989 resultados para charged aerosols
We present a new climatology of atmospheric aerosols (primarily pyrogenic and biogenic) for the Brazilian tropics on the basis of a high-quality data set of spectral aerosol optical depth and directional sky radiance measurements from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Cimel Sun-sky radiometers at more than 15 sites distributed across the Amazon basin and adjacent Cerrado region. This network is the only long-term project (with a record including observations from more than 11 years at some locations) ever to have provided ground-based remotely-sensed column aerosol properties for this critical region. Distinctive features of the Amazonian area aerosol are presented by partitioning the region into three aerosol regimes: southern Amazonian forest, Cerrado, and northern Amazonian forest. The monitoring sites generally include measurements from the interval 1999-2006, but some sites have measurement records that date back to the initial days of the AERONET program in 1993. Seasonal time series of aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom ngstrom exponent, and columnar-averaged microphysical properties of the aerosol derived from sky radiance inversion techniques (single-scattering albedo, volume size distribution, fine mode fraction of AOD, etc.) are described and contrasted for the defined regions. During the wet season, occurrences of mineral dust penetrating deep into the interior were observed.
Barbaloin is a bioactive glycosilated 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone present in several exudates from plants, Such as Aloe vera, which are used for cosmetic or food purposes. It has been shown that barbaloin interacts with DMPG (dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol) model membranes, altering the bilayer structure (Alves, D. S.; Perez-Fons, L.; Estepa, A.; Micol, V. Biochem. Pharm. 2004, 68, 549). Considering that ESR (electron spin resonance) of spin labels is one of the best techniques to monitor structural properties at the molecular level, the alterations caused by the anthraquinone barbaloin on phospholipid bilayers will be discussed here via the ESR signal of phospholipid spin probes intercalated into the membranes. In DMPG at high ionic strength (10 mM Hepes pH 7.4 + 100 mM NaCl), a system that presents a gel-fluid transition around 23 degrees C, 20 mol % barbaloin turns the gel phase more rigid, does not alter much the fluid phase packing, but makes the lipid thermal transition less sharp. However, in a low-salt DMPG dispersion (10 mM Hepes pH 7.4 + 2 mM NaCl), which presents a rather complex gel-fluid thermal transition (Lamy-Freund, M. T.; Riske, K. A. Chem. Phys. Lipids 2003, 122, 19), barbaloin strongly affects bilayer structural properties, both in the gel and fluid phases, extending the transition region to much higher temperature values. The position of barbaloin in DMPG bilayers will be discussed on the basis of ESR results, in parallel with data from sample viscosity, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), and SAXS (small-angle X-ray scattering).
We report the results concerning the influence of vacuum polarization due to quantum massive vector, scalar and spinor fields on the scalar sector of quasinormal modes in spherically symmetric charged black holes. The vacuum polarization from quantized fields produces a shift in the values of the quasinormal frequencies, and correspondingly the semiclassical system becomes a better oscillator with respect to the classical Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.
This work summarizes results obtained on membranes composed of the ternary mixture dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPG), egg sphingomyelin (eSM) and cholesterol (Chol). The membrane phase state as a function of composition is characterized from data collected with fluorescence microscopy on giant unilamellar vesicles. The results suggest that the presence of the charged DOPG significantly decreases the composition region of coexistence of liquid ordered and liquid disordered phases as compared to that in the ternary mixture of dioleoylphosphatidycholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The addition of calcium chloride to DOPG:eSM:Chol vesicles, and to a lesser extent the addition of sodium chloride, leads to the stabilization of the two-phase coexistence region, which is expressed in an increase in the miscibility temperature. On the other hand, addition of the chelating agent EDTA has the opposite effect, suggesting that impurities of divalent cations in preparations of giant vesicles contribute to the stabilization of charged domains. We also explore the behavior of these membranes in the presence of extruded unilamellar vesicles made of the positively charged lipid dioleoyltrimethylammoniumpropane (DOTAP). The latter can induce domain formation in DOPG:eSM:Chol vesicles with initial composition in the one-phase region. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate the influence of vacuum polarization of quantum massive fields on the scalar sector of quasinormal modes in spherically symmetric black holes. We consider the evolution of a massless scalar field on the space-time corresponding to a charged semiclassical black hole, consisting of the quantum-corrected geometry of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole dressed by a quantum massive scalar field in the large mass limit. Using a sixth order WKB approach we find a shift in the quasinormal mode frequencies due to vacuum polarization.
The reconstruction of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) observed by particle detectors at the ground is based on the characteristics of observables like the lateral particle density and the arrival times. The lateral densities, inferred for different EAS components from detector data, are usually parameterised by applying various lateral distribution functions (LDFs). The LDFs are used in turn for evaluating quantities like the total number of particles or the density at particular radial distances. Typical expressions for LDFs anticipate azimuthal symmetry of the density around the shower axis. The deviations of the lateral particle density from this assumption arising from various reasons are smoothed out in the case of compact arrays like KASCADE, but not in the case of arrays like Grande, which only sample a smaller part of the azimuthal variation. KASCADE-Grande, an extension of the former KASCADE experiment, is a multi-component Extensive Air Shower (EAS) experiment located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Campus North), Germany. The lateral distributions of charged particles are deduced from the basic information provided by the Grande scintillators - the energy deposits - first in the observation plane, then in the intrinsic shower plane. In all steps azimuthal dependences should be taken into account. As the energy deposit in the scintillators is dependent on the angles of incidence of the particles, azimuthal dependences are already involved in the first step: the conversion from the energy deposits to the charged particle density. This is done by using the Lateral Energy Correction Function (LECF) that evaluates the mean energy deposited by a charged particle taking into account the contribution of other particles (e.g. photons) to the energy deposit. By using a very fast procedure for the evaluation of the energy deposited by various particles we prepared realistic LECFs depending on the angle of incidence of the shower and on the radial and azimuthal coordinates of the location of the detector. Mapping the lateral density from the observation plane onto the intrinsic shower plane does not remove the azimuthal dependences arising from geometric and attenuation effects, in particular for inclined showers. Realistic procedures for applying correction factors are developed. Specific examples of the bias due to neglecting the azimuthal asymmetries in the conversion from the energy deposit in the Grande detectors to the lateral density of charged particles in the intrinsic shower plane are given. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We developed an analytical method and constrained procedural boundary conditions that enable accurate and precise Zn isotope ratio measurements in urban aerosols. We also demonstrate the potential of this new isotope system for air pollutant source tracing. The procedural blank is around 5 ng and significantly lower than published methods due to a tailored ion chromatographic separation. Accurate mass bias correction using external correction with Cu is limited to Zn sample content of approximately 50 ng due to the combined effect of blank contribution of Cu and Zn from the ion exchange procedure and the need to maintain a Cu/Zn ratio of approximately 1. Mass bias is corrected for by applying the common analyte internal standardization method approach. Comparison with other mass bias correction methods demonstrates the accuracy of the method. The average precision of delta(66)Zn determinations in aerosols is around 0.05% per atomic mass unit. The method was tested on aerosols collected in Sin Paulo City, Brazil. The measurements reveal significant variations in delta(66)Zn(Imperial) ranging between -0.96 and -0.37% in coarse and between -1.04 and 0.02% in fine particular matter. This variability suggests that Zn isotopic compositions distinguish atmospheric sources. The isotopic light signature suggests traffic as the main source. We present further delta(66)Zn(Imperial) data for the standard reference material NIST SRM 2783 (delta 66Z(Imperial) = 0.26 +/- 0.10%).
A thermal energy store corrects the misalignment of heating demand in the winter relative to solar thermal energy gathered in the summer. This thesis reviews the viability of a solar charged hot water tank thermal energy store for a school at latitude 56.25N, longitude -120.85W
The scalar sector of the simplest version of the 3-3-1 electroweak model is constructed with three Higgs triplets only. We show that a relation involving two of the constants of the model, two vacuum expectation values of the neutral scalars, and the mass of the doubly charged Higgs boson leads to important information concerning the signals of this scalar particle.
Using a peculiar version of the SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(N) electroweak model, we investigate the production of doubly charged Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. Our results include branching ratio calculations for the doubly charged Higgs and for one of the neutral scalar bosons of the model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the production and signatures of doubly charged Higgs bosons (DCHBs) in the process gamma gamma <-> H(--)H(++) at the e(-)e(+) International Linear Collider and CERN Linear Collider, where the intermediate photons are given by the Weizsacker-Willians and laser backscattering distributions.
The SU(3)(L) circle times U(1)(N) electroweak model predicts new Higgs bosons beyond the one of the standard model. In this work we investigate the signature and production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the e(+)e(-) International Linear Collider and in the CERN Linear Collider. We compute the branching ratios for the doubly charged gauge bosons of the model.
We study vortex-like configuration in Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics. Attention is paid to the similarity it shares with the Nielsen-Olesen solutions at large distances. A magnetic symmetry between a point-like and an azimuthal-like current in this framework is also pointed out. Furthermore, we address the issue of a neutral spinless particle interacting with a charged vortex, and obtain that the Aharonov-Casher-type phase depends upon mass and distance parameters. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.