951 resultados para World student relief.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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To left of Col.-Major Vollrath, executive, Lt. C.D. Vaughan, adjutant, Major Carl K. Hart, Lt. Ralph L. Bergh, and Harry H. Wilson.


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Denna uppsats intresserar sig för professional wrestling och då specifikt bolaget World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur nationalitet representeras i World Wrestling Entertainments produkt. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk består utav tre olika författare. Dessa tre är Michael Billig, Stuart Hall och Roland Barthes. Från Michael Billig används begreppen 'hot and banal nationalism' för att definiera nationalism. Från Stuart Hall hämtas teorier om 'representation', vad det är och hur det fungerar samt olika perspektiv på varför det är intressant att studera 'olikhet'. Slutligen använder sig uppsatsen utav Roland Barthes artikel Le monde où l'on catche, the World of Wrestling i den engelska översättningen, som analyserar wrestling på ett semiotiskt vis. Många av de teorier som Barthes presenterar i denna artikel är relevanta än idag trots att han skrev artikeln på 1950-talet. Uppsatsens frågeställning kommer att undersökas genom en multimodal analys. En multimodal analys lämpar sig väl för ett så visuellt fenomen som wrestling. Det möjliggör även för studier av de rent textuella elementen i programmen och inte bara det visuella. Materialet består utav de inledande videomontagen från två olika wrestlingmatcher. Båda matcherna är hämtade från WWEs största årliga pay-per-view Wrestlemania som gått av stapeln varje år sedan år 1985. Den ena matchen är hämtad från Wrestlemania 29 år 2013 och den andra är hämtad från Wrestlemania 31 år 2015. Båda matcherna inkluderar icke-amerikanska karaktärer. Den första matchen ser amerikanen Jack Swagger möta mexikanen Alberto Del Rio och den andra matchen ser amerikanen John Cena möta den ryske Rusev. Efter analysen kunde slutsatsen dras att vad gällde de matcher som analyserats framställdes de ickeamerikanska karaktärerna varken positivt eller negativt. Vad analysen lyckades komma fram till var att de icke-amerikanska karaktärerna var där för att reproducera en bild av den amerikanska nationella identiteten och att de icke-amerikanska karaktärernas nationaliteter egentligen inte var relevanta. Det relevanta var det faktum att de var just icke-amerikaner. Deras faktiska nationaliteter behandlades inte i någon större utsträckning i materialet. Materialet verkade mest kretsa kring USA och dess nationella identitet.


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The present study evaluated the impact of a universal prevention of depression program [the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP)] when implemented under real-world conditions in a school setting. Prior research has found the RAP program to be beneficial for high-school students when the program was implemented by university staff selected, trained, and supervised by a research team. The present study evaluated the RAP program when implemented by existing school personnel. Separately, we measured the impact of a training program for facilitators, the quality of subsequent program implementation, and the student's response to the RAP Program. Results showed that, in response to the training program, facilitators believed they had acquired the knowledge and confidence to implement the program and that the quality of program implementation was acceptable. The study did not demonstrate a beneficial impact of the RAP program for the students. The results raise important questions regarding the extent of training and ongoing supervision facilitators require if the beneficial outcomes for students are to be maintained when interventions are implemented under real-world conditions in school settings. (C) 2004 Society for the Study of School Psychology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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* The work is partly supported by RFFI grant 08-07-00062-a


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A 2008–2009-es pénzügyi válság hatására a magyarországi felsőoktatási hallgatók tanulmányait hitelekkel segítő Diákhitel Központ visszafizetési könnyítés lehetőségét ajánlotta fel a már törlesztési szakaszban lévő ügyfelei számára. Tanulmányunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy kik és hányan éltek a törlesztési mérséklés lehetőségével, és az emiatt elmaradó bevételek mennyire befolyásolhatják a Diákhitel Központ rövid és hosszú távú működését. Az derült ki, hogy az előírt törlesztéseikkel elmaradók nagyobb arányban kérték a mérséklést, mint a teljes törlesztői populáció. A törlesztési viselkedések változásának elemzése a válság hatásának érezhető visszahúzódását mutatja a 2010-es évben. Figyelmet érdemel az a tény, hogy a felsőfokú végzettséget szerző adósok törlesztési fegyelme nem elég erős. / === / After the world wide financial crisis in 2008/2009, the Student Loan Center in Hungary offered the following opportunity to its customers who were in the repayment period: they can pay a reduced amount of the installments for at most two years. In the present paper we study the group of customers who chose the opportunity of reduced installments. The effect of the delayed repayments on the short-term and long-term operations of the Center is also investigated. It turned out that the customers who already got into arrears asked for the reduction in a larger proportion than the whole population. The study of the customers in the repayment period shows that the impact of the financial crisis has decreased significantly. The disciplined repayment of the customers after graduation is not strong enough.


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The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of academic orientation by seeking the insights into an inner-city Haitian-American middle school student's attitudes and world view toward education and life. A phenomenological approach was used in order to explore the way in which Cindy, a minority student, gives meaning to her lived-experiences in terms of her desire to meet academic expectations and her ability to overcome social adversity and/or other risk factors.^ The study attempted to answer the following two research questions: (1) What provides the focus for Cindy's (the subject's) approach to her school work and/or life? (2) What are the processes that give meaning and direction to academic orientation and life for Cindy? In-depth interviewing was the primary method of data collection. In addition, journal and sketchbook entries and school district records were used and classroom observations made.^ The nature of the study to understand lived-experience facilitated the use of the case study method and a phenomenological method of description. Data analysis was conducted by means of an adapted form of the constant comparative approach. Patterns in the data which emerged were coded and categorized according to underlying generative themes. Phenomenological reflection and analysis were used to grasp the experiential structures of Cindy's experience. The following textural themes were identified and confirmed to be essential themes to Cindy's experience: personal challenge to do her best, personal challenge to want to learn, having a sense of determination, being able to think for self, having a disposition to like self, achieving self-respect through performance, seeing a need to help others, being intrinsically motivated, being an independent learner, attending more to academic pressure and less to peer pressure, having motivational catalysts in her life, learning and support opportunities, and having a self-culture. Using Mahrer's humanistic theory of experiencing, Cindy's development was interpreted in terms of her progression through a sequence of developmental plateaus: externalized self, internalized self, and integrating and actualizing self.^ The findings of this study were that Cindy's desire to meet academic expectations is guided by a meaning construction internal frame of reference. High expectations of self in conjunction with other protective factors found in Cindy's home and school environments were also found to be linked to her educational resilience and success. Cindy's lived-experiences were also found to be related to Mahrer's theory of human development. In addition, it was concluded that "minority" students do not all fit into social categories and labels. ^


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This dissertation examines the ideological development of the Catholic University Student (JUC) movements in Cuba and Brazil during the Cold War and their organizational predecessors and intellectual influences in interwar Europe. Transnational Catholicism prioritized the attempt to influence youth and in particular, university students, within the context of Catholic nations within Atlantic civilization in the middle of the twentieth century. This dissertation argues that the Catholic university movements achieved a relatively high level of social and political influence in a number of countries in Latin America and that the experience of the Catholic student activists led them to experience ideological conflict and in some cases, rupture, with the conservative ideology of the Catholic hierarchy. Catholic student movements flourished after World War II in the context of an emerging youth culture. The proliferation of student organizations became part of the ideological battlefield of the Cold War. Catholic university students also played key roles in the Cuban Revolution (1957-1959) and in the attempted political and social reforms in Brazil under President João Goulart (1961-1964). ^ The JUC, under the guidance of the Church hierarchy, attempted to avoid aligning itself with either ideological camp in the Cold War, but rather to chart a Third Way between materialistic capitalism and atheistic socialism. Thousands of students in over 70 nations were intensively trained to think critically about pressing social issues. This paper will to place the Catholic Student movement in Cuba in the larger context of transnational Catholic university movements using archival evidence, newspaper accounts and secondary sources. Despite the hierarchy's attempt to utilize students as a tool of influence, the actual lived experience of students equipped them to think critically about social issues, and helped lay a foundation for the progressive student politics of the late 1960s and the rise of liberation theology in the 1970s. ^


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Bob del Toro, Dianne Haley and Others with Toys for Managuan Relief. On December 23, 12:29 a.m. local time in Managua, Nicaragua, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred. The earth caused widespread damage among Managua, the capital city. In Managua, 5,000 residents were killed, 20,000 were injured and over 250,000 were left homeless. In Miami, residents and relief organizations focused on helping children. Wife of General Arturo Somoza pleaded on efforts on gathering sporting goods and toys for Managua’s young people. Relief committees purchased 230 dozen balls – basketball, rubber, and volley, soccer, and others. Nearly $500 came from students in Hialeah High School. Jump ropes and jacks were donated from a sorority at Florida International University. Arrangements were made to bring 44,000 pounds of baby formula and canned meat and 13,000 pounds of medicine. Many of Miami’s corporations, associations, and residents contributed to the Managuan Relief effort. Source: The Miami News, March 19, 1973 by Lynn Feigenbaum 887-3400. april 30, 1973. Cutlines: More than 350 dozens of various balls, skate boards and games were recently purchased by the Student Governance Committee of Florida International University for the young people of Managua, Nicaragua who not only do not have enough toys but are unable to attend schools which are closed. Left to right are, Bob del Toro, Dianne Haley, Chairman of the Student Governance Committee, Hialeah Councilman Jack Weaver of the Hialeah-Managua Sister City Committee, Barbara O'Nan and Margaret Klein.


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On December 23, 12:29 a.m. local time in Managua, Nicaragua, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred. The earth caused widespread damage among Managua, the capital city. In Managua, 5,000 residents were killed, 20,000 were injured and over 250,000 were left homeless. In Miami, residents and relief organizations focused on helping children. Wife of General Arturo Somoza pleaded on efforts on gathering sporting goods and toys for Managua’s young people. Relief committees purchased 230 dozen balls – basketball, rubber, and volley, soccer, and others. Nearly $500 came from students in Hialeah High School. Jump ropes and jacks were donated from a sorority at Florida International University. Arrangements were made to bring 44,000 pounds of baby formula and canned meat and 13,000 pounds of medicine. Many of Miami’s corporations, associations, and residents contributed to the Managuan Relief effort. Source: The Miami News, March 19, 1973 by Lynn Feigenbaum From: City of Hialeah Publicity Bureu. 401 1/2 East 1st Ave. Hialeah, Fla. 887-3400. april 30, 1973. Cutlines: Florida International University students recently raised more than $ 1,000 for more than 300 dozens toys and balls for the youngsters of Managua, Nicaragua. With the balls above are shown student Committee members and oficials of the Hialeah-Managua Sister City Committee, left to rigth: Bob del Toro, Sister City Committe president Raymond R. Schultz, Student Governance Committee chairman Dianne Haley and Hialeah City councilman Jack Weaver.


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We now live in a world where urbanization has become the norm. Approximately half the world now lives in cities(O'brien, 2008). In recent years for a province like Newfoundland and Labrador which has relied heavily on one industry, the fishery, this statistic holds a lot of meaning. For well over a century there has been a continuing movement from Newfoundland to other parts of Canada and the US. Between 1971 and 1998 alone, net out-migration amounted 20% of the provinces population. This exodus has become a significant part of Newfoundland culture (Bowering Delisle, 2008). Communities have declining populations because families can no longer afford to live in their communities. For places like Corner Brook though citizens do not feel the urge to move to bigger urban centers like St. John's or places on the mainland. The purpose of this paper is to outline values which maybe keeping Corner Brook residents from uprooting their families to move to bigger urban centers such as St. John's, in order to be able to support ther families, get experience in their fields or to just acquire a job like many other people around the province.