995 resultados para ash content
Thermochemical characterisation of agricultural biomass wastes from West African region has been carried out and their potential use as feedstock in thermochemical conversion processes determined. Proximate, ultimate, structural compositions, calorific values, thermogravimetry (TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) analyses were carried out on corn straw and cobs, rice straw and husks, cocoa pod, jatropha curcas and moringa olifiera seed cakes, parinari polyandra fruit shell and sugarcane bagasse. Moringa olifiera seed cakes and cocoa pods were found to contain the highest moisture contents. Rice straw was found to contain a high ash content of 45.76. wt.%. The level of nitrogen and sulphur in all the samples were very low. Rice husk was found to have the highest lignin contents while corn cob low lignin contents indicate a potential feedstock source for quality bio-oil production using thermochemical process. © 2013.
Thermochemical characterisation of various biomass feedstock and bio-oil generated by fast pyrolysis
The projected decline in fossil fuel availability, environmental concerns, and security of supply attract increased interest in renewable energy derived from biomass. Fast pyrolysis is a possible thermochemical conversion route for the production of bio-oil, with promising advantages. The purpose of the experiments reported in this thesis was to extend our understanding of the fast pyrolysis process for straw, perennial grasses and hardwoods, and the implications of selective pyrolysis, crop harvest and storage on the thermal decomposition products. To this end, characterisation and laboratory-scale fast pyrolysis were conducted on the available feedstocks, and their products were compared. The variation in light and medium volatile decomposition products was investigated at different pyrolysis temperatures and heating rates, and a comparison of fast and slow pyrolysis products was conducted. Feedstocks from different harvests, storage durations and locations were characterised and compared in terms of their fuel and chemical properties. A range of analytical (e.g. Py-GC-MS and TGA) and processing equipment (0.3 kg/h and 1.0 kg/h fast pyrolysis reactors and 0.15 kg slow pyrolysis reactor) was used. Findings show that the high bio-oil and char heating value, and low water content of willow short rotation coppice (SRC) make this crop attractive for fast pyrolysis processing compared to the other investigated feedstocks in this project. From the analytical sequential investigation of willow SRC, it was found that the volatile product distribution can be tailored to achieve a better final product, by a variation of the heating rate and temperature. Time of harvest was most influential on the fuel properties of miscanthus; overall the late harvest produced the best fuel properties (high HHV, low moisture content, high volatile content, low ash content), and storage of the feedstock reduced the moisture and acid content.
Activated carbon is generated from various waste biomass sources like rice straw, wheat straw, wheat straw pellets, olive stones, pistachios shells, walnut shells, beech wood and hardcoal. After drying the biomass is pyrolysed in the temperature range of 500-600 °C at low heating rates of 10 K/min. The activation of the chars is performed as steam activation at temperatures between 800 °C and 900 °C. Both the pyrolysis and activation experiments were run in lab-scale facilities. It is shown that nut shells provide high active surfaces of 1000-1300 m/g whereas the active surface of straw matters does hardly exceed 800 m/g which might be a result of the high ash content of the straws and the slightly higher carbon content of the nut shells. The active surface is detected by BET method. Besides the testing of a many types of biomass for the suitability as base material in the activated carbon production process, the experiments allow for the determination of production parameters like heating rate and pyrolysis temperature, activation time and temperature as well as steam flux which are necessary for the scale up of the process chain. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biofuels derived from industry waste have potential to substitute fossil fuels (Diesel and Gasoline) in internal combustion (IC) engines. Use of waste streams as fuels would help to reduce considerably life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and minimise waste processing costs. In this study an investigation into the fuel properties of two waste derived biofuels were carried out, they are: (i) Glidfuel (GF) biofuel - a waste stream from paper industry, and (ii) Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) biodiesel - biodiesel produced from palm oil industry effluent through various treatment and transesterification process. GF and POME was mixed together at various proportions and separately with fossil diesel (FD) to assess the miscibility and various physical and chemical properties of the blends. Fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, higher heating value, water content, acid number, density, flash point temperature, CHNO content, sulphur content, ash content, oxidation stability, cetane number and copper corrosion ratings of all the fuels were measured. The properties of GF, POME and various blends were compared with the corresponding properties of the standard FD. Significance of the fuel properties and their expected effects on combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of the IC engine were discussed. Results showed that most properties of both GF and POME biodiesel were comparable to FD. Both GF and POME were miscible with each other, and also separately with the FD. Flash point temperatures of GF and POME biodiesel were 40.7°C and 158.7°C respectively. The flash point temperature of GF was about 36% lower than corresponding FD. The water content in GF and FD were 0.74 (% wt) and 0.01 (% wt) respectively. Acidity values and corrosion ratings of both GF and POME biodiesel were low compared to corresponding value for FD. The study concluded that optimum GF-POME biofuel blends can substitute fossil diesel use in IC engines.
This work was developed with the objective of proposing a simple, fast and versatile methodological routine using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) combined with multivariate analysis for the determination of ash content, moisture, protein and total lipids present in the gray shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei ) which is conventionally performed gravimetrically after ashing at 550 ° C gravimetrically after drying at 105 ° C for the determination of moisture gravimetrically after a Soxhlet extraction using volumetric and after digestion and distillation Kjedhal respectively. Was first collected the spectra of 63 samples processed boiled shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei species. Then, the determinations by conventional standard methods were carried out. The spectra centered average underwent multiplicative scattering correction of light, smoothing Saviztky-Golay 15 points and first derivative, eliminated the noisy region, the working range was from 1100,36 to 2502,37 nm. Thus, the PLS models for predicting ash showed R 0,9471; 0,1017 and RMSEP RMSEC 0,1548; Moisture R was 0,9241; 2,5483 and RMSEP RMSEC 4,1979; R protein to 0,9201; 1,9391 and RMSEP RMSEC 2,7066; for lipids R 0,8801; 0,2827 and RMSEP RMSEC 0,2329 So that the results showed that the relative errors found between the reference method and the NIR were small and satisfactory. These results are an excellent indication that you can use the NIR to these analyzes, which is quite advantageous, since conventional techniques are time consuming, they spend a lot of reagents and involve a number of professionals, which requires a reasonable runtime while after the validation of the methodology execution using NIR reduces all this time to a few minutes, saving reagents, time and without waste generation, and that this is a non-destructive technique.
Dans l’industrie de l’aluminium, le coke de pétrole calciné est considéré comme étant le composant principal de l’anode. Une diminution dans la qualité du coke de pétrole a été observée suite à une augmentation de sa concentration en impuretés. Cela est très important pour les alumineries car ces impuretés, en plus d’avoir un effet réducteur sur la performance des anodes, contaminent le métal produit. Le coke de pétrole est aussi une source de carbone fossile et, durant sa consommation, lors du processus d’électrolyse, il y a production de CO2. Ce dernier est considéré comme un gaz à effet de serre et il est bien connu pour son rôle dans le réchauffement planétaire et aussi dans les changements climatiques. Le charbon de bois est disponible et est produit mondialement en grande quantité. Il pourrait être une alternative attrayante pour le coke de pétrole dans la fabrication des anodes de carbone utilisées dans les cuves d’électrolyse pour la production de l’aluminium. Toutefois, puisqu’il ne répond pas aux critères de fabrication des anodes, son utilisation représente donc un grand défi. En effet, ses principaux désavantages connus sont sa grande porosité, sa structure désordonnée et son haut taux de minéraux. De plus, sa densité et sa conductivité électrique ont été rapportées comme étant inférieures à celles du coke de pétrole. L’objectif de ce travail est d’explorer l’effet du traitement de chaleur sur les propriétés du charbon de bois et cela, dans le but de trouver celles qui s’approchent le plus des spécifications requises pour la production des anodes. L’évolution de la structure du charbon de bois calciné à haute température a été suivie à l’aide de différentes techniques. La réduction de son contenu en minéraux a été obtenue suite à des traitements avec de l’acide chlorhydrique utilisé à différentes concentrations. Finalement, différentes combinaisons de ces deux traitements, calcination et lixiviation, ont été essayées dans le but de trouver les meilleures conditions de traitement.
Una alternativa para la producción de biocombustibles consiste en la transformación de residuos lignocelulósicos, entre los que se encuentran biomasas maderables y no maderables. Colombia al ser un país rico en recursos agrícolas genera grandes cantidades de residuos provenientes de monocultivos como es el café, la caña de azúcar, el banano entre otros. Los residuos de banano se producen en zonas en donde el acceso a la energía es escaso y el tratamiento actual dado a estos residuos se centra en los biológicos buscando un producto que ayude a disminuir la aplicación de fertilizantes a la tierra. Con este proyecto se busca estudiar el potencial aprovechamiento de estos residuos para su implementación como biocombustible para la combustión y obtener energía a partir de los mismos. En este trabajo se realizó una caracterización de los residuos de la planta del banano (pseudotallo y hoja) mediante análisis termogravimétrico con una termobalanza TA Instrument TGA Q500IF, con el fin de definir el contenido de los tres componentes principales (hemicelulosa, celulosa y lignina). Los experimentos fueron realizados bajo condiciones de pirólisis y por medio de un algoritmo implementado con la herramienta Scilab. Además, el objetivo fue desarrollar una herramienta para determinar los contenidos de cenizas, contenido de humedad, contenido de residuo carbonoso y contenidos de hemicelulosa, celulosa y lignina para un reactor de combustión desde un análisis termogravimétrico. Los valores encontrados permiten concluir que tanto el pseudotallo como la hoja de la planta de banano son residuos potenciales de aprovechamiento en el proceso de combustión con fines de generación de energía.
Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835), locally known as Angara in Uganda, is native to fresh water systems in Africa, thriving well in both lacustrine and riverine conditions. It is part of the routine diets of families in northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The objective of this study was to determine the proximate composition and mineral contents of A. baremoze fillets according to fish size. The mineral contents of A. baremoze from Lake Albert were analysed using standard procedures. The fish samples were categorised into three size-groups; <1 kg (880–990g), 1-1.5 kg and 1.6-2.5 kg. On wet weight basis, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in crude protein and ash content among the different fish sizes. However, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in crude fat, carbohydrate, gross energy and vitamin A. Crude fat (0.35%), carbohydrate (0.37%) and gross energy (597.6 Kcal/100 g) were significantly higher in medium sized fish (1 to 1.5 kg) compared with the larger fish category. Vitamin A contents of different fish sizes ranged from 55.1 to75.3 μg RAE/100g. The contents of magnesium and iron were highest in sizes <1 kg (5.34 mg/100 g) and (3.58 mg/100 g), respectively. It was observed that potassium content (339.33 mg/100 g) and calcium (29.75 mg/100 g) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in fish >1.5 kg. These findings suggest that taste, freshness and other related external appearances should not be the only factors to be considered in making choice for marketing and consumption of Alestes baremoze.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effects on grain test weight, 1000 grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable while other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production but for the production of semolina, pasta and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat.
A indústria de aves brasileira destaca-se economicamente, onde um total de 12,3 milhões de toneladas foi produzido no país em 2013. Esta produção em larga escala gera considerável volume de subprodutos, chegando até 35% da ave viva. Tais resíduos são convertidos, por processos tradicionais, em produtos de baixo valor comercial, como por exemplo, farinhas. O processo de variação de pH constitui um importante processo alternativo de obtenção de proteínas com melhores características funcionais e nutricionais. Estudar as variáveis do processo, efetuando aumento dimensional, é fundamental para aplicação das tecnologias desenvolvidas no laboratório e posterior definição final de processos industriais. A produção de isolados proteicos seria uma tecnologia atraente no aproveitamento de subprodutos da indústria de frango, convertendo-os em uma ótima fonte proteica, agregando valor ao produto obtido. Este trabalho teve por objetivo produzir isolados proteicos em diferentes escalas, utilizando subprodutos não comestíveis da indústria de frango. Foi estudada a solubilização das proteínas da matéria-prima (MP) para definir pHs de solubilização e de precipitação isoelétrica. A curva apontou um pH alcalino de 11,0 para etapa de solubilização e de 5,25 para etapa de precipitação proteica. As proteínas obtidas foram caracterizadas quanto sua composição proximal, índice de acidez (IA), índice de peróxidos (IP) e substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) além de propriedades funcionais de solubilidade, capacidade de retenção de água (CRA) e capacidade de retenção de óleo (CRO); e nutricionais de digestibilidade proteica. Comparativamente foram analisadas farinhas de vísceras comerciais nos mesmos parâmetros. Um aumento de escala do processo foi realizado e avaliado pelas mesmas respostas do produto da escala laboratorial. Foi obtido um teor proteico de 82 e 85% em escala laboratorial e aumento de escala, respectivamente, e também uma redução lipídica de 75%, e de cinzas de 85%, em relação à MP. A composição proximal das farinhas analisadas ficou entre 67-72% para proteína bruta, 17-22% para lipídios e 9-15% para cinzas. O IA, apresentou valores de 2,2 e 3,1 meq/g de isolado e de 1,6 a 2,0 meq/g de farinha. Já para IP, obteve-se valores de 0,003 a 0,005 meq/g de isolado e de 0,002 a 0,049 meq/g de farinha. Os índices de TBARS apontaram valores de 0,081 e 0,214 mg MA/g de isolado e 0,041 a 0,128 mg MA/g de farinha. A solubilidade das proteínas do isolado apontou 84 e 81% em pH 3 e 11 respectivamente e de 5% em pH 5, já para farinhas variaram de 22 a 31% em pH de 3 a 11. A CRA obtida no isolado foi 3,1 a 16,5 g água/g de proteína e de 3,8 a 10,9 g água/g de proteína nas farinhas. A CRO ficou em 4,2 mL de óleo/g de proteína do isolados e 2,6 mL de óleo/g de proteína da farinhas. Os isolados proteicos apresentaram 92 e 95% de digestibilidade das proteínas, em comparação aos 84% das farinhas comerciais. Os índices acumulados e apresentados neste trabalho concluíram que foi possível aumentar a escala do processo de variação de pH, sem perder qualidade nos índices físico-químicos e de digestibilidade proteica.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat, with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage, impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effect on grain test weight, 1,000-grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content, and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable, and other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production, but for the production of semolina, pasta, and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat. © 2016 AACC International, Inc.
The fermented product from small rock oyster (Sacosstrea sp.) locally known, 'Sisi' is an essential source of livelihood in Zumarraga, Samar. Key informant interviews, ocular observation and focus group discussion (FGD) were conducted to find out the traditional practices used in producing 'Sisi'. Salient findings showed that non-standardized processing of Sisi was practiced, thus limiting the revenues derived from this marginalized industry. Furthermore, 'Sisi' has high ash content with high microbial count which indicates that there are some colonies that grow in the mixture. Hence, there is a need to standardize the methods applied in producing fermented small rock oyster 'Sisi'.
O maracujá-roxo é um fruto tropical que tem ganho destaque devido ao seu valor nutricional, organolético e às emergentes descobertas acerca das suas propriedades farmacêuticas e antioxidantes. Durante o processo de maturação decorrem várias reações de ordem física e química, e no intuito de enriquecer o conhecimento acerca de como a composição química e as propriedades do maracujá-roxo evoluem ao longo da maturação, este trabalho consistiu na caracterização física do fruto inteiro e na caracterização química geral das sementes, casca e polpa em frutos separados em cinco graus de maturação diferentes (G1 a G5). Foi também avaliada a atividade antioxidante (atividade antiradicalar e poder redutor), e o teor em compostos fenólicos (fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis) das diferentes matrizes que compõem o fruto ao longo da maturação. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se na casca que o teor em cinza bruta aumenta essencialmente entre G1 e G2 enquanto se verificou uma diminuição da proteína. Em relação à semente, o teor em cinza bruta aumenta gradualmente, e o teor em proteína aumenta de G1 para G2, estabilizando posteriormente nos 8% (base seca). O teor em gordura aumenta gradualmente ao longo da maturação, verificando-se um maior acumulo entre G1 e G2 (9,9 e 19,1% respetivamente). No que respeita à polpa, há uma diminuição nos teores de cinza e proteína e aumento dos sólidos solúveis totais.Verificou-se um aumento ligeiro do pH ao longo da maturação (entre 2,8 a 3,1) e uma diminuição da acidez (entre 12,1 e 6,7 g de ácido cítrico 100 mL-1). Constatou-se que os açúcares predominantes na polpa foram a sacarose, frutose e glucose. Quanto aos ácidos orgánicos, o ácido cítrico foi o maioritário em todos os graus de maturação e teores mais baixos foram quantificados para os ácidos málico e ascórbico. Entre as diferentes partes do fruto estudadas, as cascas foram a matriz mais antioxidante, aumentando o seu potencial bioativo durante a maturação. As sementes apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis. Foi verificado que a atividade antioxidante esteve correlacionada com os valores de fenóis totais presentes nas diferentes partes do fruto ao longo da maturação. De acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro estudo que toma em consideração as alterações sofridas pelas diferentes partes do maracujá-roxo produzido em Portugal, ao longo da maturação.
The short shelf life of mushrooms is a barrier for their distribution and, therefore, there has been extensive research to find technologies that ensure the preservation of mushrooms, maintaining their organoleptic and nutritional properties (1]. Irradiation has proved its technological feasibility to be safely used in the reduction of food losses, being recognized by international organizations as a valid conservation alternative in extending shelflife of many foods. The aim of the present work was to validate the use of 2 kGy dose of gamma radiation to maintain chemical composition of wild mushrooms. Boletus pinophilus Pihit & Dermek and Clitocybe subconnexa Murrill wild samples were obtained in Tnis-os-Montes; subsequently, the samples were divided in two groups: control (non-irradiated, 0 kGy) and irradiated (2 kGy). The irradiation of the samples was performed in a 6°Co experimental chamber. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash were determined following the standard procedures [2]. Free sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI) and a fluorescence detector, respectively; fatty acids were determined by gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) [3]. The protein and ash content was preserved in both groups, although the sugars and tocopherols decreased in the irradiated samples. Sugars and fatty acids showed significant changes after irradiation treatment, particularly in B. pinophillus, nevertheless, the magnitude of the obtained differences did not seem to be sufficient to affect the chemical profiles of the assayed mushrooms. Overall, the detected chemical changes might be considered as allowable, in view of the high advantages offered by gamma irradiation at decontamination and/or disinfestation level.
The Present work deals with the study of exudate of Dacryodes edulis with regards to various seasonal physicochemical properties of the purified solids exudate, acid hydrolysis product and saponification product like charring temperature (oC) (195.73 ± 4.75, 190 ± 7.9, 190 ± 3.4, ); flash point (oC) (105 ± 5.0, 100 ± 7.9, 100 ± 3.4); moisture content % (1.32 – 1.35, 1.05 – 1.08, 1.00 - 1.10); ash content (%) (1.77 – 1.85, 1.21 – 1.31, 1.26 -1.37); lignin content (%) (7.77 – 7.85, 6.21 – 6.31, 5.26 – 5.37); electrical conductivity (μS/cm) (28.40 -29.20, 32.10 – 33.00, 30.30 – 30.90); density (g/cm3) (0.76 -0.77, 0.94 – 0.98, 0.88 – 0.98); melting point (oC) (61.08 – 73.35, 58.69 – 73.35, 55.35 – 65.67). The physicochemical characteristic of Dacryodes edulis is found to be fluctuated with seasonal variations during the present investigation. The correlation coefficient showed positive relationship among the properties. The study reveals that exudate of Daryodes edulis can be tapped in large quantity in the dry season and is rich in lignin content but the seasons does not affect the properties.