218 resultados para Vimentin


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Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is a subtype of salivary gland carcinoma with a marked predilection for the minor salivary glands. The diagnosis of this lesion can be a challenge in incisional biopsies because of its similarity to other salivary neoplasms and the difficulty of analyzing its infiltrative nature and neurotropism. Diagnosis can be facilitated, however, by immunohistochemistry, a technique that has become a fundamental tool to the pathologist. The purpose of this study was analyze the immunohistochemical aspects of 4 cases that were examined in the São José dos Campos School of Dentistry. The patients included 4 women, ages 32 to 57 years (mean, 50 years), who reported an intraoral painless lesion, ranging in size from 1 to 3 cm (mean, 1.75 cm) with a variable evolution period. Histologically, the lesions showed similar aspects, characterized by polymorphous growth pattern, including solid, cribriform, trabecular, papillary, and single-file arrays. The tumors showed positivity to cytokeratins (Cks) 7 and 8 and vimentin, variable expression for Ck 14, and a negative reaction to Cks 13 and 19 and muscle-specific actin. PLGA is a tumor of the salivary gland that must be distinguished from other neoplasms for therapeutic and prognostic considerations, and the panel of antibodies employed in this study was effective for its diagnosis.


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Purpose: To detect the occurrence and expression of the suppressor gene p53 and of the oncogene c-Myc in eyelid tumors of dogs using the PCR, RT-PCR, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA techniques. These genes have not been described in dog eyelid tumors before. Methods: Nine samples of eyelid or third eyelid epithelial tumors were obtained from the archives of the Department of Veterinary Pathology. Tumor diagnosis was confirmed by evaluation of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections, and immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and vimentin V9. A canine mammary tumor was used for positive control. Agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA were used to detect p53 and c-Myc genes. Results: The occurrence of p53 was detected in most of the eyelid tumors and third eyelid tumors studied (88.8%, n = 8) and was expressed in 75% of the positive samples, as indicated by ELISA. The c-Myc gene was found in 77.7% (n = 7) of the samples and was expressed in eight samples. Conclusions: Eyelid and third eyelid tumors of dogs express both the p53 and the c-Myc genes as shown by PCR and RT-PCR. However, PCR ELISA and RT-PCR ELISA were more efficient in assessing occurrence and expression of these genes because they identified amplified products that were not detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. © 2010 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.


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Astroglial cells are the most abundant cells in the mammalian central nervous system, yet our knowledge about their function in bovine Herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) has been limited. The aim of this study was to detect by immunohistochemistry assay the reactive astrocytes for glial fibrilary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin (VIM), considered intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton, localized in olfactory bulb from natural acute cases of BoHV-5 infection. All samples were submitted to virus isolation, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridization (ISH) technique to confirm the virus transcription and respective genome. Samples were classified into four groups according to the severity of histological lesions. Groups III and IV, which histological lesions were classified as alacia, gliosis, satellitosis, neuronophagia and neuronal necrosis, 35% (± 1.8-2.1) of the inflammatory mononuclear cells, corresponded to CD3 positive lymphocytes. In the same group, 35% (± 1.8) of astrocytes were described as reactive to GFAP and VIM proteins. An agreement of r = 1.0 (P<0.0001) was found between histological lesions, intermediate filaments expression, viral DNA and transcription and CD3 lymphocytes. However, samples with mild histological lesions, 10.8 to 14.2% of astrocytes were classified as reactive to GFAP and VIM filaments. Our findings suggest that GFAP and VIM reactive astrocytes, in primary site of virus replication, seems to play an important role in neurovirulence, in spite of many questions concerning the virus immunopathology remains unclear.


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We report here two postmortem cases of dogs with intravascular lymphomatosis affecting the central nervous system. Intravascular lymphomatosis is represented by an exclusively intravascular proliferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells. To characterize the origin of the neoplastic cells, we have proceeded with immunohistochemical analysis to identify B and T lymphocytes and endothelial cells. The results showed predominance of cells from the T cell lineage, and no evidence of B cell origin was found. Few cells from one dog also exhibited cytoplasmatic staining for vimentin and Von Willebrand factor. Although in one case some immunophenotype diversity was observed, the massive presence of CD3 positive cells confirmed these neoplasms as intravascular lymphomatosis of T cell origin.


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Chronic lymphedema presents as interstitial fluid retention due to a failure in the lymphatic system drainage. The affected region becomes more vulnerable immunologically and predisposed to the onset of neoplasms. Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common sort of neoplasm, nevertheless it rarely metastisizes. Sarcomas are malignant mesenchymal neoplasms, locally aggressive, which can spread. Here is reported an infrequent case of multiple basal cell carcinoma, synchronous to a poorly differentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, both spreading to lymph nodes and arising from tissue compromised by chronic lymphedema. © 2012 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) involving spinal nerve roots are uncommon in dogs. A nine-year old, intact, mixed-breed dog, demonstrated clinical signs of incoordination in the pelvic limbs and micturition for approximately one week. Clinical examination revealed proprioceptive deficits and bilateral patellar hyperreflexia. During exploratory celiotomy a mass was observed adhered to the lumbar vertebral segments. Medical therapy was initiated, but neurological signs were progressive, and the owner opted for euthanasia. Gross examination showed that the mass in the abdominal cavity was attached to the lumbar segments L3 and L4, causing bone lysis in L3, but showed no tumor invasion into the spinal canal. Microscopic features were characterized by prominent proliferation of ovoid and fusiform cells with poorly defined cytoplasm arranged in interlacing bundles and concentric whorls. The cells were embedded in a delicate to moderate collagenous stroma and moderate anisokariose and high mitotic activity were noted. The immunohistochemical assay showed positive staining for GFAP, S-100 protein and vimentin, and negative staining for factor VIII, α-actin and citokeratine. The definitive diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made on the basis of the histological and immunohistochemical findings.


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Bovine enzootic hematuria is characterized by the development of hemangiomatous lesions from several types of neoplastic processes, from epithelial and mesenchymal origin. In this research the histogenesis of neoplastic lesions found in bladder of bovines with enzootic hematuria from Caparaó microregion in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil was determined. To accomplish this objective, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with primary antibodies: anti-vimentin, anti-cytokeratin, anti-CD31 and anti-uroplakin. Neoplasms found included urothelial carcinoma, in situ carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, hemangioma, myxoma e hemangiosarcoma. Immunohistochemical staining of cytokeratin in epithelial neoplasms and vimentin in mesenchymal neoplasms was significant (p<0.05). CD31 was positive in all the vessels of all samples, however, the staining was significant (p<0.05) in the tumor endothelial cells of the vascular mesenchymal neoplasms, as in hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas. Uroplakin III staining was uneven in several neoplastic types and showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Most neoplasms showed an atypical uroplakin staining on urothelium and, in the case of hemangiosarcomas there was no staining of the urothelium at all. The Spearman statistical analysis revealed a positive correlation (r= 0.63, p= 0.05) between CD31 and vimentin and between cytokeratin and uroplakin (rs= -0.61, p= 0.05). It was concluded that biomarkers anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin and anti-CD31 are important for the diagnosis of neoplasms epithelial, mesenchymal and vascular mesenchymal, respectively. It is possible to use vimentin and CD31 in association in vascular mesenchymal neoplasms and cytokeratin and uroplakin in epithelial neoplasms. The uroplakin is an effective marker, not only for tumor diagnosis, but also to evaluate the urothelial integrity.


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The aim of this study was to isolate, culture, and characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from horse bone marrow (BM) using the techniques of flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, cytogenetics, and electron microscopy. Immunophenotypic analysis revealed the presence of MSCs with high expression of the CD90 marker, lower expression of the CD44 marker, and absent expression of the CD34 marker. In assays of differentiation, the positive response to osteogenic (OST), chondrogenic (CDG), and adipogenic (ADP) differentiation signals was observed and characterized by deposition of calcium-rich extracellular matrix (OST), proteoglycans and collagen II (CDG) and intracellular deposition of fat drops (ADP). In immunocytochemical characterization, MSCs were immunopositive for CD44, vimentin, and PCNA, and they were negative for CD13. In the ultrastructural analysis of MSCs, the most outstanding characteristic was the presence of rough endoplasmic reticulum with very dilated cisterns filled with a low electrodensity material. Additionally, MSCs had normal karyotypes (2n=64) as evidenced by cytogenetic analysis, and aneuploidy in metaphase was not observed. The protocols for isolating, culturing, and characterizing equine MSCs used in this study were shown to be appropriate for the production of a cell population with a good potential for differentiation and without aneuploidy that can be used to study future cellular therapies. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We presented a rare case of metastasis of melanoma in palatine tonsils alerting healthcare professionals to this diagnose in black oral lesions. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)