1000 resultados para composto fenólico
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The study was carried out with the objective to evaluate the broccoli seeds (cultivar Ramoso Santana) germination and vigor from plants cultivated with different organic compost levels and after storage in dry chamber. At seed production stage, the experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks design, with five treatments (0; 30; 60; 90 and 120 t ha(-1) of Biomix (R) organic compost) and four replications. Soon after harvesting and after 12 and 24 months of conservation in dry chamber room (20 degrees C and 40% relative humidity) it was evaluated germination, following seed analisys rules, and vigor (first count of germination and germination speed index - IVG). There were no differences in germination and vigor in seeds as soon as they were harvested and after 12 month of storage. After 24 months of storage, the lesser the organic compost rates, the lesser seed germination and IVG, with respective values, without compost, of 69% and 12,3. For another hand, the highest values for germination and IVG, 82% and 16,1, respectively, were obtained with the highest rate of organic compost (120 t ha(-1)).
We built an experimental house on an UFRN´s land using blocks made by a composite consisting of cement, plaster, EPS, crushed rubber and sand. Several blocks were made from various compositions and we made preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance, choosing the most appropriate proportion. PET bottles were used inside the block to provide thermal resistance. In this work, a second function was given to the bottles: to serve as a docking between the blocks, because the ends of the cylinders came out of each block on top as well as at the bottom, with the bottom cut, allowing to fit of the extremities of the upper cylinder of a block in the lower holes of the other one, which were formed by the cutting already mentioned. Minimum compression tests were performed according to ABNT standards for walls closing blocks (fence). With that house built, we did studies of thermal performance in order to ascertain conditions of comfort, checking external and internal temperatures in the walls and in the ambient, among other variables, such as wind speed and relative humidity. The resulting blocks provided adequate thermal insulation to the environment, where the walls presented differences up to 11.7 ºC between the outer and inner faces, getting the maximum temperature inside the house around 31 °C, within the so-called thermal comfort zone for warm climates. At the end of the experiments it was evident the effectiveness of that construction in order to provide thermal comfort in the internal environment of the house, as well as we could confirm the viability of building houses from recyclable materials, reducing the constructive costs, becoming a suitable alternative for low- incoming families. Moreover, besides the low cost, the proposal represents an alternative use of various recyclable materials, therefore considered an ecological solution
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência da adubação orgânica durante cinco safras, nas características de crescimento e produtividade de plantas de bananeira-'Prata-anã'. O experimento foi instalado no município de Botucatu-SP, em novembro de 2002, com mudas convencionais, adotando-se o espaçamento de 2,5 x 2,5 m, sendo as plantas adubadas com composto orgânico produzido a partir de serragem de madeira e esterco bovino devidamente compostados, que constituíram os tratamentos: 0; 43; 86; 129 e 172 kg de composto por planta, sendo estas doses de composto calculadas de acordo com o teor de potássio presente no composto. No florescimento das plantas em cada ciclo (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 e 2007), foram medidas a circunferência do pseudocaule, a altura de inserção da inflorescência e determinou-se o número de folhas úteis por planta. Na colheita, foram determinados a massa do cacho, o número de frutos por cacho, o número de pencas por cacho, a massa da 2ª penca, o número de frutos na 2ª penca, o comprimento e o diâmetro de frutos da 2ª penca. As doses de composto orgânico não causaram alterações nas características de crescimento das plantas; contudo, em função dos ciclos avaliados, foi possível observar queda no número de folhas a partir do segundo ciclo e alterações na altura de plantas e circunferência do pseudocaule. No presente trabalho, onde as doses de K2O oscilaram entre zero e 394 g por planta, os cachos com massa mais elevada foram obtidos com as duas maiores quantidades de compostos aplicadas, o que, economicamente, indica como a melhor dose a ser recomendada a de 129 kg de composto por planta, que fornece 290,5 g de K2O por planta.
Cashew-nut-shell-liquid (CNSL) is a phenolic oil that hás been due its their antioxirsion properties for use in fuels. The present work develops a method to the conversion of hidrogenated cardanol, that is the main component of the CNSL, in a compound with similar chacteristics to antioxidants used in products from petroleum. The antioxidants wasd obtained by exhaustive alkylation of the compound with tert-butyl chloride. After completing the optimization of several reaction steps, the product 2,4,6 tri-tert-butyl (pentadecylphenol) was obtained for the first tima. Characteeization and determination of physico-chemical properties were realized too, as well as wasd developed a study for check your application as an oxidative inhibitor by the molecular modeling. Estimation of process evalution was executed as well, where a rapid and practical computational methodology was utilizated in projects of the fine chemistry. The research showed satisfactory results and it could be concluded that the commercialization of this chemical products is feasible
This work deals with the kinetics assay of Cajá (Spondias mombin L.) bagasse drying by an experimental design using a tray dryer. In order to add-value to this product a kinetic study has been carried out. A central composite experimental design has been carried out to evaluate the influence of the operational variables: input air temperature (55; 65 e 75ºC); the drying air velocity (3.2; 4.6 e 6.0 m/s) and the fixed bed thickness (0.8; 1.2 e 1.6 cm) and as response variable the the moisture content (dry basis). The results showed that the diffusional Fick model fitted quite well the experimental data. The best condition found has been input air temperature of 75ºC, drying air velocity of 6.0 m/s as well as fixed bed thickness of 0.8 cm. The experimental design assay showed that the main effects as well as the second ones were significant at 95% confindance level. The best operational condition according to statistical planning was 75 oC input air temperature, 6.0 m.s-1 drying air velocity and 0.8 cm fixed bed thickness. In this case, the equilibrium moisture content (1.3% dry basis) occured at 220 minutes
This study was conducted in the Sao Manuel experimental Farm, in Sao Manuel-SP, which belongs to the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas (FCA) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu/SP Campus, in order to evaluate the influence of organic compost doses, with and without added phosphorus to the soil, on the levels of macronutrients in plants and seeds of the lettuce cultivar Veronica. The experimental design was randomized blocks with ten treatments (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 Mg ha(-1) of organic compost, with and without 400 kg ha-1 P 2 0 5 added to the soil) and four replicates. The content of macronutrients in plants and seeds was evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and regression. The decreaning order of macronutrient content in plants was potassium > calcium > nitrogen > magnesium > phosphorus > sulfur and in seeds it was nitrogen > phosphorus > potassium > calcium > magnesium > sulfur. The nitrogen content in seeds, was about three and a half times higher than in plants, the sulfur was one and half times higher, while phosphorus content was approximately five times higher.
This study had aim to evaluate influences of organic compost and phosphorus on lettuce seeds (cv. Veronica), measuring production and quality parameters of seeds in this species. Experimental design was in randomized blocks with 10 treatments, being 5 organic compost levels (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 t ha(-1) organic compost) combined with 2 phosphorus levels (0 and 400 kg ha(-1) P(2)0(5)), presenting 4 replicates. Parameters evaluated were seed mass, seed number, germination percentage, and vigor. Results obtained reveal that phosphorus application increased seed production. In the presence of phosphorus, the level of 33, 4 t ha(-1) of organic compost, and in the absence of phosphorus, the level of 49,21 t ha(-1), resulted higher seed weight per plant. The quality of seeds was not affected by fertilization with organic compost neither by phosphorus.
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o estado nutricional da bananeira-'Prata-anã' durante cinco ciclos de cultivo com adubação orgânica, no município de Botucatu-SP. As plantas foram adubadas com composto orgânico produzido a partir de serragem de madeira e esterco bovino, em que os tratamentos foram constituídos de doses desse composto (0; 98,5; 197,0; 290,5 e 394,0 g de K2O/planta). Empregou-se delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. No florescimento das plantas em cada ciclo, foram retiradas amostras foliares de duas plantas por parcela para serem analisados os teores de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco. A maior parte dos macronutrientes presentes nas folhas não foi influenciada pelo incremento de doses de composto orgânico. No decorrer dos ciclos avaliados, os teores foliares de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, enxofre, boro, ferro e manganês diminuíram, enquanto o cálcio e o magnésio se acumularam nas plantas. Os teores de potássio estavam abaixo dos padrões para a cultura no Estado de São Paulo, em todos os anos avaliados, mesmo assim as plantas não apresentaram sintomas de deficiência ou queda de produção, inferindo-se que a faixa considerada como adequada para a cultivar pode ser inferior aos padrões atualmente adotados.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
O aumento significativo da produção de milho na segunda safra no Brasil, principalmente no centro-sul do país, têm estimulado os programas de melhoramento da cultura a selecionar genótipos que sejam adaptáveis às condições climáticas das diferentes épocas de semeadura. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi quantificar a interação progênies x épocas de semeadura e verificar seus reflexos no progresso genético com o uso de índice de seleção multivariado para seleção de progênies do Composto Isanão VF-1 de milho. As semeaduras foram realizadas na segunda safra em 2004 e na primeira safra do ano agrícola 2004/05. Foram utilizadas 71 progênies de meios irmãos avaliadas em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os caracteres avaliados foram: altura de plantas, altura de espigas, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos. Realizaram-se a decomposição da interação progênies x épocas e foram estimados os ganhos pelo índice de seleção descrito por Mulamba e Mock. Houve predomínio da interação do tipo simples para maioria dos caracteres, exceto para prolificidade, que revelou 86% de interação do tipo complexa. Pelo índice de Mulamba e Mock, os ganhos proporcionais mais adequados para o conjunto de caracteres avaliados foi obtido pelos pesos econômicos atribuídos por tentativas. Os ganhos preditos foram de 1,41, 0,86, -13,03, 9,54 e 16,12% para altura de planta, altura de espiga, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos, respectivamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)