999 resultados para Wall Stress
Drag reduction by polyethylene glycol in the tail arterial bed of normotensive and hypertensive rats
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of drag reducer polymers (DRP) on arteries from normotensive (Wistar) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000 at 5000 ppm) was perfused in the tail arterial bed with (E+) and without endothelium (E-) from male, adult Wistar (N = 14) and SHR (N = 13) animals under basal conditions (constant flow at 2.5 mL/min). In these preparations, flow-pressure curves (1.5 to 10 mL/min) were constructed before and 1 h after PEG 4000 perfusion. Afterwards, the tail arterial bed was fixed and the internal diameters of the arteries were then measured by microscopy and drag reduction was assessed based on the values of wall shear stress (WSS) by computational simulation. In Wistar and SHR groups, perfusion of PEG 4000 significantly reduced pulsatile pressure (Wistar/E+: 17.5 ± 2.8; SHR/E+: 16.3 ± 2.7%), WSS (Wistar/E+: 36; SHR/E+: 40%) and the flow-pressure response. The E- reduced the effects of PEG 4000 on arteries from both groups, suggesting that endothelial damage decreased the effect of PEG 4000 as a DRP. Moreover, the effects of PEG 4000 were more pronounced in the tail arterial bed from SHR compared to Wistar rats. In conclusion, these data demonstrated for the first time that PEG 4000 was more effective in reducing the pressure-flow response as well as WSS in the tail arterial bed of hypertensive than of normotensive rats and these effects were amplified by, but not dependent on, endothelial integrity. Thus, these results show an additional mechanism of action of this polymer besides its mechanical effect through the release and/or bioavailability of endothelial factors.
PURPOSE: To evaluate an experimental animal model to study the abdominal tissue activity considering its interaction with a polypropylene mesh, through the use of one of the optical phenomena of light Laser, the biospeckle. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: ten animals not submitted to surgery; Group 2: ten animals submitted to surgery without polypropylene mesh; Group 3: 20 animals submitted to surgery followed by the mesh placement; Group 4: (sham) with ten animals. None of the animals presented post surgical complications being submitted to the optical tests at the 20th postoperative day. RESULTS: The analysis from the biospeckle tests, comparing the medians and standard deviations with T Student test, indicated that no significative difference was observed on the abdominal wall tissue activity in the four groups considered, with and without polypropylene mesh prosthesis implantation. CONCLUSION: The animal model is viable and the biospeckle open ways for a great number of experiments to be developed in evaluating tissue activity.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in the cervical region of a sound upper central incisor in two clinical situations, standard and maximum masticatory forces, by means of a 3D model with the highest possible level of fidelity to the anatomic dimensions. Two models with 331,887 linear tetrahedral elements that represent a sound upper central incisor with periodontal ligament, cortical and trabecular bones were loaded at 45º in relation to the tooth's long axis. All structures were considered to be homogeneous and isotropic, with the exception of the enamel (anisotropic). A standard masticatory force (100 N) was simulated on one of the models, while on the other one a maximum masticatory force was simulated (235.9 N). The software used were: PATRAN for pre- and post-processing and Nastran for processing. In the cementoenamel junction area, tensile forces reached 14.7 MPa in the 100 N model, and 40.2 MPa in the 235.9 N model, exceeding the enamel's tensile strength (16.7 MPa). The fact that the stress concentration in the amelodentinal junction exceeded the enamel's tensile strength under simulated conditions of maximum masticatory force suggests the possibility of the occurrence of non-carious cervical lesions such as abfractions.
OBJECTIVES: Memantine is an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Previous studies have suggested that receptor blockers act as neuroprotective agents; however, no study has specifically investigated the impact that these drugs have on the heart. We sought to evaluate the effects of memantine on nuclear size reduction in cardiac cells exposed to cold stress. METHOD: We used male EPM-Wistar rats (n=40) divided into 4 groups: 1) Matched control (CON); 2) Memantine-treated rats (MEM); 3) Rats undergoing induced hypothermia (IH) and 4) Rats undergoing induced hypothermia that were also treated with memantine (IHM). Animals in the MEM and IHM groups were treated by oral gavage administration of 20 mg/kg/day memantine over an eight-day period. Animals in the IH and IHM groups were submitted to 4 hours of hypothermia in a controlled environment with a temperature of - 8ºC on the last day of the study. RESULTS: The MEM group had the largest cardiomyocyte nuclear size (151 ± 3.5 μm³ vs. CON: 142 ± 2.3 μm³; p<0.05), while the IH group had the smallest mean value of nuclear size. The nuclear size of the IHM group was preserved (125 ± 2.9 μm³) compared to the IH group (108 ± 1.7 μm³; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Memantine prevented the nuclear size reduction of cardiomyocytes in rats exposed to cold stress.
Individuals with epilepsy are at higher risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), responsible for 7.5% to 17% of all deaths in epilepsy. Many factors are current associated with SUDEP and possible effect of stress and cardiac arrhythmia are still not clear. Sudden death syndrome (SDS) in chickens is a disease characterized by an acute death of well-nourished and seeming healthy Gallus gallus after abrupt and brief flapping of their wings, similar to an epileptic seizure, with an incidence estimated as 0.5 to 5% in broiler chickens. A variety of nutritional and environmental factors have been included: but the exactly etiology of SDS is unknown. Studies had suggested that the hearts of broiler chickens are considerably more susceptible to arrhythmias and stress may induce ventricular arrhythmia and thus, sudden cardiac death. In this way, SDS in Gallus gallus could be an interesting model to study SUDEP.
The diet and plasma lipid patterns associated with lipid oxidation susceptibility in rats fed different doses of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from fish oil were evaluated. Wistar rats were assigned into three groups and received diets containing 8% soybean oil (SOY), 4% soybean oil + 4% fish oil (SOY-FISH) and 8% fish oil (FISH) for 21 days. Linoleic, oleic and ?-linolenic acids in SOY diets were substituted by myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in SOY-FISH and FISH diets reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio and increasing the peroxidability index (PI). Increased dietary EPA and DHA were observed in SOY-FISH and FISH plasma at the expense of linoleic and arachidonic acid levels. Saturated fatty acids, which were significantly different between the three diets (P < 0.01), were found at the same concentration in the plasma (P = 0.23). No changes were observed in oxidative stress as measured by the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) expressed in brain homogenates. However, TBARS concentration in the plasma of the SOY-FISH group was higher than the other two groups (P = 0.02). The major differences between these three groups were the n-3 PUFA content (0.4, 1.8 and 3.2 g/100 g diet) and the saturates/polyunsaturates ratio (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) for SOY, SOY-FISH, and FISH groups, respectively. Thus, n-3 PUFA intake from fish oil only when followed by a decrease in saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio increased oxidative susceptibility in rats measured by plasma TBARS concentration
In the last decades there was an increase in stress at work and its effects on workers' health. These issues are still little studied in the electric utility sector. This study aims to evaluate factors associated with stress at work and to verify its associations with health status among workers of an electric company in São Paulo State, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 474 subjects (87.5% of the eligible workers). Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires. A descriptive analysis, a multiple linear hierarchical regression analysis and a correlation analysis were performed. The majority of participants were males (91.1%) and the mean age was 37.5 yr. The mean score of stress level was 2.3 points (scale ranging from 1.0 to 5.0). Hierarchical multiple analyses showed that: regular practice of physical activities (p=0.025) and individual monthly income (p=0.002) were inversely associated with stress level; BMI was marginally associated with the stress level (p=0.074). The demographic characteristics were not associated with stress. Stress at work was significantly associated with physical and mental health status (p<0.001). To improve health of electric utility workers, actions are suggested to decrease stress by remuneration and an appropriate practice of physical activity aiming reduction of BMI
Single-point diamond turning of monocrystalline semiconductors is an important field of research within brittle materials machining. Monocrystalline silicon samples with a (100) orientation have been diamond turned under different cutting conditions (feed rate and depth of cut). Micro-Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy have been used to assess structural alterations and surface finish of the samples diamond turned under ductile and brittle modes. It was found that silicon undergoes a phase transformation when machined in the ductile mode. This phase transformation is evidenced by the creation of an amorphous surface layer after machining which has been probed by Raman scattering. Compressive residual stresses are estimated for the machined surface and it is observed that they decrease with an increase in the feed rate and depth of cut. This behaviour has been attributed to the formation of subsurface cracks when the feed rate is higher than or equal to 2.5 mu m/rev. The surface roughness was observed to vary with the feed rate and the depth of cut. An increase in the surface roughness was influenced by microcrack formation when the feed rate reached 5.0 mu m/rev. Furthermore, a high-pressure phase transformation induced by the tool/material interaction and responsible for the ductile response of this typical brittle material is discussed based upon the presented Raman spectra. The application of this machining technology finds use for a wide range of high quality components, for example the creation of a micrometre-range channel for microfluidic devices as well as microlenses used in the infrared spectrum range.
The biological cause of Pork Stress syndrome, which leads to PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat, is excessive release of Ca(2+) ions, which is promoted by a genetic mutation in the ryanodine receptors (RyR) located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the skeletal muscle cells. We examined the relationship between the formation of PSE meat under halothane treatment and heat stress exposure in chicken alpha RYR hot spot fragments. Four test groups were compared: 1) birds slaughtered without any treatment, i.e., the control group (C); 2) birds slaughtered immediately after halothane treatment (H); 3) birds slaughtered immediately after heat stress treatment (HS), and 4) birds exposed to halothane and to heat stress (H+HS), before slaughtering. Breast muscle mRNA was extracted, amplified by RT-PCR, and sequenced. PSE meat was evaluated using color determination (L*value). The most common alteration was deletion of a single nucleotide, which generated a premature stop codon, resulting in the production of truncated proteins. The highest incidence of nonsense transcripts came with exposure to halothane; 80% of these abnormal transcripts were detected in H and H+HS groups. As a consequence, the incidence of abnormal meat was highest in the H+HS group (66%). In HS, H, and C groups, PSE meat developed in 60, 50, and 33% of the samples, respectively. Thus, halothane apparently modulates alpha RYR gene expression in this region, and synergically with exposure to heat stress, causes Avian Stress syndrome, resulting in PSE meat in broiler chickens.
Previously, we isolated two strains of spontaneous oxidative (SpOx2 and SpOx3) stress mutants of Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris. Herein, we compared these mutants to a parental wild- type strain (J60011) and a commercial starter in experimental fermented milk production. Total solid contents of milk and fermentation temperature both affected the acidification profile of the spontaneous oxidative stress- resistant L. lactis mutants during fermented milk production. Fermentation times to pH 4.7 ranged from 6.40 h (J60011) to 9.36 h (SpOx2); V(max) values were inversely proportional to fermentation time. Bacterial counts increased to above 8.50 log(10) cfu/mL. The counts of viable SpOx3 mutants were higher than those of the parental wild strain in all treatments. All fermented milk products showed post-fermentation acidification after 24 h of storage at 4 degrees C; they remained stable after one week of storage.
Background -: Sucrose content is a highly desirable trait in sugarcane as the worldwide demand for cost-effective biofuels surges. Sugarcane cultivars differ in their capacity to accumulate sucrose and breeding programs routinely perform crosses to identify genotypes able to produce more sucrose. Sucrose content in the mature internodes reach around 20% of the culms dry weight. Genotypes in the populations reflect their genetic program and may display contrasting growth, development, and physiology, all of which affect carbohydrate metabolism. Few studies have profiled gene expression related to sugarcane's sugar content. The identification of signal transduction components and transcription factors that might regulate sugar accumulation is highly desirable if we are to improve this characteristic of sugarcane plants. Results -: We have evaluated thirty genotypes that have different Brix (sugar) levels and identified genes differentially expressed in internodes using cDNA microarrays. These genes were compared to existing gene expression data for sugarcane plants subjected to diverse stress and hormone treatments. The comparisons revealed a strong overlap between the drought and sucrose-content datasets and a limited overlap with ABA signaling. Genes associated with sucrose content were extensively validated by qRT-PCR, which highlighted several protein kinases and transcription factors that are likely to be regulators of sucrose accumulation. The data also indicate that aquaporins, as well as lignin biosynthesis and cell wall metabolism genes, are strongly related to sucrose accumulation. Moreover, sucrose-associated genes were shown to be directly responsive to short term sucrose stimuli, confirming their role in sugar-related pathways. Conclusion -: Gene expression analysis of sugarcane populations contrasting for sucrose content indicated a possible overlap with drought and cell wall metabolism processes and suggested signaling and transcriptional regulators to be used as molecular markers in breeding programs. Transgenic research is necessary to further clarify the role of the genes and define targets useful for sugarcane improvement programs based on transgenic plants.
Background: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has pathophysiological relevance in vascular diseases and merges with proteasome function. Proteasome inhibition induces cell stress and may have therapeutic implications. However, whether proteasome inhibition potentiates ER stress-induced apoptosis and the possible mechanisms involved in this process are unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that proteasome inhibition with MG132, per se at non-lethal levels, sensitized vascular smooth muscle cells to caspase-3 activation and cell death during ER stress induced by tunicamycin (Tn). This effect was accompanied by suppression of both proadaptive (KDEL chaperones) and proapoptotic (CHOP/GADD153) unfolded protein response markers, although, intriguingly, the splicing of XBP1 was markedly enhanced and sustained. In parallel, proteasome inhibition completely prevented ER stress-induced increase in NADPH oxidase activity, as well as increases in Nox4 isoform and protein disulfide isomerase mRNA expression. Increased Akt phosphorylation due to proteasome inhibition partially offset the proapoptotic effect of Tn or MG132. Although proteasome inhibition enhanced oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species scavenging had no net effect on sensitization to Tn or MG132-induced cell death. Conclusion/Relevance: These data indicate unfolded protein response-independent pathways whereby proteasome inhibition sensitizes vascular smooth muscle to ER stress-mediated cell death. This may be relevant to understand the therapeutic potential of such compounds in vascular disease associated with increased neointimal hyperplasia.
Objectives: We tested whether angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and phosphorylation of Ser(1270) are involved in shear-stress (SS)-induced downregulation of the enzyme. Methods and Results: Western blotting analysis showed that SS (18 h, 15 dyn/cm(2)) decreases ACE expression and phosphorylation as well as p-JNK inhibition in human primary endothelial cells (EC). CHO cells expressing wild-type ACE (wt-ACE) also displayed SS-induced decrease in ACE and p-JNK. Moreover, SS decreased ACE promoter activity in wt-ACE, but had no effect in wild type CHO or CHO expressing ACE without either the extra-or the intracellular domains, and decreased less in CHO expressing a mutated ACE at Ser(1270) compared to wt-ACE (13 vs. 40%, respectively). The JNK inhibitor (SP600125, 18 h), in absence of SS, also decreased ACE promoter activity in wt-ACE. Finally, SS-induced inhibition of ACE expression and phosphorylation in EC was counteracted by simultaneous exposure to an ACE inhibitor. Conclusions: ACE displays a key role on its own downregulation in response to SS. This response requires both the extra- and the intracellular domains and ACE Ser(1270), consistent with the idea that the extracellular domain behaves as a mechanosensor while the cytoplasmic domain elicits the downstream intracellular signaling by phosphorylation on Ser(1270).
It has been demonstrated that human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs) enhance vascular density in ischemic tissues, suggesting that they can differentiate into vascular cells or release angiogenic factors that may stimulate neoangiogenesis. Moreover, there is evidence that shear stress (SS) may activate proliferation and differentiation of embryonic and endothelial precursor stem cells into endothelial cells (ECs). In this work, we investigated the effect of laminar SS in promoting differentiation of hASCs into ECs. SS (10 dyn/cm(2) up to 96 h), produced by a cone plate system, failed to induce EC markers (CD31, vWF, Flk-1) on hASC assayed by RT-PCR and flow cytometry. In contrast, there was a cumulative production of nitric oxide (determined by Griess Reaction) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF; by ELISA) up to 96 h of SS stimulation ( NO(2)(-) in nmol/10(4) cells: static: 0.20 +/- 0.03; SS: 1.78 +/- 0.38, n = 6; VEGF in pg/10(4) cells: static: 191.31 +/- v35.29; SS: 372.80 +/- 46.74, n = 6, P < 0.05). Interestingly, the VEGF production was abrogated by 5 mM N(G)-L-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) treatment (VEGF in pg/10(4) cells: SS: 378.80 +/- 46.74, n = 6; SS + L-NAME: 205.84 +/- 91.66, n = 4, P < 0.05). The results indicate that even though SS failed to induce EC surface markers in hASC under the tested conditions, it stimulated NO-dependent VEGF production.
Background: The Lateral Septal Area (LSA) is involved with autonomic and behavior responses associated to stress. In rats, acute restraint (RS) is an unavoidable stress situation that causes autonomic (body temperature, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) increases) and behavioral (increased anxiety-like behavior) changes in rats. The LSA is one of several brain regions that have been involved in stress responses. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the neurotransmission blockade in the LSA would interfere in the autonomic and behavioral changes induced by RS. Methodology/Principal Findings: Male Wistar rats with bilateral cannulae aimed at the LSA, an intra-abdominal datalogger (for recording internal body temperature), and an implanted catheter into the femoral artery (for recording and cardiovascular parameters) were used. They received bilateral microinjections of the non-selective synapse blocker cobalt chloride (CoCl(2), 1 mM/ 100 nL) or vehicle 10 min before RS session. The tail temperature was measured by an infrared thermal imager during the session. Twenty-four h after the RS session the rats were tested in the elevated plus maze (EPM). Conclusions/Significance: Inhibition of LSA neurotransmission reduced the MAP and HR increases observed during RS. However, no changes were observed in the decrease in skin temperature and increase in internal body temperature observed during this period. Also, LSA inhibition did not change the anxiogenic effect induced by RS observed 24 h later in the EPM. The present results suggest that LSA neurotransmission is involved in the cardiovascular but not the temperature and behavioral changes induced by restraint stress.