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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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It is shown that the appearance of a fixed-point singularity in the kernel of the two-electron Cooper problem is responsible for the formation of the Cooper pair for an arbitrarily weak attractive interaction between two electrons. This singularity is absent in the problem of three and few superconducting electrons at zero temperature on the full Fermi sea. Consequently, such three- and few-electron systems on the full Fermi sea do not form Cooper-type bound states for an arbitrarily weak attractive pair interaction.


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The two-impurity Anderson model is solved within a effective medium approach. All impurity parameters are modelled via Slater atomic orbitals. Impurity spectral densities and spin correlation functions are readily computed. Results are presented for the zero temperature, half-filled case. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this work we study two different spin-boson models. Such models are generalizations of the Dicke model, it means they describe systems of N identical two-level atoms coupled to a single-mode quantized bosonic field, assuming the rotating wave approximation. In the first model, we consider the wavelength of the bosonic field to be of the order of the linear dimension of the material composed of the atoms, therefore we consider the spatial sinusoidal form of the bosonic field. The second model is the Thompson model, where we consider the presence of phonons in the material composed of the atoms. We study finite temperature properties of the models using the path integral approach and functional methods. In the thermodynamic limit, N→∞, the systems exhibit phase transitions from normal to superradiant phase at some critical values of temperature and coupling constant. We find the asymptotic behavior of the partition functions and the collective spectrums of the systems in the normal and the superradiant phases. We observe that the collective spectrums have zero energy values in the superradiant phases, corresponding to the Goldstone mode associated to the continuous symmetry breaking of the models. Our analysis and results are valid in the limit of zero temperature β→∞, where the models exhibit quantum phase transitions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nesta dissertação obtemos a força de Casimir a temperatura finita entre duas linhas paralelas sujeitas a condição de fronteira do tipo linhas mistas, no contexto da teoria de Maxwell- Chern-Simons em (2+1) dimensões. Além disso, analisamos a simetria de inversão de temperatura apresentada pela energia livre de Helmholtz do modelo para diferentes condições de fronteira. Iniciamos estudando aspectos gerais do formalismo de Matsubara no intuito de introduzirmos efeitos térmicos na teoria; também analisamos aspectos gerais da teoria de MCS em (2 + 1) dimensões. Posteriormente, revisitamos o cálculo da força de Casimir para o caso de duas linhas paralelas infinitamente permeáveis magneticamente a temperatura nula e finita, bem como o caso de linhas mistas a temperatura nula, onde tomamos uma linha perfeitamente condutora eletricamente e outra infinitamente permeável magneticamente. Em seguida, apresentamos novos resultados envolvendo a força de Casimir a temperatura finita com condições de fronteira do tipo linhas mistas. Por último, analisamos a simetria de inversão de temperatura associada a energia livre de Helmholtz do modelo, mostrando que mesmo para condições mistas e possível obter uma espécie de simetria residual, em analogia a resultados existentes para a eletrodinâmica em (3+1) dimensões.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A renormalization-group calculation of the temperature-dependent nuclear spin relaxation rate for a magnetic impurity in a metallic host is reported. The calculation follows a simplified procedure, which produces accurate rates in the low-temperature Fermi-liquid regime, although yielding only qualitatively reliable results at higher temperatures. In all cases considered, as the temperature T diminishes, the rates peak before decaying linearly to zero in the Fermi-liquid range. For T → 0, the results agree very well with Shiba's expression relating the low-temperature coefficient of the relaxation rate to the squared zero-temperature susceptibility. In the Kondo limit, the enhanced susceptibility associated with the Kondo resonance produces a very sharp peak in the relaxation rate near the Kondo temperature. © 1991.


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We construct harmonic functions on random graphs given by Delaunay triangulations of ergodic point processes as the limit of the zero-temperature harness process. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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This study was conducted in order to evaluate the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of guinea grass cv. Mombasa under three post-grazing heights (intense - 30 cm, lenient - 50 cm and variable - 50 in spring-summer and 30 cm in autumn-winter) when sward light interception reached 95% during regrowth. Post-grazing heights were allocated to experimental units (0.25 ha) in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Post-grazing heights affected only leaf elongation rate and the number of live leaves. Pastures managed with variable post-grazing height showed higher leaf elongation rate in the summer of 2007. This management strategy also resulted in a higher number of live leaves. During the spring of 2006, plants showed lower leaf elongation rate, leaf appearance rate and number of live leaves, and greater phyllochron and leaf lifespan. In contrast, during the summer of 2007, the leaf appearance rate, leaf elongation rate, number of live leaves, and final leaf length were greater while phyllochron, stem elongation rate, and leaf senescence rate were lower. The management of the guinea grass cv. Mombasa with intense or variable post-grazing height throughout the year seems to represent an interesting management target, in terms of leaf appearance rate and number of live leaves.


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It has been recently shown numerically that the transition from integrability to chaos in quantum systems and the corresponding spectral fluctuations are characterized by 1/f(alpha) noise with 1 <= alpha <= 2. The system of interacting trapped bosons is inhomogeneous and complex. The presence of an external harmonic trap makes it more interesting as, in the atomic trap, the bosons occupy partly degenerate single-particle states. Earlier theoretical and experimental results show that at zero temperature the low-lying levels are of a collective nature and high-lying excitations are of a single-particle nature. We observe that for few bosons, the P(s) distribution shows the Shnirelman peak, which exhibits a large number of quasidegenerate states. For a large number of bosons the low-lying levels are strongly affected by the interatomic interaction, and the corresponding level fluctuation shows a transition to a Wigner distribution with an increase in particle number. It does not follow Gaussian orthogonal ensemble random matrix predictions. For high-lying levels we observe the uncorrelated Poisson distribution. Thus it may be a very realistic system to prove that 1/f(alpha) noise is ubiquitous in nature.


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It is reported superconductivity in Nb5Ge3C0.3, an interstitial carbide compound. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, ac-susceptibility, and heat capacity (HC) indicate that a bulk type-II superconductivity appears at T-C - 15.3 K. Magneto-resistance measurements suggest an upper critical field of B-C2 similar to 10.6 T and a coherence length of xi similar to 55 angstrom at zero temperature. Neutron diffraction analyzes locate the carbon atoms at the interstitial 2b site of the Mn5Si3 type-structure. Heat capacity data below T-C are well described by BCS theory. The size of the jump at T-C is in good agreement with the superconducting volume fraction observed in susceptibility measurements. A Debye temperature and Sommerfeld constant were also extracted from heat capacity data as 343 K and 34 mJ/mol K-2, respectively. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730611]


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We consider a two-parameter family of Z(2) gauge theories on a lattice discretization T(M) of a three-manifold M and its relation to topological field theories. Familiar models such as the spin-gauge model are curves on a parameter space Gamma. We show that there is a region Gamma(0) subset of Gamma where the partition function and the expectation value h < W-R(gamma)> i of the Wilson loop can be exactly computed. Depending on the point of Gamma(0), the model behaves as topological or quasi-topological. The partition function is, up to a scaling factor, a topological number of M. The Wilson loop on the other hand, does not depend on the topology of gamma. However, for a subset of Gamma(0), < W-R(gamma)> depends on the size of gamma and follows a discrete version of an area law. At the zero temperature limit, the spin-gauge model approaches the topological and the quasi-topological regions depending on the sign of the coupling constant.


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The quark gluon plasma (QGP) at zero temperature and high baryon number is a system that may be present inside compact stars. It is quite possible that this cold QGP shares some relevant features with the hot QGP observed in heavy ion collisions, being also a strongly interacting system. In a previous work we have derived from the QCD Lagrangian an equation of state (EOS) for the cold QGP, which can be considered an improved version of the MIT bag-model EOS. Compared to the latter, our EOS reaches higher values of the pressure at comparable baryon densities. This feature is due to perturbative corrections and also to nonperturbative effects. Here we apply this EOS to the study of neutron stars, discussing the absolute stability of quark matter and computing the mass-radius relation for self-bound (strange) stars. The maximum masses of the sequences exceed two solar masses, in agreement with the recently measured values of the mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230, and the corresponding radii of around 10-11 km.