993 resultados para Vera


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[EN]The methanol extracts of leaf skins and flowers of Aloe vera from the Canary Islands were analyzed for their phenolic profiles and screened for their antioxidant and antimycoplasmic activities. The use of reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) allowed the identification of 18 phenolic constituents. Leaf skin extracts were characterized by the abundance of catechin, sinapic acid and quercitrin. Gentisic acid, epicatechin and quercitrin were the most prominent phenolic compounds of the flowers. The in vitro antioxidant activities determined by using the 1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric antioxidant reducing power (FRAP) assays revealed that both extracts exhibited antioxidant activity, being the leaf skin extract the most active fraction. The leaf skin extract was also found to be active against the microbial strains tested. Therefore, A. vera extracts from leaf skin and flowers can be considered as good natural antioxidant sources.


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We assess the evidence for health benefits of three commonly consumed plant food supplements (PFS), green tea, isoflavone and aloe vera, based on published systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Whilst the potential benefits of green tea have been reported in a wide range of health areas, it is only in the area of the metabolic syndrome that the number of RCTs is approaching sufficient to judge such efficacy. Isoflavone supplements are widely used, and RCTs indicate that they affect bone resorption at lower doses in postmenopausal women undergoing estrogen-related bone loss, but this is only translated to attenuation of bone loss at higher doses of isoflavones A systematic review on RCTs concluded that the effects of isoflavones


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La studio dell’Anatomia umana presenta una varietà di sfaccettature, che sono alla base della reale comprensione del corpo umano; ovvero la vera anatomia non è quella rappresentata nei testi ma quella che appare durante la dissezione o nelle più sofisticate analisi di immagine. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di rivisitare alcune situazioni vascolari che possono andare incontro a variazioni e cercare di comprendere, anche con l’aiuto della bibliografia, se tali variazioni possono essere causa o epifenomeni di patologie a carico delle arterie affette dalle variazioni stesse o di territori da esse dipendenti per l’afflusso sanguigno. E’ stata condotta una analisi su preparati cadaverici in particolare in tre distretti: a) addome e tripode celiaco/mesenterica superiore; b) circolo cerebrale; d) orco aortico.


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Il presente elaborato consiste in una proposta di traduzione di poesie selezionate dall’opera della poetessa Vera Pavlova, un’autrice ormai affermata in Russia ma ancora poco conosciuta all’estero, soprattutto in Italia. Proprio per questo motivo si è deciso di presentarla al lettore italiano dal punto di vista biografico e artistico. Nel primo capitolo di questo elaborato ripercorreremo infatti la sua vita, sia privata che artistica, citandone gli eventi più importanti. A questa seguirà un’introduzione alla poesia di Vera Pavlova, affrontandone sinteticamente la dichiarazione di poetica analizzando alcuni dei suoi versi. Seguirà il commento in cui verranno spiegate le principali problematiche contro le quali ci si è scontrati durante il processo traduttivo. Infine concluderemo con una riflessione che cercherà di riassumere l’essenza dell’opera di Vera Pavlova. Infine verrà la traduzione delle poesie scelte , corredate da testo originale a fronte.


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BACKGROUND: Polycythemia vera (PV) is a hemopoetic disorder. Apparently, although thrombosis accounts for the majority of morbidity, AION has not been associated with PV so far. PATIENT AND FINDINGS: A 63 y-old woman with PV was hospitalized because of acute liver failure. She also experienced bilateral painless loss of vision. Bilateral, pale optic disc swelling with flame-like hemorrhages, more pronounced in the right eye, constricted visual fields, and relative afferent papillary defect (RAPD) on the right side were present. Computer tomography scan revealed no signs of intraorbital pathology, elevated intracranial pressure or hemorrhages. CLINICAL COURSE: We interpreted the findings as AION associated with the hyperviscosity syndrome. Liver transplantation had to be carried out in the next days. Three weeks later, vision improved slightly, but RAPD persisted, and disc pallor developed in both eyes. The patient died two months later. DISCUSSION: Central retinal artery and vein occlusions have been described as complications of Essential thrombocythemia, but not of PV. We observed a rare case of bilateral neuropathy suggestive of AION. This condition has so far not been associated with PV.


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In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts treten in Russland vermehrt Frauen und Männer in die Öffentlichkeit, die durch radikale Veränderungen einen „neuen Menschen“ und mit ihm eine neue Gesellschaft schaffen wollen. Vera Figner und Vera Zasulič, die beiden Protagonistinnen der vorliegenden Untersuchung, sind herausragende Vertreterinnen der radikalen Bewegung im ausgehenden Zarenreich. Während Vera Zasulič mit ihrem Attentat auf den St. Petersburger Stadtkommandanten Fëdor Trepov 1878 am Beginn der ersten terroristischen Welle in Russland steht, ist Vera Figner bei ihrer Verhaftung 1883 das letzte führende Mitglied der Terrororganisation Narodnaja Volja (Volkswille), die am 1./13. März 1881 einen tödlichen Anschlag auf Zar Aleksandr II. verübt. Die beiden Frauen verbindet zwar kein engerer persönlicher Kontakt, dafür aber die Zugehörigkeit zum selben Milieu. Beeinflusst von der progressiven Debatte in der Intelligencija der 1860er Jahre entschlossen sie sich bereits in ihrer Jugend, sich von traditionellen Standes- und Geschlechterrollen zu lösen, ihr Schicksal „in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen“ und sich einer „Sache“ zu verschreiben. Zusammen mit anderen Radikalen gerieten sie dadurch in einen immer heftigeren Konflikt mit der autokratischen Staatsmacht, der sich schließlich zu einem Kampf mit terroristischen Mitteln steigerte. Stephan Rindlisbacher nutzt die Biographien dieser beiden radikalen Frauen als „Scheinwerfer“, um das radikale Milieu mit seinen Merkmalen, Funktionsmechanismen und Handlungsspielräumen auszuleuchten. Aus zwei voneinander unabhängigen aber vergleichbaren Blickwinkeln zeichnet er ein eindrucksvolles Bild nicht nur der radikalen Netzwerkstrukturen, Symbole, Praktiken und Identitätsnarrativen, sondern auch der beteiligten Menschen mit ihren Wünschen, Hoffnungen und Ängsten.


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Teilw. in hebr. Schrift