912 resultados para courses
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) bezeichnen Kurse, die online stattfinden und auf Grund fehlender Zugangsbeschränkungen und kostenfreien Zugangs sehr hohe Teilnehmerzahlen erreichen. Der erste MOOC wurde 2011 durch Sebastian Thrun, Professor für Informatik an der Stanford University, zum Thema der Künstlichen Intelligenz angeboten und hatte 160.000 Teilnehmende. In der Folge wurden MOOCs als die revolutionäre Lehr-/Lerninnovation gepriesen, immer mehr Unternehmen gründeten MOOCs-Plattformen. Seit Ende 2012 bieten auch in Deutschland erste Institutionen eigene Plattformen mit MOOCs an. Man unterscheidet im Wesentlichen zwei Varianten – xMoocs und cMOOCs: xMoocs bieten auf Video aufgezeichnete Vorlesungen, die durch Tests und Fragen unterbrochen und zu denen Aufgaben ausgeteilt werden. Sie werden ergänzt durch Foren. cMOOCs orientieren sich eher an der Form eines Seminars oder Workshops, in ihnen können die Teilnehmenden die Inhalte selbst miterarbeiten und -gestalten. Um die Potenziale, aber auch die Schwächen der MOOCs bewerten zu können, bedarf es aber einer differenzierten Betrachtung, als sie bisher stattgefunden hat. Dieser Band stellt Erfahrungsberichte und Beispiele aus deutschen Hochschulen oder mit deutscher Beteiligung vor und reflektiert das Phänomen der MOOCs unter didaktischen, historischen und bildungspolitischen Aspekten.
In Fall 1992, our first physics course offered online homework. Over two decades later, we have seven physics courses online, spanning the whole range of introductory course offerings, with a total of over 1600 students in 2014. We found that several of the the purely online courses had better learning success than traditional lecture courses, as measured by exam scores. Particularly successful were online materials with embedded assessment. This result can be interpreted in different ways, but may serve as an indicator that during in-class lectures, we are oftentimes not taking advantage of the fact that we have the students on-site.
OBJECTIVES We sought to analyze the time course of atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes before and after circular plus linear left atrial ablation and the percentage of patients with complete freedom from AF after ablation by using serial seven-day electrocardiograms (ECGs). BACKGROUND The curative treatment of AF targets the pathophysiological corner stones of AF (i.e., the initiating triggers and/or the perpetuation of AF). The pathophysiological complexity of both may not result in an "all-or-nothing" response but may modify number and duration of AF episodes. METHODS In patients with highly symptomatic AF, circular plus linear ablation lesions were placed around the left and right pulmonary veins, between the two circles, and from the left circle to the mitral annulus using the electroanatomic mapping system. Repetitive continuous 7-day ECGs administered before and after catheter ablation were used for rhythm follow-up. RESULTS In 100 patients with paroxysmal (n = 80) and persistent (n = 20) AF, relative duration of time spent in AF significantly decreased over time (35 +/- 37% before ablation, 26 +/- 41% directly after ablation, and 10 +/- 22% after 12 months). Freedom from AF stepwise increased in patients with paroxysmal AF and after 12 months measured at 88% or 74% depending on whether 24-h ECG or 7-day ECG was used. Complete pulmonary vein isolation was demonstrated in <20% of the circular lesions. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in patients with AF treated with circular plus linear left atrial lesions strongly indicate that substrate modification is the main underlying pathophysiologic mechanism and that it results in a delayed cure instead of an immediate cure.
This study assessed the perceptions of college students regarding the instructional quality of online and web based courses via a content management system. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Career choices in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are favoured by men and often avoided by women; on the other hand, women tend to choose fields such as the social sciences. This not only leads to a shortage of employees with STEM degrees, but also reinforces the prejudice that certain (personality) characteristics are ‘typically female’ or ‘typically male’. Career orientation motives of young women and men can have important implications for gender (a-)typical career choices. However, there is little empirical research on the correlates of career orientation motives in young women in the field of STEM. This study seeks to address this gap by outlining the components of career orientation motives and showing relationships among them. Therefore, our results provide insight into the circumstances and conditions that are associated with academic and career choices.
Elena Makarova traces how the concept of intercultural education in German-speaking European countries promotes the inclusion of courses in the Language and Culture of Origin (LCO) for immigrant youth in the school curriculum of host countries. Such courses are assumed to have positive effects on the development of immigrant youth in the host country. Particularly, it has been suggested that participation in LCO courses increases the self-esteem of immigrant youth, facilitates the development of their bicultural identity and improves their integration in the host society. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the nature of the effects of LCO course attendance on the acculturation of immigrant youth and their cultural identity. Accordingly, the aim of the study detailed in the chapter is to examine the impact of immigrant youth’s attitudes towards LCO courses and of their attendance of such courses on their acculturation and cultural identity.
In view of the changes in and growing variety of sports-related occupations, it is highly relevant for educational institutions 10 to know how well the educational contents of their sport science courses meet the professional requirements. This study analyses the relationship between the competencies acquired through academic sports science courses and the requirements of the relevant jobs in Switzerland. The data for this empirical analysis were drawn from a sample of n = 1054 graduates of different academic sport science programmes at all eight Swiss universities. The results show that academic sport science courses primarily communicate sports-specific expertise and practical sports skills. On the other hand, most graduates consider that the acquisition of interdisciplinary competencies plays a comparatively minor role in sport science education, even though these competencies are felt to be an important requirement in a variety of work-related environments and challenges.
Wide spread and continuing use of multiple-choice testing in technical subjects is leading to a mindset amongst students which is antithetical with actual use of intellect.
The clinical records of 432 P. falciparum and P. vivax infected volunteer male inmates of the Maryland House of Corrections in Jessup, Maryland, were studied to determine (1) the clinical and parasitologic courses of infections in both parasite species, and (2) the influence of previous homologous and/or heterologous strain exposures on subsequent infections. The clinical and parasitologic courses of infection with both P. falciparum and P. vivax species indicated that: (a) there were characteristic strain related differences between P. falciparum and P. vivax. P. falciparum strains were more apt to cause severe infections than P. vivax strains. (b) Blood-induced infections produced significantly shorter prepatent and incubation periods than mosquito-induced. (c) Blacks tolerated the infections better than whites and, (d) homologous and heterologous strain immunities persisted with previous malaria history. In previously exposed cases, clinical manifestations were moderate, peak fever lowered, and peak parasitemias limited. (e) Anti-malarial drugs were effective in reducing sexual and asexual forms of the malaria parasite, and limiting peak fevers, irrespective of method of induction, race, parasite strain and species, and drug type used.^ Given these findings, and the current worldwide resurgence of malaria, this study has major implications in terms of setting malaria control and public health policies in both developed and developing countries.^