809 resultados para cinema and poetry


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The concern with the following arguments started during a study of national and international cinemas, from the desire to account for a cinema that internationally was doing well, but was undervalued domestically. The aims were to account for the renewal of Italian filmmaking from 1988, the New Italian cinema, and understand the conditions behind this renewal. The thesis identifies in the historical theme and in the recurrence of features from Italian cinema history elements of coherence with previous cinema production. The first consideration that emerges is that a triangulation between a new generation of filmmakers, their audience and recent history shaped the recovery of Italian cinema from 1988. A second consideration is that no discussion of Italian cinema can be separated from a discussion of that which it represents: Italian society and politics. This representation has not only addressed questions of identity for a cohort of spectators, but on occasions has captured the attention of the international audience. Thus the thesis follows a methodologic approach that positions texts in relation to certain traditions in Italian filmmaking and to the context by taking into consideration also industrial factors and social and historical changes. By drawing upon a range of disciplines, from political history to socio-psychological studies, the thesis has focussed on representation of history and memory in two periods of Italian film history: the first and the last decade of twentieth century. The concern has been not so much to interpret the films, but to understand the processes that made the films and how spectarors have applied their knowledge structures to make meaning of the films. Thus the thesis abstains from ascribing implicit meanings to films, but acknowledges how films project cultural contingencies. This is beacause film is shaped by production conditions and cultural and historical circumstances that make the film intelligible. As Bordwell stated in Making Meaning, "One can do other things with films besides 'reading' them" (1989, p. xiii). Within this framework, the thesis proposes a project that understands history films with the norms that govern Italian filmic output, those norms that regulate conditions of production and consumption and the relation between films from various traditions.


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A pós-modernidade é marcada pela dissolução de fronteiras, sejam elas espaciais, culturais, sociais ou artísticas. No campo da arte, percebe-se uma significativa influência mútua entre cinema e literatura, na medida em que as estéticas, os estilos e os recursos são transitáveis entre essas duas artes, a ponto de alguns romances possuírem características da linguagem cinematográfica e de o cinema possuir uma narrativa bem próxima à literária. Por outro lado, a pós-modernidade também é marcada por um grande crescimento das produções fílmicas e literárias para a massa, para um público cujo interesse é o entretenimento, e não a discussão, a crítica ou a reflexão. Nesse sentido, surgem vários autores que se preocuparão em produzir sua arte de forma que atinja o maior número de pessoas, de público, o que inevitavelmente aproxima suas obras das de mercado - ou as converte em obra de mercado. O presente trabalho, portanto, visa fazer uma análise de algumas das produções artísticas do romancista, diretor e roteirista Guillermo Arriaga, cuja obra transita pelo cinema e pela literatura, porém unindo-os a partir de uma estética realista contemporânea, que produz suas obras para o público de massa, caracterizando-se, segundo a definição da prof. Vera de Figueiredo (2010) como um autor midiático


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A metáfora do mundo como um palco está presente no imaginário humano há muitos séculos, o que se pode ver nas obras artísticas e filosóficas, de Cícero a Shakespeare: o mundo é representação. O presente estudo propõe-se a analisar interdisciplinamente os desdobramentos das metáforas do teatro e do cinema, na exploração do espaço da metrópole, tendo como corpus o romance Cidade de Vidro, de Paul Auster (1999) e a narrativa fílmica Sinédoque Nova York, de Charlie Kaufman (2008). Para tal, procuramos os teóricos da metáfora, tendo como principal deles Hans Blumenberg, fundador da Metaforologia, Paul Ricoeur e Derrida, em estudos especialmente dedicados a essa figura de linguagem. As metáforas, contudo, se realizam em um determinado espaço, o da metrópole, e para nos guiarmos em seus caminhos, elegemos os estudiosos da nova geografia cultural, dentre os quais Paul Claval, Mathias Le Bossé e Denis Cosgrove. Na correlação da cidade com o teatro, apontaremos a própria história da criação do teatro ocidental como o principal ponto de partida para as ramificações de tal mimetismo. Para o estudo específico do espaço da metrópole, contamos com Walter Benjamin e seus seguidores. Os estudos benjaminianos serão também de vital importância para a compreensão da relação entre cinema e metrópole, relação essa que também foi aclarada pelo questionamento de Nietzsche sobre a verdade. Não foi nossa intenção comparar as obras aqui analisadas em seus planos narratológicos, mas articular dois textos regidos por códigos e procedimentos artísticos parecidos, mas, ainda assim diferentes. Buscamos apontar como as relações teatrais e cinemáticas na metrópole, fragmentada como o próprio homem que nela se perde, provocam uma suspensão da fronteira entre realidade e ficção


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Este projeto tem por finalidade o estudo das representações de conflitos sociais ocorridos na formação do Estado do Senegal nas obras cinematográficas de Ousmane Sembène, da década de 60 até início de 80. Nesse período o Estado estava sob o governo de Leopold Sédar Senghor cujo direcionamento político abrangia a concepção de Socialismo Marxista-Leninista e Negritude. A mudança da literatura ao cinema para Sembène ocorre com o objetivo de alcançar as massas que eram em sua maioria analfabetas. Por isso seus filmes são feitos em wolof e francês, esse ultimo devido a exigências governamentais e interesse de maior amplitude receptiva. Ao estudarmos os conflitos sociais no Senegal do período da recente independência percebemos que as ideias-chave por trás dessa realidade são identidade nacional, solidariedade negra e pan-africanismo. Partimos da concepção que a identidade é uma construção e o uso da raça como sua legitimação enfraquece sua força, pois supor uma solidariedade apenas pelo fato de ser negro diminuí seu poder legitimador.


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Reflecting on Gus Van Sant’s films Gerry (2003) Elephant (2004) and Last Days (2005), the director’s long-term sound-designer Leslie Shatz observed that “You have to get into the totality of the experience and not just the dialogue”. Shatz’s comment expresses something fundamental about the experimental approach to cinema and to soundscapes undertaken by Van Sant in these three films, unofficially known as the “Death Trilogy”. This thesis contends that Van Sant makes deliberate aesthetic choices which do indicate a distinctly “auteurist” leaning. However, I also argue that intertextual elements, prior knowledge, and audience participation in meaningmaking enhance the experience of, and reveal the nuances in, the soundtracks themselves. This thesis aims to contribute to a growing body of work within filmmusic scholarship concerned with resisting a traditional bias in the field: that film music should be understood as a means of characterisation and as emotional signifier. The films of the “Death Quartet”, which includes Paranoid Park (2007), I believe, offer fertile ground on which to explore these new approaches. It is my contention that these films deconstruct the traditional approach to soundtracking and the relationship between soundtrack and character, and that only an approach sensitive to the aesthetic and philosophical functions of music and sound can adequately acknowledge their unique cinematic qualities.


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This article examines the international release of the South Korean film Save the Green Planet! and argues that this is an example of a film whose cult reputation was pre-sold to audiences on the basis of constructed associations between Korean cinema and excessive violence. This article also considers the divided critical reception of Save the Green Planet! as experts from different fields argued over the value and meaning of the film.


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Architecture, whether in the foreground or background, is an intrinsic part of any film, and cinema holds a position as a transformative reference in contemporary architecture. This book addresses the role of architecture in cinema, and through a focus on the use of space, it presents a critical overview of the relation between the two. Through framing, flattening and editing, cinematic space, as the representation of architectural space, focuses on its certain qualities, while eliminating others. Thus, cinema emphasizes individual aspects of space that may be overlooked when the whole context is considered. Space 'acts' in the foreground rather than simply filling the background in the films of Peter Greenaway and Wim Wenders, which are used to analyze two significant cinematic approaches to space, space as form and space as symbol. The detailed analysis of Greenaway's The Belly of an Architect and Wenders' Der Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire) offers an innovative and original perspective on space to those interested in both fields of architecture and film studies.


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The influence of Fantômas novels and films on global popular culture is widely acknowledged. From the 1915 Spanish musical "Cine-fantomas" to the 1960s Italian comic book series "Diabolik," "Kriminal" and "Satanik," from Turkish B-movies such as "Fantoma Istanbulda Bulusalim" (dir. Natuk Baytan, 1967) to Julio Cortazar’s anti-imperialist pamphlet "Fantômas contra los vampiros multinacionales" (1975), Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain’s original literary series have engendered uncountable translations, adaptations, imitations and plagiarisms that have spread the character’s fame worldwide since its first appearance in 1911.
By focusing on the influence of Louis Feuillade’s film adaptations during the first decade of Fantômas’ long history as a transnational and transmedia icon, this paper aims to contribute to the growing interdisciplinary field that deals with the history of the supranational cultural sphere created by modern media culture. As a sort of archaeology of contemporary cultural globalization, this form of study intends to enrich previous historical surveys that had only taken into consideration specific national contexts. Moreover, it might also rebalance certain “colonizing” accounts that overemphasize the role of the cultural superpowers such as France, the UK or the US, often forgetting the appropriation of the products of international popular culture to be found in other countries. Therefore, this paper examines the transnational circulation of Fantômas films and, in particular, the creative processes engendered outside of France their origin country. As a controversial character and a central player in the relationship between cinema and literature in the crucial years when the feature and serial film boosted and legitimized the film industry, Fantômas represents an exemplary case study to discuss the cross-cultural and cross-media dynamics engendered by popular fiction.


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This chapter discusses the relations between Irish cinema and the other arts- chiefly, literature, theatre, painting, and photography. It provides a critical overview of the main scholarly approaches to those forms of adaptation and citation that have tended to dominate Irish film production. It argues that factors such as the historic marginalization of non-literary modernist art in Ireland, a deep cultural resistance to intellectual and politically-engaged filmmaking, and a commercially-driven attachment to formulaic narrative structures, are among the reasons why Ireland has generally failed to produce a distinctive and successful cinema. The chapter concludes by discussing some films that have resisted this trend by offering their audiences a more creative approach to -- or poetics of -- adaptation that has more in common with the visual -- rather than literary -- arts in Ireland.


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This essay discusses Jean-Luc Godard’s artistic response to the Bosnian War (1992-95), and its representations in the Western mass media. For Godard, the reluctance of Europe’s advanced liberal democracies to intervene meaningfully in Bosnia – their insistence that 'humanitarianism' rather than protective intervention was the order of the day – was tantamount to supporting Serbian fascism, anda fortiori – regressing to a policy of appeasement reminiscent of the days of the Munich Agreement. Although Godard's stance set him against some of his former compatriots on the left, speculating on his ideological motivations is beside the point. Rather, it is is in his filmmaking, in his vision of cinema, and how it relates to other histories of the image, that Godard’s sensibility can be most keenly felt and understood. As the essay points out, even his recent contribution to Jean-Michel Frodon's compilation film, Bridges of Sarajevo/Les ponts de Sarajevo (2014, 114 mn.), persists in posing questions about how the past continues to shape the present, and how Sarajevo and its contemporary history still delineates the identity of Europe. 


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Cultura, Comunicação e Estilos de Vida), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Ce mémoire prend comme point de départ le paradoxe central qui marque l’écriture de Pierre Perrault : le fait qu’en dehors de son travail cinématographique, il écrit des textes littéraires alors qu’il refuse à la fois le statut d’écrivain et la catégorie même de « littérature ». L’analyse du discours des poèmes du recueil Gélivures et des essais du recueil De la parole aux actes permet de montrer que Perrault arrive, grâce à tout un imaginaire de la parole, à écrire en se dégageant symboliquement de la littérature, dont il critique la volonté de conquête. Ce mémoire fait appel à une critique où la réflexion sur la langue joue un grand rôle, à la croisée de l’histoire et du social. Le premier chapitre traite de ce que signifie la parole chez Perrault et de ce qu’elle implique. Sont abordés en particulier le champ sémantique qui entoure ce motif omniprésent dans son œuvre ainsi que les rapprochements métaphoriques entre parole, mémoire et identités. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur les manifestations plus directes de la parole, soit le don que fait Perrault de la parole à travers son œuvre. Sont étudiés l’intertextualité, la mise en page et le travail de la citation. La volonté de prise de parole de Perrault lui-même est étudiée au dernier chapitre. Son écriture est alors envisagée comme un combat pour la défense d’une parole qui est d’ailleurs étroitement liée à sa quête identitaire, laquelle inspire un style foncièrement polémique et la recherche d’une énonciation qu’on pourrait qualifier de performative.