927 resultados para XVIII century


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The issues surrounding the religious have been given greater importance in scientific discussions and the media. Discussions on religion and religiosity have become widespread as a means for construction of social representations, both as individual levels, in addition, in the collectivity. This work deals with the construction of the order of Jesus, missionaries and settlers of the projects that marked the presence of the Jesuit missionaries, from colonization to the religious restructuring imposed after the expulsion of the Jesuit Order in Sergipe. Expulsion is what happened in the midst of political and administrative changes made by the Portuguese government in the mid-eighteenth century, which had representation at the Marquis of Pombal its creator. Understanding the religious and social restructuring, designed here in the practices and representations of popular and official. This restructuring has had on the religious brotherhoods, religious orders and other representations, an important symbolic presence in the spaces sociorreligiosos linked to Catholic practices in Sergipe. Representation such that officially came into the vicars pasted their legal representatives, in the maintenance of religious practices in the boroughs and cities Sergipe


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The diachronic studies marked the first decades of the 20th century in Brazilian linguistics, passing by an ostracism period after the 50s. Mainly from the 90s especially with the project, created in 1997, Para a história do português brasileiro (PHPB), which has systemized, in national ambit, the programme related to the area of diachrony the historical studies retake forces and have gradually increased since then. Our work is set in the new scene of Brazilian historical linguistics and it is associated to two research programmes: i) the constitution of a diachronic corpus; ii) the diachrony of text and discourse. As regards the first programme, we made effort to constitute a diachronic corpus of official letters about Rio Grande do Norte, we called cartas oficiais norte-rio-grandenses, written in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The chosen for bureaucrat letters occurred for they represent a textual category very productive in historical contexts, mostly 18th and 19th centuries, in which the command of writing was the least and also because they bring, almost always explicitly, the information of where, when, for whom and from whom, as remembers Fonseca (2003). The rules for constituting the corpus were based, although not strictly, on the orientation from PHPB. In respect to the second programme, we set up on the ideas of coserian base came from the studies on discourse traditions (TD) (Koch, 1997; Kabatek, 2006) amongst which that the texts are shaped so as to follow their own tradition (Coseriu, 2007), and we turned to Diplomatics (Belloto, 2002) in order to do the characterization of this corpus by the application of concepts from Diplomatics and TD as well as by the presentation of the structures that form those official letters: their textual genres, a kind of TD, with their macrostructures; and some of their formulaic expressions (microstructures), another sort of TD. This stage of characterizing will pay attention, as far as possible, to the dynamic between tradition and innovation that happen in the actualization of those textual structures along the centuries. This work intends to contribute with the researches connected to Historical Linguistics in Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically the ones related to the constitution of diachronic corpora and to TD; and with the study of official documents, textual category about which there are almost no studies (cf. Silveira, 2007)


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This dissertation is a research on the marked topic construction (CT) in Brazilian personal letters from eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The goal of our research is to verify if CT are present in the writing of Brazilians born in the centuries in question. Our research focus is based on the assumptions of generative theory (CHOMSKY 1981; 1986), which states that grammar is internalized in the mind / brain of the writers, with the emphasis on studies of grammatical change, as pointed texts by Paixão de Sousa (2004), Carneiro (2005); Galves, Namiuti and Paixão de Sousa (2006) and Martins (2009). Our corpus was extracted from Projeto Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB) and Cartas Brasileiras coletânea de fontes para o estudo do português. We selected forty-six correspondents who should be inserted into the two criteria set out in this research: to be Brazilian and be born in the centuries mentioned above, so that we could find legitimate topic constructions of PB. This work is based on researches by Pontes (1987), Mateus et al. (2003), Araujo (2006, 2009), Berlinck, Duarte and Oliveira (2009), which actively support us in the study of this linguistic phenomenon in Portuguese. The results show that the marked topic construction in our corpus appear on the writing of Brazilians since the second half of the eighteenth century, while the typical constructions in Brazilian Portuguese locative topic, subject topic and copy topic - are already reflected in the I-language of the writers born in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first of the twentieth century


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The abandonment of newborn children is a reality nowadays. This reality enables us to discuss this issue in other temporalities, in all kinds of societies. Thus, this work aims to demonstrate how the population that lived at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, a civil parish at a Rio Grande do Norte captaincy, socially placed the abandoned newborn during in the eighteenth century. These newborn were called exposed ones at the time and were inserted in a regional Exposed Circle. The research also discussed how the local Council assembly sheltered these newborn. For research development the following manuscript documents were used: baptism, wedding and demise documents at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação as well as the first Book of Records if the matrix church at this civil parish. The research also considered the terms of the Council assembly. Some printed documents were used such as Philippine Ordainments, the First Constitutions of the Archbishop in 1707 including the Lunario contents as well as texts from André João Antonil and Henry Koster. In the analysis reference work related to Social History was used. Thus, it is possible confirm that there was construction of socially accepted places for these exposed on behalf of the colonist at the region


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This paper discusses aspects of the slavery and emancipations in the village of Arez between the last quarter of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth century. It seeks to identify the profile of the slaves and the emancipation possibilities in a peripheral region with few commercial activities, given that the most of the approaches about manumission consider towns and cities where the economic dynamics ware more pronounced, as places of higher possibilities of slaves working in diverse activities that allowed them to accumulate a reserve fund and thus buy their freedom. Therefore it was necessary to raise evidences of slavery in the case study, which was based on surveys of the eighteenth century, and the first decades of the nineteenth century and some population maps and civil records related to the early nineteenth century. The information about the manumission acts were analyzed based on writs of freedom registered in the village of Arez between 1774 and 1827 due to the absence of other documents about it. The registry books include all the documents of the Arez community; so, it was possible to observe what happened in rural localities, in the town, in the headquarters of the district and in the village of Goianinha. Based on information from the documents, it was possible to address some aspects of slavery like the predominant types of groups, the possible activities in which slaves were inserted and the profile of the freed slaves, the emancipation modes and, therefore, discuss the possible relations ship between the colonial space and manumissions and between masters and slaves


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O presente ensaio toma como objeto de análise uma série de descrições do Rio de Janeiro colonial extraídas de narrativas de viagem escritas por europeus que passaram pela cidade entre os séculos XVII e XVIII. Para além de dar a conhecer a perspectiva que esses visitantes deixaram da urbe e de seus habitantes, seu objetivo é pôr em discussão o papel que os relatos de viagem desempenharam no processo de construção da imagem que o europeu da época tinha do brasileiro e, sobretudo, o papel que posteriormente desempenharam no processo de construção da imagem que o brasileiro, a partir do século XIX, passou a ter de si próprio e do seu país.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na primeira metade do século XVIII, duas revoltas sacudiram as capitanias do Pará e do Maranhão. A primeira delas teve como protagonista o procurador das câmaras de São Luís e Belém, Paulo da Silva Nunes que, no espaço de quinze anos, “acumulando documentos e renovando queixas” apresentou um dos mais contundentes esboços de acusações contra os jesuítas, documento esse mais tarde utilizado por Pombal em sua campanha contra os regulares da Companhia. Nessa revolta, discutia-se a legalidade das formas de cativeiros dos índios e o poder temporal dos aldeamentos indígenas por parte dos padres da Companhia, o que dificultava o acesso dos moradores à mão-de-obra escrava. A segunda revolta teve como principal arquiteto um morador da cidade de São Luís chamado Gregório de Andrade da Fonseca, que se rebelou contra alguns representantes da administração local, especialmente os da Ouvidoria, que se opuseram aos privilégios que ele havia obtido graças às redes de clientela constituídas na região. Essas revoltas possuem importância capital por apresentar uma série de elementos da cultura política que caracterizava as relações entre os habitantes do Estado do Maranhão com os segmentos estabelecidos na Corte.


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As capitanias do Maranhão e do Piauí foram palco de muitas guerras entre lusobrasileiros e índios na primeira metade do século XVIII. Esta dissertação trata desses conflitos que aconteceram durante a expansão portuguesa nessa região. A pesquisa procura analisar como o espaço das capitanias do Maranhão e Piauí é descrito nos relatos que tratam sobre as guerras, bem como a maneira pela qual as tropas contribuíram para alteração na paisagem da região. A dissertação reflete também sobre a composição dos espaços indígenas na paisagem colonial e as relações que os grupos indígenas mantinham entre eles e com os luso-brasileiros. Outra discussão feita pela dissertação trata da maneira pela qual as guerras faziam parte das relações de poder existentes no Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará e como a realização delas dependia de interesses particulares.


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Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre a organização da força de trabalho indígena livre na Amazônia colônia do século XVII a meados do século XVIII. O texto argumenta que, para além do rígido controle exercido pelas ordens religiosas sobre a população indígena livre estabelecida nas aldeias, não só a coroa vislumbrou alternativas quanto ao uso de trabalhadores indígenas, mas também os moradores se aproveitaram dessas alternativas para ter acesso aos trabalhadores indígenas, principalmente em momentos críticos de carência de mão-de-obra. Por outro lado, trata-se de compreender como a ação dos próprios grupos indígenas influenciou a política e legislação indigenistas implementadas pela Coroa para a região.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir sobre o processo de militarização da capitania do Grão-Pará na primeira metade do século XVIII. Trata-se das políticas de defesa engendradas pela Coroa portuguesa para essa região. Para a análise utilizamos como objeto de estudo a tropa paga por ser esta a força militar profissional na colônia, e ainda a responsável por empreender ações de guerra e guarnição. Nesse sentido, este estudo procura desenvolver e discutir questões como: a representação das companhias pagas nas diversas correspondências entre a colônia e o reino, e a partir disso perceber o estado militar da capitania; a composição da tropa por meio da análise do recrutamento compulsório e de seus múltiplos significados para os soldados e para a região; e a mobilização dessa força de defesa através do mapeamento do destacamento de soldados e da movimentação de tropas no Grão-Pará. Trata-se ainda, da implicação dessa mobilização na família do recrutado.