1000 resultados para commercial laying hens
Yolk color and egg white (albumen) cleanliness and viscosity are important parameters by which consumers judge the quality of eggs. This study aimed to investigate changes in albumen viscosity during storage of eggs for up to 36 days from two different commercial laying hen strains (Carijo Barbada and Isa Brown) fed a diet containing annatto (1.5 and 2.0%) or a synthetic additive without synthetic colorants (control). Analyses of humidity, albumen height, pH, viscosity, foam formation, and stability were carried out on eggs. Carijo Barbada strain had smaller albumen, lower humidity and higher egg white viscosity than Isa Brown strain; however, with storage, viscosity lowered significantly on both strains. Initially, the addition of 2.0% of annatto or a synthetic additive increased viscosity in both strains, but with storage only the control maintained longer viscosity. Lower viscosity did not change foam density and stability.
El objetivo general de esta Tesis doctoral fue estudiar la influencia de diversos factores nutricionales sobre los parámetros productivos y el desarrollo del tracto digestivo de pollitas rubias destinadas a la producción de huevos comerciales. Para alcanzar este objetivo se realizaron tres experimentos donde se estudió el cereal principal, el tamaño de partícula del cereal y el nivel de energía y la presentación de los piensos. En el experimento 1 se estudió la influencia del cereal (piensos con enzimas) y la presentación del pienso sobre los parámetros productivos y las características del tracto digestivo en 576 pollitas rubias de 1 a 120 d de edad. De 1 a 45 d de la edad, se utilizaron 4 piensos experimentales organizados de forma factorial con 2 cereales al 50% de inclusión (maíz vs. trigo) y 2 presentaciones del pienso (harina vs. gránulo de 2- mm de diámetro). Cada tratamiento se replicó 6 veces (24 pollitas por réplica). De 46 a 120 d de edad todas las dietas (maíz o trigo) se ofrecieron en harina y por tanto, la única diferencia entre tratamientos fue el cereal utilizado. De 1 a 120 d de edad, las pollitas que recibieron los piensos basados en maíz tuvieron una ganancia de peso vivo (PV) superior (P < 0,05) que las que recibieron los piensos basados en trigo, pero el índice de conversión (IC) fue similar para ambos grupos. De 1 a 45 d de edad, las pollitas alimentadas con gránulo consumieron más pienso (P < 0,001) y tuvieron una ganancia de peso superior (P < 0,001) que las pollitas alimentadas con harina. Gran parte de los efectos beneficiosos de la granulación sobre los parámetros productivos se mantuvieron al final de la prueba (120 d de edad). A los 45 d de edad, el peso relativo de la molleja (PR; g/kg PV) fue superior (P < 0,01) en pollitas alimentadas con maíz que en pollitas alimentadas con trigo. La alimentación en gránulo redujo el PR del tracto gastro intestinal (TGI) y de la molleja (P < 0,001), así como la longitud relativa (LR; cm/kg PV) del intestino delgado (P< 0.01) a ambas edades (45 y 120 d de edad). El tipo de cereal utilizado no afectó al pH del contenido de la molleja a 120 d de edad pero fué inferior (P < 0,01) en las pollitas que recibieron el pienso en harina de 1 a 45 d de la edad que en las que recibieron el pienso en gránulo. Se concluye que el trigo puede substituir al maíz en piensos para pollitas si se acepta una ligera reducción en la ganancia de peso. Asímismo, la alimentación en gránulo de 1 a 45 d de edad aumentó la ganancia de peso a esta edad y al final de la prueba, así como el pH de la molleja a 120 d de edad. La presentación del pienso en gránulo redujo el PR de la molleja y la LR del TGI a 120 d de edad. En el experimento 2 se utilizaron un total de 864 pollitas rubias Hy-Line de 1 d de edad para estudiar la influencia del cereal de la dieta (500 g de maíz o trigo/kg) y el tamaño de partícula del mismo (molienda con molino de martillos con un diámetro de criba de 6, 8, o 10-mm) sobre los parámetros productivos y las características del TGI de 1 a 120 d de edad. Cada uno de los 6 tratamientos se replicó 6 veces (24 pollitas por réplica). De 1 a 45 d de edad, la ganancia de PV aumentó (P< 0,001) y el IC se mejoró (P < 0,05) al reducir el tamaño de partícula del cereal, pero no se observaron diferencias en el periodo crecimiento de 45 a 120 d de edad. A los 45 d de vida, las pollitas alimentadas con maíz tendieron (P < 0,10) a tener un mayor PR del TGI y del proventrículo y una mayor LR del intestino delgado que las pollitas alimentadas con trigo. Asímismo, el PR del TGI a esta edad, aumentó (P < 0,05) a medida que aumentaba el tamaño de partícula del cereal utilizado. A los 120 d de edad, el tratamiento no afectó el PR de ninguno de los órganos del TGI ni al pH de la molleja. Sin embargo, la LR del intestino delgado fue superior (P < 0,05) para las pollitas alimentadas con trigo que para las pollitas alimentadas con maíz. La LR del TGI se redujó (P < 0,05) al aumentar el tamaño de partícula del cereal. Se concluye que el trigo puede incluirse 500 g/kg en piensos de pollitas de 1 a 120 días de edad y que el tamaño de partícula de los cereales afecta el crecimiento de las pollitas durante los primeros 45 d de vida, pero no después. Por lo tanto, se recomienda moler el cereal utilizado al inicio del período de recría (1 a 45 d de edad) con una criba de diámetro igual o inferior a 8 mm. En el experimento 3 se utilizaron un total de 1.152 pollitas rubias Hy-Line de 1 d de edad para estudiar la influencia del nivel de energía de la dieta y la presentación del pienso sobre la productividad y las características del TGI. De 1 a 45 d de edad se utilizaron 6 piensos organizados de forma factorial con 3 concentraciones energéticas (baja: 11,44 MJ; media: 12,05 MJ y alta: 12,66 MJ/kg) y 2 presentaciones del pienso (harina vs. gránulo). De 45 a 120 d todos los piensos experimentales se suministraron en forma de harina y por tanto, la única diferencia entre tratamientos fue el nivel de EMAn utilizado. Cada uno de los 6 tratamientos se replicó 8 veces y la unidad experimental fue la jaula con 24 pollitas. De 1 a 120 d de edad, la ganancia de PV y el IC mejoraron a medida que aumentó la EMAn del pienso (P < 0,001). Las pollitas alimentadas con gránulo de 1 a 45 d de edad comieron mas y tuvieron una ganancia de peso superior (P < 0,001) que las alimentadas con harina. En el global de la prueba, la ganancia de PV fue mayor (P < 0,01) para las pollitas alimentadas con piensos en gránulo. A los 45 d de edad, el PR de todos los segmentos del TGI estudiados fue inferior para las pollitas alimentadas con piensos de alta energía que para las pollitas alimentadas con piensos de media o baja energía. A 120 d de edad, el PR de la molleja fue superior (P < 0,01) para las pollitas alimentadas con piensos de baja energía que con los otros piensos. Sin embargo, la LR del TGI no se vió afectada por el nivel de energía de los piensos. A los 45 d de edad, la alimentación con gránulo redujo el PR del proventrículo (P < 0,05), de la molleja (P < 0,001) y del TGI (P < 0.001), así como la LR del intestino delgado (P < 0,05) y de los ciegos (P < 0,001). A pesar de que las pollitas solo recibieron los piensos en gránulo durante los primeros 45 d de vida, la alimentación con gránulos redujo el PR de la molleja y del proventrículo a 120 d de edad. Se concluye que la alimentación con gránulos durante los primeros 45 d de vida mejora el consumo de pienso y el PV de las pollitas a 120 d de edad. Un aumento del nivel de energía de la dieta de 12,0 a 12,7 MJ/kg mejora los parámetros productivos de 1 a 120 d de edad pero reduce el tamaño del proventrículo y de la molleja. En base de estos resultados concluimos que maíz y trigo con enzimas pueden utilizarse indistintamente en piensos para pollitas de 1 a 120 d de edad con sólo una ligera disminución del PV final con trigo. La granulación y la reducción del tamaño de partícula del cereal del pienso de primera edad (1 a 45 d de vida) y el uso de piensos de alta densidad energética, mejoran los PV a 120 d de edad. Por lo tanto, es recomendable moler los cereales con cribas de no más de 8-mm de diámetro. También, la granulación del pienso y el uso de piensos de alta energía (pobres en fibra bruta) pueden reducir el desarrollo del TGI especialmente de la molleja, lo que puede perjudicar el consumo posterior de pienso durante el inicio del ciclo de puesta. ABSTRACT The general objective of this Thesis was to study the effect of different nutritional factors on productive performance and the development of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of commercial brown egg-laying pullets from 1 to 120 d of age. In this respect, the influence of type and particle size of the cereal, and feed form, and energy content of the die,t were studied in 3 experiments. In experiment 1, the influence of the main cereal and feed form of the diet on performance and GIT traits was studied in 576 brown-egg laying pullets from 1 to 120 d of age. From 1 to 45 d of age, 4 diets arranged factorially with 2 cereals (maize vs. wheat) and 2 feed forms (mash vs. pellets) were used. Each treatment was replicated 6 times (24 pullets per replicate). From 46 to 120 d of age, all diets were offered in mash form and therefore, the only difference among diets was the cereal used. Cumulatively, pullets fed the maize diets had higher body weight (BW) gain (P< 0.05) but similar feed conversion ratio (FCR) than pullets fed the wheat diets. From 1 to 45 d of age, pullets fed pellets consumed more feed (P < 0.001) and had higher BW gain (P < 0.001) than pullets fed mash. Most of the beneficial effects of pelleting on productive performance of the birds were still evident at 120 d of age. At 45 d of age, gizzard relative weight (RW; g/kg BW) was higher (P < 0.01) in pullets fed maize than in pullets fed wheat. Feeding pellets reduced the RW of the GIT and the gizzard (P < 0.001) as well as the relative length (RL; cm/kg BW) of the small intestine (SI, P < 0.01) at both ages. The pH of the gizzard contents at 120 d of age was not affected by the main cereal of the diet, but was lower in pullets fed mash from 1 to 45 d of age (P < 0.01) than in pullets fed pellets. We conclude that wheat supplemented with enzymes can be used in substitution of maize in pullet diets with only a slight reduction in BW gain at 120 d of age. Also, feeding pellets from 1 to 45 d of age increased BW gain and pH of the gizzard, and reduced the RW of the gizzard and the RL of the GIT at 120 d of age. In experiment 2, a total of 864 brown-egg laying pullets was used to study the effects of the main cereal of the diet (500 g maize or wheat/kg) and particle size of the cereal (hammer milled to pass through a 6, 8, and 10-mm screen) on growth performance and GIT traits from 1 to 120 d of age. Each of the 6 treatments was replicated 6 times (24 pullets per replicate). Type of cereal did not affect pullet performance at any age. From 1 to 45 d of age, BW gain was increased (P < 0.001) and FCR was improved (P < 0.05) as the particle size of the cereal was reduced, but no effects were observed after this age. At 45 d of age, pullets fed maize tended (P < 0.10) to have a heavier RW of the GIT and proventriculus and a higher relative length (RL, cm/kg BW) of the SI than pullets fed wheat. Also at this age, the RW of the GIT increased (P < 0.05) with increases in particle size of the cereal. At 120 d of age, dietary treatment did not affect the RW of any of the organs studied or gizzard pH, but the RL of the SI was higher (P < 0.05) for pullets fed wheat than for pullets fed maize. Also, the RL of the SI was reduced (P < 0.05) as the particle size of the cereal increased. We conclude that 500 g wheat/kg can be included in pullet feeds from 1 to 120 d of age, and that particle size of the cereal affects pullet performance during the first 45 d of life but not thereafter. Therefore, it is recommended to grind the cereal used in this period with a screen size of no more than 8-mm. In experiment 3, a total of 1,152 one-day-old Hy-Line Brown egg laying pullets were used to study the influence of the energy content of the diet and feed form on productive performance and on several GIT traits. From 1 to 45 d of age, there were 6 diets arranged factorially with 3 concentrations of AMEn (low: 11.66 MJ/kg, medium: 12.05 MJ/kg and high: 12.66 MJ/kg) of the diet and 2 feed forms (mash vs. pellets). From 45 to 120 d all diets were fed in mash form and therefore, the only difference among treatments in this period was the energy content of the diets. Each of the 6 treatments was replicated 8 times and the experimental unit was formed by 24 pullets. Cumulatively, BW gain and FCR improved as the AMEn of the diet increased (P < 0.001). Also, pullets fed pellets from 1 to 45 d of age had higher feed intake and BW gain (P < 0.001) in this period and higher cumulative BW gain (P < 0.01) than pullets fed mash. At 45 d of age, the RWof all the segments of the GIT was lower for pullets fed the high- than for pullets fed the medium- or low- energy diets. At 120 d of age, the RW of the gizzard was higher (P < 0.01) for pullets fed the low energy diets than for pullets fed the other diets. However, the RL of the GIT was not affected by the energy content of the diet. Feeding pellets reduced the RW of the proventriculus (P < 0.05), gizzard (P < 0.001), and GIT (P < 0.001), as well as the RL of the small intestine (P < 0.05) and the ceaca (P < 0.001) at 45 d of age. The effects of feeding pellets on RW of gizzard and proventriculus were still evident at 120 d of age. We concluded that feeding pellets from 1 to 45 d of age improved feed intake and BW of pullets at 120 d of age and that an increase in the energy content of the diet increased pullet performance at all ages but reduced the RW of the proventriculus and gizzard. We conclude that maize and wheat can be used indistinctly in diets for egg laying pullets from 1 to 120 d of age, with only a slight reduction in final BW when wheat is used. Also, particle size of the cereal affects pullet performance during the first 45 d of life but not thereafter. Pelleting of the feeds, and grinding the cereal with a screen size of no more than 8-mm from 1 to 45 d of age, and the use of high density energy diets are recommended in order to achieve adequate target BW at 120 d of age. However, pelleting of the feed, very fine grinding, and the use of high AMEn diets might hinder the development of the GIT, especially that of the gizzard, which might affect feed intake of laying hens especially at the beginning of the production cycle.
Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry skills and the feed available. These systems include the following: (1) a complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum; (2) the same feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum; (3) a complete feed with added whole grain; (4) a complete wet feed given once or twice a day; (5) a complete feed offered on a restricted basis; (6) choice feeding. Of all these, an interesting alternative to offering complete diets is choice feeding which can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale. Under choice feeding or free-choice feeding birds are usually offered a choice between three types of feedstuffs: (a) an energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat); (b) a protein source (e.g. soyabean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus vitamins and minerals and (c), in the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit). This system differs from the modern commercial practice of offering a complete diet comprising energy and protein sources, ground and mixed together. Under the complete diet system, birds are mainly only able to exercise their appetite for energy. When the environmental temperature varies, the birds either over- or under-consume protein and calcium. The basic principle behind practising choice feeding with laying hens is that individual hens are able to select from the various feed ingredients on offer and compose their own diet, according to their actual needs and production capacity. A choice-feeding system is of particular importance to small poultry producers in developing countries, such as Indonesia, because it can substantially reduce the cost of feed. The system is flexible and can be constructed in such a way that the various needs of a flock of different breeds, including village chickens, under different climates can be met. The system also offers a more effective way to use home-produced grain, such as maize, and by-products, such as rice bran, in developing countries. Because oyster-shell grit is readily available in developing countries at lower cost than limestone, the use of cheaper oyster-shell grit can further benefit small-holders in these countries. These benefits apart, simpler equipment suffices when designing and building a feed mixer on the farm, and transport costs are lower. If whole (unground) grain is used, the intake of which is accompanied by increased efficiency of feed utilisation, the costs of grinding, mixing and many of the handling procedures associated with mash and pellet preparation are eliminated. The choice feedstuffs can all be offered in the current feed distribution systems, either by mixing the ingredients first or by using a bulk bin divided into three compartments.
Mycoplasmas are important avian pathogens, which cause respiratory and joint diseases that result in large economic losses in Brazilian and world-wide poultry industry. This investigation regarding the main species of mycoplasmas, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and M. synoviae (MS), responsible for the above mentioned conditions, was carried out through PCR Multiplex analysis. One thousand and forty-six (1,046) samples of tracheal swabs and piped embryos were collected from 33 farms with laying hens, breeders, broilers or hatchery, located in the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Paraná and Pernambuco, where respiratory problems or drops in egg production had occurred. The MG and MS prevalence on the farms was 72.7%. These results indicated (1) high dissemination of mycoplasmas in the evaluated farms, with predominance of MS, either as single infectious agent or associated with other mycoplasmas in 20 farms (60.6%), and (2) an increase of MS and decrease of MG infection in Brazilian commercial poultry.
Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) caused by Brachyspira spp., and notably Brachyspira pilosicoli, is common in layer flocks and reportedly of increasing incidence in broilers and broiler breeders. Disease manifests as diar- rhoea, increased feed consumption, reduced growth rates and occasional mortality in broilers and these signs are shown in layers also associated with a delayed onset of lay, reduced egg weights, faecal staining of eggshells and non-productive ovaries. Treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin has been used to protect against B. pilosicoli colonisation, persistence and clinical presentation of AIS in commercial layers, but to date there has been no de- finitive study validating efficacy. Here, we used a poultry model of B. pilosicoli infection of layers to compare the impact of three doses of Denagard® Tiamulin. Four groups of thirty 17 week old commercial pre-lay birds were all challenged with B. pilosicoli strain B2904 with three oral doses two days apart. All birds were colonised within 2 days after the final oral challenge and mild onset of clinical signs were observed thereafter. A fifth group that was unchallenged and untreated was also included for comparison as healthy birds. Five days after the final oral Brachypira challenge three groups were given Denagard® Tiamulin in drinking water made up following the manufacturer's recommendations with doses verified as 58.7 ppm, 113 ppm and 225 ppm. Weight gain body condition and the level of diarrhoea of birds infected with B. pilosicoli were improved and shedding of the organism reduced significantly (p = 0.001) following treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin irrespective of dose given. The level and duration of colonisation of organs of birds infected with B. pilosicoli was also reduced. Confirming previous findings we showed that the ileum, caeca, colon, and both liver and spleen were colonised and here we demonstrated that treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin resulted in significant reduction in the numbers of Brachyspira found in each of these sites and dramatic reduction in faecal shedding (p b 0.001) to ap- proaching zero as assessed by culture of cloacal swabs. Although the number of eggs produced per bird and the level of eggshell staining appeared unaffected, egg weights of treated birds were greater than those of untreated birds for a period of approximately two weeks following treatment. These data conclusively demonstrate the ef- fectiveness of Denagard® Tiamulin in reducing B. pilosicoli infection in laying hens.
Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) caused by Brachyspira spp., and notably Brachyspira pilosicoli, is common in layer flocks and reportedly of increasing incidence in broilers and broiler breeders. Disease manifests as diarrhoea,increased feed consumption, reduced growth rates and occasional mortality in broilers and these signs are shown in layers also associated with a delayed onset of lay, reduced egg weights, faecal staining of eggshells and non-productive ovaries. Treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin has been used to protect against B. pilosicoli colonisation, persistence and clinical presentation of AIS in commercial layers, but to date there has been no definitive study validating efficacy. Here, we used a poultry model of B. pilosicoli infection of layers to compare the impact of three doses of Denagard® Tiamulin. Four groups of thirty 17 week old commercial pre-lay birds were all challengedwith B. pilosicoli strain B2904with three oral doses two days apart. All birdswere colonised within 2 days after the final oral challenge and mild onset of clinical signs were observed thereafter. A fifth group that was unchallenged and untreated was also included for comparison as healthy birds. Five days after the final oral Brachypira challenge three groups were given Denagard® Tiamulin in drinking water made up following the manufacturer's recommendations with doses verified as 58.7 ppm, 113 ppm and 225 ppm. Weight gain body condition and the level of diarrhoea of birds infected with B. pilosicoli were improved and shedding of the organism reduced significantly (p = 0.001) following treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin irrespective of dose given. The level and duration of colonisation of organs of birds infected with B. pilosicoli was also reduced. Confirming previous findings we showed that the ileum, caeca, colon, and both liver and spleen were colonised and here we demonstrated that treatment with Denagard® Tiamulin resulted in significant reduction in the numbers of Brachyspira found in each of these sites and dramatic reduction in faecal shedding (p b 0.001) to approaching zero as assessed by culture of cloacal swabs. Although the number of eggs produced per bird and the level of eggshell staining appeared unaffected, egg weights of treated birds were greater than those of untreated birds for a period of approximately two weeks following treatment. These data conclusively demonstrate the effectiveness of Denagard® Tiamulin in reducing B. pilosicoli infection in laying hens.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of replacing corn with pearl millet in commercial layer diets, formulated according to the minimal requirements for total and digestible amino acids. Two hundred and forty Lohmann LSL laying hens with 25 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design according to a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement with 3 replicates of 8 birds. Feed was formulated on two amino acid basis (total or digestible) according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and there were five pearl millet inclusion levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Performance and egg quality were evaluated during five periods of 21 days.At the end of each period, feed intake, egg production, egg weight and feed conversion were evaluated. In the last three days of each period, the following egg quality parameters were evaluated: Haugh Unit, yolk pigmentation index, egg specific weight, shell percentage and shell thickness. Digestible amino acid requirements resulted in decreased feed intake (p<0.01) and increased production costs per mass of eggs (kg) or per dozen eggs (p<0.01) compared to total amino acid requirements. There was a linear reduction in feed intake, egg production, egg weight and yolk pigmentation index with increasing inclusion levels of pearl millet. Therefore, increasing levels of replacement of corn by pearl millet affected bird performance negatively. Besides, production costs were higher with increasing pearl millet levels.
This study aimed at determining the minimum time required for the penetration of Salmonella Heidelberg inside the eggs after contact with contaminated material. Recently-collected brown and white eggs from laying hens between 45-50 weeks of age, reared in a commercial poultry house, were artificially contaminated by contact with wood shavings moistened with liquid inoculum of Salmonella Heidelberg in stationary-growth phase (10³-10(4) CFU g-1). According to type (white or brown), eggs were distributed into three different groups, with four replicates each: negative control group (no artificial contamination), positive control group (analyzed externally immediately after contamination and internally after the maximum storage period of the test group) and test group. Eggs were stored at controlled environmental temperature varying from 25ºC to 30ºC. In the test group, eggs contents (yolk and albumen) were pooled and analyzed after 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 hours after contamination for the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg in 25g of this pool. The experimental unit consisted of five eggs in each test. The analysis protocol included pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, plating on selective agar, and biochemical and serological tests. The results obtained were submitted to logistic regression, which indicated that the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg was verified after 2:16 h and 2:44 h of contact with white and brown eggs, respectively.
This paper aimed at evaluating the influence of diets containing different isotopic values of carbon-13 turnover on the half-life of egg (yolk + albumen), yolk and albumen individually, and blood of poultry using δ‰ 13C isotopic variation. Commercial layers fed four experimental isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets (RC 4, RC 3, RMC 4 and RMC 3) containing different isotopic values, during an experimental period of 56 days. Turnover of the studied tissues was influenced by the experimental diets. Blood and albumen were more influenced by dietary treatments as compared to egg and yolk. The RMC 3 diet induced better performance (better feed intake and higher egg production) due faster rate of carbon substitution than the RC 4 diet, and lower half-life for egg (yolk + albumen), yolk, and albumen.
With the objective to establish the best metabolizable energy (ME) intake for layers, and the best dietary vegetable oil addition level to optimize egg production, an experiment was carried out with 432 30-week-old Hisex Brown layers. Birds were distributed into nine treatments with six replicates of eight birds each according to a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of three daily metabolizable energy intake (280, 300 or 320 kcal/bird/day) and three oil levels (0.00; 0.75 and 1.50 g/bird/day). Daily feed intake was limited to 115, 110 and 105 g/bird in order to obtain the desired energy and oil intake in each treatment. The following parameters were evaluated: initial weight, final weight, body weight change, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and per egg mass and energy conversion. There was no influence of the treatments on egg production (%) or egg mass (g/bird/day). Final weight and body weight change were significantly affected by increasing energy intake. Feed conversion ratio per egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and energy conversion significantly worsened as a function of the increase in daily energy intake. An energy intake of 280 kcal/bird/day with no addition of dietary oil does not affect layer performance.
Laying hens in loose-housing systems select a nest daily in which to lay their eggs among many identical looking nests, they often prefer corner nests. We investigated whether heterogeneity in nest curtain appearance – via colours and symbols – would influence nest selection and result in an even distribution of eggs among nests. We studied pre-laying behaviour in groups of 30 LSL hens across two consecutive trials with eight groups per trial. Half of the groups had access to six identical rollaway group-nests, while the others had access to six nests of the same type differing in outer appearance. Three colours (red, green, yellow) and three black symbols (cross, circle, rectangle) were used to create three different nest curtain designs per pen. Nest position and the side of entrance to the pens were changed at 28 and 30 weeks of age, respectively, whereby the order of changes was counterbalanced across trials. Nest positions were numbered 1–6, with nest position 1 representing the nest closest to the pen entrance. Eggs were counted per nest daily from week of age 18 to 33. Nest visits were recorded individually with an RFID system for the first 5 h of light throughout weeks 24–33. Hens with access to nests differing in curtain appearance entered fewer nests daily than hens with identical nests throughout the study but both groups entered more nests with increasing age. We found no other evidence that curtain appearance affected nest choice and hens were inconsistent in their daily nest selection. A high proportion of eggs were laid in corner nests especially during the first three weeks of lay. The number of visits per egg depended upon nest position and age: it increased with age and was higher after the nest position change than before in nest position 1, whereas it stayed stable over time in nest position 6. At 24 weeks of age, gregarious nest visits (hens visiting an occupied nest when there was at least one unoccupied nest) and solitary nest visits (hens visiting an unoccupied nest when there was at least one occupied nest) accounted for a similar amount of nest visits, however, after the door switch, gregarious nest visits made up more than half of all nest visits, while the number of solitary nest visits had decreased. The visual cues were too subtle or inadequate for hens to develop individual preferences while nest position, entrance side, age and nest occupancy affected the quantity and type of nest visits.
Heat stress limits the productivity of laying hens, as reflected by egg production and egg quality. The present study aimed at showing the correlations between egg quality parameters and environmental variables recorded on the day eggs were laid and on the previous days. Birds were housed in battery cages in a commercial poultry house. Main component analyses were used to verify associations between environmental and production variables, and Pearson's linear correlation tests were used to further investigate those associations. Analyses were carried out separately for to layer strains, Dekalb® White and Hy-Line® w36, and the variables egg weight (g), eggshell weight (g), specific gravity (g/cm³) and eggshell percentage (%) were compared with the environmental variables of the same day of the production, and one, two, three, and four days before egg production. Sound intensity measured inside the houses was positively associated with the quality parameters of eggs produced on the next day. Thermal environmental variables affected the egg quality differently in each strain, particularly air temperature, internal roof tile temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity. Ammonia concentration measured inside the houses was lower than 1ppm, and did not affect production performance.
Les infections à Salmonella Enteritidis chez les humains sont associées à la consommation d’œufs ou d’ovoproduits contaminés. La vaccination est un outil utilisé pour diminuer les risques d’infection à SE chez la volaille, mais avec des résultats variables. Au Canada deux bactérines, MBL SE4C et Layermune, sont couramment utilisées pour lutter contre SE. Cependant, leur efficacité n’a pas été complètement déterminée chez les poules pondeuses plus âgées. Par ailleurs, la capacité de ces vaccins à prévenir la transmission verticale et horizontale n’a pas encore été étudiée. L’objectif principal de cette étude était d’évaluer l’effet des deux bactérines sur la réponse immunitaire chez les poules pondeuses, de vérifier la protection conférée par ces vaccins contre l’infection expérimentale à SE, et d’identifier des protéines immunogènes afin de développer un vaccin sous-unitaire. Les oiseaux ont été vaccinés avec deux protocoles d’immunisation en cours d’élevage (soit à 12 et 18, ou à 16 semaines d’âge). Le groupe contrôle a été injecté avec la solution saline. Les oiseaux ont été inoculés per os avec 2 x 109 CFU de la souche SE lysotype 4 à 55 ou à 65 semaines d’âge. Les anticorps (IgG et IgA) ont été mesurés à différents temps avec un ELISA maison en utilisant l’antigène entier de SE. La phagocytose, flambée oxydative, les populations des splénocytes B et T ont été analysées en utilisant la cytométrie en flux. Les signes cliniques, l’excrétion fécale, la contamination des jaunes d’œufs et l’invasion des salmonelles dans les organes ont été étudiés pour évaluer l’efficacité de protection. La transmission horizontale a aussi été étudiée en évaluant l’infection à SE chez les oiseaux mis en contact avec les oiseaux inoculés. Les protéines immunogènes ont été identifiées par SDS-PAGE et Western blot à l’aide d’antisérums prélevés suite à la vaccination et/ou à l’infection expérimentale/naturelle, puis caractérisées par la spectrométrie de masse. Le protocole de vaccination avec deux immunisations a généré un niveau élevé de séroconversion à partir de 3 jusqu’à 32-34 semaines post-vaccination par rapport à celui avec une seule immunisation (p < 0.02), mais il n’y avait plus de différence entre les groupes à 54 et 64 semaines d’âge. Il n’y a pas eu de corrélation entre les niveaux d’IgG et les taux d’isolement des salmonelles dans les organes et des jaunes d’œuf. La production des IgA n’a été observée que chez les oiseaux vaccinés avec 2 injections de MBL SE4C (p ≤ 0.04). Après l’infection expérimentale, la production des IgA a été significativement plus élevée aux jours 1 et 7 p.i dans l’oviducte des oiseaux vaccinés (sauf pour le groupe vacciné avec 2 injections de Layermune) par comparaison avec le groupe contrôle (p ≤ 0.03). Seule la bactérine MBL SE4C a eu un effet protecteur contre la contamination des jaunes d’œuf chez les oiseaux infectés. Ce vaccin réduit partiellement en utilisant deux immunisations, le taux d’excrétion fécale des salmonelles chez les oiseaux inoculés et les oiseaux horizontalement infectés (p ≤ 0.02). Cinq des protéines identifiées par la spectrométrie de masse sont considérées comme des protéines potentiellement candidates pour une étude plus approfondie de leur immonogénicité: Lipoamide dehydrogenase, Enolase (2-phosphoglycerate dehydratase) (2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase), Elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) et DNA protection during starvation protein. En général, les bactérines ont induit une immunité humorale (IgG et IgA) chez les poules pondeuses. Cette réponse immunitaire a protégé partiellement les oiseaux quant à l’élimination des salmonelles, la contamination des jaunes d’œuf, ainsi que la transmission horizontale. Dans cette étude, la bactérine MBL SE4C (avec deux immunisations) s’est montrée plus efficace pour protéger les oiseaux que la bactérine Layermune. Nos résultats apportent des informations objectives et complémentaires sur le potentiel de deux bactérines pour lutter contre SE chez les poules pondeuses. Étant donné la protection partielle obtenue en utilisant ces vaccins, l’identification des antigènes immunogènes a permis de sélectionner des protéines spécifiques pour l’élaboration éventuelle d’un vaccin plus efficace contre SE chez les volailles.