248 resultados para Vocationnal repositioning


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O futuro das empresas de base tecnológica depende essencialmenteda maximização do seu desempenho nas relações que elas estabeleçam com seus mercados, e do equilíbrio entre as suas competências tecnológicas e mercadológicas. Neste contexto, o "braço" de mercado das empresas é constituído pelo marketing, que atua como função maximizadora. Na indústria brasileira de biotecnologia, além de incipiente, ele é desconhecido, constituindo-se num verdadeiro calcanhar-de-Aquiles do acoplamento entre oferta e demanda. Este trabalho retrata, pela primeira vez, o perfil das atividades da indústria brasileira de biotecnologia, centrado nas relações com o mercado e busca avaliar o estágio atual da relação existente entre as competências tecnológicas e as mercadológicas das empresas. Tem por objetivos propiciar informações essenciais e realizar um diagnóstico inicial sobre o tema, para que os personagens envolvidos possam tomar consciência de seus pontos fortes e fracos e, em decorrência, assumir posturas e elaborar planos para um reposicionamento e o desenvolvimento de competências específicas em suas relações com o mercado. A partir de estudo exploratório qualitativo, seguido de estudo descritivo com uma amostra de 54 empresas e dados do primeiro semestre de 1996, é feita a descrição das características gerais relativas à gestão e à tecnologia das empresas, sendo dada atenção especial às atividades de marketing. São analisadas as relações entre as competências técnicas e mercadológicas das empresas, apresentadas as decorrentes implicações, formuladas recomendações à indústria e sugeridas questões para futuras pesquisas. As organizações estudadas atuam essencialmente no mercado industrial e buisinessto- business, mostrando-se como technology push e praticando muito mais uma filosofia de gestão "produtos-orientada" do que "mercado orientada". Exercem somente em parte, as atividades essenciais da função marketing. A relação mercado-tecnologia mostra a supremacia da competência tecnológica sobre a mercadológica, indicando que, para ganhar maior competitividade, a maioria das empresas deve rever seu atual posicionamento, planejar e promover significativo desenvolvimento de competências mercadológicas específicas.


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Gestão ética, socioambiental e de saúde


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Este estudo tem como tema o papel da Função de Auditoria Interna (FAI) no sistema de governança corporativa (SGC) de instituições financeiras, ou simplesmente bancos, atuando no Brasil. A FAI é um mecanismo de avaliação de políticas, procedimentos e processos que age a partir do ambiente operacional de uma organização. Baseando-se nisso, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar porquê e como a FAI foi incorporada ao SGC, e as consequências geradas para ambos. O estudo qualitativo, de natureza exploratória e descritiva, utilizou uma abordagem multiteórica, aplicando a teoria da agência e a teoria institucional. Pela abordagem buscou-se utilizar a relação entre à necessidade de monitoramento para atingir a eficiência organizacional e o impacto estruturante das pressões do ambiente externo na definição do papel e do posicionamento da FAI no SGC. A entrevista semiestruturada, utilizada como método de coleta de dados, foi aplicada a dez funcionários de auditoria de cinco bancos de grande porte, além de três indivíduos ligados ao Conselho de Administração em bancos. O estudo apresentou as seguintes conclusões: i) a FAI foi incorporada ao SGC porque a complexidade derivada da evolução do negócio bancário dificultou o monitoramento dos bancos por parte do principal e do regulador; ii) três fatores atuaram de forma inter-relacionada como direcionadores dessa incorporação: a própria evolução do negócio bancário, a regulação e a convergência de premissas e práticas; e iii) o reposicionamento organizacional resultou em consequências quanto ao escopo do trabalho da FAI, à intensificação dos conflitos para a manutenção da independência, à percepção de valor agregado pela FAI ao SGC e ao processo de capacitação dos auditores internos. O estudo apresentou como principais contribuições ao SGC: a revelação do potencial da FAI para gerar insumos para o monitoramento ao atuar como sua extensão no complexo ambiente operacional bancário; e a proposta de utilização da FAI como recursos para gerar insumos às decisões estratégicas. Quanto à FAI, o estudo sugere que, para que se consolide como mecanismo de governança, necessita qualificar seu quadro funcional e se desenvolver metodologicamente para entregar informações condizentes à tomada de decisão pelo SGC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo central é discutir a possibilidade de uma ética pertinente ao conjunto de ações atualmente realizadas sob o enfoque da Atenção Psicossocial no campo da Saúde Mental Coletiva. Utilizando o método do ensaio, partirei da análise de algumas proposições importantes sobre a ética na Saúde Mental, presentes na literatura recente, e da experiência de vários anos no campo da Atenção Psicossocial como trabalhador, como assessor clínico-institucional do Ministério da Saúde e como formador de psicoterapeutas. Duas vertentes de análise são consideradas: éticas disciplinares, chamadas éticas da psiquiatria, incluindo uma tentativa importante de complementá-las criticamente sob o enfoque da ética do cuidado, e éticas fundadas em concepções psicanalíticas do sujeito e seu sofrimento, que destacam as dimensões do sujeito como entre social e como entre subjetivo ou entre sentido. Com base nas diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde e na psicanálise do campo freudiano, procura-se fundamentar a ética da Clínica na Atenção Psicossocial como ética do cuidar-se - base necessária para a construção do protagonismo dos sujeitos do sofrimento na produção do sentido necessário à superação do sofrimento e demais impasses que motivaram a procura de ajuda, e para a possibilidade de seu reposicionamento no entre social e no entre sentido; componentes da saúde em sintonia com a subjetividade singularizada referenciada nos Ideais socioculturais e no devir desejante. Demonstra-se que essa ética exige dos trabalhadores do campo a superação dialética dos modos de produção de saúde e subjetividade em sintonia com o Modo Capitalista de Produção e seus derivados autoritários.


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Background: the purpose of this study was to histomorphometrically evaluate the response of periodontal tissues covering Class V resin restorations in dogs.Methods: After raising a mucoperiosteal flap, bony defects measuring 5 x 5 mm were created on the buccal aspect of the canines of five dogs followed by cavity preparations on the root surface measuring 3 x 3 x 1 mm. Before repositioning the flap to cover the bone defect, the cavities were restored with composite resin (CR) or resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) or were left unrestored as control (C). The dogs were euthanized 90 days after surgery. Specimens comprising the tooth and periodontal tissues were removed, processed routinely, cut into longitudinal serial sections in the bucco-lingual direction, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or Masson's trichrome. The most central sections were selected for histomorphometric analysis.Results: Histomorphometric analysis revealed apical migration of epithelial tissue onto the restorative materials (RMGIC and CR). The C group presented significantly longer connective tissue attachment (P < 0.05) than the RMGIC and CR groups and significantly higher bone regeneration (P < 0.05) compared to the RMGIC group. Histologically, the cervical third (CT) of all groups had the most marked chronic inflammatory infiltrate.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that the restorative materials used exhibit biocompatibility; however, both materials interfered with the development of new bone and the connective tissue attachment process.


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Fabrication of occlusal splints in centric relation for temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients is arguable, since this position has been defined for asymptomatic stomatognathic system. Thus, maximum intercuspation might be employed in patients with occlusal stability, eliminating the need for interocclusal records. This study compared occlusal splints fabricated in centric relation and maximum intercuspation in muscle pain reduction of TMD patients. Twenty patients with TMD of myogenous origin and bruxism were divided into 2 groups treated with splints in maximum intercuspation (I) or centric relation (II). Clinical, electrognathographic and electromyographic examinations were performed before and 3 months after therapy. Data were analyzed by the Student's t test. Differences at 5% level of probability were considered statistically significant. There was a remarkable reduction in pain symptomatology, without statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the groups. There was mandibular repositioning during therapy, as demonstrated by the change in occlusal contacts on the splints. Electrognathographic examination demonstrated a significant increase in maximum left lateral movement for group I and right lateral movement for group II (p<0.05). There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the electromyographic activities at rest after utilization of both splints. In conclusion, both occlusal splints were effective for pain control and presented similar action. The results suggest that maximum intercuspation may be used for fabrication of occlusal splints in patients with occlusal stability without large discrepancies between centric relation and maximum intercuspation. Moreover, this technique is simpler and less expensive.


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A case of severe lateral luxation and root fracture in upper incisors is reported. Treatment involved the repositioning and fixation of the injured teeth and endodontic treatment with calcium hydroxide. The importance of long-term follow-up is emphasized.


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Intrusion of permanent teeth is one of the most severe types of traumatic injuries. Different treatment strategies have been proposed, and the best approach for each case depends on the stage of root development, severity of the intrusive luxation, presence of alveolar fracture and number of intruded teeth. The purpose of this paper is to describe the treatment management of 2 cases of severely intruded immature permanent maxillary central incisors in 71/2- and 8-year-old children. In case 1, the traumatized tooth was treated by surgical repositioning, while in case 2 watchful waiting for spontaneous re-eruption was the treatment of choice. Treatment strategies were successful in both cases, as demonstrated by the continuation of root development, maintenance of pulp vitality, and absence of signs of per/apical pathosis during the follow-up period. Regardless of the treatment strategy, traumatically intruded teeth should undergo periodical clinical and radiographic surveillance on a long-term basis to allow early detection of possible complications. (Pediotr Dent 2009;31:340-5) Received March 11, 2008 vertical bar Last Revision June 25, 2008 vertical bar Revision Accepted July 16, 2008


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Intrusion is defined as the axial dislodgment of the tooth into its socket and is considered one of the most severe types of dental trauma. This longitudinal outcome study was undertaken to evaluate clinically and radiographically severely intruded permanent incisors in a population of children and adolescents. All cases were treated between September 2003 and February 2008 in a dental trauma service. Clinical and radiographic data were collected from 12 patients (eight males and four females) that represented 15 permanent maxillary incisors. Mean age at the time of injury was 8 years and 9 months (range 7-14 years and 8 months). Mean time elapsed to follow-up was 26.6 months (range 10-51 months). The analysis of data showed that tooth intrusion was twice as frequent in males. The maxillary central incisors were the most commonly intruded teeth (93.3%), and falling at home was the main etiologic factor (60%). More than half of the cases (53.3%) were multiple intrusions, 73.3% of the intruded teeth had incomplete root formation and 66.6% of the teeth suffered other injuries concomitant to intrusion. Immediate surgical repositioning was the treatment of choice in 66.7% of the cases, while watchful waiting for the tooth to return to its pre-injury position was adopted in 33.3% of the cases. The teeth that suffered additional injuries to the intrusive luxation presented a fivefold increased relative risk of developing pulp necrosis. The immature teeth had six times more chances of presenting pulp canal obliteration that the mature teeth and a lower risk of developing root resorption. The most frequent post-injury complications were pulp necrosis (73.3%), marginal bone loss (60%), inflammatory root resorption (40%), pulp canal obliteration (26.7%) and replacement root resorption (20%). From the results of this study, it was not possible to determine whether the type immediate treatment had any influence on the appearance of sequelae like pulp necrosis and root resorption after intrusive luxation, but the existence of additional injuries and the stage of root development influenced the clinical case outcome in a negative and positive manner, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tooth transpositions present at a relatively low incidence in the world population and primarily affect maxillary canines and premolars. Treatment of this disturbance should take into account aspects such as facial pattern, age, malocclusion, tooth-size discrepancy, stage of eruption, and magnitude of the transposition. Mechanics for correction should be entirely individualized, reducing the risks and adverse effects. Practitioners often select simpler options, indicating extraction of permanent teeth, which is an irreversible procedure that may bring about damages to the patient. This study presents a case report and treatment of unilateral transposition of maxillary canine and premolar with repositioning of affected teeth to their respective normal positions.


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The 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) is able to prevent resumption of meiosis by maintaining elevated cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentrations in the oocyte, and roscovitine, a purine known to specifically inhibit MPF kinase activity, maintains bovine oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) stage. The present study was conducted to analyze whether cytoplasmic maturation (examined by the pattern of cortical granule (CG) distribution) of bovine oocytes is improved during meiotic arrest with IBMX and roscovitine. Oocytes were matured in vitro in a 10% Knockout(SR) supplemented TCM-199 medium (Control) with either 0.5 mM IBMX or 25 mu M roscovitine (ROSC). Oocytes were stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated Lens culinaris agglutinin (FITC-LCA) for CG evaluation and with Hoechst 33342 for nuclear stage assessment. At 16 h of culture, the percentage of oocytes remaining in the GV stage was higher (P < 0.05) in the ROSC group (32.41%) compared with the Control and IBMX groups (8.61% and 9.73%, respectively). At 24h of culture, progression of meiosis to M II stage was retarded (P < 0.05) in the ROSC group (24.05%) compared to the Control (60.20%), whereas the IBMX group (33.88%) showed no significant difference to the other two groups. At 16h of maturation, the proportion of oocytes with CG in clusters (immature cytoplasm) was similar between the groups, as was the percentage of peripheral CG (mature) at 24h of maturation. The results of the present study demonstrated that the meiotic inhibitors IBMX and roscovitine delay the progression of nuclear maturation without affecting cytoplasmic maturation, assessed by the analysis of CG repositioning. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tooth transpositions present at a relatively low incidence in the world population and primarily affect maxillary canines and premolars. Treatment of this disturbance should take into account aspects such as facial pattern, age, malocclusion, tooth-size discrepancy, stage of eruption, and magnitude of the transposition. Mechanics for correction should be entirely individualized, reducing the risks and adverse effects. Practitioners often select simpler options, indicating extraction of permanent teeth, which is an irreversible procedure that may bring about damages to the patient. This study presents a case report and treatment of unilateral transposition of maxillary canine and premolar with repositioning of affected teeth to their respective normal positions. © 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.