896 resultados para Wells, Carlton
Semiconductor nanowhiskers (NWs) made of III-V compounds exhibit great potential for technological applications. Controlling the growth conditions, such as temperature and diameter, it is possible to alternate between zinc-blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) crystalline phases, giving origin to the so called polytypism. This effect has great influence in the electronic and optical properties of the system, generating new forms of confinement to the carriers. A theoretical model capable to accurately describe electronic and optical properties in these polytypical nanostructures can be used to study and develop new kinds of nanodevices. In this study, we present the development of a wurtzite/zinc-blende polytypical model to calculate the electronic band structure of nanowhiskers based on group theory concepts and the k.p method. Although the interest is in polytypical superlattices, the proposed model was applied to a single quantum well of InP to study the physics of the wurtzite/zinc-blende polytypism. By the analysis of our results, some trends can be predicted: spatial carriers' separation, predominance of perpendicular polarization (xy plane) in the luminescence spectra, and interband transition blueshifts with strain. Also, a possible range of values for the wurtzite InP spontaneous polarization is suggested. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4767511]
The competition between confinement potential fluctuations and band-gap renormalization (BGR) in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells grown on [1 0 0] and [3 1 1]A GaAs substrates is evaluated. The results clearly demonstrate the coexistence of the band-tail states filling related to potential fluctuations and the band-gap renormalization caused by an increase in the density of photogenerated carriers during the photoluminescence (PL) experiments. Both phenomena have strong influence on temperature dependence of the PL-peak energy (E-PL(T)). As the photon density increases, the E-PL can shift to either higher or lower energies, depending on the sample temperature. The temperature at which the displacement changes from a blueshift to a redshift is governed by the magnitude of the potential fluctuations and by the variation of BGR with excitation density. A simple band-tail model with a Gaussian-like distribution of the density of state was used to describe the competition between the band-tail filling and the BGR effects on E-PL(T). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the results of magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements carried out in a sample containing two Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs, coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs), with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, which have the heterointerfaces characterized by a distribution of bimodal roughness. The MPL measurements were performed at 4 K, with magnetic fields applied parallel to the growth direction, and varying from 0 to 12 T. The diamagnetic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) peaks is more sensitive to changes in the confinement potential, due to monolayer variations in the mini-well thickness, rather than to the exciton localization at the local potential fluctuations. As the magnetic field increases, the relative intensities of the two peaks in each PL band inverts, what is attributed to the reduction in the radiative lifetime of the delocalized excitons, which results in the radiative recombination, before the excitonic migration between the higher and lower energy regions in each CDQW occurs. The dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) on magnetic field shows different behaviors for each PL peak, which are attributed to the different levels and correlation lengths of the potential fluctuations present in the regions associated with each recombination channel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper discusses the theoretical and experimental results obtained for the excitonic binding energy (Eb) in a set of single and coupled double quantum wells (SQWs and CDQWs) of GaAs/AlGaAs with different Al concentrations (Al%) and inter-well barrier thicknesses. To obtain the theoretical Eb the method proposed by Mathieu, Lefebvre and Christol (MLC) was used, which is based on the idea of fractional-dimension space, together with the approach proposed by Zhao et al., which extends the MLC method for application in CDQWs. Through magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements performed at 4 K with magnetic fields ranging from 0 T to 12 T, the diamagnetic shift curves were plotted and adjusted using two expressions: one appropriate to fit the curve in the range of low intensity fields and another for the range of high intensity fields, providing the experimental Eb values. The effects of increasing the Al% and the inter-well barrier thickness on Eb are discussed. The Eb reduction when going from the SQW to the CDQW with 5 Å inter-well barrier is clearly observed experimentally for 35% Al concentration and this trend can be noticed even for concentrations as low as 25% and 15%, although the Eb variations in these latter cases are within the error bars. As the Zhao's approach is unable to describe this effect, the wave functions and the probability densities for electrons and holes were calculated, allowing us to explain this effect as being due to a decrease in the spatial superposition of the wave functions caused by the thin inter-well barrier.
The original and modified Wells score are widely used prediction rules for pre-test probability assessment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The objective of this study was to compare the predictive performance of both Wells scores in unselected patients with clinical suspicion of DVT.
Since the introduction of the rope-pump in Nicaragua in the 1990s, the dependence on wells in rural areas has grown steadily. However, little or no attention is paid to rope-pump well performance after installation. Due to financial restraints, groundwater resource monitoring using conventional testing methods is too costly and out of reach of rural municipalities. Nonetheless, there is widespread agreement that without a way to quantify the changes in well performance over time, prioritizing regulatory actions is impossible. A manual pumping test method is presented, which at a fraction of the cost of a conventional pumping test, measures the specific capacity of rope-pump wells. The method requires only sight modifcations to the well and reasonable limitations on well useage prior to testing. The pumping test was performed a minimum of 33 times in three wells over an eight-month period in a small rural community in Chontales, Nicaragua. Data was used to measure seasonal variations in specific well capacity for three rope-pump wells completed in fractured crystalline basalt. Data collected from the tests were analyzed using four methods (equilibrium approximation, time-drawdown during pumping, time-drawdown during recovery, and time-drawdown during late-time recovery) to determine the best data-analyzing method. One conventional pumping test was performed to aid in evaluating the manual method. The equilibrim approximation can be performed while in the field with only a calculator and is the most technologically appropriate method for analyzing data. Results from this method overestimate specific capacity by 41% when compared to results from the conventional pumping test. The other analyes methods, requiring more sophisticated tools and higher-level interpretation skills, yielded results that agree to within 14% (pumping phase), 31% (recovery phase) and 133% (late-time recovery) of the conventional test productivity value. The wide variability in accuracy results principally from difficulties in achieving equilibrated pumping level and casing storage effects in the puping/recovery data. Decreases in well productivity resulting from naturally occuring seasonal water-table drops varied from insignificant in two wells to 80% in the third. Despite practical and theoretical limitations on the method, the collected data may be useful for municipal institutions to track changes in well behavior, eventually developing a database for planning future ground water development projects. Furthermore, the data could improve well-users’ abilities to self regulate well usage without expensive aquifer characterization.
Manual drilling is a popular solution for programs seeking to increase drinking water supply in rural Madagascar. Lightweight, affordable and locally produced drilling equipment allows rapid implementation where access is problematic and funds are limited. This report will look at the practical implications of using manual drilling as a one-step solution to potable water in rural development. The main benefits of using these techniques are time and cost savings. The author uses his experience managing a drilling campaign in northeastern Madagascar to explore the benefits and limitations of one particular drilling methodology – BushProof’s Madrill technique. Just under 200 wells were drilled using this method in the course of one fiscal year (September 2011-September 2012). The paper explores what compromises must be considered in the quest for cost-effective boreholes and whether everybody - from the implementers to project managers to clients and lawmakers - are in agreement about the consequences of such compromises. The paper also discusses water quality issues encountered when drilling in shallow aquifers.
Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
Twenty-five public supply wells throughout the hydrogeologically diverse region of Scania, southern Sweden are subjected to environmental tracer analysis (³H–³He,⁴He, CFCs, SF₆ and for one well only also ⁸⁵Kr and ³⁹Ar) to study well and aquifer vulnerability and evaluate possibilities of groundwater age distribution assessment. We find CFC and SF₆ concentrations well above solubility equilibrium with modern atmosphere, indicating local contamination, as well as indications of CFC degradation. The tracer-specific complications considerably constrain possibilities for sound quantitative regional ground- water age distribution assessment and demonstrate the importance of initial qualitative assessment of tracer-specific reliability, as well a need for additional, complementary tracers (e.g. ⁸⁵Kr,³⁹Ar and potentially also ¹⁴C). Lumped parameter modelling yields credible age distribution assessments for representative wells in four type aquifers. Pollution vulnerability of the aquifer types was based on the selected LPM models and qualitative age characterisation. Most vulnerable are unconfined dual porosity and fractured bedrock aquifers, due to a large component of very young groundwater. Unconfined sedimentary aquifers are vulnerable due to young groundwater and a small pre-modern component. Less vulnerable are semi-confined sedimentary or dual-porosity aquifers, due to older age of the modern component and a larger pre-modern component. Confined aquifers appear least vulnerable, due an entirely pre-modern groundwater age distribution (recharged before 1963). Tracer complications aside, environmental tracer analyses and lumped parameter modelling aid in vulnerability assessment and protection of regional groundwater resources.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G02503
Background Past and recent evidence shows that radionuclides in drinking water may be a public health concern. Developmental thresholds for birth defects with respect to chronic low level domestic radiation exposures, such as through drinking water, have not been definitely recognized, and there is a strong need to address this deficiency in information. In this study we examined the geographic distribution of orofacial cleft birth defects in and around uranium mining district Counties in South Texas (Atascosa, Bee, Brooks, Calhoun, Duval, Goliad, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, San Patricio, Refugio, Starr, Victoria, Webb, and Zavala), from 1999 to 2007. The probable association of cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes classified according to uranium and radium concentrations in drinking water supplies was evaluated. Similar associations between orofacial cleft birth defects and radium/radon in drinking water were reported earlier by Cech and co-investigators in another of the Gulf Coast region (Harris County, Texas).50, 55 Since substantial uranium mining activity existed and still exists in South Texas, contamination of drinking water sources with radiation and its relation to birth defects is a ground for concern. ^ Methods Residential addresses of orofacial cleft birth defect cases, as well as live births within the twenty Counties during 1999-2007 were geocoded and mapped. Prevalence rates were calculated by ZIP codes and were mapped accordingly. Locations of drinking water supplies were also geocoded and mapped. ZIP codes were stratified as having high combined uranium (≥30μg/L) vs. low combined uranium (<30μg/L). Likewise, ZIP codes having the uranium isotope, Ra-226 in drinking water, were also stratified as having elevated radium (≥3 pCi/L) vs. low radium (<3 pCi/L). A linear regression was performed using STATA® generalized linear model (GLM) program to evaluate the probable association between cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes and concentration of uranium and radium via domestic water supply. These rates were further adjusted for potentially confounding variables such as maternal age, education, occupation, and ethnicity. ^ Results This study showed higher rates of cleft births in ZIP codes classified as having high combined uranium versus ZIP codes having low combined uranium. The model was further improved by adding radium stratified as explained above. Adjustment for maternal age and ethnicity did not substantially affect the statistical significance of uranium or radium concentrations in household water supplies. ^ Conclusion Although this study lacks individual exposure levels, the findings suggest a significant association between elevated uranium and radium concentrations in tap water and high orofacial birth defect rates by ZIP codes. Future case-control studies that can measure individual exposure levels and adjust for contending risk factors could result in a better understanding of the exposure-disease association.^
During CO2 storage operations in mature oilfields or saline aquifers it is desirable to trace the movement of injected CO2 for verification and safety purposes. We demonstrate the successful use of carbon isotope abundance ratios for tracing the movement of CO2 injected at the Cardium CO2 Storage Monitoring project in Alberta between 2005 and 2007. Injected CO2 had a d13C value of -4.6±1.1 per mil that was more than 10 per mil higher than the carbon isotope ratios of casing gas CO2 prior to CO2 injection with average d13C values ranging from -15.9 to -23.5 per mil. After commencement of CO2 injection, d13C values of casing gas CO2 increased in all observation wells towards those of the injected CO2 consistent with a two-source end-member mixing model. At four wells located in a NE-SW trend with respect to the injection wells, breakthrough of injected CO2 was registered chemically (>50 mol % CO2) and isotopically 1-6 months after commencement of CO2 injection resulting in cumulative CO2 fluxes exceeding 100000 m**3 during the observation period. At four other wells, casing gas CO2 contents remained below 5 mol % resulting in low cumulative CO2 fluxes (<2000 m**3) throughout the entire observation period, but carbon isotope ratios indicated contributions between <30 and 80% of injected CO2. Therefore, we conclude that monitoring the movement of CO2 in the injection reservoir with geochemical and isotopic techniques is an effective approach to determine plume expansion and to identify potential preferential flow paths provided that the isotopic composition of injected CO2 is constant and distinct from that of baseline CO2.