729 resultados para carboxymethyl chitosan
The possible adverse effects on health of diet-derived advanced glycation endproducts (AGES) and advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALES) is of current interest. This study had the objective of determining the effects of the addition of AGE/ALE inhibitors and different types of sugar and cooking oil on N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) and N-epsilon-(carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL) formation in model foods (sponge cakes). The cake baked using glucose produced the highest level of CML (2.07 +/- 0.24 mmol/mol lysine), whereas the cake baked using fructose produced the highest concentration of CEL (25.1 +/- 0.15 mmol/mol lysine). There were no significant differences between CML concentrations formed in the cakes prepared using different types of cooking oil, but significant differences (P
The potential adverse effects on health of diet-derived advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) is of current interest, due to their proposed involvement in the disease progression of diabetic and uraemic conditions. However, accurate information about levels of AGEs in foods is lacking. The objective of this investigation was to determine the level of one particular AGE, N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), a marker of AGE formation, in a wide range of foods commonly consumed in a Western style diet. Individual foods (n = 257) were mixed, lyophilised, ground, reduced, fat-extracted, hydrolysed, and underwent solid-phase extraction. Extracts were analysed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Cereal (2.6 mg/100 g food) and fruit and vegetable (0.13 mg/100 g food) categories had the highest and lowest mean level of CML, respectively, when expressed in mg/100 g food. These data can be used for estimating potential consumer intakes, and provide information that can be used to educated consumers on how to reduce their CML intake. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
meso-Tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphine tetra tosylate (TMP) is a photosensitizer that can be used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) to induce cell death through generation of reactive oxygen species in targeted tumor cells. However, TMP is highly hydrophilic, and therefore, its ability to accumulate intracellularly is limited. In this study, a strategy to improve TMP uptake into cells has been investigated by encapsulating the compound in a hydrogel-based chitosan/alginate nanoparticle formulation. Nanoparticles of 560 nm in diameter entrapping 9.1 µg of TMP per mg of formulation were produced and examined in cell-based assays. These particles were endocytosed into human colorectal carcinoma HCT116 cells and elicited a more potent photocytotoxic effect than free drug. Antibodies targeting death receptor 5 (DR5), a cell surface apoptosis-inducing receptor up-regulated in various types of cancer and found on HCT116 cells, were then conjugated onto the particles. The conjugated antibodies further enhanced uptake and cytotoxic potency of the nanoparticle. Taken together, these results show that antibody-conjugated chitosan/alginate nanoparticles significantly enhanced the therapeutic effectiveness of entrapped TMP. This novel approach provides a strategy for providing targeted site-specific delivery of TMP and other photosensitizer drugs to treat colorectal tumors using PDT.
Chemical, nonenzymatic modification of protein and lipids by reducing sugars, such as glucose, is thought to contribute to age-related deterioration in tissue protein and cellular membranes and to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. This report describes the synthesis and quantification of N-(glucitol)ethanolamine (GE) and N-(carboxymethyl)serine (CMS), two products of nonenzymatic modification of aminophospholipids. GE is the product of reduction and hydrolysis of glycated phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), while CMS is formed through reaction of phosphatidylserine (PS) with products of oxidation of either carbohydrate (glycoxidation) or lipids (lipoxidation). Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry procedures for quantification of the N,O-acetyl methyl ester derivatives of the modified head groups were developed. GE and CMS were quantified in samples of PE and PS, respectively, following incubation with glucose in vitro; CMS formation was dependent on the presence of oxygen during the incubation. Both GE and CMS were detected and quantified in lipid extracts of human red blood cell membranes. The content of GE, but not CMS, was increased in the lipids from diabetic compared to nondiabetic subjects. Measurement of these modified lipids should prove useful for assessing the role of carbonyl-amine reactions of aminophospholipids in aging and age-related diseases.
Nepsilon-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) is an advanced glycation end product formed on protein by combined nonenzymatic glycation and oxidation (glycoxidation) reactions. We now report that CML is also formed during metal-catalyzed oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the presence of protein. During copper-catalyzed oxidation in vitro, the CML content of low density lipoprotein increased in concert with conjugated dienes but was independent of the presence of the Amadori compound, fructoselysine, on the protein. CML was also formed in a time-dependent manner in RNase incubated under aerobic conditions in phosphate buffer containing arachidonate or linoleate; only trace amounts of CML were formed from oleate. After 6 days of incubation the yield of CML in RNase from arachidonate was approximately 0.7 mmol/mol lysine compared with only 0.03 mmol/mol lysine for protein incubated under the same conditions with glucose. Glyoxal, a known precursor of CML, was also formed during incubation of RNase with arachidonate. These results suggest that lipid peroxidation, as well as glycoxidation, may be an important source of CML in tissue proteins in vivo and that CML may be a general marker of oxidative stress and long term damage to protein in aging, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.
N epsilon-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) is formed on oxidative cleavage of carbohydrate adducts to lysine residues in glycated proteins in vitro [Ahmed et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8816-8821; Dunn et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 10964-10970]. We have shown that, in human lens proteins in vivo, the concentration of fructose-lysine (FL), the Amadori adduct of glucose to lysine, is constant with age, while the concentration of the oxidation product, CML, increases significantly with age [Dunn et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 9464-9468]. In this work we extend our studies to the analysis of human skin collagen. The extent of glycation of insoluble skin collagen was greater than that of lens proteins (4-6 mmol of FL/mol of lysine in collagen versus 1-2 mmol of FL/mol of lysine in lens proteins), consistent with the lower concentration of glucose in lens, compared to plasma. In contrast to lens, there was a slight but significant age-dependent increase in glycation of skin collagen, 33% between ages 20 and 80. As in lens protein, CML, present at only trace levels in neonatal collagen, increased significantly with age, although the amount of CML in collagen at 80 years of age, approximately 1.5 mmol of CML/mol of lysine, was less than that found in lens protein, approximately 7 mmol of CML/mol of lysine. The concentration of N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylysine (CMhL), the product of oxidation of glycated hydroxylysine, also increased with age in collagen, in parallel with the increase in CML, from trace levels at infancy to approximately 5 mmol of CMhL/mol of hydroxylysine at age 80.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Epidemiological studies show that elevated plasma levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are associated with diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease. Thus AGEs have been used as disease progression markers. However, the effects of variations in biological sample processing procedures on the level of AGEs in plasma/serum samples have not been investigated. The objective of this investigation was to assess the effect of variations in blood sample collection on measured Ne_(carboxy-methyl)lysine (CML), the best characterised AGE, and its homolog, Ne_(carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL). The investigation examined the effect on CML and CEL of different blood collection tubes, inclusion of a stabilising cocktail, effect of freeze thaw cycles, different storage times and temperatures, and effects of delaying centrifugation on a pooled sample from healthy volunteers. CML and CEL were measured in extracted samples by ultra_performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Median CML and CEL ranged from 0.132 to 0.140 mM/M lys and from 0.053 to 0.060 mM/M lys, respectively. No significant difference was shown CML or CEL in plasma/serum samples. Therefore samples collected as part of epidemiological studies that do not undergo specific sample treatment at collection are suitable for measuring CML and CEL.
Epidemiological studies show that elevated plasma levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are associated with diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease. Thus AGEs have been used as disease progression markers. However, the effects of variations in biological sample processing procedures on the level of AGEs in plasma/serum samples have not been investigated. The objective of this investigation was to assess the effect of variations in blood sample collection on measured N (ε)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), the best characterised AGE, and its homolog, N (ε)-(carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL). The investigation examined the effect on CML and CEL of different blood collection tubes, inclusion of a stabilising cocktail, effect of freeze thaw cycles, different storage times and temperatures, and effects of delaying centrifugation on a pooled sample from healthy volunteers. CML and CEL were measured in extracted samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Median CML and CEL ranged from 0.132 to 0.140 mM/M lys and from 0.053 to 0.060 mM/M lys, respectively. No significant difference was shown CML or CEL in plasma/serum samples. Therefore samples collected as part of epidemiological studies that do not undergo specific sample treatment at collection are suitable for measuring CML and CEL.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais baseados em quitosano, seus derivados e celulose, na forma de nanofibras ou de papel. Em primeiro lugar procedeu-se à purificação das amostras comerciais de quitosano e à sua caracterização exaustiva em termos morfológicos e físicoquímicos. Devido a valores contraditórios encontrados na literatura relativamente à energia de superfície do quitosano, e tendo em conta a sua utilização como precursor de modificações químicas e a sua aplicação em misturas com outros materiais, realizou-se também um estudo sistemático da determinação da energia de superfície do quitosano, da quitina e seus respectivos homólogos monoméricos, por medição de ângulos de contacto Em todas as amostras comerciais destes polímeros identificaram-se impurezas não polares que estão associadas a erros na determinação da componente polar da energia de superfície. Após a remoção destas impurezas, o valor da energia total de superfície (gs), e em particular da sua componente polar, aumentou consideravelmente. Depois de purificadas e caracterizadas, algumas das amostras de quitosano foram então usadas na preparação de filmes nanocompósitos, nomeadamente dois quitosanos com diferentes graus de polimerização, correspondentes derivados solúveis em água (cloreto de N-(3-(N,N,N-trimetilamónio)-2- hidroxipropilo) de quitosano) e nanofibras de celulose como reforço (celulose nanofibrilada (NFC) e celulose bacteriana (BC). Estes filmes transparentes foram preparados através de um processo simples e com conotação ‘verde’ pela dispersão homogénea de diferentes teores de NFC (até 60%) e BC (até 40%) nas soluções de quitosano (1.5% w/v) seguida da evaporação do solvente. Os filmes obtidos foram depois caracterizados por diversas técnicas, tais como SEM, AFM, difracção de raio-X, TGA, DMA, ensaios de tracção e espectroscopia no visível. Estes filmes são altamente transparentes e apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e maior estabilidade térmica do que os correspondentes filmes sem reforço. Outra abordagem deste trabalho envolveu o revestimento de folhas de papel de E. globulus com quitosano e dois derivados, um derivado fluorescente e um derivado solúvel em água, numa máquina de revestimentos (‘máquina de colagem’) à escala piloto. Este estudo envolveu inicialmente a deposição de 1 a 5 camadas do derivado de quitosano fluorescente sobre as folhas de papel de forma a estudar a sua distribuição nas folhas em termos de espalhamento e penetração, através de medições de reflectância e luminescência. Os resultados mostraram que, por um lado, a distribuição do quitosano na superfície era homogénea e que, por outro lado, a sua penetração através dos poros do papel cessou após três deposições. Depois da terceira camada verificou-se a formação de um filme contínuo de quitosano sobre a superfície do papel. Estes resultados mostram que este derivado de quitosano fluorescente pode ser utilizado como marcador na optimização e compreensão de mecanismos de deposição de quitosano em papel e outros substratos. Depois de conhecida a distribuição do quitosano nas folhas de papel, estudou-se o efeito do revestimento de quitosano e do seu derivado solúvel em água nas propriedades finais do papel. As propriedades morfológicas, mecânicas, superficiais, ópticas, assim como a permeabilidade ao ar e ao vapor de água, a aptidão à impressão e o envelhecimento do papel, foram exaustivamente avaliadas. De uma forma geral, os revestimentos com quitosano e com o seu derivado solúvel em água tiveram um impacto positivo nas propriedades finais do papel, que se mostrou ser dependente do número de camadas depositadas. Os resultados também mostraram que os papéis revestidos com o derivado solúvel em água apresentaram melhores propriedades ópticas, aptidão à impressão e melhores resultados em relação ao envelhecimento do que os papéis revestidos com quitosano. Assim, o uso de derivados de quitosano solúveis em água em processos de revestimento de papel representa uma estratégia bastante interessante e sustentável para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais funcionais ou na melhoria das propriedades finais dos papéis. Por fim, tendo como objectivo valorizar os resíduos e fracções menos nobres da quitina e do quitosano provenientes da indústria transformadora, estes polímeros foram convertidos em polióis viscosos através de uma reacção simples de oxipropilação. Este processo tem também conotação "verde" uma vez que não requer solvente, não origina subprodutos e não exige nenhuma operação específica (separação, purificação, etc) para isolar o produto da reacção. As amostras de quitina e quitosano foram pré-activadas com KOH e depois modificadas com um excesso de óxido de propileno (PO) num reactor apropriado. Em todos os casos, o produto da reacção foi um líquido viscoso composto por quitina ou quitosano oxipropilados e homopolímero de PO. Estas duas fracções foram separadas e caracterizadas.
In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the
effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied
separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive
bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against
yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of
chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response
surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations
(OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that
the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism.
The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same
concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum
of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for
all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal
mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents
was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also
at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosan
The present study aimed to develop a pre-endothelialized chitosan (CH) porous hollowed scaffold for application in spinal cord regenerative therapies. CH conduits with different degrees of acetylation (DA; 4% and 15%) were prepared, characterized (microstructure, porosity and water uptake) and functionalized with a recombinant fragment of human fibronectin (rhFNIII7–10). Immobilized rhFNIII7–10 was characterized in terms of amount (125I-radiolabelling), exposure of cell-binding domains (immunofluorescence) and ability to mediate endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Functionalized conduits revealed a linear increase in immobilized rhFNIII7–10 with rhFNIII7–10 concentration, and, for the same concentration, higher amounts of rhFNIII7–10 on DA 4% compared with DA 15%. Moreover, rhFNIII7–10 concentrations as low as 5 and 20 lgml 1 in the coupling reaction were shown to provide DA 4% and 15% scaffolds, respectively, with levels of exposed cell-binding domains exceeding those observed on the control (DA 4% scaffolds incubated in a 20 lgml 1 human fibronectin solution). These grafting conditions proved to be effective in mediating EC adhesion/cytoskeletal organization on CH with DA 4% and 15%, without affecting the endothelial angiogenic potential. rhFNIII7–10 grafting to CH could be a strategy of particular interest in tissue engineering applications requiring the use of endothelialized porous matrices with tunable degradation rates.
This study was developed with the purpose to investigate the effect of polysaccharide/plasticiser concentration on the microstructure and molecular dynamics of polymeric film systems, using transmission electron microscope imaging (TEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Experiments were carried out in chitosan/glycerol films prepared with solutions of different composition. The films obtained after drying and equilibration were characterised in terms of composition, thickness and water activity. Results show that glycerol quantities used in film forming solutions were responsible for films composition; while polymer/total plasticiser ratio in the solution determined the thickness (and thus structure) of the films. These results were confirmed by TEM. NMR allowed understanding the films molecular rearrangement. Two different behaviours for the two components analysed, water and glycerol were observed: the first is predominantly moving free in the matrix, while glycerol is mainly bounded to the chitosan chain. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.