987 resultados para Yunnan China
This is the report of the “GVT/NACA-STREAM/FAO International Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Ranchi, India from 2-6 February 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Ranchi was a joint India-Nepal event, with colleagues coming to participate from Kathmandu and other areas of Nepal. The workshop in Ranchi was the second in a series, the first of which was held in Iloilo City, Philippines, in November 2003. Subsequent workshops will take place in other countries in the region, including Lao PDR, Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 48 pages).
This is the report of the “DLF/NACA-STREAM/FAO National Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Vientiane, Lao PDR from 8-12 March 2004. The purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Vientiane was the first STREAM event in Lao PDR, with colleagues coming to participate from Vientiane and many provinces throughout the country. The workshop in Vientiane was the third in a series, the first of which was held in Iloilo City, Philippines, in November 2003 and the second in Ranchi, India, in February, 2004. Subsequent workshops will take place in other countries in the region, including Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 59 pages).
This is the report of the “BFAR/NACA-STREAM/FAO Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis” that was conducted in Iloilo City, Philippines from 24-28 November 2003. The main purpose of the workshop was to develop and document mechanisms for training in livelihoods approaches and analysis, and to build national capacity to conduct livelihoods analysis. The workshop in Iloilo was the first in a series which will take place in other countries in the region, including India (with Nepal), Lao PDR, Myanmar and Yunnan, China. (Pdf contains 53 pages).
晚第三纪是云南地区环境演变过程中的关键地质历史时段,本论文以晚第三纪晚中新世(吕合)、晚上新世(羊邑和龙陵)地层中的孢粉为研究对象,结合同层位大化石植物证据,参照现代植被,恢复了云南三个化石出产地区的古植被垂直分布景观,并定性地描述了古气候;同时运用共存分析方法(The Co-existence Approach)定量化地重建了三个地区的古气候参数值;初步推测了沉积地可能的古海拔。 吕合晚中新世孢粉植物群含52个孢粉类型,隶属38科,其中25个类型鉴定到属级。植物群中被子植物占73.1%,裸子植物占11.5%,蕨类植物占15.4%。 吕合孢粉植物群的组成反映该地区在沉积时期植被具有垂直分带特征,沉积地附近分布有常绿阔叶林,包括壳斗科的青冈属、栲属、石栎属和漆树科等植物,以及多种亚热带和温带阔叶成分;林中混生少量针叶树(如松属和杉科等);林内蕨类植物较少;距沉积地较远的海拔较高的地区分布由铁杉属、冷杉属、雪松属和云杉属组成的针阔混交林或针叶林。 吕合地区晚中新世的气候参数:年均温:13.3-20.9℃,最热月均温:22.5-27.5℃,最冷月均温:2.5-12.6℃,年较差:12.1-24.8℃,年降雨量:803.6-1254.7mm,最大月降雨量:179.4-281.9mm,最小月降雨量:10.2-18.5mm。 羊邑晚上新世孢粉植物群含52个孢粉类型,隶属32科,其中36个类型鉴定到属级。植物群中被子植物占61.5%,裸子植物占9.6%,蕨类植物占25.0%,藻类植物占3.9%。 羊邑孢粉植物群的组成反映在沉积时期该地区的植被具有明显垂直分带特征。湿性常绿阔叶林分布在沉积地附近,以壳斗科的石栎属、青冈属和栲属为主,混生漆树科、桃金娘科、蓼科、大戟科和金缕梅科的枫香属等植物,林内蕨类植物丰富;针阔叶混交林分布在距沉积地较远海拔较高的山地,主要包括松属,铁杉属,罗汉松属和一些阔叶植物类群;云杉林、冷杉林和铁杉林分布在更高海拔的地区。 根据植物群的组成推测羊邑沉积地的古海拔不高于2000m。 羊邑地区晚上新世的气候参数:年均温:13.3-20.9℃,最热月均温:22.5-27.5℃,最冷月均温:1.9-12.6℃,年较差:12.3-25.8℃,年降雨量:797.5-1254.7mm,最大月降雨量:172.4-249.6mm,最小月降雨量:7.2-12.7mm。 龙陵晚上新世孢粉植物群含86个孢粉类型,隶属61科,其中45个类型鉴定到属级。植物群中被子植物占69.0%,裸子植物占4.6%,蕨类植物占24.1%,藻类植物占2.3%。 龙陵孢粉植物群反映当时沉积地区的植被具有明显垂直分带特征。沉积地附近分布有湿润常绿阔叶林,以壳斗科的青冈属、栲属和石栎属为主,混生杜鹃花科、藤黄科、漆树科和无患子科等植物,林内蕨类植物丰富;在距沉积地较远的高海拔的山地上分布有针阔混交林和针叶林,以松属、云杉属、冷杉属和铁杉属植物为主。 龙陵地区晚上新世的气候参数:年均温 18.6-22.1℃,最热月均温:22.8-27.5℃,最冷月均温:9.7-15.1℃,年较差:12.3-18.1℃,年降雨量:815.8-1254.7mm,最大月降雨量:172.4-249.6mm,最小月降雨量:9.8-11.3mm。 综合吕合、羊邑和龙陵孢粉植物群新研究资料和云南地区已有的第三纪孢粉学资料,云南地区晚第三纪时期孢粉植物群组成相对稳定,均已经反映常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林或针叶林垂直分布的植被景观,具有湿润的山地亚热带气候特点。与我国北方晚第三纪孢粉植物群相比,在对全球气候变化的响应上,云南地区晚第三纪孢粉植物群的变化不如北方显著;与我国南方其它地区晚第三纪孢粉植物群相比,虽然在对全球气候变化的响应均表现出不明显,但云南地区在植物区系组成上更为丰富。
随着全球环境的变化,人们迫切的希望了解整个地球环境的变化过程、规律和未来发展的趋势。对地质历史时期发生过的环境事件的了解,能为我们研究现在的和预测未来的环境变化提供有价值的资料。 孢粉分析作为一种古环境的代用指标,在恢复古植被与古气候方面起着不可替代的作用。而精确的孢粉分析建立在对现代花粉与当地植被的关系正确的认识基础上,由此才可以更准确地提取地层中的花粉所蕴含的植被和环境信息。 云南省地理位置较特殊,地貌复杂,气候类型多样,与之对应的植物种类多样性丰富,植被类型多样。本项研究选择云南省南部和西部地区作为研究地点,采集表土、地表苔藓、蜘蛛网、树皮和树上地衣苔藓五种天然孢粉捕捉器来研究现代花粉与当地植被的关系,为认识现代花粉雨提供新的研究思路。同时,我们在滇西北选择拉市海、文海、哈里谷和属都湖这四个高原湖泊来研究晚更新世以来滇西北地区植被演替和气候变化,为云南历史时期气候变化提供新的研究资料,同时也为全面认识晚更新世以来的气候变化提供新的证据。研究结果如下: 1. 现代花粉雨与当地植被关系的研究 对云南省西北部、中部和南部采集的19个蜘蛛网样品分析得出:云南省西北部样品中共鉴定20个孢粉类型,分属于16个科;云南省中部样品中共鉴定28个类型,分属于23个科;在云南省南部勐腊县采集的样品中共鉴定28个类型,分属于25个科;在望天树北京植物园中采集的样品共鉴定38个类型,分属于34个科;在西双版纳北京植物园中采集的样品中共有11个类型,分属于10个科。结果表明:蜘蛛网样品中分析出的孢粉类型反映了云南省从南到北不同的植被类型,说明蜘蛛网可以作为一种天然孢粉捕捉器来进行现代花粉雨的研究。 同时,在云南西北部文笔水库采集的五种天然孢粉捕捉器(表土、地表苔藓、树皮、蜘蛛网、树上地衣和苔藓)进行了对比研究。结果表明:表土所得的孢粉中木本植物花粉的百分含量为90.5-96%,远大于地表苔藓(53.1-81.7%)、蜘蛛网(61.7%)、树皮(53.8%)和树上地衣、苔藓(50-53.6%)所获得的木本植物花粉的百分含量。与当地植被进行对比结果表明:这五种天然孢粉捕捉器中,表土、地表苔藓和蜘蛛网比树皮和树上地衣、苔藓能更好的反映当地的植被。 2. 滇西北地区晚更新世以来植被演替与气候变化 在过去2, 5000年左右的地质历史时期,滇西北地区植被和气候变化大致经历了以下三个发展阶段。 (1) 2, 5381 B.P—1, 9335 B.P.:属都湖地区(海拔:3620m)主要是以蓼科植物为主的草甸植被,气候寒冷湿润。 (2) 1, 9335 B.P.—1, 2426 B.P.:属都湖地区是以藜科或蒿属为主的草甸植被,气候从湿润过渡到干旱;而在海拔稍低的文海地区(海拔3080m),主要是阔叶栎林或针阔混交林,气候温凉略湿到寒冷干旱。 (3) 1, 2426 B.P.—至今:属都湖地区是以蓼科为主的草甸植被,气候仍寒冷湿润;海拔稍低的哈里谷(海拔3277m)是以松和冷杉为主的针叶林,气候冷干;文海地区的植被逐渐演替为以松和冷杉为主的针阔叶混交林,但栎属花粉的含量远高于哈里谷地区,说明当时文海的气温虽然低,却比哈里谷稍高;而海拔更低的拉市海(海拔2440m)则是以松为主的针叶林,气候比其他几个地区温暖。 在全新世气候最适宜期(约8000 B.P.以来),哈里谷是以栎和松为主的针阔混交林;文海是以松为主的针阔混交林;而拉市海是以松和蕨类植物为主。说明随着海拔的升高(从拉市海到属都湖),温度逐渐下降,植被类型也由暖性针叶林过渡到针阔混交林再到草甸。 从6000 B.P.至今,文海和哈里谷植被在这一阶段都是以松和冷杉为主的暗针叶林,少量混生一些阔叶类植物,气候变得冷湿;属都湖则仍是以蓼科为主的草甸,气候变得更加寒冷。 研究证明:滇西北地区总的气候变化趋势与全球变化规律基本一致,在1,1805—9990 B.P.期间发生新仙女木事件,在8000B.P.以来,气候变得温暖湿润,为全新世气候最适宜期。此后,气候逐渐变得接近现代。
报道黄胡蟑属Vespula一新种,即云龙黄胡蜂Vespula yunlongensis sp.nov.新种。
In reciprocal mutualism systems, the exploitation events by exploiters might disrupt the reciprocal mutualism, wherein one exploiter species might even exclude other coexisting exploiter species over an evolutionary time frame. What remains unclear is how such a community is maintained. Niche partitioning, or spatial heterogeneity among the mutualists and exploiters, is generally believed to enable stability within a mutualistic system. However, our examination of a reciprocal mutualism between a fig species (Ficus racemosa) and its pollinator wasp (Ceratosolen fusciceps) shows that spatial niche partitioning does not sufficiently prevent exploiters from overexploiting the common resource (i.e., the female flowers), because of the considerable niche overlap between the mutualists and exploiters. In response to an exploiter, our experiment shows that the fig can (1) abort syconia-containing flowers that have been galled by the exploiter, Apocryptophagus testacea, which oviposits before the pollinators do; and (2) retain syconia-containing flowers galled by Apocryptophagus mayri, which oviposit later than pollinators. However, as a result of (2), there is decreased development of adult non-pollinators or pollinator species in syconia that have not been sufficiently pollinated, but not aborted. Such discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in offspring development of exploiters while rewarding cooperative individuals with higher offspring development by the fig will increase the fitness of cooperative pollinating wasps, but decrease the fitness of exploiters. The fig fig wasp interactions are diffusively coevolved, a case in which fig wasps diversify their genotype, phenotype, or behavior as a result of competition between wasps, while figs diverge their strategies to facilitate the evolution of cooperative fig waps or lessen the detrimental behavior by associated fig wasps. In habitats or syconia that suffer overexploitation, discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in the offspring development of exploiters in syconia that are not or not sufficiently pollinated will decrease exploiter fitness and perhaps even drive the population of exploiters to local extinction, enabling the evolution and maintenance of cooperative pollinators through the movement between habitats or syconia (i.e., the metapopulations).
A highly active anticomplement factor (cobra venom factor) from the venom of Naja kaouthia in South Yunnan, China was isolated by sequential column chromatography (SP-Sephadex-C25, Q Sepharose HP and Sephadex G-150). It displays strong anticomplement acti
Specific interactions among biomolecules drive virtually all cellular functions and underlie phenotypic complexity and diversity. Biomolecules are not isolated particles, but are elements of integrated interaction networks, and play their roles through specific interactions. Simultaneous emergence or loss of multiple interacting partners is unlikely. If one of the interacting partners is lost, then what are the evolutionary consequences for the retained partner? Taking advantages of the availability of the large number of mammalian genome sequences and knowledge of phylogenetic relationships of the species, we examined the evolutionary fate of the motilin (MLN) hormone gene, after the pseudogenization of its specific receptor, MLN receptor (MLNR), on the rodent lineage. We speculate that the MLNR gene became a pseudogene before the divergence of the squirrel and other rodents about 75 mya. The evolutionary consequences for the MLN gene were diverse. While an intact open reading frame for the MLN gene, which appears functional, was preserved in the kangaroo rat, the MLN gene became inactivated independently on the lineages leading to the guinea pig and the common ancestor of the mouse and rat. Gain and loss of specific interactions among biomolecules through the birth and death of genes for biomolecules point to a general evolutionary dynamic: gene birth and death are widespread phenomena in genome evolution, at the genetic level; thus, once mutations arise, a stepwise process of elaboration and optimization ensues, which gradually integrates and orders mutations into a coherent pattern.
报道云南贡山黄胡蜂属Vespula 1 新种, 即贡山黄胡蜂Vespula gongshanensis, sp. nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院昆明动物研究所。
云南高原位于北纬21°9′~29°15′和东经97°39′~106°12′之间,总面积394000 km2 ,地质和气候、植被非常复杂。大 陆漂移和冰期的进退是影响昆虫起源和演替的一个重要原因。昆虫的祖先是起源于一个统一大陆,在这个大陆上共 同起源,共同进化,随着原始大陆的分离和漂移,把这些类群运载到各地,形成现今昆虫分布格局。昆虫的扩散是以中 心分布方式成环状向周围扩散的。云南胡蜂的祖先是来自冈瓦那古陆。有两支昆虫进入云南,其中一支来自喜马拉 雅山,另一支来自缅甸。冰期是导致南北生物互相混合和渗入的重要因素。胡蜂的特有类群是在冈瓦那古陆分裂之 后才发展起来的。其祖先最早是分布在原始古陆较狭窄的区域内。
We determined the mitochondrial MA (mtDNA) sequences of two luminous beetles (Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera), Rhagophthalmus lufengensis from Yunnan, China and Rhagophthalmus ohbai from Yaeyama Island, Japan. We identified all the 37 mtDNA genes of R. l
据2003年9月至2005年9月,对云南中部无量山大寨子黑长臂猿种群(5个群体)进行了观察,获得了群体大小、配偶体制、繁殖间隔、环境容纳量、死亡率、灾害的发生频率等种群参数,并结合近缘种的一些相关数据,利用旋涡模型(Vortex 914),对无量山大寨子地区黑长臂猿亚种群的动态进行了模拟分析.结果显示:大寨子亚种群是一个具有很强的潜在繁殖力的种群,如果没有偷猎,亚种群在100a之内不会灭绝,并且能迅速达到环境容纳量.但是每年如果有1只成年雄性和1只成年雌性被猎杀,该种群将会在第78年灭绝,且灭绝概率为100%.不同程度的死亡率对种群影响不大,但高死亡率显著延缓了种群到达环境容纳量的时间.环境容纳量对种群遗传多样性损失具有重要的影响,在没有猎杀的情况下,种群的长期存活需要一个较大的环境容纳量.因此,在黑长臂猿受到严格保护、且栖息地主要在保护区内的今天,严密监控火灾的发生,限制牲畜进入林区等人为干扰的影响,保护好黑长臂猿栖息地是首要工作之一.但如果能使其栖息地周围的森林植被得到恢复,增加其栖息范围,将有利于该地区黑长臂猿的发展.
下载PDF阅读器分别于2008年1月和5-6月对位于中国西南边陲的中缅界河--南拉河进行了鱼类资源调查.从野外调查结果及文献资料得知,南拉河共有鱼类42种,隶属4目14科34属.鲤形目的鱼类最多,共有27种,占总种数的64.3%;鲇形目和鲈形目均为6种,占总种数的14.3%;合鳃鱼目2种,占总种数的4.8%.其中,丝尾(鱼蒦)(Hemibagrus wyckioides)被列入<中国物种红色名录>.疑似分布种类--长丝(鱼芒)(Pangasius sanitwangsei)被列入<中国濒危动物红皮节>和<中国物种红色名录>.南拉河鱼类区系是以喜温的"老第三纪类群"中的热带河平原鱼类为主要成分的,为典型的东南亚热带鱼类区系类型;以底栖鱼类和杂食性鱼类居多.导致南拉河鱼类现状的原因主要为水质污染、过度捕捞、外来种的影响.