976 resultados para centrifuged sewage sludge


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In this work, the risk of groundwater contamination from organic substances in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment stations was evaluated in its worst case. The sewage sludge was applied as fertilizer in corn culture, prioritizing the substances for monitoring. The assessing risk took place in a Typic Distrophic Red Latossol (TDRL) area, in the county district of Jaguariúna, SP. The simulators CMLS-94 and WGEN were used to evaluate the risk of twenty-eight organic substances in sewage sludge to leach to groundwater. The risk of groundwater contamination was accomplished for a single sludge dose application in a thousand independent and equally probable years, simulated to esteem the substances leaching in one year after the application date of the sludge. It is presented the substances that should be priorly monitored in groundwater.


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Abstract: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combined effects of soil bioticand abiotic factors on the incidence of Fusarium corn stalk rot, during four annual incorporations of two typesofsewagesludge intosoil ina 5-years field assay under tropical conditions and topredict the effectsof these variables on the disease. For each type of sewage sludge, the following treatments were included: control with mineral fertilization recommended for corn; control without fertilization; sewage sludge based on the nitrogen concentration that provided the same amount of nitrogen as in the mineral fertilizer treatment; and sewage sludge that provided two, four and eight times the nitrogen concentration recommended for corn. Increasing dosages of both types of sewage sludge incorporated into soil resulted in increased corn stalk rot incidence, being negatively correlated with corn yield. A global analysis highlighted the effect of the year of the experiment, followed by the sewage sludge dosages. The type of sewage sludge did not affect the disease incidence. Amultiple logistic model using a stepwise procedure was fitted based on the selection of a model that included the three explanatory parameters for disease incidence: electrical conductivity, magnesium and Fusarium population. In the selected model, the probability of higher disease incidence increased with an increase of these three explanatory parameters. When the explanatory parameters were compared, electrical conductivity presented a dominant effect and was the main variable to predict the probability distribution curves of Fusarium corn stalk rot, after sewage sludge application into the soil.


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Trace Elements (TEs) pollution is a significant environmental concern due to its toxic effects on human and ecosystem health and its potential to bioaccumulate in the food chain and to threaten species survival, leading to a decline in biodiversity. Urban areas, industrial and mining activities, agricultural practices, all contribute to the release of TEs into the environment posing a significant risk to human health and ecosystems. Several techniques have been developed to control TEs into the environment. This work presents the findings of three-year PhD program that focused on research on TEs pollution. The study discusses three fundamental aspects related to this topic from the perspective of sustainable development, environmental and human health. (1) High levels of TEs contamination prevent the use of sewage sludge (SS) as a fertilizer in agriculture, despite its potential as a soil amendment. Developing effective techniques to manage TEs contamination in SS is critical to ensure its safe use in agriculture and promote resource efficiency through sludge reuse. Another purpose of the study was to evaluate different strategies to limit the TEs uptake by horticultural crops (specifically, Cucumis Melo L.). This study addressed the effect of seasonality, Trichoderma inoculation and clinoptilolite application on chromium (Cr), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) content of early- and late-ripening cultivars of Cucumis Melo L.. Finally, the accumulation of copper and the effect of its bioavailable fraction on bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere soil of two vineyards, featuring two different varieties of Vitis vinifera grown for varying lengths of time, were evaluated.


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In recent decades, the use of organic fertilizers has gained increasing interest mainly for two reasons: their ability to improve soil fertility and the need to find a sustainable alternative to mineral and synthetic fertilizers. In this context, sewage sludge is a useful organic matrix that can be successfully used in agriculture, due to its chemical composition rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and other micronutrients necessary for plant growth. This work investigated three indispensable aspects (i.e., physico-chemical properties, agronomic efficiency and environmental safety) of sewage sludge application as organic fertilizer, emphasizing the role of tannery sludge. In a comparison study with municipal sewage sludge, results showed that the targeted analyses applied (total carbon and nitrogen content, isotope ratio of carbon and nitrogen, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis) were able to discriminate tannery sludge from municipal ones, highlighting differences in composition due to the origin of the wastewater and the treatment processes used in the plants. Regarding agronomic efficiency, N bioavailability was tested in a selection of organic fertilizers, including tannery sludge and tannery sludge-based fertilizers. Specifically, the hot-water extractable N has proven to be a good chemical indicator, providing a rapid and reliable indication of N bioavailability in soil. Finally, the behavior of oxybenzone (an emerging organic contaminant detected in sewage sludge) in soils with different physico-chemical properties was studied. Through adsorption and desorption experiments, it was found that the mobility of oxybenzone is reduced in soils rich in organic matter. Furthermore, through spectroscopic methods (e.g., infrared spectroscopy and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) the mechanisms of oxybenzone-humic acids interaction were studied, finding that H-bonds and π-π stacking were predominantly present.


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Os resíduos industriais e urbanos podem atuar como condicionadores do solo, pois possuem a capacidade de alterar suas propriedades físicas. Contudo, não há referência para os atributos físicos do solo quando esses resíduos são aplicados sobre a superfície do solo no sistema plantio direto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal, lodos de esgoto e calcário nos atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro resíduos: lodos de esgoto centrifugado - LC e de biodigestor - LB, escória de aciaria - E, e lama cal - Lcal, interagindo com quatro doses (0, 2, 4 e 8 t ha-1, aplicadas na forma seca) mais uma testemunha (controle), constituída da aplicação de 2 t ha-1 de calcário. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 1, com quatro repetições. A presença de Ca na composição de lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado, escória de aciaria e calcário permite o aumento da agregação das partículas, diâmetro médio ponderado, índice de estabilidade de agregados, porosidade e retenção de água, sendo essas alterações distintas para cada fonte, dose e profundidade de reação no solo. A aplicação superficial da lama cal na dose de 8 t ha-1, após 27 meses de reação, proporcionou a maior agregação das partículas no solo, desde a superfície até 40 cm de profundidade.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de lodos de esgoto, lama cal, escória de aciaria e calcário sobre o estado nutricional e a produtividade da soja, em sistema plantio direto. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 4x4+1, constituído por quatro tratamentos - resíduos de lodo de esgoto centrifugado (LC) e de biodigestor (LB), escória de aciaria (E) e lama cal (Lcal) - nas doses 0, 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1, mais o controle com 2 Mg ha-1 de calcário. As plantas de soja apresentaram maior concentração de nitrogênio, fósforo e cálcio, em 2003, 2004 e 2005, e de potássio, em 2003 e 2004, em razão dos tratamentos LC, LB, E, Lcal e calagem. A produtividade da soja foi favorecida pela aplicação dos tratamentos no sistema plantio direto, em 2003, 2004 e 2005. O fósforo, e o cálcio contribuíram para o aumento da produtividade da soja em 2003 e 2004.


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Em solos ácidos, a prática da calagem superficial favorece o crescimento radicular, principalmente na superfície do solo, bem como a produtividade das culturas em condições normais de precipitação pluviométrica. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a adoção desta prática e suas eventuais ações, no solo e nas plantas, em relação a outras fontes de corretivos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de diferentes corretivos nos atributos químicos do solo, no crescimento radicular, da parte aérea e na produtividade da aveia preta. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em campo sobre Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, durante o ano agrícola de 2004, dois anos após a aplicação superficial dos corretivos, no sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos constituíram da aplicação superficial de calcário dolomítico, escoria de aciaria - E, lama cal - Lcal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado - LC e sem aplicação de corretivo, em delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. A aplicação superficial de calcário, escória de aciaria, lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado permitiu o aumento nos valores de pH, no teor de Ca, na maior disponibilidade de P e na redução dos teores de Al no solo. O crescimento do sistema radicular, o desenvolvimento da parte aérea e a produtividade da aveia preta foram incrementados com a aplicação superficial dos corretivos de acidez no sistema plantio direto.


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A prática da correção da acidez do solo pela aplicação superficial de corretivos sobre a palha no sistema plantio direto se restringe ao calcário, não havendo maiores estudos em relação à escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodo de esgoto centrifugado. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os índices de acidez do solo e a produtividade da soja em função da aplicação superficial de lodo de esgoto centrifugado, lama cal, escória de aciaria e calcário dolomítico. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, durante os anos agrícolas de 2002 a 2005, sob sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos constituíram da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria (E), lama cal (Lcal), lodo de esgoto centrifugado (LC), calcário dolomítico e sem aplicação de corretivo, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodo de esgoto centrifugado permite a correção da acidez do solo, o deslocamento do Ca2+, o aumento da saturação por bases e redução do Al3+ até 40 cm, e para o calcário, até 20 cm, fatores que condicionaram o aumento da produtividade da soja para os tratamentos LC, E e Lcal em 2003/2004 e 2004/2005 e para LC e E em 2002/2003 no sistema plantio direto.


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Understanding soil responses to the application of urban or industrial residues is necessary. In the current experiment, both sources of residues were applied to the soil surface of a Hapludox soil for 8 years. The four residues studied were biodigested and centrifuged sewage sludge (LB and LC, respectively), steel slag from the metallurgic industry (E), and limed mud from the pulp and cellulose industry (LCal). The residues were applied at 0, 2, 4, and 8 Mg ha(-1) four times from 2002 to 2010 when soybean was cultivated in the summer and lopsided oat and sorghum were cultivated during the winter. The contents of heavy metals were evaluated with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and organic acids. The LB was the residue that increased the contents of soil micronutrients and heavy metals to their greatest levels, although within limits that impair the risks of environmental contamination.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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This Study assessed the development of sludge treatment and reuse policy since the original 1993 National Sludge Strategy Report (Weston-FTA, 1993). A review of the 48 sludge treatment centres, current wastewater treatment systems and current or planned sludge treatment and reuse systems was carried out Sludges from all Regional Sludge Treatment Centres (areas) were characterised through analysis of selected parameters. There have been many changes to the original policy, as a result of boundary reviews, delays in developing sludge management plans, development in technology and changes in tendering policy, most notably a move to design-build-operate (DBO) projects. As a result, there are now 35 designated Hub Centres. Only 5 of the Hub Centres are producing Class A Biosolids. These are Ringsend, Killamey, Carlow, Navan and Osberstown. Ringsend is the only Hub Centre that is fully operational, treating sludge from surrounding regions by Thermal Drying. Killamey is producing Class A Biosolids using Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) but is not, as yet, treating imported sludge. The remaining three plants are producing Class A Biosolids using Alkaline Stabilisation. Anaerobic Digestion with post pasteurisation is the most common form of sludge treatment, with 11 Hub Centres proposing to use it. One plant is using ATAD, two intend to use Alkaline Stabilisation, seven have selected Thermal Drying and three have selected Composting. While the remaining plants have not decided which sludge treatment to select, this is because of incomplete Sludge Management Plans and on DBO contracts. Analysis of sludges from the Hub Centres showed that all Irish sewage sludge is safe for agricultural reuse as defined by the Waste Management Regulations {Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) (S.I. 267/2001), providing that a nutrient management plan is taken into consideration and that the soil limits of the 1998 (S.I. 148/1998) Waste Management Regulations are not exceeded.


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This study evaluates the stability of hydrogen and organic acids production in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) that contains expanded clay (2.8-3.35 mm in diameter) as a support medium and is operated on a long-term basis. The reactor was inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated with decreasing hydraulic retention time (HRT), from 8 h to 1 h, at a controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of about 3.8. Glucose (2000 mg L(-1)) was used as the substrate, generating conversion rates of 92-98%. Decreasing the HRT from 8 h to 1 h led to an increase in average hydrogen-production rates, with a maximum value of 1.28 L h(-1) L(-1) for an HRT of 1 h. In general, hydrogen yield production increased as HRT decreased, reaching 2.29 mol of H(2)/mol glucose at an HRT of 2 h and yielding a maximum hydrogen content of 37% in the biogas. No methane was detected in the biogas throughout the period of operation. The main soluble metabolites (SMP) were acetic acid (46.94-53.84% of SMP) and butyric acid (34.51-42.16% of SMP), with less than 15.49% ethanol. The steady performance of the AFBR may be attributed to adequate thermal treatment of the inoculum, the selection of a suitable support medium for microbial adhesion, and the choice of satisfactory environmental conditions imposed on the system. The results show that stable hydrogen production and organic acids production were maintained in the AFBR over a period of 178 days. (C) 2009 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aiming the use of the sewage sludge produced in one of the largest Brazilian wastewater treatment stations as a raw material for the ceramic industry, the sintering process of the ashes produced from its calcination was evaluated by heating microscopy thermal analysis (HMTA). From the microprocessed images, a method was developed to obtain HMTA dimensional change curves as a function of temperature, equivalent to those usually obtained from dilatometers or by thermomechanical analysis (TMA). The final product after sintering at 1050 degrees C, characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray dispersive energy, indicates the presence of a vitreous phase containing phosphorus, which explains the good sintering properties of the studied calcined sludge, as shown from its HMTA dimensional change curve.