932 resultados para Women -- Catalonia -- 9-18th Centuries
El Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua de Monforte de Lemos (1593-1619) constituye el principal ejemplo del clasicismo herreriano de Galicia. Esta tesis analiza los aspectos técnicos de la construcción de sus bóvedas de cantería, en el marco disciplinar de la Historia de la Construcción. El Colegio contiene varios tipos de bóvedas entre las que destacan su cúpula trasdosada y su escalera monumental. Además, se conservan los documentos notariales históricos que describen las obras y una de las monteas más importantes de Galicia. Las bóvedas han sufrido movimientos y algunas presentan importantes deformaciones, que han suscitado preocupación sobre su estabilidad. El estudio se organiza en tres epígrafes: geometría, construcción y mecánica, tres aspectos estrechamente interrelacionados en este tipo de estructuras. La parte de estudio geométrico parte de un levantamiento en el que se emplea una estación total sin reflectante, una técnica que permite una medición muy precisa de la forma real de las bóvedas. Como complemento se ha recurrido a técnicas de escáner fotográfico. Con los datos de las mediciones se han elaborado los dibujos de las bóvedas, y analizado sus medidas e irregularidades. Se ha incluido un análisis metrológico por métodos inductivos, que ha puesto de manifiesto la unidad utilizada en la construcción. El estudio se completa con la recopilación de las reglas de dimensionamiento que figuran en los tratados, que se comparan con las dimensiones de las bóvedas analizadas. En el estudio constructivo se registran los despieces y la configuración constructiva y se contrastan, por un lado, con las soluciones que aparecen en los principales tratados de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, y por otro, con las descripciones que se encuentran en los documentos históricos del Colegio. Se ha prestado especial atención al estudio de estos documentos, que han permitido conocer algunos aspectos originales del proceso de construcción de estas bóvedas. En una de las paredes del claustro se ha identificado una montea inédita cuyo levantamiento y análisis se incorpora en esta parte. En el estudio mecánico se analiza la estabilidad dentro del marco teórico del Moderno Análisis Límite de Estructuras de Fábricas. La comprensión del comportamiento estructural, unida a la precisión de los levantamientos, ha permitido explicar los movimientos de las fábricas e inferir la geometría original de algunas de las bóvedas, no siempre evidente en los casos de fuertes deformaciones. Los estudios realizados hasta ahora en bóvedas de los siglos XVI y XVII permiten vislumbrar un panorama de soluciones constructivas más rico que el que recogen los tratados históricos. Las nuevas técnicas de medición sin contacto abren nuevas posibilidades para analizar estas estructuras. Los casos estudiados todavía son escasos y se necesita un conjunto más amplio para poder realizar un análisis general. Esta tesis aporta el estudio de uno de esos casos con el fin de contribuir al mejor conocimiento de la construcción en España en los siglos XVI y XVII. ABSTRACT The Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua (1593-1619), in Monforte de Lemos, Spain, is the best example in Galicia of the classicism influenced by the Monastery of El Escorial and his architect, Juan de Herrera. This thesis analyzes the technical aspects of the construction of its masonry vaults within the discipline of Construction History. The Colegio exhibits various types of vaults, among which the extradosed ashlar dome and the grand staircase are particularly worth mentioning. In addition, the legal documents containing thorough specifications of the work, as well as one of the construction drawings at actual size —one of the best examples in Galicia—, have both been preserved to this date. Some of the vaults have undergone important deformations that have raised concerns about their stability. The study is organized in three sections: geometry, construction, and mechanics, the three clearly interrelated in this type of structures. The geometrical study starts out with a metric survey using a reflectorless total station, a technique that allows a very precise measurement of the actual shape of the vault. This technique was complemented with the use of a photo-based 3D scanner. The resulting measurements were used to draw the vaults, and analyze their dimensions and irregularities. An inductive metrological analysis, which was able to reveal the exact metric unit utilized during the construction, is included in this section. The section is completed with the gathering of the dimensional rules appearing in the various historical treatises, which are compared with the dimensions of the actual vaults. The construction study deals with the quartering of the structure, whose results are compared, on the one hand, with the approaches appearing in the main treatises of the 16th- 18th centuries, and on the other, with the descriptions in the historical documents of the Colegio itself. Special attention has been paid to the study of these documents, which have revealed some original aspects in the construction process of the vaults. In one of the cloister’s walls, a hitherto unheard-of construction drawing at actual size was found. Its survey and analysis is included in this section. The mechanical study analyzes the Colegio's vaults stability within the theoretical frame of the Modern Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures. The interpretation of the structural behavior, coupled with the precision of the surveys, has allowed a deep understanding of the masonry’s movements and the original geometry of some of the vaults —not always evident in the case of strong deformations— has been inferred. The studies dealing with XVI and XVII century vaults conducted up to this date show a landscape of constructive solutions far richer than the one suggested in the historical treatises. The new contactless measuring techniques offer exciting possibilities for the analysis of these structures. The cases studied are still few and more would be needed before a general analysis can be attempted. This thesis constitutes one such additional case and its goal is to improve our understanding of Spanish construction in the 16th-17th centuries.
In 2015, it will be thirty years since Spanish Historic Heritage Law from 1985 was approved. The results after three decades under this law are necessarily positive and witness how the complex autonomous regional legislation has been promoted, guided and organized in this Heritage field. In addition, the law enforcement has brought into the scene how the numerous public and private initiatives involved in caring, managing, protecting and restoring our cultural heritage have been channeled and regulated, as well as monitoring the impact these initiatives produce on urban archaeology. During this long period of Spanish recent history, cultural heritage -understood as an important development tool, especially when related to cultural tourism- has succeeded in channeling resources for developing the historical research projects, both documental and archaeological, that the Spanish monumental urban ensembles were requiring. In this context, the case of the city of Madrid is a clear example of the significant development that urban Historical Archaeology has experienced in Spain over the last thirty years, especially when dealing with the study of the Middle Ages (8th to 15th centuries) and the Modern Age (16th to 18th centuries). Given the number of interventions and the important results obtained by many of them, Madrid urban archaeology is an extraordinary example of the consequences of implementing new management models, changing criteria and operating procedures, and also, of course, of the conflicts and debates raised regarding heritage, as well as the importance these interventions have implied, which is the main aim of this work.
INTRODUÇÃO: A infecção por HIV-1 é um grave problema de saúde pública causando elevada taxa de morbidade e mortalidade. Entretanto, alguns indivíduos são considerados resistentes à infecção por HIV-1, mesmo após repetidas exposições ao vírus. Vários fatores imunológicos e genéticos podem estar associados a resistência à infecção, como ativação de componentes da imunidade inata e também devido ao baixo perfil de ativação das células T. É possível que nos indivíduos expostos e não infectados por HIV-1 (ENI) ocorra uma importante atuação das células T secretoras de IL-17 e IL-22, e também as células T reguladoras, pois são necessárias para a manutenção e homeostase das mucosas associadas ao intestino (GALT). OBJETIVO: Avaliar o fenótipo e a função de células TCD4+ e TCD8+ em casais sorodiscordante ao HIV-1, compostos por indivíduos ENI e os parceiros infectados por HIV-1. MÉTODOS: Os casais sorodiscordantes ao HIV-1, consistiam de 23 indivíduos expostos não-infectados (ENI), 14 mulheres e 9 homens, com mediana de 41 anos e 21 parceiros infectados por HIV-1 (HIV), 20 homens e 1 mulher com mediana de 41 anos. Os controles saudáveis foram 24 indivíduos (14 mulheres e 10 homens) com mediana de 37 anos. Os casais sorodiscordantes foram compostos por 16 heterossexuais e 7 homossexuais, com tempo de relacionamento de 13 anos. As frequências de células Th17, Th22 e Tc22, as células T polifuncionais foram analisadas em células mononucleares (CMNs) do sangue periférico, estimulados com peptídeos da região Gag do HIV-1 e da enterotoxina B do Staphylococcus aureus (SEB), a frequência de células T reguladoras, o perfil fenotípico de exaustão/diferenciação e a expressão da integrina alfa4?7 e CCR9 em células T, foram realizados por citometria de fluxo. RESULTADOS: No grupo HIV, as células T CD4+ e CD8+ do sangue periférico mostrou maior frequência de CD95 e PD-1 e baixa expressão de CD127 comparado ao grupo ENI e controle. A frequência de células Th17 em CMNs aumentou nos grupos ENI e HIV-1 na condição sem estímulo, contudo, após estímulo com os peptídeos da região p24 da Gag do HIV-1 induziu resposta somente no grupo HIV-1. O grupo ENI mostrou resposta antígeno-especifica somente para IL-22. Além disto, avaliando as células Tc22 e Th22, foi verificado aumento da resposta aos peptídeos da Gag e também ao SEB, nos grupos HIV e ENI. A presença de células T polifuncionais antígeno-especificas, secretoras de 5-4 citocinas, foi detectada apenas em células T CD38+ no grupo HIV, enquanto os indivíduos ENI mostraram resposta polifuncional por células T CD38- somente ao estímulo policlonal por SEB. Uma diminuição do número absoluto de células T reguladoras (CD4+CD25+CD127low/-Foxp3+) foi detectada no grupo HIV comparado ao ENI e controle, com maior expressão de moléculas HLA-DR e CD95. Além disto, foi detectado diminuição na frequência de células TCD8+ ?4?7+ no grupo ENI e de células TCD4+ alfa4beta7+ nos grupos ENI e HIV. Houve uma correlação positiva entre as células Tc22 e Th22 com as células TCD8+ e TCD4+ que expressam alfa4beta7, no grupo ENI e HIV-1. CONCLUSÃO: Os indivíduos ENI são capazes de desenvolver resposta antígeno-específicas relacionadas com a IL-22, que possui importante função na imunidade de mucosas. Além disto, mostram presença de células T polifuncionais com baixo perfil de ativação a estímulo policlonal. Os dados evidenciam que os indivíduos ENI, mostram indução de células Tc22, aumento de expressão de moléculas de migração para o intestino e equilíbrio entre as células efetoras e Treg, que em conjunto, devem exercer importante papel para a resistência à infecção por HIV-1
Fundamento: La asociación de la inmigración con el bajo peso al nacimiento (BP) y el parto pretérmino (PP) es un importante indicador de inequidades en salud. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las diferencias entre BP y el PP según la nacionalidad de la madre. Métodos: Los datos proceden del Boletín Estadístico de Nacimientos. Durante el período de estudio hubo 1.878.718 recién nacidos. La nacionalidad fue considerada como variable de exposición (española-inmigrante). Las variables de efecto son BP (nacimientos de 37 o más semanas de gestación con un peso inferior a 2.500 gramos) y PP (recién nacidos con menos de 37 semanas de gestación). Se calcularon odds ratios simples y ajustadas por posibles variables de confusión mediante regresión logística. Resultados: La prevalencia de BP y PP entre las mujeres españolas fue de 7,9% y 3,2% respectivamente, mientras que en las extranjeras fue de 7,3% y 2,4% respectivamente. En comparación con las españolas, el riesgo más bajo de PP lo presentaron las mujeres procedentes de África del Norte (ORa= 0,77 IC95%0,74-0,80). Con respecto al BP el riesgo más bajo se observó en madres de Sudamérica (ORa=0,62 IC95%0,59-0,65) y Europa del Este (ORa=0,65 IC95%0,60-0,71). Conclusión: Los recién nacidos de madre extranjera presentan menos riesgo de BP y PP que los autóctonos, posiblemente como consecuencia del sesgo por la condición de ser inmigrante sano y por la menor frecuencia de prácticas de riesgo durante la gestación de las mujeres inmigrantes.
Objetivo: Determinar el patrón de consumo de alimentos del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante (UA) mediante el grado de adecuación a la dieta mediterránea. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo para estimar la ingesta individual a través de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFCA) en una muestra representativa de 380 universitarios. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, área geográfica de procedencia, peso y talla autoreferidos. Así como los alimentos y frecuencias de consumo que componen el CFCA. Se determinó el porcentaje de adecuación teniendo en cuenta, consumo real sobre consumo recomendado por la guía dieta mediterránea tradicional: (100 x raciones consumidas/raciones recomendadas). Se establecieron 5 rangos de porcentaje adecuación: consumo óptimo (80%-119%), consumo aceptable (60%-79%), consumo deficiente (40%-59%), consumo muy deficiente (< 39%), consumo excesivo (> 120%). Se realizó contraste de diferencia de proporciones y la prueba t-Student con EPIDAT 3.1, y SPSS 15.0. Resultados: Prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad, es mayor en hombres (34,6%) que en mujeres (9,8%), p < 0,001. Mientras que las mujeres presentan mayor prevalencia de bajo peso (7,0%) que hombres (0,7%), p < 0,05. El consumo de cereales y derivados es muy deficiente (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 94,9), y el consumo de carnes rojas (mujeres = 90,6; hombres = 92,7) y embutidos (mujeres = 95,9%, hombres = 96,3%) es excesivo. Ningún alumno cubre un “consumo óptimo” o un “consumo aceptable” de todos los grupos de alimentos (n = 12). Discusión: El nivel educativo y el acceso a la información no protegen a la población universitaria de factores socioambientales que influencian sus hábitos alimentarios. Deben reforzarse estrategias de salud pública dirigidas a este grupo de población.
Despite its central role in religious life of the region, the sculptural tradition of the Southern Chilean Chiloé Archipelago, ranging from the 17th century to the present day, has been vastly understudied. Isidoro Vázquez de Acuña’s 1994 volume Santeria de Chiloe: ensayo y catastro remains the only catalogue of Chilote sculpture. Though the author includes photographs of a vast array of works, he does not attempt to place the sculptures within a chronology, or consider their place within the greater Latin American context. My thesis will place this group of works within a chronological and geographical context that reaches from the 16th century to the present day, connected to the artistic traditions of regions as far afield as Paraguay and Lima. I will first consider the works brought to the Archipelago by religious orders – the Jesuits and Franciscans – as well as influences on artistic style and religious culture throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I will focus in particular on three works generally considered to be from the 17th and 18th centuries – the Virgin of Loreto at Achao, the Saint Michael at Castro, and the Jesus Nazareno of Caguach – using visual analysis and sifting through generations of primary and secondary sources to determine from where and when these sculptures came. With this investigation as a foundation, I will consider how they inspired vernacular sculptural expression and trace ‘family trees’ of vernacular works based on these precedents. Vernacular artistic traditions are often viewed as derivative and lacking in skill, but Chilote sculptors in fact engaged with a variety of outside influences and experimented with different sculptural styles. I will conclude by considering which aspects of these styles Chilote artists chose to incorporate into their own work, alter or exclude, artistic decisions that shed light on the Archipelago’s religious and cultural fabric.
The present 30 volumes seem to have remained with the Dukes of Leuchtenberg, until the ducal library was acquired for sale in 1935 by the dealers Ulrich Hoepli (Milan) and Braus-Riggenbach (Basel). The volumes are not complete, as leaves have been wholly or partly removed throughout; this is particularly evident in preliminary volumes 2 and 10 and volume 75. Prints and the relatively small number of drawings are mostly French, with some German, Dutch and English, and are mostly of the 17th or 18th centuries. They are mounted generally on rectos of leaves, often with hand-written captions. Large prints are occasionally bound in directly; these are often folded. The engraved general title page (bearing the date 1788) appears at the beginning of each volume; below the printed title a hand-written volume number and brief title describing the volume's contents usually appear. In many volumes the title leaf is followed by a hand-written contents leaf listing the section titles, which are also written individually throughout the volume on leaves with etched decorative frames. Sections are numbered continuously throughout the work as a whole. Numbering of the leaves, when present, appears in black ink within each volume at top center recto. Printmakers include B. & J. Audran, Francesco Bartolozzi, Abraham Bosse, Stefano della Bella, Jacques Callot, François Chéreau, Wenceslaus Hollar, Romeyn de Hooghe, Raymond La Fage, Sébastien Le Clerc, Pierre Lepautre, Claude Mellan, Bernard Picart, and Simon Thomassin. There are also early color prints by Gautier-Dagoty and Jean-Baptiste Morret.
Binder's title.
Describes literary circles of the 17th and 18th centuries; v. 1 (first published in 1858) is confined to the 17th century.
Each frontispiece accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
The volume also contains tracts of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, mostly 'constitutiones epidemicae', by the following authors: Anhorn, Bayer, Behrens, Boschetti, Camerarius (R.), Cocchius, Drelincourt, Garhliep, Genselius, Gerbezius, Hamilton, Harder, Harris, Hoyer, Lanzoni, Leigh, Lister, Loew (A.) and (C.F.), Mazini, Musgrave, Ramazzini, Raygerus, Richa, Schelhammer, Schroeck, Stegmann, and Valentini.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Objective: To determine the population-based utilization rate of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Victoria between 1998-1999, to examine the characteristics of the ECT treated group, and to identify patient factors independently associated with differential rates of ECT treatment. Method: Electroconvulsive therapy is reported under statute in Victoria, Australia. Crude, age-adjusted and age-sex specific utilization rates were calculated using this statutory data for the 1998-1999 financial year and estimated mid-year populations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Descriptive characteristics of those treated with ECT were derived from the statutory data. Patient factors associated with an increased likelihood of ECT in the public sector were explored with logistic regression analysis, using non-ECT treated mental health patients from the Victorian Psychiatric Case Register as the reference population. Results: The crude treated-person and age-adjusted rates for the State (both public and private sectors) were 39.9 and 44.0 persons per 100 000 resident population per annum, respectively. The crude and age-adjusted administration rates were 330.3 and 362.6 ECT administrations per 100 000 resident population per annum, respectively. Age-sex specific rates varied by age and sex, with rates generally increasing with age and female sex. Overall, 62.8% of the treated group were women, 32.9% aged over 64, and 75.2% had depression. Diagnosis, age and sex each independently predicted ECT in the public sector, with diagnosis the most important factor, followed by age then sex. Conclusions: Despite decades of use, the appropriate rate of ECT utilization is still unclear. Further research should be directed at exploring the factors, including provider variables, determining ECT treatment.
Aim: To assess trends in admissions of patients with heart failure (HF) to all hospitals in Australia between 1996-1997 and 2003-2004. Methods and results: We carried out a retrospective analysis of the official population-based National Hospital Morbidity Data in Australia. Although the absolute number of separations with a principal diagnosis of HF remained stable, the age- and sex-standardized separation rate for HF recorded as principal diagnosis decreased from 2.0 per 1000 population in 1996-1997 to 1.6 per 1000 population in 2003-2004. The corresponding values for HF recorded in any diagnostic position were 7.7 and 4.7 per 1000 population. Men had higher in-hospital mortality than women (8.9% versus 8.1%,p < 0.001) and also a larger decrease in this measure over the study period (21.9% versus 14.4%). While the geometric mean length of stay for HF as principal diagnosis fell from 5.4 days in 1996-1997 to 4.9 days in 2003-2004, the proportion of bed-days related to such diagnoses relative to total bed days attributed to circulatory diseases increased from 12.8% to 13.7% (p < 0.001). Conclusion: There were no increase in number of admissions involving HF and standardized rates of hospital separations with HF fell in Australia between 1996 and 2004. The explanation for the observed declines in in-hospital case fatality and the separation rates should be sought in whole-of-community studies. (c) 2006 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This research uses scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on cross-sections of iron artifacts sectioned from along shafts to determine the elemental constituents of a collection of Inuit and European artifacts from along the coast of Labrador. Hand-wrought iron nails from early historic period (16th – 18th centuries CE) Inuit sites in Labrador were originally manufactured by and acquired from early whalers and fishers of various European nationalities. The purpose of this research was to assess if the elements in different samples are sufficiently homogeneous to be viable for a provenience analysis to discern which Inuit nails were originally derived from which European groups; the Basque, English or French. The consistent relationships between the geochemical signatures of iron nails found in Inuit sites and historic nails derived from specific European groups could provide insights into the prevalence, activity and the nature of indigenous interactions of different European nationalities in the region over time. The results show that the methods applied to evaluate the geochemistry of the nails was not sufficient to detect meaningful patterns because the nails did not demonstrate the necessary degree of chemical uniformity among different samples in the same artifacts.