urgent need for a coherent, rational and morally and politically sophisticated theoretical basis for penal abolitionism. Advocating a utopian imagination and at the same time practical solutions already implemented in countries around Europe - alongside grappling with controversial debates such as abolitionist responses to rape and sexual violence - the book steps outside of common sense assumptions regarding 'crime', punishment and 'criminal justice'. Beyond Criminal Justice will be of interest to students of criminology, zemiology, sociology, penology and critical legal studies as well as anyone interested in rethinking the problem of 'crime' and challenging the logic of the penal rationale.
Esta dissertação estuda essencialmente dois problemas: (A) uma classe de equações unidimensionais de reacção-difusão-convecção em meios não uniformes (dependentes do espaço), e (B) um problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico ligado a fenómenos de capilaridade. A Análise de Perturbação Singular e a dinâmica de Hamilton-Jacobi são utilizadas na obtenção de expressões assimptóticas para a solução (com comportamento de frente) e para a sua velocidade de propagação. Os seguintes três métodos de decomposição, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), Decomposition Method based on Infinite Products (DIP), e New Iterative Method (NIM), são apresentados e brevemente comparados. Adicionalmente, condições suficientes para a convergência da solução em série, obtida pelo ADM, e uma aplicação a um problema da Telecomunicações por Fibras Ópticas, envolvendo EDOs não-lineares designadas equações de Raman, são discutidas. Um ponto de vista mais abrangente que unifica os métodos de decomposição referidos é também apresentado. Para subclasses desta EDP são obtidas soluções numa forma explícita, para diferentes tipos de dados e usando uma variante do método de simetrias de Bluman-Cole. Usando Teoria de Pontos Críticos (o teorema usualmente designado mountain pass) e técnicas de truncatura, prova-se a existência de duas soluções não triviais (uma positiva e uma negativa) para o problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico (B). A existência de uma terceira solução não trivial é demonstrada usando Grupos Críticos e Teoria de Morse.
Esta dissertação estuda em detalhe três problemas elípticos: (I) uma classe de equações que envolve o operador Laplaciano, um termo singular e nãolinearidade com o exponente crítico de Sobolev, (II) uma classe de equações com singularidade dupla, o expoente crítico de Hardy-Sobolev e um termo côncavo e (III) uma classe de equações em forma divergente, que envolve um termo singular, um operador do tipo Leray-Lions, e uma função definida nos espaços de Lorentz. As não-linearidades consideradas nos problemas (I) e (II), apresentam dificuldades adicionais, tais como uma singularidade forte no ponto zero (de modo que um "blow-up" pode ocorrer) e a falta de compacidade, devido à presença do exponente crítico de Sobolev (problema (I)) e Hardy-Sobolev (problema (II)). Pela singularidade existente no problema (III), a definição padrão de solução fraca pode não fazer sentido, por isso, é introduzida uma noção especial de solução fraca em subconjuntos abertos do domínio. Métodos variacionais e técnicas da Teoria de Pontos Críticos são usados para provar a existência de soluções nos dois primeiros problemas. No problema (I), são usadas uma combinação adequada de técnicas de Nehari, o princípio variacional de Ekeland, métodos de minimax, um argumento de translação e estimativas integrais do nível de energia. Neste caso, demonstramos a existência de (pelo menos) quatro soluções não triviais onde pelo menos uma delas muda de sinal. No problema (II), usando o método de concentração de compacidade e o teorema de passagem de montanha, demostramos a existência de pelo menos duas soluções positivas e pelo menos um par de soluções com mudança de sinal. A abordagem do problema (III) combina um resultado de surjectividade para operadores monótonos, coercivos e radialmente contínuos com propriedades especiais do operador de tipo Leray- Lions. Demonstramos assim a existência de pelo menos, uma solução no espaço de Lorentz e obtemos uma estimativa para esta solução.
Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Geologia (Geodinâmica Interna), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculté des Sciences D’Orsay-Université Paris-Sud, 2014