957 resultados para Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion


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An overview is given on the possibility of controlling the status of circuit breakers (CB) in a substations with the use of a knowledge base that relates some of the operation magnitudes, mixing status variables with time variables and fuzzy sets. It is shown that even when all the magnitudes to be controlled cannot be included in the analysis, it is possible to control the desired status while supervising some important magnitudes as the voltage, power factor, and harmonic distortion, as well as the present status.


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This paper deals with results of a research and development (R&D) project in cooperation with Electric Power Distribution Company in São Paulo (Brazil) regarding the development and experimental analysis of a new concept of power drive system suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors, which can be powered by urban DC or AC distribution networks. The proposed front-end structure is composed by five boost power cells in interleaving connection, operating in discontinuous conduction mode as AC-DC converter, or as DC-DC converter, in order to provide the proper DC output voltage range required by DC or AC adjustable speed drivers. Therefore, when supplied by single-phase AC distribution networks, and operating as AC-DC converter, it is capable to provide high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC 61000-3-4 standards resulting in significant improvements for the trolleybuses systems efficiency and for the urban distribution network costs. Considering the compliance with input current restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standards, two digital control strategies were evaluated. The digital controller has been implemented using a low cost FPGA (XC3S200) and developed totally using a hardware description language VHDL and fixed point arithmetic. Experimental results from a 15 kW low power scale prototype operating in DC and AC conditions are presented, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed system. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents a general modeling approach to investigate and to predict measurement errors in active energy meters both induction and electronic types. The measurement error modeling is based on Generalized Additive Model (GAM), Ridge Regression method and experimental results of meter provided by a measurement system. The measurement system provides a database of 26 pairs of test waveforms captured in a real electrical distribution system, with different load characteristics (industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential), covering different harmonic distortions, and balanced and unbalanced voltage conditions. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, the measurement error models are discussed and several results, which are derived from experimental tests, are presented in the form of three-dimensional graphs, and generalized as error equations. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper proposal presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results of a 15kW prototype are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents possible selective current compensation strategies based on the Conservative Power Theory (CPT). This recently proposed theory, introduces the concept of complex power conservation under non-sinusoidal conditions. Moreover, the related current decompositions results in several current terms, which are associated with a specific physical phenomena (power absorption P, energy storage Q, voltage and current distortion D). Such current components are used in this work for the definition of different current compensators, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. The choice of one or other current component for compensation directly affects the sizing and cost of active and/or passive devices and it will be demonstrated that it can be done to attend predefined limits for harmonic distortion, unbalances and/or power factor. Single-phase compensation strategies will be discussed by means of the CPT and simulation results will demonstrate their performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents the development and experimental analysis of a special input stage converter for a Trolleybus type vehicle allowing its operation in AC (two wires, single-phase) or DC distribution networks. The architecture of proposed input stage converter is composed by five interleaved boost rectifiers operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Furthermore, due to the power lines characteristics, the proposed input power structure can act as AC to DC or as DC to DC converter providing a proper DC output voltage range required to the DC bus. When operation is AC to DC, the converter is capable to provide high power factor with reduced harmonic distortion for the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standard. Finally, the main experimental results are presented in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed converter, demonstrating the benefits and the possibility for AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle. © 2010 IEEE.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma análise da qualidade da tensão no Ponto de Acoplamento Comum (PAC) entre uma indústria de alumínio e o sistema interligado nacional, de modo a avaliar o impacto produzido por esta instalação na rede básica no que diz respeito aos fenômenos de flutuação de tensão, desequilíbrio de tensão e distorção harmônica de tensão. Os dados dos distúrbios da qualidade da energia citados anteriormente foram coletados através de uma campanha de medição com duração de 7 dias consecutivos, solicitada pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) em casos de cargas conectadas à rede básica que apresentem características não-lineares, como é o caso das indústrias de alumínio. Adicionalmente, um estudo computacional visando determinar os valores máximos de distorção harmônica de tensão no PAC é apresentado com o intuito de completar as análises via campanha de medição. Os programas computacionais utilizados para a realização do estudo foram o HarmZs do CEPEL e o Matlab 7.0.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma nova metodologia para estimar a contribuição harmônica de múltiplas cargas geradoras de harmônicos na distorção de tensão de um sistema elétrico. Essa metodologia cria modelos estatísticos que descrevem o comportamento da tensão harmônica de um sistema elétrico qualquer em função da corrente harmônica das cargas presentes nele, de tal forma, que seja possível avaliar o impacto das cargas geradoras de harmônicos nos níveis de distorção harmônica de tensão do sistema elétrico em análise. A criação desses modelos é realizada com base no método estatístico chamado de regressão polinomial local de kernel, que é um método de regressão não paramétrica, cuja característica principal é criar modelos não condicionados a uma família específica de curvas de regressão, ou seja, os dados são os únicos responsáveis pelo formato do modelo. Uma vez criado o modelo, estima-se a tensão harmônica que as cargas provocaram no período em análise e, por fim, avalia-se seu valor em relação à medida.


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A localização de bancos de capacitores nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica, corretamente dimensionados, busca compensar eventuais excessos de circulação de potência reativa pelas linhas, o que implica a redução de custos operacionais pela redução das perdas de energia e um aumento da capacidade de transmissão de potência ativa assegurando os níveis estabelecidos de tensão e fator de potência simultaneamente. A proliferação das cargas não lineares provocou uma mudança nos cenários de estudo dos sistemas elétricos de potência devido aos efeitos nocivos que os harmônicos gerados por elas ocasionam sobre a qualidade da energia elétrica. Considerando este novo cenário, esta tese tem como objetivo geral desenvolver uma ferramenta computacional utilizando técnicas de inteligência computacional apoiada em algoritmos genéticos (AG), para a otimização multiobjetivo da compensação da potência reativa em redes elétricas de distribuição capaz de localizar e dimensionar de forma ótima as unidades de compensação necessárias para obter os melhores benefícios econômicos e a manutenção dos índices de qualidade da energia estabelecidos pelas normas brasileiras. Como Inovação Tecnológica do trabalho a ferramenta computacional desenvolvida permite otimizar a compensação da potência reativa para melhorar do fator de potência em redes de distribuição contaminadas com harmônicos que, diferentemente de métodos anteriores, não só emprega bancos de capacitores, mas também filtros de harmônicos com esse objetivo. Utiliza-se o algoritmo NSGA-II, que determina as soluções ótimas de Pareto para o problema e permite ao especialista determinar as soluções mais efetivas. A proposta para a solução do problema apresenta várias inovações podendo-se destacar que a solução obtida permite determinar a compensação de potência reativa com capacitores em sistemas com certa penetração harmônica, atendendo a normas de qualidade de energia pertinentes, com relação aos níveis de distorção harmônica tolerados.