950 resultados para Wavelet Transform


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Many of the bridges currently in use worldwide are approaching the end of their design lives. However, rehabilitating and extending the lives of these structures raises important safety issues. There is also a need for increased monitoring which has considerable cost implications for bridge management systems. Existing structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques include vibration-based approaches which typically involve direct instrumentation of the bridge and are important as they can indicate the deterioration of the bridge condition. However, they can be labour intensive and expensive. In the past decade, alternative indirect vibration-based approaches which utilise the response of a vehicle passing over a bridge have been developed. This paper investigates such an approach; a low-cost approach for the monitoring of bridge structures which consists of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles. The approach aims to detect damage in the bridge while obviating the need for direct instrumentation of the bridge. Here, the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in a bridge is investigated using a simplified vehicle-bridge interaction (VBI) model in theoretical simulations and a scaled VBI model in a laboratory experiment. In order to identify the existence and location of damage, the vehicle accelerations are recorded and processed using a continuous Morlet wavelet transform and a damage index is established. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of parameters such as the bridge span length, vehicle speed, vehicle mass, damage level and road surface roughness on the accuracy of results.


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In this paper an attempt has been made to determine the number of Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) cycles accurately from a given Electrocardiogram (ECG) using a wavelet constructed from multiple Gaussian functions. It is difficult to assess the ECGs of patients who are continuously monitored over a long period of time. Hence the proposed method of classification will be helpful to doctors to determine the severity of PVC in a patient. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a simple classifier have been used in addition to the specially developed wavelet transform. The proposed wavelet has been designed using multiple Gaussian functions which when summed up looks similar to that of a normal ECG. The number of Gaussians used depends on the number of peaks present in a normal ECG. The developed wavelet satisfied all the properties of a traditional continuous wavelet. The new wavelet was optimized using genetic algorithm (GA). ECG records from Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH) database have been used for validation. Out of the 8694 ECG cycles used for evaluation, the classification algorithm responded with an accuracy of 97.77%. In order to compare the performance of the new wavelet, classification was also performed using the standard wavelets like morlet, meyer, bior3.9, db5, db3, sym3 and haar. The new wavelet outperforms the rest


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A Fluxometria por Laser Doppler (LDF) é uma técnica não invasiva usada para medir o fluxo microvascular da pele humana. No fluxo é possível isolar componentes oscilatórias em gamas de frequências características que se encontram relacionadas com as actividades cardíaca, respiratória, miogénica, simpática e metabólica. A LDF permite assim estudar a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo. Neste trabalho foram realizadas medições de LDF nos tornozelos de 9 mulheres saudáveis numa situação de restrição à perfusão, usando uma braçadeira nos tornozelos. Os dados foram analisados com Transformada de Wavelet e Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) de modo a estudar os rácios das amplitudes das componentes de Wavelet e os respectivos expoentes . Estes parâmetros foram comparados nas situações de repouso, de restrição à perfusão e de recuperação após remoção da braçadeira. Observou-se que durante a restrição à perfusão houve um aumento significativo dos rácios de amplitude e dos expoentes a para as componentes cardíaca, respiratória e miogénica, o que pode reflectir vasoconstrição. Os parâmetros da componente metabólica apresentaram uma diminuição que se pode relacionar com variações na libertação de NO por parte do endotélio. Após a libertação da braçadeira, os parâmetros das componentes respiratória, miogénica e metabólica retornaram aos valores iniciais. Aanálise combinada de Wavelet com DFAoferece uma nova visão sobre a regulação do fluxo microvascular.


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This work compares and contrasts results of classifying time-domain ECG signals with pathological conditions taken from the MITBIH arrhythmia database. Linear discriminant analysis and a multi-layer perceptron were used as classifiers. The neural network was trained by two different methods, namely back-propagation and a genetic algorithm. Converting the time-domain signal into the wavelet domain reduced the dimensionality of the problem at least 10-fold. This was achieved using wavelets from the db6 family as well as using adaptive wavelets generated using two different strategies. The wavelet transforms used in this study were limited to two decomposition levels. A neural network with evolved weights proved to be the best classifier with a maximum of 99.6% accuracy when optimised wavelet-transform ECG data wits presented to its input and 95.9% accuracy when the signals presented to its input were decomposed using db6 wavelets. The linear discriminant analysis achieved a maximum classification accuracy of 95.7% when presented with optimised and 95.5% with db6 wavelet coefficients. It is shown that the much simpler signal representation of a few wavelet coefficients obtained through an optimised discrete wavelet transform facilitates the classification of non-stationary time-variant signals task considerably. In addition, the results indicate that wavelet optimisation may improve the classification ability of a neural network. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a discrete wavelet transform with a Meyer wavelet basis, we present a new quantitative algorithm for determining the onset time of Pi1 and Pi2 ULF waves in the nightside ionosphere with ∼20- to 40-s resolution at substorm expansion phase onset. We validate the algorithm by comparing both the ULF wave onset time and location to the optical onset determined by the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE)–Far Ultraviolet Imager (FUV) instrument. In each of the six events analyzed, five substorm onsets and one pseudobreakup, the ULF onset is observed prior to the global optical onset observed by IMAGE at a station closely conjugate to the optical onset. The observed ULF onset times expand both latitudinally and longitudinally away from an epicenter of ULF wave power in the ionosphere. We further discuss the utility of the algorithm for diagnosing pseudobreakups and the relationship of the ULF onset epicenter to the meridians of elements of the substorm current wedge. The importance of the technique for establishing the causal sequence of events at substorm onset, especially in support of the multisatellite Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms (THEMIS) mission, is also described.


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This paper discusses ECG classification after parametrizing the ECG waveforms in the wavelet domain. The aim of the work is to develop an accurate classification algorithm that can be used to diagnose cardiac beat abnormalities detected using a mobile platform such as smart-phones. Continuous time recurrent neural network classifiers are considered for this task. Records from the European ST-T Database are decomposed in the wavelet domain using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter banks and the resulting DWT coefficients are filtered and used as inputs for training the neural network classifier. Advantages of the proposed methodology are the reduced memory requirement for the signals which is of relevance to mobile applications as well as an improvement in the ability of the neural network in its generalization ability due to the more parsimonious representation of the signal to its inputs.


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This paper presents a study on wavelets and their characteristics for the specific purpose of serving as a feature extraction tool for speaker verification (SV), considering a Radial Basis Function (RBF) classifier, which is a particular type of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Examining characteristics such as support-size, frequency and phase responses, amongst others, we show how Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWTs), particularly the ones which derive from Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, can be used to extract important features from a speech signal which are useful for SV. Lastly, an SV algorithm based on the concepts presented is described.


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This paper proposes an improved voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm using wavelet and support vector machine (SVM) for European Telecommunication Standards Institution (ETS1) adaptive multi-rate (AMR) narrow-band (NB) and wide-band (WB) speech codecs. First, based on the wavelet transform, the original IIR filter bank and pitch/tone detector are implemented, respectively, via the wavelet filter bank and the wavelet-based pitch/tone detection algorithm. The wavelet filter bank can divide input speech signal into several frequency bands so that the signal power level at each sub-band can be calculated. In addition, the background noise level can be estimated in each sub-band by using the wavelet de-noising method. The wavelet filter bank is also derived to detect correlated complex signals like music. Then the proposed algorithm can apply SVM to train an optimized non-linear VAD decision rule involving the sub-band power, noise level, pitch period, tone flag, and complex signals warning flag of input speech signals. By the use of the trained SVM, the proposed VAD algorithm can produce more accurate detection results. Various experimental results carried out from the Aurora speech database with different noise conditions show that the proposed algorithm gives considerable VAD performances superior to the AMR-NB VAD Options 1 and 2, and AMR-WB VAD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the relationship between the filter coefficients and the scaling and wavelet functions of the Discrete Wavelet Transform is presented and exemplified from a practical point-of-view. The explanations complement the wavelet theory, that is well documented in the literature, being important for researchers who work with this tool for time-frequency analysis. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a pattern matching technique traditionally used for restricted vocabulary speech recognition, is based on a temporal alignment of the input signal with the template models. The principal drawback of DTW is its high computational cost as the lengths of the signals increase. This paper shows extended results over our previously published conference paper, which introduces an optimized version of the DTW I hat is based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present a new wavelet-based algorithm for low-cost computation of the cepstrum. It can be used for real time precise pitch determination in automatic speech and speaker recognition systems. Many wavelet families are examined to determine the one that works best. The results confirm the efficacy and accuracy of the proposed technique for pitch extraction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A vision based approach for calculating accurate 3D models of the objects is presented. Generally industrial visual inspection systems capable of accurate 3D depth estimation rely on extra hardware tools like laser scanners or light pattern projectors. These tools improve the accuracy of depth estimation but also make the vision system costly and cumbersome. In the proposed algorithm, depth and dimensional accuracy of the produced 3D depth model depends on the existing reference model instead of the information from extra hardware tools. The proposed algorithm is a simple and cost effective software based approach to achieve accurate 3D depth estimation with minimal hardware involvement. The matching process uses the well-known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform-modulus are used as matching features, where wavelet transform-modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps leading to the creation of accurate depth perception model.


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A new objective fabric pilling grading method based on wavelet texture analysis was developed. The new method created a complex texture feature vector based on the wavelet detail coefficients from all decomposition levels and horizontal, vertical and diagonal orientations, permitting a much richer and more complete representation of pilling texture in the image to be used as a basis for classification. Standard multi-factor classification techniques of principal components analysis and discriminant analysis were then used to classify the pilling samples into five pilling degrees. The preliminary investigation of the method was performed using standard pilling image sets of knitted, woven and non-woven fabrics. The results showed that this method could successfully evaluate the pilling intensity of knitted, woven and non-woven fabrics by selecting the suitable wavelet and associated analysis scale.


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This paper presents the use of the wavelet transform to extract fibre surface texture features for classifying cashmere and superfine merino wool fibres. To extract features from brightness variations caused by the cuticular scale height, shape and interval provides an effective way for characterising different animal fibres and subsequently classifying them. This may enable the development of a completely automated and objective system for animal fibre


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A multi-resolution technique for matching a stereo pair of images based on translation invariant discrete multi-wavelet transform is presented. The technique uses the well known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform modulus are used as matching features, where modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features (multiscale edges) with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps. Illuminative variation that can exist between the perspective views of the same scene is controlled using scale normalization at each decomposition level by dividing the details space coefficients with approximation space and then using normalized correlation. The problem of ambiguity, explicitly, and occlusion, implicitly, is addressed by using a geometric topological refinement procedure and symbolic tagging.