850 resultados para building information modelling
El presente trabajo se basa en la filosofía de la Construcción sin Pérdidas (“Lean Construction”), analizando la situación de esta filosofía en el sector de la edificación en el contexto internacional y español, respondiendo las siguientes preguntas: 1. ¿Cómo surge el “Lean Construction”? 2. ¿Cuáles son sus actividades, funciones y cometidos? 3. ¿Existe regulación del ¨Lean Construction” en otros países? 4. ¿Existe demanda del ¨Lean Construction” en España? 5. ¿Existe regulación del ¨Lean Construction” en España? 6. ¿Cómo debería ser la regulación ¨Lean Construction” en España? 7. ¿Cuál es la relación del “Lean Construction” con el “Project & Construction Management”? 8. ¿Cómo debería ser la regulación de “Lean Construction” en España considerando su relación con el “Project & Construction Management”? Las preguntas indicadas las hemos respondido detalladamente en el presente trabajo, a continuación se resume las respuestas a dichas preguntas: 1. El “Lean Construction” surge en agosto de 1992, cuando el investigador finlandés Lauri Koskela publicó en la Universidad de Stanford el reporte TECHNICAL REPORT N° 72 titulado “Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction”. Un año más tarde el Dr. Koskela invitó a un grupo de especialistas en construcción al primer workshop de esta materia en Finlandia, dando origen al International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) lo que ha permitido extender la filosofía a EEUU, Europa, América, Asia, Oceanía y África. “Lean Construction” es un sistema basado en el enfoque “Lean Production” desarrollado en Japón por Toyota Motors a partir de los años cincuenta, sistema que permitió a sus fábricas producir unidades con mayor eficiencia que las industrias americanas, con menores recursos, en menor tiempo, y con un número menor de errores de fabricación. 2. El sistema “Lean Construction” busca maximizar el valor y disminuir las pérdidas de los proyectos generando una coordinación eficiente entre los involucrados, manejando un proyecto como un sistema de producción, estrechando la colaboración entre los participantes de los proyectos, capacitándoles y empoderándoles, fomentando una cultura de cambio. Su propósito es desarrollar un proceso de construcción en el que no hayan accidentes, ni daños a equipos, instalaciones, entorno y comunidad, que se realice en conformidad con los requerimientos contractuales, sin defectos, en el plazo requerido, respetando los costes presupuestados y con un claro enfoque en la eliminación o reducción de las pérdidas, es decir, las actividades que no generen beneficios. El “Last Planner System”, o “Sistema del Último Planificador”, es un sistema del “Lean Construction” que por su propia naturaleza protege a la planificación y, por ende, ayuda a maximizar el valor y minimizar las pérdidas, optimizando de manera sustancial los sistemas de seguridad y salud. El “Lean Construction” se inició como un concepto enfocado a la ejecución de las obras, posteriormente se aplicó la filosofía a todas las etapas del proyecto. Actualmente considera el desarrollo total de un proyecto, desde que nace la idea hasta la culminación de la obra y puesta en marcha, considerando el ciclo de vida completo del proyecto. Es una filosofía de gestión, metodologías de trabajo y una cultura empresarial orientada a la eficiencia de los procesos y flujos. La filosofía “Lean Construction” se está expandiendo en todo el mundo, además está creciendo en su alcance, influyendo en la gestión contractual de los proyectos. Su primera evolución consistió en la creación del sistema “Lean Project Delivery System”, que es el concepto global de desarrollo de proyectos. Posteriormente, se proponen el “Target Value Design”, que consiste en diseñar de forma colaborativa para alcanzar los costes y el valor requerido, y el “Integrated Project Delivery”, en relación con sistemas de contratos relacionales (colaborativos) integrados, distintos a los contratos convencionales. 3. Se verificó que no existe regulación específica del ¨Lean Construction” en otros países, en otras palabras, no existe el agente con el nombre específico de “Especialista en Lean Construction” o similar, en consecuencia, es un agente adicional en el proyecto de la edificación, cuyas funciones y cometidos se pueden solapar con los del “Project Manager”, “Construction Manager”, “Contract Manager”, “Safety Manager”, entre otros. Sin embargo, se comprobó la existencia de formatos privados de contratos colaborativos de Integrated Project Delivery, los cuales podrían ser tomados como unas primeras referencias para futuras regulaciones. 4. Se verificó que sí existe demanda del ¨Lean Construction” en el desarrollo del presente trabajo, aunque aún su uso es incipiente, cada día existe más interesados en el tema. 5. No existe regulación del ¨Lean Construction” en España. 6. Uno de los objetivos fundamentales de esta tesis es el de regular esta figura cuando actúe en un proyecto, definir y realizar una estructura de Agente de la Edificación, según la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación (LOE), y de esta manera poder introducirla dentro de la Legislación Española, protegiéndola de eventuales responsabilidades civiles. En España existe jurisprudencia (sentencias de los tribunales de justicia españoles) con jurisdicción civil basada en la LOE para absolver o condenar a agentes de la edificación que son definidos en los tribunales como “gestores constructivos” o similares. Por este motivo, en un futuro los tribunales podrían dictaminar responsabilidades solidarias entre el especialista “Lean Construction” y otros agentes del proyecto, dependiendo de sus actuaciones, y según se implemente el “Lean Project Delivery System”, el “Target Value Design” y el “Integrated Project Delivery”. Por otro lado, es posible que el nivel de actuación del especialista “Lean Construcción” pueda abarcar la gestión del diseño, la gestión de la ejecución material (construcción), la gestión de contratos, o la gestión integral de todo el proyecto de edificación, esto último, en concordancia con la última Norma ISO 21500:2012 o UNE-ISO 21500:2013 Directrices para la dirección y gestión de proyectos. En consecuencia, se debería incorporar adecuadamente a uno o más agentes de la edificación en la LOE de acuerdo a sus funciones y responsabilidades según los niveles de actuación del “Especialista en Lean Construction”. Se propone la creación de los siguientes agentes: Gestor del Diseño, Gestor Constructivo y Gestor de Contratos, cuyas definiciones están desarrolladas en este trabajo. Estas figuras son definidas de manera general, puesto que cualquier “Project Manager” o “DIPE”, gestor BIM (Building Information Modeling), o similar, puede actuar como uno o varios de ellos. También se propone la creación del agente “Gestor de la Construcción sin Pérdidas”, como aquel agente que asume las actuaciones del “gestor de diseño”, “gestor constructivo” y “gestor de contratos” con un enfoque en los principios del Lean Production. 7. En la tesis se demuestra, por medio del uso de la ISO 21500, que ambos sistemas son complementarios, de manera que los proyectos pueden tener ambos enfoques y ser compatibilizados. Un proyecto que use el “Project & Construction Management” puede perfectamente apoyarse en las herramientas y técnicas del “Lean Construction” para asegurar la eliminación o reducción de las pérdidas, es decir, las actividades que no generen valor, diseñando el sistema de producción, el sistema de diseño o el sistema de contratos. 8. Se debería incorporar adecuadamente al agente de la edificación “Especialista en Lean Construction” o similar y al agente ¨Especialista en Project & Construction Management” o DIPE en la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación (LOE) de acuerdo a sus funciones y responsabilidades, puesto que la jurisprudencia se ha basado para absolver o condenar en la referida Ley. Uno de los objetivos fundamentales de esta tesis es el de regular la figura del “Especialista en Lean Construction” cuando actúa simultáneamente con el DIPE, y realizar una estructura de Agente de la Edificación según la LOE, y de esta manera protegerlo de eventuales responsabilidades solidarias. Esta investigación comprueba que la propuesta de definición del agente de edificación DIPE, según la LOE, presentada en la tesis doctoral del Doctor Manuel Soler Severino es compatible con las nuevas definiciones propuestas. El agente DIPE puede asumir los roles de los diferentes gestores propuestos en esta tesis si es que se especializa en dichas materias, o, si lo estima pertinente, recomendar sus contrataciones. ABSTRACT This work is based on the Lean Construction philosophy; an analysis is made herein with regard to the situation of this philosophy in the building sector within the international and Spanish context, replying to the following questions: 1. How did the concept of Lean Construction emerge? 2. Which are the activities, functions and objectives of Lean Construction? 3. Are there regulations on Lean Construction in other countries? 4. Is there a demand for Lean Construction in Spain? 5. Are there regulations on Lean Construction in Spain? 6. How should regulations on Lean Construction be developed in Spain? 7. What is the relationship between Lean Construction and the Project & Construction Management? 8. How should regulations on Lean Construction be developed in Spain considering its relationship with the Project & Construction Management? We have answered these questions in detail here and the replies are summarized as follows: 1. The concept of Lean Construction emerged in august of 1992, when Finnish researcher Lauri Koskela published in Stanford University TECHNICAL REPORT N° 72 entitled “Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction”. A year later, Professor Koskela invited a group of construction specialists to Finland to the first workshop conducted on this matter; thus, the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) was established, which has contributed to extending the philosophy to the United States, Europe, the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Africa. Lean Construction is a system based on the Lean Production approach, which was developed in Japan by Toyota Motors in the 1950s. Thanks to this system, the Toyota plants were able to produce more units, with greater efficiency than the American industry, less resources, in less time, and with fewer manufacturing errors. 2. The Lean Construction system aims at maximizing the value of projects while reducing waste, producing an effective coordination among those involved; it manages projects as a production system, enhancing collaboration between the parties that participate in the projects while building their capacities, empowering them, and promoting a culture of change. Its purpose is to develop a construction process free of accidents, without damages to the equipment, facilities, environment and community, flawless, in accordance with contractual requirements, within the terms established, respecting budgeted costs, and with a clear approach to eliminating or reducing waste, that is, activities that do not generate benefits. The Last Planner System is a Lean Construction system, which by its own nature protects planning and, therefore, helps to maximize the value and minimize waste, optimizing substantially the safety and health systems. Lean Construction started as a concept focused on the execution of works, and subsequently the philosophy was applied to all the stages of the project. At present it considers the project’s total development, since the time ideas are born until the completion and start-up of the work, taking into account the entire life cycle of the project. It is a philosophy of management, work methodologies, and entrepreneurial culture aimed at the effectiveness of processes and flows. The Lean Construction philosophy is extending all over the world and its scope is becoming broader, having greater influence on the contractual management of projects. It evolved initially through the creation of the Lean Project Delivery System, a global project development concept. Later on, the Target Value Design was developed, based on collaborative design to achieve the costs and value required, as well as the Integrated Project Delivery, in connection with integrated relational (collaborative) contract systems, as opposed to conventional contracts. 3. It was verified that no specific regulations on Lean Construction exist in other countries, in other words, there are no agents with the specific name of “Lean Construction Specialist” or other similar names; therefore, it is an additional agent in building projects, which functions and objectives can overlap those of the Project Manager, Construction Manager, Contract Manager, or Safety Manager, among others. However, the existence of private collaborative contracts of Integrated Project Delivery was confirmed, which could be considered as first references for future regulations. 4. There is a demand for Lean Construction in the development of this work; even though it is still emerging, there is a growing interest in this topic. 5. There are no regulations on Lean Construction in Spain. 6. One of the main objectives of this thesis is to regulate this role when acting in a project, and to define and develop a Building Agent structure, according to the Building Standards Law (LOE by its acronym in Spanish), in order to be able to incorporate it into the Spanish law, protecting it from civil liabilities. In Spain there is jurisprudence in civil jurisdiction based on the LOE to acquit or convict building agents, which are defined in the courts as “construction managers” or similar. For this reason, courts could establish in the future joint and several liabilities between the Lean Construction Specialist and other agents of the project, depending on their actions and based on the implementation of the Lean Project Delivery System, the Target Value Design, and the Integrated Project Delivery. On the other hand, it is possible that the level of action of the Lean Construction Specialist may comprise design management, construction management and contract management, or the integral management of the entire building project in accordance with the last ISO 21500:2012 or UNE-ISO 21500:2013, guidelines for the management of projects. Accordingly, one or more building agents should be appropriately incorporated into the LOE according to their functions and responsibilities and based on the levels of action of the Lean Construction Specialist. The creation of the following agents is proposed: Design Manager, Construction Manager, and Contract Manager, which definitions are developed in this work. These agents are defined in general, since any Project Manager or DIPE, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Manager or similar, may act as one or as many of them. The creation of the Lean Construction Manager is also proposed, as the agent that takes on the role of the Design Manager, Construction Manager and Contract Manager with a focus on the Lean Production principles. 7. In the thesis it is demonstrated that through the implementation of the ISO 21500, both systems are supplementary, so projects may have both approaches and be compatible. A project that applies the Project & Construction Management may perfectly have the support of the tools, techniques and practices of Lean Construction to ensure the elimination or reduction of losses, that is, those activities that do not generate value, thus designing the production system, the design system, or the contract system. 8. The Lean Construction Specialist or similar and the Specialist in Project & Construction Management should be incorporated appropriately into the LOE according to their functions and responsibilities, since jurisprudence has been based on such Law to acquit or convict. One of the main objectives of this thesis is the regulate the role of the Lean Construction Specialist when acting simultaneously with the DIPE, and to develop a structure of the building agent, according to the LOE, and in this way protect such agent from joint and several liabilities. This research proves that the proposal to define the DIPE building agent, according to the LOE, and presented in the doctoral dissertation of Manuel Soler Severino, Ph.D. is compatible with the new definitions proposed. The DIPE agent may assume the roles of the different managers proposed in this thesis if he specializes in those topics or, if deemed pertinent, recommends that they be engaged.
A falta de integração entre áreas de conhecimento pode gerar efeitos negativos no processo de projeto em uma construtora-incorporadora. Em muitos casos, o projeto do produto é elaborado pela incorporadora sem qualquer participação da área responsável pela produção e de outras áreas da construtora. O trabalho apresenta uma análise sobre a gestão de projetos na construção de edifícios, valorizando a participação da engenharia de produção nessa fase, apoiando-se nos conceitos de Projeto Simultâneo, e propõe diretrizes para sua aplicação na construtora-incorporadora Cyrela, com enfoque na construtibilidade e manutenibilidade. Para desenvolver a pesquisa foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as características da gestão de projetos, da Engenharia de Produção na construção de edifícios, e sobre a Engenharia Simultânea no desenvolvimento de produtos com comparativo de modelos de indústrias seriadas para a construção civil, incluindo a interação entre os agentes do processo. Como resultados são apresentados: uma análise da interação entre os agentes do processo; a ligação entre pessoas, processos e tecnologia; os conceitos de construtibilidade, manutenibilidade e retroalimentação na interface com projetos. São igualmente feitas análises das tendências de modernização na gestão dos projetos por meio da modelagem da informação da construção e, apoiado em estudo de caso, são apresentadas as experiências do Projeto Simultâneo aplicadas na Cyrela. Por fim, são apresentadas as diretrizes para participação da Engenharia de Produção da Construtora e Incorporadora Cyrela no Projeto Simultâneo, sendo essa a principal contribuição do trabalho. Embora suas contribuições possam servir de referência para demais empresas do setor, essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida para aplicações práticas da Cyrela, construtora-incorporadora que atua na construção de edifícios em todas as regiões do Brasil.
Una de las exigencias técnicas más demandadas hoy en día dentro del ámbito edificatorio es el manejo de programas de diseño arquitectónico integrado, al convertirse en una formación indispensable frente al diseño tradicional. De este modo, la utilización de tecnologías BIM (Building Information Modeling) en el ámbito proyectual está suponiendo un impulso profesional cualitativo muy importante mediante la utilización de bases de datos específicas asociadas a dibujos convencionales desde distintas perspectivas y a todos los niveles. El objeto del presente estudio es la aplicación constructiva de esta herramienta en el ámbito docente de la Universidad de Alicante, suponiendo una oportunidad para implementar el estudio de nuevas tecnologías y conocer una interesante herramienta de trabajo implantada actualmente en muchas empresas de arquitectura y construcción. La metodología y los contenidos impartidos en el curso consideran una aplicación práctica de forma que los conocimientos adquiridos sean graduales y de aplicación sucesiva. En conclusión, el curso planteado responde a las crecientes necesidades profesionales en el ámbito constructivo con herramientas BIM y enriquece las habilidades de los estudiantes, mejorando su pericia en el ámbito del diseño y ampliando su capacidad de visión espacial; ambas cualidades indispensables en la práctica profesional arquitectónica.
We argue that, for certain constrained domains, elaborate model transformation technologies-implemented from scratch in general-purpose programming languages-are unnecessary for model-driven engineering; instead, lightweight configuration of commercial off-the-shelf productivity tools suffices. In particular, in the CancerGrid project, we have been developing model-driven techniques for the generation of software tools to support clinical trials. A domain metamodel captures the community's best practice in trial design. A scientist authors a trial protocol, modelling their trial by instantiating the metamodel; customized software artifacts to support trial execution are generated automatically from the scientist's model. The metamodel is expressed as an XML Schema, in such a way that it can be instantiated by completing a form to generate a conformant XML document. The same process works at a second level for trial execution: among the artifacts generated from the protocol are models of the data to be collected, and the clinician conducting the trial instantiates such models in reporting observations-again by completing a form to create a conformant XML document, representing the data gathered during that observation. Simple standard form management tools are all that is needed. Our approach is applicable to a wide variety of information-modelling domains: not just clinical trials, but also electronic public sector computing, customer relationship management, document workflow, and so on. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Construction customers are persistently seeking to achieve sustainability and maximize value as sustainability has become a major consideration in the construction industry. In particular, it is essential to refurbish a whole house to achieve the sustainability agenda of 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 as the housing sector accounts for 28% of the total UK CO2 emission. However, whole house refurbishment seems to be challenging due to the highly fragmented nature of construction practice, which makes the integration of diverse information throughout the project lifecycle difficult. Consequently, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore in order to manage construction projects in a collaborative manner, although the current uptake of the housing sector is low at 25%. This research aims to investigate homeowners’ decision making factors for housing refurbishment projects and to provide a valuable dataset as an essential input to BIM for such projects. One-hundred and twelve homeowners and 39 construction professionals involved in UK housing refurbishment were surveyed. It was revealed that homeowners value initial cost more while construction professionals value thermal performance. The results supported that homeowners and professionals both considered the first priority to be roof refurbishment. This research revealed that BIM requires a proper BIM dataset and objects for housing refurbishment.
Information can be expressed in many ways according to the different capacities of humans to perceive it. Current systems deals with multimedia, multiformat and multiplatform systems but another « multi » is still pending to guarantee global access to information, that is, multilinguality. Different languages imply different replications of the systems according to the language in question. No solutions appear to represent the bridge between the human representation (natural language) and a system-oriented representation. The United Nations University defined in 1997 a language to be the support of effective multilinguism in Internet. In this paper, we describe this language and its possible applications beyond multilingual services as the possible future standard for different language independent applications.
The integration between architectural design and structur al systems consi sts, in academic education, one of the main challenges to the architectural design education . Recent studies point to the relevance of the use of computational tools in academic settings as an important strategy for such integration. Although in recent yea rs teaching experience using BIM (BuildingInformationModeling) may be incorporated by the a rchitecture schools , notes the need for further didactic and pedagogical practices that promote the architectural design and structur al integration teaching. This pa per analyzes experiences developed within the UFRN and UFPB, seeking to identify tools, processes and products used, pointing limitations and potentials in subjects taught in these institutions. The research begins with a literature review on teaching BIM and related aspects to the integration of architectural design and stru c tur e . It has been used as data collection techniques in studio the direct observation, the use of questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers, and mixed method, qualitativ e and quantitative analysis . In UFRN, the scope of the Integrated Workshop as a compulsory subject in the curriculum, favors the integration of disciplines studied here as it allows teachers from different disciplines at the same project studio . Regarding the use of BIM form initial users, BIM modelers, able to extract quantitative and automatically speed up production, gaining in quality in the products, however learn the tool and design in parallel cause some difficulties. UFPB, lack of required courses o n BIM, generates lack of knowledge and confidence in using the tool and processes, by most students. Thus we see the need for greater efforts by school to adopt BIM skills and training. There is a greater need for both BIM concept, in order to promote BIM process and consequent better use of tools, and obsolete avoiding impairment of technology, merely a tool. It is considered the inclusion of specific subjects with more advanced BIM skills, through partnerships with engineering degrees and the promotion of trans disciplinary integration favoring the exchange of different cultures from the academic environment.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) concept is able to reshape each AEC project and the industry in general, offering a comprehensive collaboration process over a model of structure with regularly actualized and synchronized information. This report presents an overview of BIM with focus on its core concepts, applications in the project life cycle and benefits for project stakeholders through four case studies carried out during the internship in the engineering office NEWTON - Engineering Consultancy Company. The aim of the four cases studies was to cover multidisciplinary and varied projects. The first case study highlights the engineering project’s workflow and presents a comparison of traditional procedures and BIM concepts applied on the rehabilitation of an existing building. In the second and third case study, attention is focused on the goals achieved, particularly by structural engineer, due to the implementation of the mentioned technology on a full-lifecycle BIM project of a small residence and a complex project of residential building in Porto and on its architectural integration. In addition, through the fourth case study, the spatial coordination of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems at a large-scale hotel project has been analyzed and accomplished, highlighting merits of BIM at this project stage. Through a reduction of the space used for facilities and infrastructures and the ability to identify conflicts and to nullify the related costs, its advantage for a complex building was proved.
3D Surveying and Data Management towards the Realization of a Knowledge System for Cultural Heritage
The research activities involved the application of the Geomatic techniques in the Cultural Heritage field, following the development of two themes: Firstly, the application of high precision surveying techniques for the restoration and interpretation of relevant monuments and archaeological finds. The main case regards the activities for the generation of a high-fidelity 3D model of the Fountain of Neptune in Bologna. In this work, aimed to the restoration of the manufacture, both the geometrical and radiometrical aspects were crucial. The final product was the base of a 3D information system representing a shared tool where the different figures involved in the restoration activities shared their contribution in a multidisciplinary approach. Secondly, the arrangement of 3D databases for a Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, in a process which involves the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of historical buildings, towards a so-called Historical Building Information Model (HBIM). A first application was conducted for the San Michele in Acerboli’s church in Santarcangelo di Romagna. The survey was performed by the integration of the classical and modern Geomatic techniques and the point cloud representing the church was used for the development of a HBIM model, where the relevant information connected to the building could be stored and georeferenced. A second application regards the domus of Obellio Firmo in Pompeii, surveyed by the integration of the classical and modern Geomatic techniques. An historical analysis permitted the definitions of phases and the organization of a database of materials and constructive elements. The goal is the obtaining of a federate model able to manage the different aspects: documental, analytic and reconstructive ones.
Questa tesi di laurea si pone l’obiettivo di investigare alcune delle nuove frontiere offerte dalla crescita sincretica e multidisciplinare dei linguaggi digitali applicati all’architettura e ai beni culturali. Si approfondiranno i concetti teorici fondamentali dell’informazione digitale: il web semantico come ambiente di scambio, i metadata come informazioni sui dati, i LOD (Link Open Data) come standard e fine. Per l’ambito dei beni culturali verranno presentati i temi di ricerca e sviluppo nel campo della catalogazione e fruizione digitali: ontologie, dizionari normalizzati aperti, database (Catalogo Digitale), etc. Per l’ambito edilizio-architettonico verrà introdotto l’Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) semantico come metodologia multidisciplinare focalizzata su rilievo geometrico, modellazione, archiviazione e scambio di tutte le informazioni utili alla conoscenza e conservazione dei beni storici. Il punto d’incontro tra i due mondi è individuato nella possibilità di arricchire le geometrie attraverso la definizione di una semantica (parametri-metadati) relazionata alle informazioni (valori-dati) presenti nei cataloghi digitali, creando di fatto un modello 3D per architetture storiche con funzione di database multidisciplinare. Sarà presentata la piattaforma web-based Inception, sviluppata dall’omonima startup incubata come spinoff dall’Università di Ferrara, che, tra le diverse applicazioni e potenzialità, verrà utilizzata come strumento per la condivisione e fruizione, garantendo la possibilità di interrogare geometrie e metadati in continuità con i principi LOD. Verrà definito un workflow generale (procedure Scan2BIM, modellazione geometrica, definizione script per l’estrazione automatica dei dati dal Catalogo Digitale, associazione dati-geometrie e caricamento in piattaforma) successivamente applicato e adattato alle precise necessità del caso studio: la Chiesa di S. Maria delle Vergini (MC), su commissione dell’ICCD referente al MiBACT.
Nel seguente elaborato di tesi è stato approfondito il tema dell’interoperabilità da software BIM a FEM nell’ambito degli edifici a parete in legno. L’utilizzo di programmi di Building Information Modeling si è affermato in maniera crescente nel mondo delle costruzioni. Infatti, la possibilità di costruire modelli tridimensionali della struttura, che associano ad ogni elemento presente nell’opera tutte le informazioni utili ai fini della sua, realizzazione (quali geometrie, costi, proprietà meccaniche, fasi d’impiego, ecc..) permette di accorciare notevolmente il tempo di progettazione e costruzione, diminuendo gli errori dovuti alla trasmissione dei dati tra le varie figure professionali. Nel campo delle costruzioni, l’elemento “parete in legno” non è ancora presente all’interno dei principali software BIM. Per questo motivo, è stato necessario, per lo svolgimento del presente progetto di tesi, uno studio dei principali parametri meccanici descrittivi del reale comportamento in opera delle pareti in legno. Tali parametri sono stati calcolati secondo i due principali metodi esistenti nell’ambito delle costruzioni in legno: il metodo fenomenologico e il metodo per componenti. Nel primo caso, l’influenza sul comportamento delle pareti da parte delle connessioni metalliche viene calcolata sotto forma di parametri meccanici equivalenti. Nel secondo metodo, invece, il comportamento in opera della parete risulta essere la conseguenza dell’interazione tra la rigidezza della parete stessa e quella delle connessioni, che vengono modellate come dei vincoli equivalenti. Al fine di validare i risultati ottenuti, si è proceduto ad applicare i parametri equivalenti a due casi studio. Il primo caso è rappresentato da una parete semplice (3.2m x 3.75m) sottoposta ad una forza concentrata in sommità. Successivamente è stato studiato il caso di un edificio a parete di legno di tre piani, sottoposto ai carichi di un edificio adibito a civile abitazione.
The newly inaugurated Navile District of the University of Bologna is a complex created along the Navile canal, that now houses various teaching and research activities for the disciplines of Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Astronomy. A Building Information Modeling system (BIM) gives staff of the Navile campus several ways to monitor buildings in the complex throughout their life cycle, one of which is the ability to access real-time environmental data such as room temperature, humidity, air composition, and more, thereby simplifying operations like finding faults and optimizing environmental resource usage. But smart features at Navile are not only available to the staff: AlmaMap Navile is a web application, whose development is documented in this thesis, that powers the public touch kiosks available throughout the campus, offering maps of the district and indications on how to reach buildings and spaces. Even if these two systems, BIM and AlmaMap, don't seem to have many similarities, they share the common intent of promoting awareness for informed decision making in the campus, and they do it while relying on web standards for communication. This opens up interesting possibilities, and is the idea behind AlmaMap Navile 2.0, an app that interfaces with the BIM system and combines real-time sensor data with a comfort calculation algorithm, giving users the ability not just to ask for directions to a space, but also to see its comfort level in advance and, should they want to, check environmental measurements coming from each sensor in a granular manner. The end result is a first step towards building a smart campus Digital Twin, that can support all the people who are part of the campus life in their daily activities, improving their efficiency and satisfaction, giving them the ability to make informed decisions, and promoting awareness and sustainability.
La Tesi presenta un metodo per valutare il livello di reversibilità e circolarità dei componenti edili. Il concetto cardine dello studio è il Design for Disassembly (DfD), definibile come un approccio alla progettazione di organismi edilizi secondo criteri costruttivi volti a facilitare successivi cambiamenti e smantellamenti (completi o parziali), consentendo il riutilizzo dei componenti, al fine di ridurre l’impatto ambientale degli interventi. Attualmente, diverse ricerche in ambito scientifico si dedicano all’approfondimento di questa tematica, correlandola ad altri concetti come la metodologia del Building Information Modeling (BIM), che consente di digitalizzare il processo progettuale, la sua realizzazione e la sua gestione attraverso modelli. Dopo l’analisi dello stato dell’arte, il lavoro è giunto alla definizione di un insieme di parametri idonei per essere introdotti in un modello informativo, in grado di rappresentare la circolarità del componente in termini di DfD. Per ogni elemento del componente analizzato viene assegnato un valore numerico (variabile da 0,1 a 1) a ogni parametro. Tramite l’utilizzo di una formula elaborata nell’ambito di precedenti ricerche svolte dal Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Bologna, opportunamente modificata, si ottiene un indice sintetico finale denominato “Express Building Circularity Indicators” (EBCI). Il metodo di analisi proposto come strumento a supporto del processo progettuale è stato validato tramite l’applicazione a diverse soluzioni di facciata per l’efficientamento energetico di un fabbricato selezionato come caso di studio italiano dal progetto Europeo Horizon 2020 "DRIVE 0 – Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process". I risultati ottenuti hanno consentito di verificare la replicabilità del processo digitalizzato a diverse soluzioni costruttive e l’affidabilità del metodo di valutazione del grado di circolarità.