502 resultados para bk: Schriftsystem


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In the present article we take up the study of nonlinear localization induced base isolation of a 3 degree of freedom system having cubic nonlinearities under sinusoidal base excitation. The damping forces in the system are described by functions of fractional derivative of the instantaneous displacements, typically linear and quadratic damping are considered here separately. Under the assumption of smallness of certain system parameters and nonlinear terms an approximate estimate of the response at each degree of freedom of the system is obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales approach. We then consider a similar system where the nonlinear terms and certain other parameters are no longer small. Direct numerical simulation is made use of to obtain the amplitude plot in the frequency domain for this case, which helps us to establish the efficacy of this method of base isolation for a broad class of systems. Base isolation obtained this way has no counterpart in the linear theory.


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It is important to know and to quantify the liquid holdups both dynamic and static at local levels as it will lead to understand various blast furnace phenomena properly such as slag/metal.gas.solid reactions, gas flow behaviour and interfacial area between the gas/solid/liquid. In the present study, considering the importance of local liquid holdup and non-availability of holdup data in these systems, an attempt has been made to quantify the local holdups in the dropping and around raceway zones in a cold model study using a non-wetting packing for liquid. In order to quantify the liquid holdups at microscopic level, a previously developed technique, X-ray radiography, has been used. It is observed that the liquid flows in preferred paths or channels which carry droplets/rivulets. It has been found that local holdup in some regions of the packed bed is much higher than average at a particular flow rate and this can have important consequences for the correct modelling of such systems.


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In the present study singular fractal functions (SFF) were used to generate stress-strain plots for quasibrittle material like concrete and cement mortar and subsequently stress-strain plot of cement mortar obtained using SFF was used for modeling fracture process in concrete. The fracture surface of concrete is rough and irregular. The fracture surface of concrete is affected by the concrete's microstructure that is influenced by water cement ratio, grade of cement and type of aggregate 11-41. Also the macrostructural properties such as the size and shape of the specimen, the initial notch length and the rate of loading contribute to the shape of the fracture surface of concrete. It is known that concrete is a heterogeneous and quasi-brittle material containing micro-defects and its mechanical properties strongly relate to the presence of micro-pores and micro-cracks in concrete 11-41. The damage in concrete is believed to be mainly due to initiation and development of micro-defects with irregularity and fractal characteristics. However, repeated observations at various magnifications also reveal a variety of additional structures that fall between the `micro' and the `macro' and have not yet been described satisfactorily in a systematic manner [1-11,15-17]. The concept of singular fractal functions by Mosolov was used to generate stress-strain plot of cement concrete, cement mortar and subsequently the stress-strain plot of cement mortar was used in two-dimensional lattice model [28]. A two-dimensional lattice model was used to study concrete fracture by considering softening of matrix (cement mortar). The results obtained from simulations with lattice model show softening behavior of concrete and fairly agrees with the experimental results. The number of fractured elements are compared with the acoustic emission (AE) hits. The trend in the cumulative fractured beam elements in the lattice fracture simulation reasonably reflected the trend in the recorded AE measurements. In other words, the pattern in which AE hits were distributed around the notch has the same trend as that of the fractured elements around the notch which is in support of lattice model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nanopowders of TiO(2) has been prepared using a microwave irradiation-assisted route, starting from a metalorganic precursor, bis(ethyl-3-oxo-butanoato)oxotitanium (IV), [TiO(etob)(2)](2). Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as a capping agent. The as-prepared amorphous powders crystallize into anatase phase, when calcined. At higher calcination temperature, the rutile phase is observed to form in increasing quantities as the calcination temperature is raised. The structural and physicochemical properties were measured using XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM and thermal analyses. The mechanisms of formation of nano-TiO(2) from the metal-organic precursor and the irreversible phase transformation of nano TiO(2) from anatase to rutile structure at higher temperatures have been discussed. It is suggested that a unique step of initiation of transformation takes place in Ti(1/2)O layers in anatase which propagates. This mechanism rationalizes several key observations associated with the anatase rutile transformation.


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A major myonecrotic zinc containing metalloprotease `malabarin' with thrombin like activity was purified by the combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography from T. malabaricus snake venom. MALDI-TOF analysis of malabarin indicated a molecular mass of 45.76 kDa and its N-terminal sequence was found to be Ile-Ile-Leu-Pro(Leu)-Ile-Gly-Val-Ile-Leu(Glu)-Thr-Thr. Atomic absorption spectral analysis of malabarin raveled the association of zinc metal ion. Malabarin is not lethal when injected i.p. or i.m. but causes extensive hemorrhage and degradation of muscle tissue within 24 hours. Sections of muscle tissue under light microscope revealed hemorrhage and congestion of blood vessel during initial stage followed by extensive muscle fiber necrosis with elevated levels of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Malabarin also exhibited strong procoagulant action and its procoagulant action is due to thrombin like activity; it hydrolyzes fibrinogen to form fibrin clot. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes A alpha followed by B beta subunits of fibrinogen from the N-terminal region and the released products were identified as fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B by MALDI. The myonecrotic, fibrinogenolytic and subsequent procoagulant activities of malabarin was neutralized by specific metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, EGTA and 1, 10-phenanthroline but not by PMSF a specific serine protease inhibitor. Since there is no antivenom available to neutralize local toxicity caused by T. malabaricus snakebite, EDTA chelation therapy may have more clinical relevance over conventional treatment.


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A reliable method for service life estimation of the structural element is a prerequisite for service life design. A new methodology for durability-based service life estimation of reinforced concrete flexural elements with respect to chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement is proposed. The methodology takes into consideration the fuzzy and random uncertainties associated with the variables involved in service life estimation by using a hybrid method combining the vertex method of fuzzy set theory with Monte Carlo simulation technique. It is also shown how to determine the bounds for characteristic value of failure probability from the resulting fuzzy set for failure probability with minimal computational effort. Using the methodology, the bounds for the characteristic value of failure probability for a reinforced concrete T-beam bridge girder has been determined. The service life of the structural element is determined by comparing the upper bound of characteristic value of failure probability with the target failure probability. The methodology will be useful for durability-based service life design and also for making decisions regarding in-service inspections.


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The near-critical behaviour in complex fluids, comprising electrolyte solutions, polymer solutions and amphiphilic systems, reveals a marked departure from the 3-D Ising behaviour. This departure manifests itself either in terms of a crossover from Ising to mean-field (or classical) critical behaviour, when moving away from a given critical point (Tc), or by the persistence of only mean-field region in the surprisingly close vicinity of Tc. The ilo,non-Ising features of the osmotic compressibility (chi(T,p)) in solutions of electrolytes, that exhibit orle or many liquid-liquid transitions, will be presented. The underlying cause of the breakdown of the anticipated 3-D Ising behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions is traced to the structuring induced by the electrolytes. New evidence constituting, measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and the excess molar volume, is advanced to support the thesis of the close relationship, between the structuring and the deviation from the 3-D Ising critical behaviour in aqueous electrolyte solutions.


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We report high pressure Raman studies on single crystals of metallic LaB6 upto a pressure of 16.$ GPa. Raman spectra shows three lines at 680 cm(-1) (T-2g), 1120 cm(-1) (E-g) and 1258 cm(-1) (A(1g)), associated with the internal modes of B-6 molecule. The T-2g mode shows an asymmetric Fano line shape, arising from the interference between the phonon line and the electronic continuum. The line is fitted with I(omega) = I-0(q + epsilon(2))/(I + epsilon(2)) where epsilon = (omega - omega(0))/Gamma, omega(0) is the phonon frequency renormalised due to electron-phonon self energy corrections, Tis the width parameter proportional to the square of the matrix element of the electron-phonon interaction potential. The parameter a signifies the strength of interference. Most interestingly our pressure data for the T-2g mode shows a significant change in the slope of the mode frequency with pressure d omega(0)/dP and Gamma at 9.5 GPa. This clearly indicates that LaB6 undergoes a subtle phase transition at 9.5 GPa within the metallic phase.


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Semiconducting chalcogenide glasses in the systems GeSe and GeSeTe with the addition of bismuth show unusual phenomena of p - to - n transition. Samples for characterization were prepared in bulk form by melt-quenching technique, with increasing Bi at. % to replace selenium. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic studies on all the samples were carried out at 4.2K using an Ar-Ion laser for illuminating the samples. The laser power used was 200mw. Both the systems show a decrease in the intensity of PL signal with increasing Bi content. This interesting behavior is discussed on the basis of a charged defect model for chalcogenide glasses, proposed by Mott, Davis and Street (MDS). The effect of bismuth addition on these charged defects is also discussed to explain the carrier type reversal.


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We report the results of the electrical switching studies performed on the bulk Al20GexTe80-x (2.5 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15) chalcogenide glasses. The well known topological features, mechanical and chemical thresholds are observed. Mechanical threshold is seen at a mean coordination number of atoms, < r > = 2.50 (x = 5) a clear shift rom the mean field value of < r > = 2.4 whereas the chemical threshold is observed at < r > = 2.65 (x = 12.5) as predicted by the chemically ordered covalent network model These experiments are a sequel to similar experiments on Al20AsxTe80-x glasses in which mechanical threshold was seen at < r > = 2.60 and no chemical threshold was observed These results am well understood by a chemical bond picture developed in this article.


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In this paper we report resonance Raman scattering from graphite covering excitation energies in the range 2.4 eV to 6 eV. The Raman excitation profile shows a maximum at 4.94 eV (lambda = 251nm) for the G - band (1582 cm(-1)). The D-band at similar to 1350 cm(-1), attributed to disorder activated Raman scattering, does not show up in Raman spectra recorded with excitation wavelengths smaller than 257.3 nm, revealing that the resonance enhancements of the G and D-modes are widely different. Earlier Raman measurements in carbon materials have also revealed a very large and unusual dependence of the D - mode frequency on excitation laser wavelength. This phenomenon is also observed in carbon nanotubes. In this paper we show for the first time that the above unusual dependence arises from the disorder - induced double resonance mechanism.


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This article presents a review of recent developments in parametric based acoustic emission (AE) techniques applied to concrete structures. It recapitulates the significant milestones achieved by previous researchers including various methods and models developed in AE testing of concrete structures. The aim is to provide an overview of the specific features of parametric based AE techniques of concrete structures carried out over the years. Emphasis is given to traditional parameter-based AE techniques applied to concrete structures. A significant amount of research on AE techniques applied to concrete structures has already been published and considerable attention has been given to those publications. Some recent studies such as AE energy analysis and b-value analysis used to assess damage of concrete bridge beams have also been discussed. The formation of fracture process zone and the AE energy released during the fracture process in concrete beam specimens have been summarised. A large body of experimental data on AE characteristics of concrete has accumulated over the last three decades. This review of parametric based AE techniques applied to concrete structures may be helpful to the concerned researchers and engineers to better understand the failure mechanism of concrete and evolve more useful methods and approaches for diagnostic inspection of structural elements and failure prediction/prevention of concrete structures.