996 resultados para ancient Basque texts


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[EN]This paper undertakes the study of the occurrence of non-corresponding demonstrative forms in Spanish, Basque and English in exactly the same linguistic context. It is proposed that the differenccs in the choice of the demonstratives result from the differences in the kind of iniormation that must be coded in each of the languages. Thus, I will argue that in Spanish and Basque the obligatory coding of the aspectual categories of the imperfect and the preterit has the function of imposing specific viewing arrangements onto the situations they designate. By contrast, in English, where the aspectual distinction is not overtly coded, the demonstrativcs are proposed to fulfil this function.


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[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher’s and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed.


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The case of the top chefs relates the two areas that are apparently most distant, nutrition and health technology. It is the element that binds[3] the four, making them into a single whole. The results achieved by our chefs, in terms of their individual and collective success and their international projection of the image of the Basque Country comprise a goal to which other industries in the region should aspire. It is therefore our plan to apply the keys to this successful inter-competitor cooperation to development of the health technology industry. At the same time, we want to fulfil one of the aims that have been established for the food area: to make use of the country’s gastronomy-related assets.


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The plots of the five Greek novels of "love and Adventures" are set in two differentent spaces. First, a macrospace, a gigantic stage which mainly includes Eastern cities of the Roman Empire, where the protagonists live the so-called adventures. And second, the microspaces, depicted in Longus' novel and occasionally in the other novels. The love ideology is clearly conservative, and it has a specific practical purpose among the Hellenized higher classes in the Eastern Empire.


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Publicado en: "End of Tradition?.Part 1 : History of Commons and Commons Management (Cultural Severance and Commons Past)", edited by Ian D. Rotherham, Mauro Agnoletti and Christine Handley


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Contributed to: 4th International Conference, EuroMed 2012, Limassol, Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2012.


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In this article we describe the methodology developed for the semiautomatic annotation of EPEC-RolSem, a Basque corpus labeled at predicate level following the PropBank-VerbNet model. The methodology presented is the product of detailed theoretical study of the semantic nature of verbs in Basque and of their similarities and differences with verbs in other languages. As part of the proposed methodology, we are creating a Basque lexicon on the PropBank-VerbNet model that we have named the Basque Verb Index (BVI). Our work thus dovetails the general trend toward building lexicons from tagged corpora that is clear in work conducted for other languages. EPEC-RolSem and BVI are two important resources for the computational semantic processing of Basque; as far as the authors are aware, they are also the first resources of their kind developed for Basque. In addition, each entry in BVI is linked to the corresponding verb-entry in well-known resources like PropBank, VerbNet, WordNet, Levin’s Classification and FrameNet. We have also implemented several automatic processes to aid in creating and annotating the BVI, including processes designed to facilitate the task of manual annotation.


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[EN] The main focus of this paper is the cohesion of the theme. First of all, placing anaphoric cohesion within the theoretical framework developed by Bronckart (1985, 1996), we need to distinguish between cohesion, connection and coherence; and furthermore, within the field of cohesion we need to distinguish between verbal cohesion and cohesion as regards nouns. Similarly, the paper also defines discourse as the linguistic realisation of the text, and talks about different types of discourse and textual genres. Next, the paper focuses on the different approaches to cohesion. Since anaphoric cohesion is the cornerstone of the study, some limits of this concept are defined and its main indicators specified. Studies carried out from four different perspectives are taken into consideration: those that focus on understanding pronominal anaphora; those that seek to analyse the discursive side of language acquisition; those that look at anaphora and written texts; and those that concentrate on the didactic side of anaphora. From the model offered by Bronckart’s theory and the aforementioned studies, the following hypothesis is extracted: in Basque, language development is something which takes a long time, and textual genre plays an important role in defining and determining this development.


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Progress report for the Chinese Texts, Digging into Data Challenge round 3, project.


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Santamaría, José Miguel; Pajares, Eterio; Olsen, Vickie; Merino, Raquel; Eguíluz, Federico (eds.)


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[ES] Las traducciones de los clásicos antiguos empiezan a asomar en la literatura vasca a principios del siglo XIX: su objeto no es, en modo alguno, hacerlos accesibles a un público que de otro modo no podría leerlos, sino servir de ejercicio primero a los traductores y después a los lectores y, a un tiempo y sobre todo, dignificar la literatura vasca con obras de validez universal que, además, no implican la sumisión a ninguna cultura nacional. El que Virgilio haya sido siempre —con excepción del paréntesis romántico— el clásico por excelencia ha hecho que sus traducciones ocupen un lugar sobresaliente también en la historia de las letras vascas: el anónimo autor del manuscrito Melibeo del fondo Bonaparte, Iturriaga, Miangolarra, Arregi, Ibiñagabeitia y Orixe son los autores de esta porción —sin duda la más importante con mucho— del Fortleben vasco de Virgilio. Las traducciones de las Églogas y Geórgicas se analizan aquí desde la perspectiva que imponen la filología y la historia literaria: por un lado, se establecen las bases para, primero, interpretar correctamente dichas traducciones en su calidad de tales y, segundo, situarlas debidamente en el conjunto de la obras de sus autores y, en general, en la historia de la literatura vasca; por otro lado, se presta especial atención a las peculiaridades —notables— que la pervivencia de Virgilio presenta en el País Vasco.


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[EN] This article investigates the question of the licensing of null arguments in the so-called pro-drop languages. By focusing on the licensing of null subjects in the different types of -T(Z)E nominalizations in Basque, it aims at defining in a precise way the crucial feature that makes pro-drop possible in a clause. The central claim is that what licenses subject-drop is the assignment of structural Case. That is, it is argued that a subject can be null if and only if it is assigned structural Case. Different aspects of T(Z)E nominalizations are also explored, which show that even if these clauses are similar in the surface, they can be syntactically very different and furthermore, that infinitive clauses marked with the same nominalizing morpheme can also have diverging structures.