468 resultados para complaint


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Les infections des voies aériennes supérieures sont parmi les motifs de consultation les plus fréquents en médecine de premier recours. Lorsque la localisation est principalement rhinosinusienne, la cause est en général virale. Nous passons en revue dans cet article les conditions permettant de suspecter une origine bactérienne avec comme question centrale les critères pour l'instauration d'un traitement antibiotique. La place des examens paracliniques dans la stratégie diagnostique est discutée et en particulier celle de la radiographie standard. Rhino-sinusitis is one of the most complaint in ambulatory clinic sitting and nasal obstruction. This diagnosis is however difficult and general practitioners might overdiagnose acute bacterial sinusitis. Most imaging is not useful in determining sinusitis. Acute sinusitis is very often a self-limiting disease. Antibiotics should be prescribed only after one week of symptoms' duration and in case of the presence of two additional criteria: pain and purulent nasal discharge with nasal obstruction


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BACKGROUND Uncomplicated chronic rachialgia is a highly prevalent complaint, and one for which therapeutic results are contradictory. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of treatment with auriculopressure, in the primary healthcare sector, carried out by trained healthcare professionals via a 30-hour course. METHODS/DESIGN The design consists of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial, with placebo, with two parallel groups, and including an economic evaluation. Patients with chronic uncomplicated rachialgia, whose GP is considering referral for auriculopressure sensory stimulation, are eligible for inclusion. Sampling will be by consecutive selection, and randomised allocation to one of the two study arms will be determined using a centralised method, following a 1:1 plan (true auriculopressure; placebo auriculopressure). The implants (true and placebo) will be replaced once weekly, and the treatment will have a duration of 8 weeks. The primary outcome measure will be the change in pain intensity, measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS) of 100 mm, at 9 weeks after beginning the treatment. A follow up study will be performed at 6 months after beginning treatment. An assessment will also be made of the changes measured in the Spanish version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, of the changes in the Lattinen test, and of the changes in quality of life (SF-12). Also planned is an analysis of cost-effectiveness and also, if necessary, a cost-benefit analysis. DISCUSSION This study will contribute to developing evidence on the use of auriculotherapy using Semen vaccariae [wang bu liu xing] for the treatment of uncomplicated chronic rachialgia. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN01897462.


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BACKGROUND Although the painful shoulder is one of the most common dysfunctions of the locomotor apparatus, and is frequently treated both at primary healthcare centres and by specialists, little evidence has been reported to support or refute the effectiveness of the treatments most commonly applied. According to the bibliography reviewed, physiotherapy, which is the most common action taken to alleviate this problem, has not yet been proven to be effective, because of the small size of sample groups and the lack of methodological rigor in the papers published on the subject. No reviews have been made to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this complaint, but in recent years controlled randomised studies have been made and these demonstrate an increasing use of acupuncture to treat pathologies of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In this study, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy applied jointly with acupuncture, compared with physiotherapy applied with a TENS-placebo, in the treatment of painful shoulder caused by subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). METHODS/DESIGN Randomised controlled multicentre study with blind evaluation by an independent observer and blind, independent analysis. A study will be made of 465 patients referred to the rehabilitation services at participating healthcare centres, belonging to the regional public health systems of Andalusia and Murcia, these patients presenting symptoms of painful shoulder and a diagnosis of subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). The patients will be randomised into two groups: 1) experimental (acupuncture + physiotherapy); 2) control (TENS-placebo + physiotherapy); the administration of rescue medication will also be allowed. The treatment period will have a duration of three weeks. The main result variable will be the change produced on Constant's Shoulder Function Assessment (SFA) Scale; as secondary variables, we will record the changes in diurnal pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS), nocturnal pain intensity on the VAS, doses of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken during the study period, credibility scale for the treatment, degree of improvement perceived by the patient and degree of improvement perceived by the evaluator. A follow up examination will be made at 3, 6 and 12 months after the study period has ended. Two types of population will be considered for analysis: per protocol and per intention to treat. DISCUSSION The discussion will take into account the limitations of the study, together with considerations such as the choice of a simple, safe method to treat this shoulder complaint, the choice of the control group, and the blinding of the patients, evaluators and those responsible for carrying out the final analysis.


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Thoracic pain in primary care. Don't forget the patients without heart disease Thoracic pain is a frequent medical complaint. Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines have been developed and evaluated mostly in emergency and hospital settings. The primary care practitioner, as the emergency room doctor, has to identify quickly any severe condition needing urgent and highly specialized treatment. But in primary care, the process is not finished then! A patient with no vital and urgent problem still needs a diagnosis, information and adequate treatment. This review goes over the presentation of thoracic pain, the differential diagnoses and the challenge of treating such patients in ambulatory care.


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Dysmenorrhea is common in adolescent years, especially after the onset of ovulatory cycles, usually 2 to 3 years after menarche. Pain and symptoms are responsible for school absenteeism and interruption of sports and social activities. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to measure the prevalence of severe dysmenorrhea and its consequences on adolescent girls in Switzerland. Treatment of dysmenorrhea is discussed and recommendations for clinical practice are given. STUDY DESIGN: Cross sectional survey (SMASH 02) on a nationally representative sample of adolescents (n=7548; 3340 females), aged 16 to 20 years who attended post-mandatory education. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the severity of dysmenorrhea and its consequences on daily life pursuit of medical help and medications used. RESULTS: Among 3340 girls, 86.6% suffered from dysmenorrhea-related symptoms: 12.4% described having severe dysmenorrhea and 74.2% moderate dysmenorrhea. Girls with severe dysmenorrhea described heavier consequences on daily activities compared with girls without dysmenorrhea: 47.8% of girls with severe dysmenorrhea reported staying at home and 66.5% declared reducing their sportive activities. Yet, fewer than half have consulted a physician for this complaint and even fewer were treated properly. RECOMMENDATION: The pediatrician has a pivotal role in screening young patients for dysmenorrhea, as well as, educating and effectively treating adolescent girls with menstruation-associated symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are considered the first-line of treatment for dysmenorrhea, and adolescents with symptoms that do not respond to this treatment for 3 menstrual periods should be offered combined oestroprogestative contraception and must be followed up, as non-responders may have an underlying organic pathology. CONCLUSION: Dysmenorrhea is a frequent health problem in adolescent years and adolescent care providers should be able to care for these patients in an efficient way.


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Case File 0603634 On September 13, 2006, Kelly Wilslef submitted a complaint to the Ombudsman about the Maquoketa City Council (Council). Ms. Wilslef stated a Maquoketa police officer served her an abatement notice for violating the city ordinance preventing owners from keeping pit bull terrier dogs in the city. The Council subsequently determined her dog was a pit bull mix, and ordered her to remove the dog from the city. Ms. Wilslef claimed the Council unreasonably relied on non-expert testimony supporting the city’s position her dog was a pit bull mix. She further claimed that if her dog was in fact a pit bull mix, the city ordinance did not apply to mixed-breed pit bulls; therefore, the Council acted contrary to law when it concluded she violated the city ordinance and ordered her to remove her dog from the city.


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Case File 0603454 The Ombudsman received a complaint on August 29, 2006 alleging violations of the Iowa Open Meetings Law by the Luther City Council (Council) in its meeting on August 2, 2006. Based upon my review of the complaint, I identified the following allegations for investigation: • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5 by failing to announce the reason session on the August 2, 2006 meeting agenda. • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5 by holding a closed session for an impermissible reason. • The Council violated Iowa Code section 21.5(2) by discussing unrelated issues in the closed session.


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Report: #05-02 Kirke C. Quinn, Attorney for Jo Anne Holland, first contacted the Ombudsman by letter dated January 2, 2004. Quinn also addressed his letter to the Governor’s Office, Iowa State Patrol (ISP), and Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS). Quinn characterized his letter as a complaint against ISP regarding “the method and manner of reporting the death of Ross Holland to his surviving spouse.” According to Quinn, Mrs. Holland “went through hours of misery as a result of the patrol’s inattention to a tragic situation.” On January 7, 2004, the Ombudsman asked ISP Major Gary Hoskins, Supervisor of Field Operations, how ISP and DPS intended to respond to Mr. Quinn’s letter. Major Hoskins stated he would refer Quinn’s letter of complaint to DPS’ Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) for investigation and response. After speaking with Major Hoskins, the Ombudsman told Mr. Quinn that DPS would do an internal investigation and if he were not satisfied with the results he could contact the Ombudsman again. On March 29, 2004, Mr. Quinn contacted the Ombudsman and stated he was not satisfied with DPS’ response. Quinn stated he would send a copy of the response to the Ombudsman, along with a letter stating his outstanding issues and concerns. In his letter to the Ombudsman, dated May 5, Quinn simply stated: “Please find enclosed [a] copy of the letter received from the Department of Public Safety. We think this is an absolute outrage. We welcome your input.”


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A key component in preventing harassment is having each employer develop and implement a policy which prohibits harassment in the workplace. Having such a policy in place is also an important part of an employer’s defense should a harassment complaint be filed against the employer. This policy should be separate from and in addition to a general anti-discrimination policy. A good policy will set forth procedures that will encourage victims to come forward, that will protect confidentiality of the persons involved, that guards against retaliation, and that brings complaints to a resolution.


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On January 2, 2007, the Ombudsman received a complaint regarding the fee that county treasurers charge registrants at annual tax sales. The complainant said generally that many of the state’s counties, especially larger ones, appeared to be charging higher fees than was thought to be allowed by law. Investigation The investigation was conducted by Assistant Ombudsman Bert Dalmer. For purposes of this report, all investigative actions are ascribed to the Ombudsman. In early 2007, the Ombudsman surveyed tax-sale registration fees in 10 of the state’s 99 counties. Interviews of 10 county treasurers and/or some of their deputies were conducted. In addition, the Ombudsman researched the Iowa Code and relevant case law. The Ombudsman also consulted with the Iowa State Auditor and the president of the Iowa State County Treasurers Association.


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1.1 Fundamentals Chest pain is a common complaint in primary care patients (1 to 3% of all consultations) (1) and its aetiology can be miscellaneous, from harmless to potentially life threatening conditions. In primary care practice, the most prevalent aetiologies are: chest wall syndrome (43%), coronary heart disease (12%) and anxiety (7%) (2). In up to 20% of cases, potentially serious conditions as cardiac, respiratory or neoplasic diseases underlie chest pain. In this context, a large number of laboratory tests are run (42%) and over 16% of patients are referred to a specialist or hospitalized (2).¦A cardiovascular origin to chest pain can threaten patient's life and investigations run to exclude a serious condition can be expensive and involve a large number of exams or referral to specialist -­‐ often without real clinical need. In emergency settings, up to 80% of chest pains in patients are due to cardiovascular events (3) and scoring methods have been developed to identify conditions such as coronary heart disease (HD) quickly and efficiently (4-­‐6). In primary care, a cardiovascular origin is present in only about 12% of patients with chest pain (2) and general practitioners (GPs) need to exclude as safely as possible a potential serious condition underlying chest pain. A simple clinical prediction rule (CPR) like those available in emergency settings may therefore help GPs and spare time and extra investigations in ruling out CHD in primary care patients. Such a tool may also help GPs reassure patients with more common origin to chest pain.


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The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program operates as a unit within the Office of Elder Rights at Iowa Department of Elder Affairs. Duties of all long-term care ombudsmen are mandated by the Older Americans Act. This office serves people living in nursing facilities, residential care facilities, elder group homes and assisted living programs. With an increasing number of complaints for federal fiscal year 2006 this office continues to struggle with fulfilling all of the mandates of the Older Americans Act. Complaint investigations and working with residents and families remain the priority.


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Fatigue is defined as a sensation of exhaustion during or after usual activities. As much as one third of patients consulting a primary care physician report this complaint. After investigation, two-thirds of the patients have a somatic or psychiatric diagnosis. This review presents a seven-step approach to the patient who complains of fatigue.


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Questions and Answers on Filing A Civil Rights Complaint


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Scapulalgias or omalgias are a frequent complaint, with more than half of them being linked to an injury of the rotators cuff. As they often become chronic, omalgias result in higher rates of absenteeism and significant health care costs. Scapulalgias have three main causes: posttraumatic, intrinsic of the joint, or extrinsic. The extrinsic omalgias, either of neurologic, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or abdominal etiology, require swift identification, as their treatment is often an emergency. Most of the scapulalgias can be treated conservatively. Main factors of poor prognosis are old age, women gender and associated cervicalgias.