997 resultados para Virginia, Southwest


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El aprovechamiento de los nutrientes y el agua por el tabaco en lotes de pequeños productores de Chicoana (Salta) puede ser optimizado según lo sugieren diagnósticos preliminares. El objetivo de esta tesis fue investigar la dinámica de los nutrientes y el agua con el fin de optimizar el uso de dichos recursos. La dinámica de los nutrientes y el agua se investigó en condiciones de campo mientras que el ajuste de dichos factores para el tabaco se desarrolló en condiciones controladas. Los estudios de campo se realizaron en 13 lotes de pequeños productores los cuales fueron separados en dos grupos AP y BP (alta y baja producción). Antes y durante el cultivo se determinaron en suelo: textura, N-nitratos, N, P y K total y en planta: N, P y K absorbido y materia seca en planta entera, hoja, tallo y raíz del tabaco. En condiciones controladas se aplicó un diseño factorial (n=3) : MO inicial, fertilización según modelo zonal y nivel de riego. A cosecha, se evaluaron MS y N, P y K absorbidos. Los resultados mostraron que la MS, N, P y K absorbido en AP resultaron significativamente superiores a BP. La oferta de nutrientes fue muy superior a la demanda generándose excedentes en el balance de N. Las dosis de K y P aplicadas fueron superiores a las recomendadas aunque no se observaron excedentes en el suelo. El muy bajo nivel de P absorbido pudo deberse al escaso desarrollo radicular. El estudio de la dinámica del agua mostró que la disminución del 30 por ciento de rendimiento pudo relacionarse con el riego deficitario. El estudio en condiciones controladas demostró que los criterios utilizados (modelo generado en la zona y umbrales de humedad) permiten optimizar el uso de los nutrientes y el agua por el tabaco en lotes de pequeños productores de Chicoana.


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Procedures for the continuous in situ recording of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and turbidity throughout an estuarine mixing profile have been developed. Application of these procedures in a study of the Tamar Estuary, south-west England has demonstrated the considerable temporal (short-term and seasonal) and geographical variability of these properties. The causes and interrelationships of this variability and their general implications with respect to field investigations of estuarine chemical interactions are discussed.


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Seasonal cycles in the condition index of Mytilus edulis from three sites in southwest England are described. These are analysed in relation to host length, stage of gonad development and parasite burden by linear regression analysis. An effect on the condition index due to the presence of Mytilicola intestinalis can be detected only in the sublittoral mussels in those few winter months when the mean intensity of infestation is over about 25 parasites per host. In all cases studied, the magnitude of the effect due to variation in host length, stage of gonad development, seasonal cycles and environmental factors is greater than that due to parasitism.


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The occurrence of Mytilicola intestinalis in populations of mussels in south-west England is recorded and compared with previous data. Since 1955 there have been two main changes in the distribution of Mytilicola: (a) it has invaded all the major estuarine mussel populations on the Bristol Channel coast, and (b) many previously uninfested open-coast populations all round the peninsula are now lightly infested. It is suggested that differences in infestation levels between estuarine and open-coast populations of mussels are due primarily to differences in the degree of exposure to wave action although factors such as size, population density and location of the hosts also influence infestation. The chance of the establishment of breeding pairs of Mytilicola depends on the parasite population size and its distribution through the host population.


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The cultivation of rubber trees in Xishuangbanna Prefecture in China’s Yunnan Province has triggered an unprecedented economic development but it is also associated with severe environmental problems. Rubber plantations are encroaching the indigenous rainforests at a large scale and a high speed in Xishuangbanna. Many rare plant and animal species are endangered by this development, the natural water management is disturbed and even the microclimate in this region has changed over the past years. The present study aims at an assessment of the environmental benefits accruing from a reforestation project partly reversing the deforestation that has taken place over the past years. To this end a Contingent Valuation survey has been conducted in Xishuangbanna to elicit local residents’ willingness to pay for this reforestation program that converts existing rubber plantations back into forest. It is shown that local people's awareness of the environmental problems caused by increasing rubber plantation is quite high and that in spite of the economic advantages of rubber plantation there is a positive willingness among the local population to contribute financially to a reduction of existing rubber plantations for the sake of a partial restoration of the local rainforest. These results could be used for the practical implementation of a PES (Payments for Eco-System Services) system for reforestation in Xishuangbanna.