968 resultados para Water retention curve


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Current environmental concerns include the excessive consumption and inefficient use of non-renewable natural resources. The construction industry is considered one of the largest consumers of natural raw materials, significantly contributing to the environmental degradation of the planet. The use of calcareous quarry (RPPC) and porcelain tile polishing residues (RPP) as partial replacements of the cement in mortars is an interesting alternative to minimize the exploration of considerably large amounts of natural resources. The present study aimed at investigating the properties of fresh and hardened mortars produced using residues to replace cement. The residues used were fully characterized to determine their specific mass, unitary mass, particle size distribution and morphology, and composition. The performance of the mortars was compared to that of reference compositions, prepared without residues. A total of 18 compositions were prepared, 16 using residues and 2 reference ones. The mortars were prepared using Portland CP II F 32 cement, CH I hydrated lime, river sand and tap water. The compositions of the mortars were 1:1:6 and 1:0.5:4.5 (vol%), and water to cement ratios of 1.87 and 1.45 were used, respectively. The mortars in the fresh state were evaluated by consistency index, water retention, density of mass and incorporated air content tests. In their hardened state, the mortars were evaluated by apparent mass density, modulus of elasticity, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity. The mortars were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence. Finally, they were classified according to NBR 13281 standards. The mortars prepared using residues partially replacing the cement exhibited lower modulus of elasticity compared to the reference compositions, thus improving the performance in their intended use. On the downside, the water absorption by capillarity was affected by the presence of residues and both the tensile and compressive strength were reduced. However, from the overall standpoint, the replacement of cement by calcareous quarry or porcelain tile polishing residues did not result in significant changes in the properties of the mortars. Therefore, compositions containing these residues can be used in the construction industry


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Generally, cellulose ethers improves mortar properties such as water retention, workability and setting time, along with adherence to the substrate. However, a major disadvantage of the addition of cellulose ethers in mortars is the delay in hydration of the cement. In this paper a cellulose phosphate (Cp) was synthesized water soluble and has been evaluated the effect of their incorporation into mortar based on Portland cement. Cellulose phosphate obtained was characterized by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mortar compositions were formulated with varying phosphorus content in cellulose and cellulose phosphate concentrations, when used in partial or total replacement of the commercial additive based hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC). The mortars formulated with additives were prepared and characterized by: testing in the fresh state (consistency index, water retention, bulk density and air content incorporated) and in the hardened state (absorption by capillarity, density, flexural and compression strength). In mixtures the proportion of sand:cement of 1:5 (v / v) and factor a / c = 1.31 and water were held constant. Overall, the results showed that the celluloses phosphates employed in mortars added acted significantly when partially substituting the commercial additive. With regard to consistency index, water retention and bulk density in the fresh state and absorption by capillarity and bulk density apparent in the hardened state, showed no appreciable differences as compared to the commercial additive. The incorporated air content in the fresh state reduced markedly, but did not affect other properties. The mortars with cellulose phosphate, partially replacing the commercial additive showed an improvement of the properties of flexural strength and compressive strength


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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The cultivation of the soil causes changes in physical attributes, depending on the intensity of preparation and management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degree of modification of some physical properties of soil mid the S index, comparing areas of Pasture of grass Tanzania (Panicum maximum) and native forest with an area under maize (Zea mays L.) irrigated bay, a central pivot. The study was conducted in three areas within the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista (APTA) Regional High Mogiana, located in Colina, SP. The experimental design was split plot in a factorial 3 x 3, with 4 replications, where the plots were installed in areas of Cultivation of corn, pasture and forest in the depths 0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m 0.2-0.3 m. The physical attributes of soil were: resistance to penetration (RP), bulk density (Ds), microporosity (Micro), macroporosity (Macro), total volume of pores (VTP) and water retention in soil. The native forest had the best physical condition of soil in all parameters examined. The use of land and pasture with corn altered the physical structure of it, evidenced by the increase in penetration resistance and soil density and, reduction in macroporosity. The level of degradation of the managed soil was considered low, index S (<0035). The replacement of pasture by the corn crop in the soil tillage system provided a conventional mild improvement in soil physical characteristics.


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A compactação do solo tem sido fator físico limitante ao crescimento das plantas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a produção de soja (Glycine max cv. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48) em razão do conteúdo de água e da compactação do solo. Usou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x2, ou seja, quatro níveis de resistência à penetração (entre 0,27 e 4,32 MPa) e dois níveis de retenção de água pelo solo (0,05 e 0,01 MPa). Foram utilizadas amostras de Latossolo Vermelho textura média (LVd) e Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa (LVef), coletadas na profundidade de 020 cm, passadas em peneira de 0,4 cm e compactadas em camadas de 3 cm, em vasos de 20 cm de altura e 25 cm de diâmetro (9,82 L). Os níveis de resistência à penetração foram determinados com o penetrômetro de anel dinamométrico. O nível crítico de resistência do solo à penetração, em relação à produção de grãos, foi de 1,66 e 2,22 MPa, no LVd, e 3,05 e 2,81 MPa, no LVef, para o conteúdo de água retida na tensão de 0,05 e 0,01 MPa, respectivamente. A maior produção de grãos foi obtida na tensão de 0,01 MPa. A produção de grãos de soja é afetada em níveis críticos de resistência do solo à penetração superiores a 2 MPa em latossolos com conteúdo de água retida na tensão de 0,01 MPa.


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The soil physical quality is defined as the soil capacity to maintain the sustainable productivity during the years. To assess soil physical quality, attributes were evaluated in the layers of 0.0-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, 0.30-0.40 m in acrustox. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with four systems of use ( corn, sugar-cane, pasture and native vegetation), four soil depths and four replications. The parameter evaluated were: texture, degree of clay flocculation, soil bulk density, porosity, water retention and "S" parameter. The usage and management systems caused soil physical degradation, being greater in pasture system with intensive usage, with smaller soil physical quality for plants development. The soil physical quality, evaluated by physical attributes, followed the following order: native vegetation > maize > sugar-cane > pasture. The Oxisol, although shows present excellent physical structure and needs an adequate management to prevent excessive compaction.


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A utilização do biossólido para fins agrícolas tem sido uma alternativa viável para resíduos de origem domiciliar e industrial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de biossólido nos atributos físicos de Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, textura média (LVd), e Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico argiloso (LVef). Utilizaram-se as doses, acumuladas em 5 anos, de 0,0, 25,0, 47,5 e 50,0 Mg ha-1 de matéria seca de biossólido, incorporadas até 0,1 m com grade. As amostras deformadas foram coletadas no quinto ano, após a colheita do milho, nas camadas de 0,0-0,1, de 0,1-0,2 e de 0,2-0,3 m para determinação da composição granulométrica e matéria orgânica. As amostras indeformadas coletadas com cilindros metálicos de 0,030 m de altura e 0,048 m de diâmetro, também no quinto ano, foram utilizadas para determinação da densidade, porosidade e retenção de água no solo. A macroporosidade foi superior a partir de 47,5 Mg ha-1 e 50,0 Mg ha-1 de biossólido, no LVd e LVef, respectivamente, e a densidade do solo foi inferior na dose de 50,0 Mg ha-1 no LVd de textura média, na camada de 0,0-0,1 m. A aplicação de 50,0 Mg ha-1 de biossólido não alterou a porosidade total, a microporosidade e a retenção de água nos dois solos. O efeito da aplicação do biossólido depende do tipo de solo e da quantidade aplicada.


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Informações sobre a mineralização de subprodutos são importantes para o correto manejo desses materiais em áreas agrícolas. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a mineralização do nitrogênio proveniente do resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas, aplicado em Argissolo cultivado com goiabeiras. Amostras do solo mais o subproduto foram acondicionados em frascos de polietileno com capacidade de 0,25 dm³. Foram pesados 100 g de solo mais o resíduo referente a cada tratamento (doses do subproduto: 0; 9; 18 e 36 t ha-1), sendo tal procedimento realizado em triplicata. O período máximo de incubação foi de 11 semanas, analisando-se as amostras nos seguintes tempos: 0; 7; 14; 28; 42; 56; 70; 84; 98; 112 e 126 dias. A umidade foi corrigida para 70% da capacidade de retenção de água do solo, sendo monitorada diariamente através de pesagens dos potes. Nos tempos estabelecidos realizou-se a desmontagem de três frascos correspondentes a cada tratamento, determinando-se o nitrogênio inorgânico. Pode-se afirmar que a mineralização do N ou a liberação é lenta, ou seja, não há rápida disponibilização de nitrogênio. No período avaliado, 126 dias, a fração média de mineralização foi de 23% e, a meia vida média de 73 dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of sewage sludge as a raw material falls within the waste recycling key in the current process model environmental sustainability .Waste recycling has been consolidated as a sustainable environmentally sound technical solution, and. Despite showing very variable composition and characteristics, sewage sludge, can be considered as a residue with a high recycling potential in the building sector. In this paper the feasibility of using sewage sludge ash was studied in addition to Portland cement mortar in 1:3 mass considered the standard dash. This gray additions were studied in proportions of 5%, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25% and 30% by mass of cement. The methodology was focused on the characterization of materials by physical, chemical , mechanical , environmental and morphological followed by the production of mortar tests ,and finalized by the characterization tests of mortar in the fresh state, through the consistency index, content of entrained air, bulk density and water retention, and in the hardened state by bulk density, water absorption by capillarity capillarity coefficient, compressive strength, tensile strength in bending ,tensile bond strength and microstructural analysis for percentages of 0 to 20%. After comparing with the standard mortar mortars with addition of ash, it is concluded that the ash of sewage sludge did not impair the integrity and properties of mortars with addition, including increasing resistance to compression and tension, being 20% more indicated percentage. Thus, it becomes feasible the addition of sewage sludge ash in Portland cement mortar for the trait studied


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The construction industry is responsible for generating a lot of waste because of their activities. Consequently, it is noticeable the occurrence of environmental problems in terms of its disposal in inappropriate places. Faced with this problem, some studies have been conducted with the aim of developing technologies and alternatives for recycling construction and demolition waste (CDW), motivated by the scarcity of natural resources and reduction of environmental problems generated. The research aims to characterize the recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced in the Greater Natal-RN and analyze the performance of mortar coating produced with recycled aggregates. The study includes the chemical , physical and microstructural characterization of recycled aggregates , as well as conducting microscopic analysis and laboratory tests in the fresh state (consistency index , water retention , bulk density and content of entrained air ) and in the hardened state ( compressive strength , tensile strength in bending , water absorption by immersion and capillary , mass density and void ratio ) for mortars produced from different levels of substitution of aggregates ( 0, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100 %). The results were satisfactory, providing mortars produced with recycled aggregates, smaller mass density and dynamic modulus values as well as an increase in the rates of absorption and porosity. The tensile strength in bending and compression for TP1 (1:2:8) trait were lower for mortars produced with recycled aggregates and the best result was 20% for replacement. For the TP2 (1:8) mapping, there was an increase in resistance to traction and compression and the best result was for 100% replacement of natural aggregates by recycled. The experiments led to the conclusion that the technical and economic point of view that the mortars produced with recycled aggregates can be used in construction, only if there is an effective control in production processes of recycled aggregate and at the dosage of mortars


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The study analyzed the wood basic density effect in two Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones (440 kg/m(3) e 508 kg/m(3)) on bleached pulp quality (fiber dimensions and physical-mechanical properties). The woods performance on pulping, bleaching and beating results were analyzed. The Kraft pulping was carried out in forced circulation digester in order to obtain 17 +/- 1 kappa number targets. The pulps were bleached to 90 +/- 1 using delignification oxygen and D0EOPD1 bleaching sequence. Bleached pulp of low basic density clone showed, significantly, lowest revolutions number in the PFI mill to reach tensile index of 70 N.m/g, low Schopper Riegler degree and generated sheets with higher values to bulk and opacity. These characteristics and properties allow concluding that bleached pulp of low basic density clone was the most indicated to produce printing and writing sheets. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed higher values of bulk and capillarity Klemm and lower water retention value when analyzed without beating. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed more favorable characteristics to the production of tissue papers.


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This work evaluated the viability of one commercial substrate with pinus bark, vermiculite and 30% of coconut fiber for Eucalyptus grandis seedlings production under different water management: 6, 8, 10, 12 e 14 mm day(-1). In relation to the substrates, it was evaluated, before and after the seedlings production, the total content of carbon, nitrogen and organic substances, pH and EC of the extract, the content of macronutrients (P, K, Ca, S, Mg) and macronutrients (B, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn), as well as total porosity, density and water retention. It was evaluated the macro and mcronutrients accumulation in the roots and in the aerial part of the seedlings, 105 days after sowing. It was concluded that the substrates presented some distinct properties of those cited as ideal for production in containers with irrigation and fertilization. At the end of the production process, both substrates registered nutrient content little influenced by water management what would guarantee the initial development of the plants in the field.


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Um experimento foi conduzido no NuPAM/FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, objetivando avaliar a dinâmica de retenção de água e o caminhamento de um traçante (simulando um herbicida) em diferentes coberturas mortas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo monitoramento do traçante FD&C-1 pulverizado sobre coberturas mortas de cevada, trigo, aveia-preta colhida, aveia-preta rolada, azevém, milheto e capim-braquiária, nas quantidades de 3.000, 6.000 e 9.000 kg ha-1, antes e após simulação de chuvas. As repetições constituíram-se de oito conjuntos de PVC + funil + béquer com palha, onde, através da chuva lixiviada pelas palhadas e do peso dos suportes de PVC, foram estimadas a retenção e transposição da água, assim como quantificado o traçante extraído, através de procedimentos espectrofotométricos. Os diferentes tipos de resíduos culturais mostraram-se similares quanto à retenção da água da chuva, ocorrendo uniformização entre os primeiros 7,5 e 15 mm de precipitação. A formação de pontos secos associados a canais preferenciais de escorrimento induziu menor capacidade de embebição e retenção da água das chuvas pelas palhadas. As máximas capacidades médias de retenção da chuva pelas coberturas foram de 1,22, 1,99 e 2,59 mm para 3.000, 6.000 e 9.000 kg de matéria seca ha-1, respectivamente. As precipitações iniciais entre 10 e 20 mm foram fundamentais para o molhamento uniforme das palhadas e carregamento do traçante até o solo, independentemente do tipo e da quantidade de palha. Esse comportamento indica ser viável a utilização de programas similares de controle de plantas daninhas para diferentes tipos e quantidades de palha em sistemas de plantio direto.


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O cultivo consorciado entre a espécie forrageira e a cultura produtora de grãos garante a produção de forragem no outono-inverno, além de palha para cobertura do solo em sistema semeadura direta. O aporte de matéria seca radicular no perfil do solo possibilita a melhoria da qualidade estrutural do solo. Objetivou-se com este experimento verificar as alterações nos atributos físicos e físico-hídricos do solo com o cultivo de milho solteiro e consorciado com Brachiaria brizantha. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental Lageado (UNESP, Botucatu-SP), entre os anos agrícolas de 2002/2003 e 2003/2004. Foram coletadas amostras com estrutura preservada de solo, por meio de anéis volumétricos, nas camadas de 0 a 20 e 20 a 40 cm de profundidade, em trincheiras abertas em parcelas cultivadas com milho e mantidas em pousio na entressafra, bem como em parcelas cultivadas com milho consorciado com B. brizantha na linha de semeadura, mantendo a forrageira para pastagem após a colheita do milho. A partir dessas amostras, foi avaliado o Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo (IHO), por meio de curvas de resistência à penetração e de retenção de água, em amostras com diferentes densidades do solo. O cultivo solteiro de milho na safra de verão é suficiente para melhorar as características físicas e estruturais do solo na camada de 0 a 20 cm. O cultivo de braquiária em consórcio com o milho por dois anos consecutivos melhora as condições físicas e estruturais do solo na camada de 20 a 40 cm, com redução da resistência mecânica à penetração e aumento da densidade crítica do solo.