991 resultados para Work zone crash


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Expositions of student work at the end of the extended school year are one of many reform efforts in a specially formed School Improvement Zone in Miami Dade schools. This descriptive analysis offers examples of successful attempts to engender pride even in the face of formidable social and cultural obstacles.


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The links created between Florida and the Bahamas from 1780 to 1900 constituted a major influence in the evolution of a unique society. This dissertation adds to the understanding of this topic by using primary sources and architecture to follow the odyssey of the people who shaped this region. Building on the historiography which examined each area separately, this work focused on the ties forged in the interactions between Florida and the Bahamas. Following the immigrants who shaped Florida and the Bahamas, this work examines cultural holdovers which influenced this region during times of demographic flux. Aesthetic preferences stood out as one way that people maintained connections to their past. The use of architecture as a lens to view this process provides a concrete example of this phenomenon. The societies of Florida and the Bahamas remained intertwined during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Forced migrations shaped the trajectory of the evolution of a distinctive culture in these areas bordered by the Gulfstream. This dissertation proves that the links forged between these societies reinforced the patterns which endured throughout the maturation of this area.


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Polygonal Fresnel zone plates with a low number of sides have deserved attention in micro and nanoptics, because they can be straightforwardly integrated in photonic devices, and, at the same time, they represent a balance between the high-focusing performance of a circular zone plate and the easiness of fabrication at micro and nano-scales of polygons. Among them, the most representative family are Square Fresnel Zone Plates (SFZP). In this work, we propose two different customized designs of SFZP for optical wavelengths. Both designs are based on the optimization of a SFZP to perform as close as possible as a usual Fresnel Zone Plate. In the first case, the criterion followed to compute it is the minimization of the difference between the area covered by the angular sector of the zone of the corresponding circular plate and the one covered by the polygon traced on the former. Such a requirement leads to a customized polygon-like Fresnel zone. The simplest one is a square zone with a pattern of phases repeating each five zones. On the other hand, an alternative SFZP can be designed guided by the same criterion but with a new restriction. In this case, the distance between the borders of different zones remains unaltered. A comparison between the two lenses is carried out. The irradiance at focus is computed for both and suitable merit figures are defined to account for the difference between them.


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Major funding was provided by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under grant NE/I028017/1 and partially supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund (BAP) under grant 6922. We would like to thank all the project members from the University of Leeds, Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory, Aberdeen University and Sakarya University. I would also like to thank Prof. Ali Pinar and Dr. Kıvanç Kekovalı for their valuable comments. Some of the figures were generated by GMT software (Wessel and Smith, 1995).


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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Major funding was provided by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under grant NE/I028017/1 and partially supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund (BAP) under grant 6922. We would like to thank all the project members from the University of Leeds, Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory, Aberdeen University and Sakarya University. I would also like to thank Prof. Ali Pinar and Dr. Kıvanç Kekovalı for their valuable comments. Some of the figures were generated by GMT software (Wessel and Smith, 1995).


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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Acknowledgments This work was granted by the China-UK jointed Red Soil Critical Zone project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 41571130053; 41301233) and from Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC: Code: NE/N007611/1), and by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2011BAD31B04). We thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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The Padul-Nigüelas Fault Zone (PNFZ) is situated at the south-western mountain front of the Sierra Nevada (Spain) in an extensive regime and belongs to the internal zone of the Betic Cordilleras. The aim of this study is a collection of new evidence for neotectonic activity of the fault zone with classical geological field work and modern geophysical methods, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR). Among an apparently existing bed rock fault scarp with triangular facets, other evidences, such as deeply incised valleys and faults in the colluvial wedges, are present in the PNFZ. The preliminary results of our recent field work have shown that the synsedimentary faults within the colluvial sediments seem to propagate basinwards and the bed rock fault is only exhumed due to erosion for the studied segment (west of Marchena). We will use further GPR data and geomorphologic indices to gather further evidences of neotectonic activity of the PNFZ.


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Interactions between surface waves and sea ice are thought to be an important, but poorly understood, physical process in the atmosphere-ice-ocean system. In this work, airborne scanning lidar was used to observe ocean waves propagating into the marginal ice zone (MIZ). These represent the first direct spatial measurements of the surface wave field in the polar MIZ. Data were compared against two attenuation models, one based on viscous dissipation and one based on scattering. Both models were capable of reproducing the measured wave energy. The observed wavenumber dependence of attenuation was found to be consistent with viscous processes, while the spectral spreading of higher wavenumbers suggested a scattering mechanism. Both models reproduced a change in peak direction due to preferential directional filtering. Floe sizes were recorded using co-located visible imagery, and their distribution was found to be consistent with ice breakup by the wave field.


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In this work, the relationship between diameter at breast height (d) and total height (h) of individual-tree was modeled with the aim to establish provisory height-diameter (h-d) equations for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands in the Lomba ZIF, Northeast Portugal. Using data collected locally, several local and generalized h-d equations from the literature were tested and adaptations were also considered. Model fitting was conducted by using usual nonlinear least squares (nls) methods. The best local and generalized models selected, were also tested as mixed models applying a first-order conditional expectation (FOCE) approximation procedure and maximum likelihood methods to estimate fixed and random effects. For the calibration of the mixed models and in order to be consistent with the fitting procedure, the FOCE method was also used to test different sampling designs. The results showed that the local h-d equations with two parameters performed better than the analogous models with three parameters. However a unique set of parameter values for the local model can not be used to all maritime pine stands in Lomba ZIF and thus, a generalized model including covariates from the stand, in addition to d, was necessary to obtain an adequate predictive performance. No evident superiority of the generalized mixed model in comparison to the generalized model with nonlinear least squares parameters estimates was observed. On the other hand, in the case of the local model, the predictive performance greatly improved when random effects were included. The results showed that the mixed model based in the local h-d equation selected is a viable alternative for estimating h if variables from the stand are not available. Moreover, it was observed that it is possible to obtain an adequate calibrated response using only 2 to 5 additional h-d measurements in quantile (or random) trees from the distribution of d in the plot (stand). Balancing sampling effort, accuracy and straightforwardness in practical applications, the generalized model from nls fit is recommended. Examples of applications of the selected generalized equation to the forest management are presented, namely how to use it to complete missing information from forest inventory and also showing how such an equation can be incorporated in a stand-level decision support system that aims to optimize the forest management for the maximization of wood volume production in Lomba ZIF maritime pine stands.


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This work presents the development and application of a three-dimensional oil spill model for predicting the movement of an oil slick in the coastal waters of Singapore. In the model, the oil slick is divided into a number of small elements for simulating of the oil processes of spreading, advection, turbulent diffusion. This model is capable of predicting the horizontal movement of surface oil slick. Satellite images and field observations of oil slicks on the surface in the Singapore Straits are used to validate the newly developed model. Compared with the observations, the numerical results of the oil spill model show good conformity. In this study, the 3d model was generated using the geometrical data of Singapore Straits waters by GAMBIT which is a pre-processor of FLUENT programmed.


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Over the past years, several studies have raised concerns about the possible interactions between methane hydrate decomposition and external change. To carry out such an investigation, it is essential to characterize the baseline dynamics of gas hydrate systems related to natural geological and sedimentary processes. This is usually treated through the analysis of sulfate-reduction coupled to anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Here, we model sulfate reduction coupled with AOM as a two-dimensional (2D) problem including, advective and diffusive transport. This is applied to a case study from a deep-water site off Nigeria’s coast where lateral methane advection through turbidite layers was suspected. We show by analyzing the acquired data in combination with computational modeling that a two-dimensional approach is able to accurately describe the recent past dynamics of such a complex natural system. Our results show that the sulfate-methane-transition-zone (SMTZ) is not a vertical barrier for dissolved sulfate and methane. We also show that such a modeling is able to assess short timescale variations in the order of decades to centuries.