997 resultados para Venezuela--Relaciones comerciales--Colombia - 2001-2005
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[ES] En este trabajo formulamos como hipótesis de partida que Canarias, como frontera meridional de Europa, en un contexto de creciente internacionalización, tiene en los mercados africanos una gran baza histórica que desempeñar. Dado el interés general que este asunto suscita entre las ciencias sociales, se requiere abordarlo desde el análisis geográfico. Para cumplimentar este estudio se emplearon las estadísticas que ofrecen organismos oficiales como el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Instituto Canario de Estadística, Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria, Instituto de Comercio Exterior y entidades internacionales como la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD) y la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OCM).
Gli scavi effettuati a Classe, a sud di Ravenna, presso i siti archeologici dell'area portuale e della Basilica di San Severo, hanno portato alla luce un numero abbondante di moneta, 2564 dall'area portuale e 224 dalla basilica, un totale di 2788 reperti monetali, di cui solo 863 sono leggibili e databili. La datazione dei materiali dell’area portuale, fondata agli inizi del V secolo, parte dal II secolo a.C. fino all’VIII secolo d.C.. La maggior parte dei reperti è relativa al periodo tra il IV e il VII secolo, il momento di massima importanza del porto commerciale, con testimonianza di scambi con altri porti del bacino mediterraneo, in particolare con l’Africa del Nord e il Vicino Oriente. La documentazione proveniente dalla Basilica di San Severo, fondata alla fine del VI secolo per la custodia delle reliquie del santo, mostra un trend diverso dal precedente, con monetazione che copre un arco cronologico dal I secolo a.C. fino al XIV secolo d.C.. La continuità dell’insediamento è dimostrato dall’evidenza numismatica, seppur scarsa, fino alla costruzione del monastero a sud della basilica, l’area dalla quale provengono la maggior parte delle monete. I quantitativi importanti di monetazione tardoantica, ostrogota e bizantina, in particolare di tipi specifici come il Felix Ravenna, ipoteticamente coniato a Roma, oppure il ½ e il 1/4 di follis di produzione saloniana emesso da Giustiniano I, hanno concesso uno studio dettagliato per quello che riguarda il peso, le dimensioni e lo stile di produzione di queste emissioni. Questi dati e la loro distribuizione sul territorio ha suggerito nuove ipotesi per quello che riguarda la produzione di questi due tipi presso la zecca di Ravenna. Un altro dato importante è il rinvenimento di emissioni di Costantino VIII, alcune rare e altre sconosciute, rinvenute solo nel territorio limitrofo a Classe e Ravenna.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Childhood cancer is a rare but severe disease. Therefore central registration of all cases is essential for surveillance and management. This paper describes the methodology and basic results of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR). METHODS: The SCCR was established in 1976, originally as a national hospital-based registry of childhood malignancies. All 9 paediatric oncology-haematology clinics in Switzerland provide baseline and follow-up information on all children diagnosed with cancer. These data are registered centrally and diagnoses are coded according to the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. RESULTS: From 2001-2005, 887 cases of childhood cancer in Swiss residents under the age of 15 years were registered in the SCCR. Of these, 281 (31.7%) were leukaemias, 223 (24.0%) were CNS tumours, and 116 (13.1%) were lymphomas. The age-standardised annual incidence per 1 Million person-years (age below 15 years; world standardisation) was 154.0 (95% CI 143.7-164.3; N = 887). The incidence was higher for boys (170.2, 155.0-185.4; N = 501) than for girls (136.9, 123.0-150.8; N = 386). CONCLUSION: The close collaboration between all paediatric oncologists-haematologists in Switzerland and a university department allowed the creation of a national population-based cancer registry with detailed clinical information. The SCCR produces cancer type specific incidence and survival estimates and allows the development of nested research projects on childhood cancer aetiology, management and outcome, both on a national and on an international level.
OBJECTIVES: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are a leading cause of hospital admissions in small children. A substantial proportion of these patients require medical and nursing care, which can only be provided in intermediate (IMC) or intensive care units (ICU). This article reports on all children aged < 3 years who required admission to IMC and/or ICU between October 1, 2001 and September 30, 2005 in Switzerland. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We prospectively collected data on all children aged < 3 years who were admitted to an IMC or ICU for an RSV-related illness. Using a detailed questionnaire, we collected information on risk factors, therapy requirements, length of stay in the IMC/ICU and hospital, and outcome. RESULTS: Of the 577 cases reported during the study period, 90 were excluded because the patients did not fulfill the inclusion criteria; data were incomplete in another 25 cases (5%). Therefore, a total of 462 verified cases were eligible for analysis. At the time of hospital admission, only 31 patients (11%) were older than 12 months. Since RSV infection was not the main reason for IMC/ICU admission in 52% of these patients, we chose to exclude this subgroup from further analyses. Among the 431 infants aged < 12 months, the majority (77%) were former near term or full term (NT/FT) infants with a gestational age > or = 35 weeks without additional risk factors who were hospitalized at a median age of 1.5 months. Gestational age (GA) < 32 weeks, moderate to severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and congenital heart disease (CHD) were all associated with a significant risk increase for IMC/ICU admission (relative risk 14, 56, and 10, for GA < or = 32 weeks, BPD, and CHD, respectively). Compared with NT/FT infants, high-risk infants were hospitalized at an older age (except for infants with CHD), required more invasive and longer respiratory support, and had longer stays in the IMC/ICU and hospital. CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, RSV infections lead to the IMC/ICU admission of approximately 1%-2% of each annual birth cohort. Although prematurity, BPD, and CHD are significant risk factors, non-pharmacological preventive strategies should not be restricted to these high-risk patients but also target young NT/FT infants since they constitute 77% of infants requiring IMC/ICU admission.