920 resultados para Water Fish Assemblages
Fish-habitat associations were examined at three spatial scales in Monterey Bay, California, to determine how benthic habitats and landscape configuration have structured deepwater demersal fish assemblages. Fish counts and habitat variables were quantified by using observer and video data collected from a submersible. Fish responded to benthic habitats at scales ranging from cm’s to km’s. At broad-scales (km’s), habitat strata classified from acoustic maps were a strong predictor of fish assemblage composition. At intermediate-scales (m’s−100 m’s), fish species were associated with specific substratum patch types. At fine-scales (<1 m), microhabitat associations revealed differing degrees of microhabitat specificity, and for some species revealed niche separation within patches. The use of habitat characteristics in ecosystembased management, particularly as a surrogate for species distributions, will depend on resolving fish-habitat associations and habitat complexity over multiple scales.
The state of Assam in northeastern India has an excellent sub-tropical climate for the development of fresh water fish culture in a variety of aquatic bodies. Aquaculture not only plays an important role in nutrition but also in the rural economy of the State. A pilot project conducted with a group of resource poor tribal farmers revealed that a production of about 1 800 kg/ha/yr could be achieved from small seasonal homestead ponds through integrated use of locally available biological resources. This implies an excellent opportunity for improving the rural economy through the development of small-scale fish culture enterprises. In this project, a greater emphasis was placed on improving the knowledge and skills of the farmers and their farming practices so that in the future they would be in a position to expand their activities with financial assistance made available locally. Aquaculture being a new activity in the area, this pilot project was only a start in acquainting the farmers with the practice and potential of aquaculture.
The temporal variation of components of a moderately diverse (H=1.46) tropical estuarine fish assemblage (long. 146°30'E, lat. 8°45'S) was directed by salinities that had been determined by local oceanographic and probably topographic conditions. For this assemblage, two types of intrayear component profiles are predicted. Pooled data (1988-91) reveal a large component of regular/resident species (43%) in an assemblage which has been under a narrow temperature regime «5T). These results facilitate a discussion on the relevance and usefulness of three hypotheses often cited in studies concerning species diversity and component characteristics of the subtropical/tropical coastal nonreef fish assemblages. Manifestations of the assemblage are reflected in catch composition and weights of 39 trials conducted for a selective prawning gear whose performance in bycatch reduction, mainly for finfishes, is judged by an index, E, we have previously proposed. This gear is capable of harvesting the prawn while conserving the demersal fish. Behavioral responses to netting of the prawns and the finfishes, especially the nearshore surface schoolers such as leiognathids, are discussed from several points of view. An adaptation in terms of group selection for leiognathids of their locking mechanism of median fin spines has been interpreted. For the purpose of bycatch reduction or E enhancement, suggestions for improvements in net design and trawl configuration by considering the behavioral features of fish are made. Our original formula of E is modified for general use. Bycatch problems in the regional prawn fisheries and their possible impacts on fishery planning and development in Papua New Guinea as a developing country are discussed. The gear tested may offer enormous ecological and economic benefits. The gear is multipurpose, extremely simple, and can also be used as a biological sampler.
No presente estudo foi avaliada (i) a estrutura das assembleias de peixes de igarapés de terra-firme ao longo do contínuo fluvial do rio Machado, na bacia do rio Amazonas, (ii) os efeitos de alterações ambientais sobre as assembleias de peixes de igarapés através de comparações entre áreas íntegras (em uma Unidade de conservação) e alteradas por ação antrópica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Machado, e (iii) a organização espacial das assembleias de peixes de tributários de baixa ordem na bacia do rio Machado através da avaliação dos padrões de co-ocorrência das espécies, identificando os possíveis fatores estruturadores dessas assembleias e através de uma Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismo (PAE). As amostragens foram realizadas entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2011, junho e agosto de 2012 e julho de 2013, totalizando 81 igarapés. Os peixes foram coletados durante uma hora em um trecho de 80 metros, com o auxilio de uma rede de mão (picaré) e um puçá. Para o capítulo 1, um maior número de indivíduos e espécies foram encontradas no trecho baixo quando comparado o trecho alto da bacia. Todavia, somente foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o trecho alto e os trechos médio e baixo. Assim, rejeitamos nossa hipótese de diferenças entre os trechos analisados, onde esperávamos que a riqueza e abundância de espécies de igarapés aumentaria no gradiente longitudinal cabeceira-foz do rio Machado. Contudo, apesar da não confirmação da hipótese, um padrão de adição e substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho alto para o médio, e um padrão de substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho médio para o baixo. Referente ao capítulo 2, apontamos que apesar da área desflorestada não apresentar diferenças marcantes na riqueza de espécies e abundância, quando comparada com a área com igarapés conservados, esta (área desflorestada) apresentou elevada similaridade a nível composicional entre os igarapés amostrados (menor diversidade beta), diferentemente dos igarapés localizados na Rebio, que apresentaram maior número de espécies com hábitos mais especializados. Igarapés desflorestados apresentaram homogeneização da sua ictiofauna em comparação com igarapés providos de mata ripária, refletindo a maior homogeneização estrutural encontrada em igarapés com baixo percentual de cobertura vegetal. Dessa forma, a retirada da cobertura vegetal em igarapés com comunidades mais diversificads e especializadas, como os da Rebio Jaru, promoveria a homogeneização das espécies acarretando a perda destas, assim como a substituição destas por espécies tolerantes a condições ambientais comuns a ambientes alterados. Para o capítulo 3, embora não tenhamos encontrado áreas de endemismo na bacia analisada, apontamos que a influência da estrutura física dos igarapés sobre a composição de espécies é o principal fator modulador da estruturação da assembleia de peixes. Todavia, tal fator não se aplica a estruturação da assembleia baseada na coocorrência de espécies, haja vista que, a análise de toda a bacia com diferentes níveis de uso de solo, apresentou um padrão organizacional não aleatório
A compreensão sobre a estrutura e funcionamento das comunidades biológicas é uma das principais questões das teorias ecológicas e principalmente no contexto de diversidade funcional, já que os atributos das espécies influenciam fortemente a distribuição e o papel que os organismos desempenham nos ecossistemas. Neste trabalho, tivemos como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade intraespecífica e interespecífica dos atributos ecológicos em duas assembleias de peixes localizadas em riachos sujeitos a diferentes condições físicas. A variação na utilização dos recursos, seja entre indivíduos e/ou entre espécies pode nos ajudar a compreender as interações bióticas e a estrutura das populações e comunidades de peixes. Os atributos referentes a morfologia, dieta, uso do habitat e alguns aspectos comportamentais foram avaliados e suas variações foram testadas a partir dos valores individuais. As coletas foram realizadas em dois riachos tropicais, sendo um localizado no ambiente da Mata Atlântica e o outro, no ambiente do semiárido brasileiro. Além das análises empíricas, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e uma possível composição funcional dos grupos de peixes de riacho foram descritas no capítulo 1 da presente tese. Nos capítulos 2 e 3, foram testadas as hipóteses de que existe alta variabilidade intraespecífica em relação aos atributos ecológicos dos peixes e que esta variabilidade é influenciada pela alta disponibilidade de recursos, enquanto no capítulo 4, a variação entre os indivíduos foi testada em relação a aspectos comportamentais. Nossos resultados revelaram que, de fato, a variação intraespecífica foi alta em ambas as assembleias, porém na assembleia do semiárido, esta variabilidade foi maior. Este resultado pode estar relacionado a alta disponibilidade de recursos espaciais encontrada nesta localidade. A morfologia e a dieta apresentaram correlação significativa, porém foi fraca em ambas as assembleias, demonstrando assim a importância de mensurar esses dois aspectos da biodiversidade dos peixes. Os resultados relacionados ao uso do habitat também apresentaram alta variabilidade entre os indivíduos e entre as espécies nos dois riachos em estudo. A assembleia do semiárido apresentou maior variabilidade física com potenciais microambientes formados por bancos de macrófitas a serem explorados pelos organismos, permitindo assim, o uso diferenciado e a escolha individual por diferentes recursos espaciais. A variabilidade individual também foi encontrada no comportamento social de duas espécies desta assembleia, onde houve formação de cardumes compostos por indivíduos maiores nas extremidades com maior capacidade de fuga na relação presa-predador. Neste sentido, a alta variação intraespecífica para diversos aspectos funcionais avaliados neste trabalho evidencia ainda mais a importância de mensurar as características ecológicas dos peixes a partir de valores individuais. Adicionalmente, a partir desta ferramenta, podemos compreender melhor a complementaridade da especialização e originalidade ecológica dos indivíduos e finalmente, sugerir de que forma os atributos funcionais dos organismos influenciam a estrutura das populações e comunidades de peixes de riachos tropicais
There is nothing mysterious about how coastal rivers, their estuaries, and their relationship with the sea all work to satisfy many of our greatest needs, including drinkable water, fish and shellfish, and soils essential for sustaining the production of food and fiber. Nor are the methods that have proved successful in the protection and restoration of watershed health difficult to understand. It is difficult, however, to imagine how we are to survive without healthy watersheds. Each watershed along California’s coast shows signs of increasing abuse from road construction and maintenance, livestock grazing, residential development, timber harvesting, and a dozen other human activities. In some cases whole streams have simply been wiped away. This document has been created to guide and support every person in the community, from homemaker to elected official, who wants her or his watershed to provide clean water, harvestable fish resources and other proof that life in the watershed cannot only be maintained but also enjoyed. It is based on years of experience with watershed protection and restoration in California. If citizen involvement is to be effective, it must draw not only on scientific knowledge but also on an understanding of how to translate individual views into commitments and capable group action. This guide briefly reviews the condition of California’s coastal watersheds, identifies the kinds of concerns that have led citizens to successful watershed protection efforts, explains why citizen, in addition to government, effort is essential for watershed protection and restoration to succeed, and puts in the reader’s hands both the technical and organizational “tools of the trade” in the hope that those who use this guide will be encouraged to join in efforts to make their watershed serve this and future generations better.
Los peces constituyen uno de los atractivos principales en los arrecifes coralinos para el buceo turístico, por lo cual resulta necesario monitorear su abundancia y valores estéticos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el estado de conservación de las asociaciones de peces arrecifales en cuatro de los principales polos turísticos del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba en el año 2010. Se muestrearon 23 sitios de buceo turísticos en áreas adyacentes a las regiones de Varadero (5 sitios), cayos de Villa Clara (6 sitios), Cayo Coco (6 sitios) y Santa Lucia (6 sitios). En cada uno de ellos se realizaron seis réplicas de censos visuales de todas las especies de peces en recorridos lineales de 50 m de largo por 2 m de ancho, ocupando un área total de 600 m2. El puntaje más alto de conservación lo presentó los cayos de Villa Clara (37), siguiéndole en orden decreciente Cayo Coco (35), y con valores más bajos Varadero (24) y Santa Lucia (22). Los puntajes de las cuatro regiones fueron inferiores a los encontrados en otros arrecifes de Cuba y el Caribe. Los valores de Varadero y Santa Lucia se correspondieron con los de arrecifes de hábitats degradados y sometidos a explotación pesquera. En general, en la mayoría de las regiones predominaron peces de talla pequeña (<20 cm) pertenecientes a las familias Pomacentridae y Labridae y hubo poca abundancia de peces carnívoros y herbívoros de mediana (20-40 cm) y gran talla (>40 cm). ABSTRACT Fish are one of the main attractions on coral reefs for diving tourism; therefore, it is necessary to monitor their condition and aesthetic values. The objective of this research was to evaluate the status of reef fish assemblages in four tourist areas of Sabana-Camaguey Archipelago, Cuba in 2010. Twentythree tourist diving sites were sampled in adjacent areas to regions of Varadero (five sites), Villa Clara keys (6 sites), Coco key (6 sites) and Santa Lucia (6 sites). In each region, six replicated visual census of all fish species were conducted along belt transects of 50 m length and 2 m width, occupying a total area of 600 m2. The highest conservation score was obtained by Villa Clara keys (37), followed in decreasing order by Coco key (35), and with lower values Varadero (24) and St. Lucia (22). The scores of the four regions were lower than the values of other Cuban and Caribbean reefs. The values of Varadero and Santa Lucia corresponded to reefs with degraded habitats and subject to overfishing. In general, small fish (< 20 cm) from families Pomacentridae and Labridae, and low abundance of carnivore and herbivore fish of middle (20-40 cm) and large size (> 40 cm) predominated in most regions.
To test the efficacy of the technique of using dopamine-antagonists with pituitary extracts, experiments were conducted in July/August '93, at the CIFE Fresh water Fish Farm, Powerkheda. In all, 35 sets (1 female x 2 male in each set) were tried individually. 19 sets were treated with Domperidone (DOM) and Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) and they constituted the experimental sets, while the rest 16 were treated with CPE and formed the control sets. The breeding, complete ovulation and hatching was 84.2%, 87.5% and 85.7%, respectively in the experimental sets whereas it was 93.7%, 60% and 72.7%, respectively in case of control sets. Experimental sets yielded 1.20 lakh spawn/kg body wt. (female) as compared to 0.83 lakh spawn kg body wt. (female) received from control sets on average basis. When DOM was used at 50-60% there was 100% breeding success but when increased to 70%, breeding rate fell to 66%. In mass breeding of Catla in the circular hatchery DOM mixed with CPE in 50:50 ratio gave excellent results.
In July, 1964, it was decided that a Government Fisheries Corporation be set up. At the request of the Directors-designate of this Corporation a series of lectures on the development of Ceylon's fisheries was organised by the Fisheries Research Station, all except two being delivered at a seminar on 15th September, 1964. The speakers were asked to prepare and submit their texts and these are presented in the sequence in which the talks themselves were delivered: 1. Ceylon's fisheries: past and future (A.C.J. Weerekoon) 2. Fisheries by-products (C.St.E. Gunesekara) 3. The role of technology in fisheries development in Ceylon (N.N. De Silva) 4. Seaweeds (M. Durairatnam) 5. Coastal fisheries (T.P. Goonewardente) 6. The trawler fishery (A.S. Mendis) 7. A review of Japan's tuna long-line fishery in the Indian Ocean (K. Sivasubramaniam) 8. Off shore and deep sea fishery for larger scombroids in the Indian Ocean (K. Sivasubramaniam) 9. The development of fresh water fisheries in Ceylon (H.H.A. Indrasena) 10. Brackish-water fish farming in Ceylon (T.G. Pillai) 11. The role of inland waters in relation to the development of Ceylon's fisheries and a note on the pearl oyster fishery (C.H. Fernando) 12. The mechanization of the inshore fisheries and the relationship to fisheries development in Ceylon (E. Kvaran)
The gamma irradiation procedures for preservation of Bombay duck and rohu were studied in collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. Irradiation at 0.1 M rad extended the storage life of Bombay duck to 20-22 days at 0-2°C due to partial destruction of spoilage organisms as against rapid deterioration of un-irradiated samples within 5-6 days. In the case of the fresh water fish, rohu, the storage life was enhanced by about 7-10 days by the same dose of irradiation over the control under identical storage condition. In all the cases, empirical relations were worked out between organoleptic rating and total volatile nitrogen.
Distribution of vitamin B-12 in the skeletal muscle of several marine and fresh water fish and marine invertebrates are reported. The vitamin B-12 content of white muscle of various fish ranges between 0.05 and 1.5 micrograms. The elasmobranch fish, such as sharks and rays, has a lower levels of vitamin B-12. The distribution of vitamin B-12 in the red muscle, heart, brain and liver of various fish is also shown. Content in red muscle varies between 3 and 22 micrograms, averaging 8 micrograms. The values show that the heart is a rich source of vitamin B-12. Internal organs are also rich in vitamin B
Aspartate aminotransferase (E.C. from the skeletal muscle of fresh water fish Cirrhina mrigala has been purified 40 fold by ammonium sulphate fractionation, adsorption on alumina Csub(8) gel and chromatography using DEAE-cellulose column and the properties of the purified enzyme studied. The pH optimum of the enzyme is 7.8. The Km value of aspartic acid and 2-oxoglutaric acid are found to be 2.8 x 10sub(-3) M and 1.0 x 10sub(-4) M respectively. The activity of enzyme is inhibited by p-chloromercurybenzoate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium cyanide. The inhibition by pchloromercurybenzoate is reversed by reduced glutathione, B-mercaptoethanol and cysteine. Dicarboxylic acids such as maleic acid, malic acid and succinic acid inhibit the enzyme activity. The enzyme is not activated by any of the metal ions tested and heavy metal ions such as mercury and silver strongly inhibit the enzyme activity.
The concentrations of total cadmium were determined in 448 samples of processed fishery products comprising crustaceans, molluscs, marine fish and brackish water fish. Shrimp product, the major export item, contained on average 0.122 ppm cadmium and 20% of crustaceans analysed did not contain cadmium on detectable level. Average content of cadmium in 68 marine fish of 9 species was 0.153 ppm and 35% of the samples did not contain the element. Of the total number of crustaceans analysed only 2% showed a level > 0.5 ppm. All the 174 samples of molluscan products, except 3 canned oysters, showed cadmium concentration far below the limit allowed. The average cadmium content in molluscan products was 0.552 ppm.
Six groups of albino rats were fed identical diets, differing in their protein sources for sixty days. The protein sources used were fat free casein, defatted groundnut cake, and defatted fish powders from three species of fishes, namely, the fresh water fish Labeo rohita, the marine fishes, Rastrelliger kanagurta and Otolithus argenteus and marine prawns, Parapenaeopsis stylifera. After sixty days, the levels of cholesterol in the serum, liver and heart of the rats were estimated. The casein group recorded the highest level of cholesterol. Compared to casein, the groundnut protein was distinctly hypocholesterolemic. The fish proteins had a still greater cholesterol lowering ability. Of the proteins used in this study, the proteins of prawns had the maximum hypocholesterolemic effect. An attempt is made to correlate the behaviour of the proteins in this respect, with their respective amino acid compositions.
The study was designed to assess the environmental impact of shrimp farming and implications on local livelihoods at the south-west coastal area of Bangladesh. All the stakeholders reported that shrimp farming negatively affected on the environment at the coastal area. The soil and water, fish habitation, agricultural cropland, grazing land, indigenous fish, household vegetations, trees and plants, land fertility and mangroves are affected negatively by the shrimp farming in the coastal area. About 44% of stakeholders agreed that mangroves were destroyed by the extension of shrimp farming in the study area. In the case of positive impact of shrimp farming on environment about 16% of stakeholders agreed that the household vegetations increased due to alternate rice and shrimp-prawn farming.