952 resultados para centrifugal distortion


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In the last 20 years immense efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources for electric power generation. This paper investigates some aspects of integration of the distributed generators into the low voltage distribution network. An assessment of impact of the distributed generators on the voltage and current harmonic distortion in the low voltage network is performed. Results obtained from a case study, using real-life low voltage network, are presented and discussed.


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An alternative for grinding of sintered ceramic is the machining on the green state of the ceramic, which presents easy cutting without the introduction of harmful defects to its mechanical resistance. However, after sintering there are invariably distortions caused by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients, which are located in the most outlying portions of the compacted workpiece. In order to minimize these density gradients, this study examined the influence of different allowance values and their corresponding influence in distortion after sintering alumina specimens with 99.8 % purity by turning operation using cemented carbide tool. Besides distortion, other output variables were analyzed, such as tool wear, cutting force and surface roughness of green and sintered ceramics. Results showed a distortion reduction up to 81.4%. Green machining is beneficial for reducing surface roughness in both green and sintered states. Cutting tool wear has a direct influence on surface roughness and cutting force.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a propagação da maré no sistema fluvial Guamá-Capim, na região amazônica, considerando aspectos hidrológicos e geomorfológicos. Os métodos empregados incluem dados históricos de vazões fluviais e níveis d'água, além de medições próprias de maré em diferentes locais e períodos ao longo do sistema. Os principais pontos defendidos no presente trabalho incluem a vazão fluvial como principal fator para a distorção da maré e consequente formação de pororoca no sistema, assim como o baixo relevo da área seria responsável por incremento na incursão da maré para o continente. Os resultados revelam uma penetração da maré de mais de 200 km, ocorrendo também uma forte deformação da maré, se intensificando gradualmente a montante, resultando em uma vazante até 5 horas mais longa que a enchente 161 km a montante, apresentando também velocidades de enchente levemente superiores, incluindo o decaimento contínuo da altura da maré, intensificado a partir desse ponto. Sazonalmente, a vazão fluvial aumenta 10 vezes no rio Guamá e 4 vezes no rio Capim. Durante períodos de alta descarga, combinados com marés equinociais (e.g. março-abril), o fenômeno da pororoca ocorre no sistema, em associação ao baixo relevo da área. Desta forma as principais conclusões são de que a forte deformação da maré relacionada a altas descargas fluviais e o baixo relevo da área são os fatores preponderantes na propagação da maré no sistema e formação de pororoca. Mais além, o sistema foi classificado como tidal river, onde a enorme descarga de água doce na região costeira amazônica resulta na prática ausência de salinidade no sistema estudado. Assim, seu estudo vem contribuir na definição e classificação de sistemas estuarinos.


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In birds, neurons of the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION), as well as ''ectopic'' neurons, send axons to the retina, where they synapse on cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL). Previous work has shown that centrifugal axons can be divided into two anatomically distinct types depending on their mode of termination: either ''convergent'' or ''divergent'' (Ramon y Cajal, 1889; Maturana and Frenk, 1965). We show that cytochrome-oxidase histochemistry specifically labels ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and target neurons which appear to be amacrine cells, as well as three ''types'' of ganglion cells: two types found in the INL (displaced ganglion cells) and one in the ganglion cell layer. Labeled target amacrine cells have distinct darkly labeled ''nests'' of boutons enveloping the somas, are associated with labeled centrifugal fibers, and are confined to central retina. Lesions of the isthmo-optic tract abolish the cytochrome-oxidase labeling in the centrifugal axons and in the target amacrine cells but not in the ganglion cells. Cytochromeoxidase-labeled ganglion cells in the INL are large; one type is oval and similar to the classical displaced ganglion cells of Dogiel, which have been reported to receive centrifugal input; the other type is rounder. Rhodamine beads injected into the accessory optic system results in retrograde label in both types of cells, showing that two distinct types of displaced ganglion cells project to the accessory optic system in chickens. The ganglion cells in the ganglion cell layer that label for cytochrome oxidase also project to the accessory optic system. These have proximal dendrites that ramify in the outer inner plexiform layer. Neither the target amacrine cells nor either of the displaced ganglion cells are immunoreactive for the inhibitory transmitter gamma aminobutyric acid. At least some of the target amacrine cells may, however, be cholinoceptive: we found that the antibody to the alpha-7 subunit of the nicotinic ACh receptor labels a population of cells in the INL that are similar in location, size, and the presence of labeled bouton-like structures to those we find labeled with cytochrome oxidase. This antibody also labels neurons in the ION proper but not ectopic cells. In conclusion, it appears that cytochrome oxidase may be a marker for ''convergent'' centrifugal axons and at least one of their target cells in the INL.


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Introduction The most commonly used method in neonatal hearing screening programs is transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in the first stage of the process. There are few studies comparing transient evoked otoacoustic emissions with distortion product, but some authors have investigated the issue. Objective To correlate the results of transient evoked and distortion product otoacoustic emissions in a Brazilian maternity hospital. Methods This is a cross-sectional, comparative, and prospective study. The study included 579 newborns, ranging from 6 to 54 days of age, born in a low-risk maternity hospital and assessed for hearing loss. All neonates underwent hearing screening by transient evoked and distortion product otoacoustic emissions. The results were analyzed using the Spearman correlation test to relate the two procedures. Results The pass index on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions was 95% and on distortion product otoacoustic emissions was 91%. The comparison of the two procedures showed that 91% of neonates passed on both procedures, 4.5% passed only on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, 0.5% passed only on distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and 4% failed on both procedures. The inferential analysis showed a significant strong positive relationship between the two procedures. Conclusion The failure rate was higher in distortion product otoacoustic emissions when compared with transient evoked; however, there was correlation between the results of the procedures.


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The study proposes a constrained least square (CLS) pre-distortion scheme for multiple-input single-output (MISO) multiple access ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. In such a scheme, a simple objective function is defined, which can be efficiently solved by a gradient-based algorithm. For the performance evaluation, scenarios CM1 and CM3 of the IEEE 802.15.3a channel model are considered. Results show that the CLS algorithm has a fast convergence and a good trade-off between intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) reduction and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) preservation, performing better than time-reversal (TR) pre-distortion.


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This paper presents a performance analysis of a baseband multiple-input single-output ultra-wideband system over scenarios CM1 and CM3 of the IEEE 802.15.3a channel model, incorporating four different schemes of pre-distortion: time reversal, zero-forcing pre-equaliser, constrained least squares pre-equaliser, and minimum mean square error pre-equaliser. For the third case, a simple solution based on the steepest-descent (gradient) algorithm is adopted and compared with theoretical results. The channel estimations at the transmitter are assumed to be truncated and noisy. Results show that the constrained least squares algorithm has a good trade-off between intersymbol interference reduction and signal-to-noise ratio preservation, providing a performance comparable to the minimum mean square error method but with lower computational complexity. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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After sintering advanced ceramics, there are invariably distortions, caused in large part by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients along the compacted piece. To correct distortions, machining is generally used to manufacture pieces within dimensional and geometric tolerances. Hence, narrow material removal limit conditions are applied, which minimize the generation of damage. Another alternative is machining the compacted piece before sintering, called the green ceramic stage, which allows machining without damage to mechanical strength. Since the greatest concentration of density gradients is located in the outer-most layers of the compacted piece, this study investigated the removal of different allowance values by means of green machining. The output variables are distortion after sintering, tool wear, cutting force, and the surface roughness of the green ceramics and the sintered ones. The following results have been noted: less distortion is verified in the sintered piece after 1mm allowance removal; and the higher the tool wear the worse the surface roughness of both green and sintered pieces.


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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sub-clinical alterations on the amplitudes and slopes of the DPOAE input-output responses from subjects with previous history of middle ear dysfunction. Material/Methods: The study included 15 subjects with and 15 subjects without a history of otitis media in the last 10 years. All participants were assessed with acoustic immittance, pure-tone audiometry, and DPOAEs. For the later, I/O functions and I/O slopes were estimated at 1501, 2002, 3174, 4004 and 6384Hz. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the 2 groups in terms of behavioral thresholds. The group with a previous history of middle ear dysfunction presented significantly lower mean DPOAE amplitudes at 2002, 3174 and 4004 Hz. In terms of DPOAE slopes, no statistically significant differences were observed at the tested frequencies, except at 3174 Hz. Conclusions: Middle ear pathologies can produce subclinical alterations that are undetectable with traditional pure-tone audiometry. The data from the present study show that reduced amplitude DPOAEs are associated with a previous history of middle ear complications. The corresponding DPOAE slopes were affected at only 1 tested frequency, suggesting that the cochlear non-linearity is preserved. Considering these results, it remains to be elucidated to what degree the DPOAE amplitude attenuation interferes with higher-order auditory tasks.


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La tesi mira a ridefinire lo statuto del personaggio nell’ambito del self-conscious novel postmoderno, alla luce delle più recenti tendenze narratologiche, con particolare riferimento all’unnatural narratology. Per poter presentare un modello scientificamente valido si è fatto ricorso alla comparazione della produzione letteraria di due macro-aree: quella britannica e quella slava (Russia - Unione Sovietica - e Polonia). Come figura di mediazione tra queste due culture si pone senza dubbio Vladimir V. Nabokov, cardine e personalità di spicco della ricerca. Tra le analisi testuali proposte sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti autori: Julian Barnes, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniil Charms, Konstantin Vaginov, Andrej Bitov, Saša Sokolov, Bruno Schulz e Tadeusz Kantor.


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Flow features inside centrifugal compressor stages are very complicated to simulate with numerical tools due to the highly complex geometry and varying gas conditions all across the machine. For this reason, a big effort is currently being made to increase the fidelity of the numerical models during the design and validation phases. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) plays an increasing role in the assessment of the performance prediction of centrifugal compressor stages. Historically, CFD was considered reliable for performance prediction on a qualitatively level, whereas tests were necessary to predict compressors performance on a quantitatively basis. In fact "standard" CFD with only the flow-path and blades included into the computational domain is known to be weak in capturing efficiency level and operating range accurately due to the under-estimation of losses and the lack of secondary flows modeling. This research project aims to fill the gap in accuracy between "standard" CFD and tests data by including a high fidelity reproduction of the gas domain and the use of advanced numerical models and tools introduced in the author's OEM in-house CFD code. In other words, this thesis describes a methodology by which virtual tests can be conducted on single stages and multistage centrifugal compressors in a similar fashion to a typical rig test that guarantee end users to operate machines with a confidence level not achievable before. Furthermore, the new "high fidelity" approach allowed understanding flow phenomena not fully captured before, increasing aerodynamicists capability and confidence in designing high efficiency and high reliable centrifugal compressor stages.