984 resultados para Wind tunnel testing.


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This investigation demonstrates an application of a flexible wall nozzle for testing in a supersonic wind tunnel. It is conservative to say that the versatility of this nozzle is such that it warrants the expenditure of time to carefully engineer a nozzle and incorporate it in the wind tunnel as a permanent part of the system. The gradients in the test section were kept within one percent of the calibrated Mach number, however, the gradients occurring over the bodies tested were only ± 0.2 percent in Mach number.

The conditions existing on a finite cone with a vertex angle of 75° were investigated by considering the pressure distribution on the cone and the shape of the shock wave. The pressure distribution on the surface of the 75° cone when based on upstream conditions does not show any discontinuities at the theoretical attachment Mach number.

Both the angle of the shock wave and the pressure distribution of the 75° cone are in very close agreement with the theoretical values given in the Kopal report, (Ref. 3).

The location of the intersection of the sonic line with the surface of the cone and with the shock wave are given for the cone. The blocking characteristics of the GALCIT supersonic wind tunnel were investigated with a series of 60° cones.


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Flexible cylindrical structures subjected to wind loading experience vibrations from periodic shedding of vortices in their wake. Vibrations become excessive when the natural frequencies of the cylinder coincide with the vortex shedding frequency. In this study, cylinder vibrations are transmitted to a beam inside the structure via dynamic magnifier system. This system amplifies the strain experienced by piezoelectric patches bonded to the beam to maximize the conversion from vibrational energy into electrical energy. Realworld applicability is tested using a wind tunnel to create vortex shedding and comparing the results to finite element modeling that shows the structural vibrational modes. A crucial part of this study is conditioning and storing the harvested energy, focusing on theoretical modeling, design parameter optimization, and experimental validation. The developed system is helpful in designing wind-induced energy harvesters to meet the necessity for novel energy resources.


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This paper describes the use of the Euler equations for the generation and testing of tabular aerodynamic models for flight dynamics analysis. Maneuvers for the AGARD Standard Dynamics Model sharp leading-edge wind-tunnel geometry are considered as a test case. Wind-tunnel data is first used to validate the prediction of static and dynamic coefficients at both low and high angles, featuring complex vortical flow, with good agreement obtained at low to moderate angles of attack. Then the generation of aerodynamic tables is described based on a data fusion approach. Time-optimal maneuvers are generated based on these tables, including level flight trim, pull-ups at constant and varying incidence, and level and 90 degrees turns. The maneuver definition includes the aircraft states and also the control deflections to achieve the motion. The main point of the paper is then to assess the validity of the aerodynamic tables which were used to define the maneuvers. This is done by replaying them, including the control surface motions, through the time accurate computational fluid dynamics code. The resulting forces and moments are compared with the tabular values to assess the presence of inadequately modeled dynamic or unsteady effects. The agreement between the tables and the replay is demonstrated for slow maneuvers. Increasing rate maneuvers show discrepancies which are ascribed to vortical flow hysteresis at the higher rate motions. The framework is suitable for application to more complex viscous flow models, and is powerful for the assessment of the validity of aerodynamics models of the type currently used for studies of flight dynamics.


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This paper discusses experimental and theoretical investigations and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling considerations to evaluate the performance of a square section wind catcher system connected to the top of a test room for the purpose of natural ventilation. The magnitude and distribution of pressure coefficients (C-p) around a wind catcher and the air flow into the test room were analysed. The modelling results indicated that air was supplied into the test room through the wind catcher's quadrants with positive external pressure coefficients and extracted out of the test room through quadrants with negative pressure coefficients. The air flow achieved through the wind catcher depends on the speed and direction of the wind. The results obtained using the explicit and AIDA implicit calculation procedures and CFX code correlate relatively well with the experimental results at lower wind speeds and with wind incidents at an angle of 0 degrees. Variation in the C-p and air flow results were observed particularly with a wind direction of 45 degrees. The explicit and implicit calculation procedures were found to be quick and easy to use in obtaining results whereas the wind tunnel tests were more expensive in terms of effort, cost and time. CFD codes are developing rapidly and are widely available especially with the decreasing prices of computer hardware. However, results obtained using CFD codes must be considered with care, particularly in the absence of empirical data.


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The effect of the surrounding lower buildings on the wind pressure distribution on a high-rise building is investigated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). When B/H=0.1, it is found that the wind pressure on the windward side was reduced especially on the lower part, but for different layers of surrounding buildings, there was no great difference, which agrees with our previous wind tunnel experiment data. Then we changed the aspect ratio from 0.1 to 2, to represent different airflow regimes: skimming flow (SF), and wake interference (WI). It shows that the average Cp increases when B/H increases. For different air flow regimes, it is found that insignificant difference exists when the number of the building layers is more than 2. From the engineering point of view, it is sufficient to only include the first layer for natural ventilation design by using CFD simulation or wind tunnel experiment.


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The relationship between mass loss rate and chemical power in flying birds is analysed with regard to water and heat balance. Two models are presented: the first model is applicable to situations where heat loads are moderate. i.e. when heat balance can be achieved by regulating non-evaporative heat loss, and evaporative water loss is minimised. The second model is applicable when heat loads are high, non-evaporative heat loss is maximised. and heat balance has to be achieved by regulating evaporative heat loss. The rates of mass loss of two Thrush Nightingales Luscinia luscinia and one Teal Anas crecca were measured at various flight speeds in a wind tunnel. Estimates of metabolic water production indicate that the Thrush Nightingales did not dehydrate during experimental flights. Probably, the Thrush Nightingales maintained heat balance without actively increasing evaporative cooling. The Teal, however, most likely had to resort to evaporative cooling, although it may not have dehydrated. Chemical power was estimated from our mass loss rate data using the minimum evaporation model for the Thrush Nightingales and the evaporative heat regulation model for the Teal. For both Thrush Nightingales and the Teal, the chemical power calculated from our mass loss rate data showed a greater change with speed (more 'U-shaped' curve) than the theoretically predicted chemical power curves based on aerodynamic theory. The minimum power speeds calculated from our data differed little from theoretical predictions but maximum range speeds were drastically different. Mass loss rate could potentially be used to estimate chemical power in flying birds under laboratory conditions where temperature and humidity are controlled. However, the assumptions made in the models and the model predictions need further testing.


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Broiler production in Brazil has turned into a very competitive activity in the late years. Constant innovation leads to higher productivity maintaining the same cost of production, which is a desirable situation. Lately one characteristic for broiler housing in Brazil has been the increase in birds density requiring the use of controlled environment through the use of fan and fogging systems in order to achieve better birds productive performance. Most Brazilian producer already uses cooling equipment however it is still unknown the right way to control the wind speed and direction towards the birds. This present research has the objective to evaluate the effect of the wind speed on the heat transfer from the birds to the environment for broilers at 27 days old. There was used 200 birds, placed in a wind tunnel measuring 1.10 m high by 1.10m wide x 10.0 m of length, and the birds density varied from 9, 16 and 20 birds/m 2. Two wind speed were simulated 340 rpm (1.0 m/s) and 250 rpm (0.3 m/s). The increase in the wind velocity related to the smaller bird densityled to a higher heat loss and to a more uniform temperature distribution in its exposed areas.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The objective of this study was to develop a model that allows testing in the wind tunnel at high angles of attack and validates its most critical components by analyzing the results of simulations in finite element software. During the project this structure suffered major loads identified during the flight conditions and, from these, we calculated the stresses in critical regions defined as the parts of the model that have higher failure probabilities. All aspects associated with Load methods, mesh refining and stress analysis were taken into account in this approach. The selection of the analysis software was based on project needs, seeking greater ease of modeling and simulation. We opted for the software ANSYS® since the entire project is being developed in CAD platforms enabling a friendly integration between software's modeling and analysis


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Dry limited amplitude vibrations flow-transition induced vibrations were experienced on a helically-filleted tube, in a previous study performed by Kleissl and Georgakis (2012). These vibrations have never been reported in previous studies. A deep study on the same inclined-yawed cable configuration has been performed, in order to investigate and further understand the nature of these vibrations. The investigation has been carried out through passive-dynamic wind tunnel tests in the Climatic Wind Tunnel at FORCE Technology, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. The results are carried out in terms of aerodynamic damping and peak to peak amplitude at different flow velocities and different boundary conditions. The latter are done by testing the model with and without the spray system installed in the wind tunnel cross section, in order to understand and evaluate the influence of the spray system on the start of the vibrations mechanism and on the flow turbulence. The gained experiences are finally presented for the use in future testing activities with the purpose of improving the performance of passive-dynamic tests.


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The EU-CargoXpress project suggests the usage of sustainable energies to reduce the fuel consumption. The updated concept consists of hoisting the superstructure and using it as a sail together with the conventional propulsion. This paper presents the study of the sail performance by means of a computational analysis and wind tunnel tests. Moreover, a research of the energy saving in different operational areas has been conducted. It is concluded that there is a significant energy saving by using the superstructure as a sail which leads to a reduction of fossil fuel consumption and consequently, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


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The range for airframe configurations available for UAS is as diverse as those used for manned aircraft and more since the commercial risk in trying unorthodox solutions is less for the UAS manufacturer. This is principally because the UAS airframes are usually much smaller than the manned aircraft and operators are less likely to have a bias against unconventional configurations. One of these unconventional configurations is the box-wing, which is an unconventional solution for the design of the new UAS generation. The existence of two wings separated in different planes that are, however, significantly close together, means that the aerodynamic analysis by theoretical or computational methods is a difficult task, due to the considerable interference existing. Considering the fact that the flight of most UAS takes place at low Reynolds numbers, it is necessary to study the aerodynamics of the box wing configuration by testing different models in a wind tunnel to be able to obtain reasonable results. In the present work, the study is enhanced by varying not only the sweepback angles of the two wings, but also their position along the models’ fuselage. Certain models have shown being more efficient than others, pointing out that certain relative positions of wing exists that can improve the aerodynamics efficiency of the box wing configuration.


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Different methods to reduce the high suction caused by conical vortices have been reported in the literature: vertical parapets, either solid or porous, placed at the roof edges being the most analysed configuration. Another method for alleviating the high suction peaks due to conical vortices is the use of some non-standard parapet configuration like cantilever parapets. In this paper the influence of roof curvature on the conical vortex pattern appearing on a curved roof (Fig. 1) when subject to oblique winds is experimentally analysed by testing the mean pressure distribution on the curved roofs of low-rise building models in a wind tunnel. Also, the efficiency of cantilever parapets to reduce mean suction loads on curved roofs is experimentally checked. Very high suction loads have been measured on curved roofs, the magnitude of these high suction loads being significantly decreased when cantilever parapets are used. Thus, the suitability of these parapets to reduce wind pressure loads on curved roofs is demonstrated.


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El viento, como factor medio-ambiental, ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios por los efectos que induce tanto en vehículos como en estructuras. Dentro del ámbito ferroviario, las cargas aerodinámicas debidas a la acción del viento transversal pueden poner en compromiso la seguridad de los vehículos en circulación, pudiendo llegar a ocasionar el vuelco del mismo. Incluso el sistema de cables encargado de realizar el suministro eléctrico necesario para la tracción del tren, conocido como catenaria, es sensible a la acción del viento. De hecho, al igual que ocurre en ciertas estructuras de cables, la interacción entre las fuerzas aerodinámicas no estacionarias y la catenaria puede ocasionar la aparición de oscilaciones de gran amplitud debido al fenómeno de galope. Una forma sencilla de reducir los efectos no deseados de la acción del viento, es la instalación de barreras cortavientos aguas arriba de la zona que se desea proteger. La instalación de estos dispositivos, reduce la velocidad en la estela generada, pero también modifica las propiedades del flujo dentro de la misma. Esta alteración de las condiciones del flujo puede contribuir a la aparición del fenómeno de galope en estructuras caracterizadas por su gran flexibilidad, como la catenaria ferroviaria. Estos dos efectos contrapuestos hacen evidente la importancia de mantener cierta visión global del efecto introducido por la instalación de barreras cortavientos en la plataforma ferroviaria. A lo largo de este documento, se evalúa desde un enfoque multidisciplinar el efecto inducido por las barreras cortavientos en varios subsistemas ferroviarios. Por un lado se analizan las mejoras en la estabilidad lateral del vehículo mediante una serie de ensayos en túnel de viento. La medición de la distribución de presiones en la superficie de un modelo bidimensional de vehículo ferroviario proporciona una buena estimación del nivel de protección que se consigue en función de la altura de una barrera cortavientos. Por otra parte, se analiza la influencia del mismo juego de barreras cortavientos en las características del flujo situado sobre la plataforma ferroviaria, mediante la utilización de anemometría de hilo caliente (HWA) y velocimetría de imágenes de párticulas (PIV). En particular se centra la atención en las características en la posición correspondiente a los hilos conductores de la catenaria. En la última parte del documento, se realiza un análisis simplificado de la aparición oscilaciones en la catenaria, por el efecto de la inestabilidad de galope. La información obtenida sobre las características del flujo se combinan con las propiedades aerodinámicas del hilo de contacto, obtenidas en mediante una serie de ensayos en túnel de viento. De esta manera se realiza una evaluación del riesgo a la aparición de este tipo de inestabilidad aeroeslástica aplicada a una catenaria ferroviaria situada sobre un viaducto tipo. ABSTRACT Wind as an environmental factor may induce undesirable effects on vehicles and structures. The analysis of those effects has caught the attention of several researchers. Concerning the railway system, cross-wind induces aerodynamic loads on rolling stock that may increase the overturning risk of the vehicle, threatening its safe operation. Even the cable system responsible to provide the electric current required for the train traction, known as the railway overhead or catenary, is sensitive to the wind action. In fact, the interaction between the unsteady aerodynamic forces and the railway overhead may trigger the development of undamped oscillations due to galloping phenomena. The inclusion of windbreaks upstream the area that needs wind protection is a simple mean to palliate the undesirable effects caused by the wind action. Although the presence of this wind protection devices reduces the wind speed downstream, they also modify the flow properties inside their wake. This modification on the flow characteristics may ease the apparition of the galloping phenomena on flexible structures, such as the railway overhead. This two opposite effects require to maintain a global perspective on the analysis of the influence of the windbreak presence. In the present document, a multidisciplinary analysis on the effect induced by windbreaks on several railways subsystems is conducted. On the one hand, a set of wind tunnel tests is conducted to assess the improvement on the rolling stock lateral stability. The qualitative estimation of the shelter effect, as function of the windbreak height, is established through the pressure distribution measured on the surface of a two-dimensional train model. On the other hand, the flow properties above the railway platform are assessed using the same set of windbreaks. Two experimental techniques are used to measure the flow properties, hot-wire anemometry (HWA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). In particular, the attention is focused on the flow characteristics on the contact wire location. A simplified analysis on the catenary oscillations due to galloping phenomena is conducted in the last part of the document. Both, the flow characterization performed via PIV and the aerodynamic properties of the contact wire cross-section are combined. In this manner, the risk of the aeroelastic instabilities on a railway overhead placed on a railway bridge is assessed through a practical application.


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Helicopters are one of the most important tactical elements in maritime operations. The necessity for an improvement in the conditions in which the landing and take-off operations are carried out leads to the study of the flow that separates from the ship?s superstructure over the flight deck. To investigate this flow a series of wind tunnel experiments have been performed by testing a sub-scale model of a generic frigate. Measurements of the flow?s velocity have been taken by means of Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) in five points that simulate the last path of the landing trajectory. The data obtained in these experiments is manipulated in a frequency analysis where the corresponding spectra are calculated. Onboard measurements from an actual full scale frigate are analyzed and compared with the wind tunnel results. Conclusions obtained consist of a series of illustrative values of turbulent energy frequency ranges which can be valuable for any study in this field. The comparison shows a clear similarity between both experiments, reasserting the wind tunnel measurements and its reliability.