918 resultados para ambient debate
Today, business group decision making is an extremely important activity. A considerable number of applications and research have been made in the past years in order to increase the effectiveness of decision making process. In order to support the idea generation process, IGTAI (Idea Generation Tool for Ambient Intelligence) prototype was created. IGTAI is a Group Decision Support System designed to support any kind of meetings namely distributed, asynchronous or face to face. It aims at helping geographically distributed (or not) people and organizations in the idea generation task, by making use of pervasive hardware in a meeting room, expanding the meeting beyond the room walls by allowing a ubiquitous access through different kinds of equipment. This paper focus on the research made to build IGTAI prototype, its architecture and its main functionalities, namely the support given in the different phases of the idea generation meeting.
As the time goes on, it is a question of common sense to involve in the process of decision making people scattered around the globe. Groups are created in a formal or informal way, exchange ideas or engage in a process of argumentation and counterargumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving. In this work it is proposed an agent-based architecture to support a ubiquitous group decision support system, i.e. based on the concept of agent, which is able to exhibit intelligent, and emotional-aware behaviour, and support argumentation, through interaction with individual persons or groups. It is enforced the paradigm of Mixed Initiative Systems, so the initiative is to be pushed by human users and/or intelligent agents.
Decision Making is one of the most important activities of the human being. Nowadays decisions imply to consider many different points of view, so decisions are commonly taken by formal or informal groups of persons. Groups exchange ideas or engage in a process of argumentation and counter-argumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving. Group Decision Making is a social activity in which the discussion and results consider a combination of rational and emotional aspects. In this paper we will present a Smart Decision Room, LAID (Laboratory of Ambient Intelligence for Decision Making). In LAID environment it is provided the support to meeting room participants in the argumentation and decision making processes, combining rational and emotional aspects.
This paper presents the proposal of an architecture for developing systems that interact with Ambient Intelligence (AmI) environments. This architecture has been proposed as a consequence of a methodology for the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in AmI environments (ISyRAmI - Intelligent Systems Research for Ambient Intelligence). The ISyRAmI architecture considers several modules. The first is related with the acquisition of data, information and even knowledge. This data/information knowledge deals with our AmI environment and can be acquired in different ways (from raw sensors, from the web, from experts). The second module is related with the storage, conversion, and handling of the data/information knowledge. It is understood that incorrectness, incompleteness, and uncertainty are present in the data/information/knowledge. The third module is related with the intelligent operation on the data/information/knowledge of our AmI environment. Here we include knowledge discovery systems, expert systems, planning, multi-agent systems, simulation, optimization, etc. The last module is related with the actuation in the AmI environment, by means of automation, robots, intelligent agents and users.
In this paper a new free flight instrument is presented. The instrument named FlyMaster distinguishes from others not only at hardware level, since it is the first one based on a PDA and with an RF interface for wireless sensors, but also at software level once its structure was developed following some guidelines from Ambient Intelligence and ubiquitous and context aware mobile computing. In this sense the software has several features which avoid pilot intervention during flight. Basically, the FlyMaster adequate the displayed information to each flight situation. Furthermore, the FlyMaster has its one way of show information.
We present new Rayleigh-wave dispersion maps of the western Iberian Peninsula for periods between 8 and 30 s, obtained from correlations of seismic ambient noise, following the recent increase in seismic broadband network density in Portugal and Spain. Group velocities have been computed for each station pair using the empirical Green's functions generated by cross-correlating one-day-length seismic ambient-noise records. The resulting high-path density allows us to obtain lateral variations of the group velocities as a function of period in cells of 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees with an unprecedented resolution. As a result we were able to address some of the unknowns regarding the lithospheric structure beneath SW Iberia. The dispersion maps allow the imaging of the major structural units, namely the Iberian Massif, and the Lusitanian and Algarve Meso-Cenozoic basins. The Cadiz Gulf/Gibraltar Strait area corresponds to a strong low-velocity anomaly, which can be followed to the largest period inverted, although slightly shifted to the east at longer periods. Within the Iberian Massif, second-order perturbations in the group velocities are consistent with the transitions between tectonic units composing the massif. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
This paper aims at putting into perspective the recent, post 9/11 debate on the United States‘ alleged exceptionalism and its impact on the definition of American foreign policy. It reminds the readers that the United States was born as a result of a similar debate, at a time when a crucial choice for its future was to be made. Indeed, the Founding Fathers discarded the revolutionary idea that America was altogether different from other (European) nations and, as such, could succeed in saving republicanism and concentrate on domestic affairs. As Gordon Wood and Harvey Mansfield have shown, the 1787 version of republicanism stood as a departure from its earlier version, and such a change was necessary to the creation of a full-fledged federation, therefore paving the way to the current powerful Federal Republic. The early failure of the exceptionalist creed did not cause its disappearance, as the contemporary form of exceptionalism demonstrates, but created conditions that made an enduring and powerful influence very difficult.
Pretendeu-se com este estudo identificar alguns parâmetros-chave da disciplina de Formação Musical no contexto dos cursos básico e complementar do ensino especializado de música – quais os seus objectivos, qual o seu papel e importância na formação de um músico, que problemas se lhe colocam hoje em dia... Optou-se por uma metodologia qualitativa de recolha e análise de dados, tendo-se realizado três debates focalizados de grupo (focus groups) com vários profissionais da música: um com actuais professores de Formação Musical; outro com professores do ensino superior de música com experiência de leccionação da disciplina ao nível básico e complementar, outro com músicos essencialmente na área da interpretação e composição. Os debates foram gravados e posteriormente transcritos, tendo sido objecto de análise de conteúdo. Os dados obtidos permitem identificar vários pontos críticos relativos à disciplina, no sentido de uma configuração actual, em que se integram quer a formação de (possíveis) futuros músicos, quer de pessoas cujo fim não é a profissão de músico mas tão-somente obter formação em música. Os conteúdos e actividades da disciplina foram também abordados, considerando-se que deveriam sempre reportar-se à música propriamente dita, como fonte e contexto para a aquisição de competências.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Este artículo pretende alertar de las contradicciones inherentes a la definición del deporte con relación a la salud y la educación. Tomando como referencia el dopaje, intenta elevar al debate público las repercusiones que la industria del rendimiento deportivo tiene en la salud pública. La práctica clandestina del dopaje conduce a muchos deportistas profesionales y aspirantes a la inseguridad sanitaria y a la desorientación ética de los practicantes aficionados y enseñantes del deporte. Por ello, se plantea la necesidad de discutir una eventual despenalización del dopaje en el deporte profesional.
According to the OECD, Portugal is an example of a country with a very high rigidity in the labour market. At the same time, Portugal is an example of a country with a high percentage or workers with short-term contracts. These conditions have led to an ongoing public discussion concerning the nee to introduce more flexibility while maintaining work security. In this paper we analyze the current situation concerning security and rigidity in the labour market and discuss the flexicurity in the Portuguese context.
1st ISA Forum report
WORKS final conference report
Based on the paper presented at the International Conference “Autonomous Systems: inter-relations of technical and societal issues”, organized by IET with the support of the Portuguese-German collaboration project on “Technology Assessment of Autonomous Robotics” (DAAD/CRUP) at FCT-UNL, Biblioteca da UNL, Campus de Caparica on 5-6 November 2009.