980 resultados para Zeballos, Estanislao Severo, 1854-1923.
Selostus: Upseerit ja sotilasvirkamiehet 6. suomalaisessa eli Hämeen tarkkampujapataljoonassa 1854-1868
George O. Hurley is the author and Ben J. Shambaugh is the editor of this document, which is also called Bulletin of Information Series No.10 published by the State Historical Society of Iowa. The purpose of this bulletin is to offer a practical discussion of some of the problems involved in the writing, organization and production of a community pageant which is defined as a community institution, such as churches, schools, chambers of commerce, woman's clubs, lodges and other organizations may us pageantry to advantage and profit. A bibliography is included.
Donateur : Romanet Du Caillaud, Frédéric (18..-19..?)
[Vente (Livres). 1854-12-18. Paris]
[Vente (Livres). 1854-06-19. Paris]
Quelques Réflexions sur l'épidémie cholérique de 1854 dans la ville de Bar-le-Duc, par le Dr Baillot