782 resultados para ZINC EXCHANGE
This study investigated the effect of acute exposition to zinc (Zn) on histology of the liver and testes of yellow tail lambari (Astyanax aff. bimaculatus). The exposure consisted of six concentrations of Zn (0, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/L) for 96 hours of exposure. Fragments of liver and testis were routinely processed and embedded in plastic resin based on glycol methacrylate. Fragments of bones, muscles, liver and testis were dehydrated and digested to quantify the absorption levels of Zn in the tissue. Acute exposure to concentrations above 10mg/L has produced structural changes in the liver and gonads. The changes found in the liver were vascular congestion; decrease of cellular volume; displacement of the hepatocyte nucleus; necrosis; disarrangement of cordon structure; leukocyte infiltrate and vacuolization. The changes found in the gonads were ruptured cyst, delayed development of germ cells, pyknotic nucleus, cell cluster, displacement of cyst wall and vacuolization. The histological changes observed were compatible with the increasing concentration of zinc in environment, compromising liver and reproductive functions, because there was an increase in relative frequency of hepatocytes and reduced sperm production
This article compares capital budgeting techniques employed in listed and unlisted companies in Brazil. We surveyed the Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of 398 listed companies and 300 large unlisted companies, and based on 91 respondents, the results suggest that the CFOs of listed companies tend to use less simplistic methods more often, for example: NPV and CAPM, and that CFOs of unlisted companies are less likely to estimate the cost of equity, despite being large companies. These findings indicate that stock exchange listing may require greater sophistication of the capital budgeting process.
Résumé Cet article vise à contribuer à la connaissance de la Bolsa de Valores Sociais (BVS) — Social Stock Exchange — récemment créé au Portugal, dont le but primatial était de permettre la prise de moyens de financement des entités de l'Économie Sociale engagées dans des projets d'éducation et d'entreprenariat. Il se penchera sur la qualification juridique des divers types d'entités cotées dans la BVS, sur le concept d'investisseur social et sur la protection dont il jouira, vis-à-vis des exigences de transparence et de gouvernance qui incombent à ces entités. Le thème proposé sera examiné en soulignant les virtualités et le potentiel de la BVS, faisant référence à l'un ou à l'autre sujet qui viennent à effet, avec un accent particulier sur l'avantage d'élaborer un code de gouvernance corporative pour les entités de l'Économie Sociale. Abstract This article aims to contribute to the knowledge of the Bolsa de Valores Sociais (BVS) — Social Stock Exchange — recently created in Portugal, whose primatial purpose was to allow the taking of means of financing the Social Economy entities, engaged in projects in education and entrepreneurship. It will reflect on the legal classification of the various types of entities rated in the BVS, on the concept of social investor and on the protection he will enjoy, leading to the consequent demands for transparency and governance that falls upon those entities. The proposed theme will be discussed highlighting the virtues and potential of BVS, playing in one or two topics that comes to purpose, with particular emphasis on the relevance of drawing up a code of corporate governance for entities of the Social Economy. Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de la Bolsa de Valores Sociales (BVS), recientemente creada en Portugal, cuya finalidad principal es que las entidades de la economía social dedicadas a proyectos en las áreas de educación y de iniciativa empresarial puedan obtener medios financieros. Se abordará la calificación jurídica de los diversos tipos de entidades que cotizan en la BVS, así como el concepto de inversor social y la protección de que éste goza, con las consiguientes exigencias en materia de transparencia y de gobierno que recaen sobre esas entidades. Se analizará la temática propuesta destacando las virtudes y potencialidades de la BVS, sin omitir algún otro tópico adyacente que resulte relevante, en especial la conveniencia de que sea elaborado un código de gobernanza corporativa para las entidades de la economía social.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship of blood lead and hemoglobin, zinc protoporphyrin, and ferritin concentrations in children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 136 anemic and non-anemic children from two rural villages near a lead smelter in Adrianópolis, Southern Brazil, from July to September 2001. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was performed to exclude children with hemoglobin variants and thalassemia syndromes associated with anemia. Lead was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; hemoglobin by automated cell counting; zinc protoporphyrin by hematofluorometry; ferritin by chemiluminescence. Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test, and the c² test were used to assess the significance of the differences between the variables investigated in anemic and non-anemic children. Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis was performed using two models for anemic and non-anemic children respectively. RESULTS: Lead was negatively associated to hemoglobin (p<0.017) in the first model, and in the second model lead was positively associated to zinc protoporphyrin (p<0.004) after controlling for ferritin, age, sex, and per capita income. There was an inverse association between hemoglobin and blood lead in anemic children. It was not possible to confirm if anemic children had iron deficiency anemia or subclinical infection, considering that the majority (90.4%) had normal ferritin. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected a relationship between anemia and elevated blood lead concentrations. Further epidemiological studies are necessary to investigate the impact of iron nutritional interventions as an attempt to decrease blood lead in children.
The compounds [mPTA][CoCl4] (1, mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [CoCl(H2O)(DION)(2)][BF4] (2, DION = 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione), [Zn(DION)(2)]Cl-2 (3) and [ZnCl(O-PTA=O)(DION)][BF4] (4) were synthesized by reaction of CoCl2 with [mPTA]I or DION and ZnCl2 with DION or 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-7-oxide (PTA=O) and DION, respectively. All complexes are water soluble and have been characterized by IR, far-IR, H-1, C-13 and P-31{H-1} NMR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray diffraction structural analysis (for 1). They were screened against the human tumour cell lines HCT116, HepG2 and MCF7. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit the highest in vitro cytotoxicity and show lower cytotoxic activities in normal human fibroblast cell line than in HCT116 tumour cell line, which demonstrates their slight specificity for this type of tumour cell.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between iron nutritional status of pregnant women and their newborns using a combination of hematological and biochemical parameters for the diagnosis of iron deficiency. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jundiaí, Southeastern Brazil, in 2000. Venous blood samples collected from 95 pregnant women and from their umbilical cord and used for the determination of complete blood count, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, serum ferritin, zinc protoporphyrin, and transferrin saturation. Women were classified into three groups: anemic, iron deficient and non-iron deficient. Statistical analysis included the Tukey-HSD test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Among pregnant women, 19% were anemic (97.9% mildly anemic and 2.1% moderately anemic) and 30.5% were iron deficient. No significant difference was seen in mean values of any parameter studied between newborns in the three groups (p>0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed weak association between neonatal and maternal parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The iron nutritional status of pregnant women with iron deficiency or mild anemia does not seem to have a significant impact on the iron levels of their children.
The main goal of this research study was the removal of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions using peanut hulls. This work was mainly focused on the following aspects: chemical characterization of the biosorbent, kinetic studies, study of the pH influence in mono-component systems, equilibrium isotherms and column studies, both in mono and tri-component systems, and with a real industrial effluent from the electroplating industry. The chemical characterization of peanut hulls showed a high cellulose (44.8%) and lignin (36.1%) content, which favours biosorption of metal cations. The kinetic studies performed indicate that most of the sorption occurs in the first 30 min for all systems. In general, a pseudo-second order kinetics was followed, both in mono and tri-component systems. The equilibrium isotherms were better described by Freundlich model in all systems. Peanut hulls showed higher affinity for copper than for nickel and zinc when they are both present. The pH value between 5 and 6 was the most favourable for all systems. The sorbent capacity in column was 0.028 and 0.025 mmol g-1 for copper, respectively in mono and tri-component systems. A decrease of capacity for copper (50%) was observed when dealing with the real effluent. The Yoon-Nelson, Thomas and Yan’s models were fitted to the experimental data, being the latter the best fit.
In recent years several countries have set up policies that allow exchange of kidneys between two or more incompatible patient–donor pairs. These policies lead to what is commonly known as kidney exchange programs. The underlying optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming models. Previously proposed models for kidney exchange programs have exponential numbers of constraints or variables, which makes them fairly difficult to solve when the problem size is large. In this work we propose two compact formulations for the problem, explain how these formulations can be adapted to address some problem variants, and provide results on the dominance of some models over others. Finally we present a systematic comparison between our models and two previously proposed ones via thorough computational analysis. Results show that compact formulations have advantages over non-compact ones when the problem size is large.
This paper proposes a new strategy to integrate shared resources and precedence constraints among real-time tasks, assuming no precise information on critical sections and computation times is available. The concept of bandwidth inheritance is combined with a capacity sharing and stealing mechanism to efficiently exchange bandwidth among tasks to minimise the degree of deviation from the ideal system’s behaviour caused by inter-application blocking. The proposed Capacity Exchange Protocol (CXP) is simpler than other proposed solutions for sharing resources in open real-time systems since it does not attempt to return the inherited capacity in the same exact amount to blocked servers. This loss of optimality is worth the reduced complexity as the protocol’s behaviour nevertheless tends to be fair and outperforms the previous solutions in highly dynamic scenarios as demonstrated by extensive simulations. A formal analysis of CXP is presented and the conditions under which it is possible to guarantee hard real-time tasks are discussed.
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, nº3
Quimica Nova, Vol. 32, Nº2
A Thesis submitted at the Faculty Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon for a degree in Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry with specialization in Physical Biochemistry
We prove a one-to-one correspondence between (i) C1+ conjugacy classes of C1+H Cantor exchange systems that are C1+H fixed points of renormalization and (ii) C1+ conjugacy classes of C1+H diffeomorphisms f with a codimension 1 hyperbolic attractor Lambda that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lambda. However, we prove that there is no C1+alpha Cantor exchange system, with bounded geometry, that is a C1+alpha fixed point of renormalization with regularity alpha greater than the Hausdorff dimension of its invariant Cantor set.
We exhibit the construction of stable arc exchange systems from the stable laminations of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. We prove a one-to-one correspondence between (i) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) stable arc exchange systems that are C(1+H) fixed points of renormalization and (ii) Lipshitz conjugacy classes of C(1+H) diffeomorphisms f with hyperbolic basic sets Lambda that admit an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to the Hausdorff measure on Lambda. Let HD(s)(Lambda) and HD(u)(Lambda) be, respectively, the Hausdorff dimension of the stable and unstable leaves intersected with the hyperbolic basic set L. If HD(u)(Lambda) = 1, then the Lipschitz conjugacy is, in fact, a C(1+H) conjugacy in (i) and (ii). We prove that if the stable arc exchange system is a C(1+HDs+alpha) fixed point of renormalization with bounded geometry, then the stable arc exchange system is smooth conjugate to an affine stable arc exchange system.