873 resultados para clay microstructure


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A cortical visuomotor network, comprising the medial intraparietal sulcus (mIPS) and the dorsal premotor area (PMd), encodes the sensorimotor transformations required for the on-line control of reaching movements. How information is transmitted between these two regions and which pathways are involved, are less clear. Here, we use a multimodal approach combining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate whether structural connectivity in the 'reaching' circuit is associated to variations in the ability to control and update a movement. We induced a transient disruption of the neural processes underlying on-line motor adjustments by applying 1Hz rTMS over the mIPS. After the stimulation protocol, participants globally showed a reduction of the number of corrective trajectories during a reaching task that included unexpected visual perturbations. A voxel-based analysis revealed that participants exhibiting higher fractional anisotropy (FA) in the second branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF II) suffered less rTMS-induced behavioral impact. These results indicate that the microstructural features of the white matter bundles within the parieto-frontal 'reaching' circuit play a prominent role when action reprogramming is interfered. Moreover, our study suggests that the structural alignment and cohesion of the white matter tracts might be used as a predictor to characterize the extent of motor impairments.


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Two small, alluvial-lacustrine subbasins developed during the early restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene-Miocene As Pontes strike-slip Basin (NW Spain). Later, the basin evolved into a restraining bend stage and an alluvial-swamp-dominated depositional framework developed. The palaeobiological record demonstrates that the Oligocene-Miocene palaeoclimate in NW Spain was subtropical, warm and humid to subhumid.


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Mapping the microstructure properties of the local tissues in the brain is crucial to understand any pathological condition from a biological perspective. Most of the existing techniques to estimate the microstructure of the white matter assume a single axon orientation whereas numerous regions of the brain actually present a fiber-crossing configuration. The purpose of the present study is to extend a recent convex optimization framework to recover microstructure parameters in regions with multiple fibers.


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This paper reviews and extends our previous work to enable fast axonal diameter mapping from diffusion MRI data in the presence of multiple fibre populations within a voxel. Most of the existing mi-crostructure imaging techniques use non-linear algorithms to fit their data models and consequently, they are computationally expensive and usually slow. Moreover, most of them assume a single axon orientation while numerous regions of the brain actually present more complex configurations, e.g. fiber crossing. We present a flexible framework, based on convex optimisation, that enables fast and accurate reconstructions of the microstructure organisation, not limited to areas where the white matter is coherently oriented. We show through numerical simulations the ability of our method to correctly estimate the microstructure features (mean axon diameter and intra-cellular volume fraction) in crossing regions.


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We sometimes vividly remember things that did not happen, a phenomenon with general relevance, not only in the courtroom. It is unclear to what extent individual differences in false memories are driven by anatomical differences in memory-relevant brain regions. Here we show in humans that microstructural properties of different white matter tracts as quantified using diffusion tensor imaging are strongly correlated with true and false memory retrieval. To investigate these hypotheses, we tested a large group of participants in a version of the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm (recall and recognition) and subsequently obtained diffusion tensor images. A voxel-based whole-brain level linear regression analysis was performedto relatefractional anisotropyto indices oftrue andfalse memory recall and recognition. True memory was correlated to diffusion anisotropy in the inferior longitudinal fascicle, the major connective pathway of the medial temporal lobe, whereas a greater proneness to retrieve false items was related to the superior longitudinal fascicle connecting frontoparietal structures. Our results show that individual differences in white matter microstructure underlie true and false memory performance.


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In this work, a smectite clay from the State of Paraiba, Brazil, was treated with six different types of ammonium salts, which is an usual method to enhance the affinity between the clay and polymer for the preparation of nanocomposites. The clays, before and after modification, were characterized by X ray diffraction. The conformation of the salts within the platelets of the clay depended on the number of long alkyl chains of the salt. The thermal stability of the clays was also studied. The ammonium salts thermal decomposition was explained in light of their position within the organoclays.


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The wear resistance of rotary plows operating in a clay loam soil was studied. The degree of damage caused to the soil and the amount of mass lost by the tools were determined in order to establish correlations between the physical properties of the soil and the wear mechanisms acting on the tribosystem. Field tests were carried out in 12 plots and a randomized experimental design with 4 levels, 3 replicas per level and 2 passes per plot was applied. The levels relate to the tillage implements employed: rotary tiller, rotary power harrow, small motorized rotary tiller and control (unaltered soil). The highest mass losses were measured in rotary tiller and rotary power harrow's tools, while the small motorized rotary tiller's tools showed generally lower levels of damage. It was determined that the effective contact time between tool and soil, the rotating speed and the sudden impact forces are the most significant factors affecting the wear resistance in field operations. Thirty days after tillage operation the soil samples were taken from each plot at a mean depth of 100 mm in order to determine bulk density, gravimetric moisture content and percentage of aggregates smaller than 5 mm. No significant differences among the values of these properties were found in the experiments. The wear mechanisms acting on the tools' surface are complex and include 2-body and 3-body abrasion as well as the presence of sudden impact forces.


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En djupare förståelse för växelverkan mellan partiklar i suspensioner är av betydelse för utvecklingen av en mängd olika industriella produkter och processer. Till exempel kan nämnas pigmentbaserade färger och bestrykning av papper. Genom att öka kontrollbarheten kan dessa lättare optimeras för att uppnå förbättrade produktegenskaper och/eller sänkta produktionskostnader. Av stor betydelse är även en förbättrad möjlighet att minska produktens miljöpåverkan. I avhandlingen studerades jonstyrkan och jonspecificiteten inverkan i olika akvatiska suspensioner innehållande olika elektrolyter. De partiklar som avhandlingen omfattade var metalloxider, leror samt latex. Jonstyrkan studerades från låga (c <10-3M) till och med höga (c> 10-1M) elektrolytkoncentrationer. Vid koncentrationer under 0.1 M var partikelladdningen styrd av pH och jonstyrkan. Vid högre elektrolytkoncentrationer påverkade även jonspecificiteten partikelladdningen. Jonspecificiteten arrangerades i fenomenologiska serier funna i litteraturen samt med Born modellen definierad i termodynamiken. Överraskande höga absoluta zeta-potential värden erhölls vid höga elektrolytkoncentrationer vilket visar att den elektrostatiska repulsionen har betydelse även vid dessa förhållanden. Vidare studerades titanoxidsuspensioners egenskaper i akvatiska, icke-akvatiska och blandade lösningssystem under varierande koncentration av oxal- och fosfatsyra. Vid lågt vatteninnehåll studerades även suspensioner med svavelsyra. Konduktiviteten i suspensioner med lågt vatteninnehåll ökade med tillsatt oxal- eller fosforsyra vilket är en omvänd effekt jämfört med svavelsyra eller akvatiska suspensioner. Den omvända effekten skiftade gradvis tillbaka med ökad vatteninnehåll. En analys av suspensionernas adsorption i höga etanolkoncentrationer gjordes med konduktiviteten, pH och zeta-potentialen. Viskositet studerades och applicerades framgångsrikt i viskositet/ytladdningsmodeller utvecklade för akvatiska suspensioner.


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Weeds interfere dramatically in the productive potential of cassava; however, information regarding herbicides that are selective to crops is still scarce. Thus, the aim in this study was to assess the initial growth of IAC 90 cassava plants after the application of sulfentrazone at different stages of germination of cassava in clayey and sandy soils. Three experiments were simultaneously deployed: the first experiment consisted in the application of sulfentrazone in the non-germinated stage of cassava cuttings; the second one in the stage of germinated cassavas cuttings (0.9 cm shoots); and the third one in applications in the stage of cassava cuttings with buds emerging (6.5 cm shoots and emerging from the soil). For each experiment the experimental design in randomized blocks was used in the 2 x 5 factorial arrangement with four replications. The factors were composed of two soils (sandy and clayey) and five doses of sulfentrazone (0, 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 g ha-1). It was found that depending on the herbicide dose, development stage of the buds of cassava cuttings and the type of soil, damage can occur in the initial development of the IAC 90 cassava plants. The greatest potential of sulfentrazone selectivity has occurred in applications in the non-germinated cassava cuttings stage and in doses lower than 500 g ha-1 in the clayey soil.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the structure and some functional properties of biofilms added with modified clays (Cloisite® 15A and Cloisite® 30B) prepared by the casting method. The analysis of the microstructure of the films, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Optical microscopy (MO), and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated that the addition of clay in the films resulted in the formation of a heterogeneous microstructure, microcomposite or tactoid. Due to the formation of a microcomposite structure, functional properties of the films added with both clays such as opacity, solubility, and permeability to water vapor (PVA), were not better than those of the control film. Thus, it was concluded that although it is possible to produce a film added with modified clays using the casting method, it was not possible to obtain intercalation or exfoliation in a nanocomposite, which would result in improved functional properties.


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Brown to dark brown sediment with small to medium sized clasts ranging from sub-angular to sub-rounded. This sample contains a coarse grained domain and a fine grained domain. Clear boundaries can be seen. Grain stacking can be seen in the coarse domain, while lineations are the dominant microstructure in the fine grained domain. Minor grain crushing can also be seen. Some of the coarser domain is rich in clay and organics.


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Les polymères semi-conducteurs semicristallins sont utilisés au sein de diodes électroluminescentes, transistors ou dispositifs photovoltaïques organiques. Ces matériaux peuvent être traités à partir de solutions ou directement à partir de leur état solide et forment des agrégats moléculaires dont la morphologie dicte en grande partie leurs propriétés optoélectroniques. Le poly(3-hexylthiophène) est un des polymères semi-conducteurs les plus étudiés. Lorsque le poids moléculaire (Mw) des chaînes est inférieur à 50 kg/mol, la microstructure est polycristalline et composée de chaînes formant des empilements-π. Lorsque Mw>50 kg/mol, la morphologie est semicristalline et composée de domaines cristallins imbriquées dans une matrice de chaînes amorphes. À partir de techniques de spectroscopie en continu et ultrarapide et appuyé de modèles théoriques, nous démontrons que la cohérence spatiale des excitons dans ce matériau est légèrement anisotrope et dépend de Mw. Ceci nous permet d’approfondir la compréhension de la relation intime entre le couplage inter et intramoléculaire sur la forme spectrale en absorption et photoluminescence. De plus, nous démontrons que les excitations photogénérées directement aux interfaces entre les domaines cristallins et les régions amorphes génèrent des paires de polarons liés qui se recombinent par effet tunnel sur des échelles de temps supérieures à 10ns. Le taux de photoluminescence à long temps de vie provenant de ces paires de charges dépend aussi de Mw et varie entre ∼10% et ∼40% pour les faibles et hauts poids moléculaires respectivement. Nous fournissons un modèle permettant d’expliquer le processus de photogénération des paires de polarons et nous élucidons le rôle de la microstructure sur la dynamique de séparation et recombinaison de ces espèces.