355 resultados para Variscan Iberia


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The development of a particular wintertime atmospheric circulation regime over the North Atlantic, comprising a northward shift of the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream and an associated strong and persistent ridge in the subtropics, is investigated. Several different methods of analysis are combined to describe the temporal evolution of the events and relate it to shifts in the phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic pattern. First, the authors identify a close relationship between northward shifts of the eddy-driven jet, the establishment and maintenance of strong and persistent ridges in the subtropics, and the occurrence of upper-tropospheric anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking over Iberia. Clear tropospheric precursors are evident prior to the development of the regime, suggesting a preconditioning of the Atlantic jet stream and an upstream influence via a large-scale Rossby wave train from the North Pacific. Transient (2–6 days) eddy forcing plays a dual role, contributing to both the initiation and then the maintenance of the circulation anomalies. During the regime there is enhanced occurrence of anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking, which may be described as low-latitude blocking-like events over the southeastern North Atlantic. A strong ridge is already established at the time of wave-breaking onset, suggesting that the role of wave-breaking events is to amplify the circulation anomalies rather than to initiate them. Wave breaking also seems to enhance the persistence, since it is unlikely that a persistent ridge event occurs without being also accompanied by wave breaking.


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The time-mean quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation of the atmospheric flow on isobaric surfaces can explicitly include an atmospheric (internal) forcing term of the stationary-eddy flow. In fact, neglecting some non-linear terms in this equation, this forcing can be mathematically expressed as a single function, called Empirical Forcing Function (EFF), which is equal to the material derivative of the time-mean potential vorticity. Furthermore, the EFF can be decomposed as a sum of seven components, each one representing a forcing mechanism of different nature. These mechanisms include diabatic components associated with the radiative forcing, latent heat release and frictional dissipation, and components related to transient eddy transports of heat and momentum. All these factors quantify the role of the transient eddies in forcing the atmospheric circulation. In order to assess the relevance of the EFF in diagnosing large-scale anomalies in the atmospheric circulation, the relationship between the EFF and the occurrence of strong North Atlantic ridges over the Eastern North Atlantic is analyzed, which are often precursors of severe droughts over Western Iberia. For such events, the EFF pattern depicts a clear dipolar structure over the North Atlantic; cyclonic (anticyclonic) forcing of potential vorticity is found upstream (downstream) of the anomalously strong ridges. Results also show that the most significant components are related to the diabatic processes. Lastly, these results highlight the relevance of the EFF in diagnosing large-scale anomalies, also providing some insight into their interaction with different physical mechanisms.


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The occurrence of strong and persistent mid-latitude anticyclonic ridges over the Eastern North Atlantic is a major contributor to the occurrence of severe winter droughts over Western Iberia. We analyze the development of strong and persistent ridge episodes within 40–50°N; 40°W–5°E, which are defined as 300 hPa geopotential height anomalies above 50 gpm that persist for at least 10 consecutive days. Results suggest that the generation and maintenance of these episodes, with positive stratospheric geopotential anomalies over the North American continent and the adjacent North Pacific, are associated with an intensified polar jet. Such positive anomalies tend to detach from the main stratospheric anomaly and propagate eastwards and downwards as Rossby tropospheric waves. Furthermore, the Eastern North Atlantic ridge is generated and repeatedly reinforced until the stratospheric anomaly dissipates. Results also show evidence for waves breaking anticyclonically during the episodes, which is dynamically coherent with their persistency and quasi-stationarity.


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In winter of 2009–2010 south-western Europe was hit by several destructive windstorms. The most important was Xynthia (26–28 February 2010), which caused 64 reported casualties and was classified as the 2nd most expensive natural hazard event for 2010 in terms of economic losses. In this work we assess the synoptic evolution, dynamical characteristics and the main impacts of storm Xynthia, whose genesis, development and path were very uncommon. Wind speed gusts observed at more than 500 stations across Europe are evaluated as well as the wind gust field obtained with a regional climate model simulation for the entire North Atlantic and European area. Storm Xynthia was first identified on 25 February around 30° N, 50° W over the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Its genesis occurred on a region characterized by warm and moist air under the influence of a strong upper level wave embedded in the westerlies. Xynthia followed an unusual SW–NE path towards Iberia, France and central Europe. The role of moist air masses on the explosive development of Xynthia is analysed by considering the evaporative sources. A lagrangian model is used to identify the moisture sources, sinks and moisture transport associated with the cyclone during its development phase. The main supply of moisture is located over an elongated region of the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean with anomalously high SST, confirming that the explosive development of storm Xynthia had a significant contribution from the subtropics.


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A multidisciplinary investigation of the collective burial of Cova do Santo is presented as a novel approach to understand daily life during the Bronze Age in Northwest Iberia. The research is focused on three main aspects: i) taphonomy and patterns of disposal, ii) paleopathology and -demography as indicators of health status and lifestyle, and iii) stable isotope analysis to reconstruct paleodiet and to investigate the timing of the introduction of millet to the Iberian Peninsula. Osteological analyses were performed on 64 bones (61 human and 3 animal); additionally, bone collagen was extracted from 15 samples (13 human and 2 animal) and analyzed for its carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes composition. The radiocarbon age of the human remains is consistent with the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1890 to 1600 cal BC). The recovered remains belonged to a minimum number of 14 individuals with an estimated age at death of forty years or younger. This relatively young age is in contrast to a high prevalence of degenerative joint disease in the group. The isotopic results suggest a very homogeneous diet, which was almost exclusively based on C3 plants and terrestrial animal products. Overall, the data suggest that the studied population belonged to a period prior to the introduction of spring or summer-grown crops such as millets. The collective burial from the cave of Cova de Santo, Galicia, currently represents the largest assemblage of prehistoric human remains from Northwest Spain and the relatively good preservation of the bones offers a unique opportunity to investigate daily life in Northern Iberia during the Bronze Age.


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The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) exhibits different large-scale atmospheric conditions compared to present-day climate due to altered boundary conditions. The regional atmospheric circulation and associated precipitation patterns over Europe are characterized for the first time with a weather typing approach (circulation weather types, CWT) for LGM paleoclimate simulations. The CWT approach is applied to four representative regions across Europe. While the CWTs over Western Europe are prevailing westerly for both present-day and LGM conditions, considerable differences are identified elsewhere: Southern Europe experienced more frequent westerly and cyclonic CWTs under LGM conditions, while Central and Eastern Europe was predominantly affected by southerly and easterly flow patterns. Under LGM conditions, rainfall is enhanced over Western Europe but is reduced over most of Central and Eastern Europe. These differences are explained by changing CWT frequencies and evaporation patterns over the North Atlantic Ocean. The regional differences of the CWTs and precipitation patterns are linked to the North Atlantic storm track, which was stronger over Europe in all considered models during the LGM, explaining the overall increase of the cyclonic CWT. Enhanced evaporation over the North Atlantic leads to higher moisture availability over the ocean. Despite the overall cooling during the LGM, this explains the enhanced precipitation over southwestern Europe, particularly Iberia. This study links large-scale atmospheric dynamics to the regional circulation and associated precipitation patterns and provides an improved regional assessment of the European climate under LGM conditions.


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The sphene-centered ocellar texture consists of leucocratic ocelli with sphene (titanite) crystals at the center, enclosed in a biotite-rich matrix. This texture has been recognized worldwide in hybrid intermediate rocks. On the basis of structural, petrological, and geochronological data from selected outcrops of the Variscan Ribadelago pluton (NW Iberian Massif), we propose that the ocelli were formed by migration and accumulation of a residual melt through a plagioclase- and biotite-dominated crystalline framework. At the late stage of crystallization, the magma acted as a hyperdense suspension and reacted to the pressure gradient caused by the regional stress field, entering the domain of grain-supported flow. Microstructures reveal that aligned crystal domains arose in the crystal framework from the shearing and compaction of the crystal mush and behaved as magmatic microshears. Relative displacement of adjacent crystal clusters along these microshears corresponded to the onset of Reynolds dilatancy that generated an expansion of the crystal mush, involving melt migration and pore aperture. The mineralogy of the ocelli, dominated by andesine and sphene, represents the composition of the migrating melt. The chemistry of this late, Ti-rich melt stems from the incongruent melting of biotite. Magmatic sphene from the ocelli yields a U-Pb age of 317 +/- 1 Ma, which represents the final crystallization of the hybridized magmatic system. Moreover, this texture offers an opportunity to better understand the rheological behavior of highly crystallized magmas.


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Trace element and isotopic data obtained for mantle spinel Iherzolites and diorite dykes from the Baldissero massif (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Italy) provide new, valuable constraints on the petrologic and geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps in Paleozoic to Mesozoic times. Whole rock and mineral chemistry indicates that Baldissero Iherzolites can be regarded as refractory mantle residues following limited melt extraction. In particular, the Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE)-depleted and fractionated compositions of whole rock and clinopyroxene closely match modelling results for refractory residues after low degrees (similar to 4-5%) of near-fractional melting of depleted mantle, possibly under garnet-facies conditions. Following this, the peridotite sequence experienced subsolidus re-equilibration at lithospheric spinel-facies conditions and intrusion of several generations of dykes. However, Iherzolites far from dykes show very modest metasomatic changes, as evidenced by the crystallisation of accessory titanian pargasite and the occurrence of very slight enrichments in highly incompatible trace elements (e.g. Nb). The Re-Os data for Iherzolites far from the dykes yield a 376 Ma (Upper Devonian) model age that is considered to record a partial melting event related to the Variscan orogenic cycle s.l. Dioritic dykes cutting the mantle sequence have whole rock, clinopyroxene and plagioclase characterised by high radiogenic Nd and low radiogenic Sr, which point to a depleted to slightly enriched mantle source. Whole rock and mafic phases of diorites have high Mg# values that positively correlate with the incompatible trace element concentrations. The peridotite at the dyke contact is enriched in orthopyroxene, iron and incompatible trace elements with respect to the Iherzolites far from dykes. Numerical simulations indicate that the geochemical characteristics of the diorites can be explained by flow of a hydrous, silica-saturated melt accompanied by reaction with the ambient peridotite and fractional crystallisation. The composition of the more primitive melts calculated in equilibrium with the diorite minerals show tholeiitic to transitional affinity. Internal Sm-Nd, three-point isochrons obtained for two dykes suggest an Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic emplacement age (from 204 31 to 198 29 Ma). Mesozoic igneous events are unknown in the southern Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ), but the intrusion of hydrous melts, mostly silica-saturated, have been well documented in the Finero region, i.e. the northernmost part of IVZ and Triassic magmatism with calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinity is abundant throughout the Central-Eastern Alps. The geochemical and chronological features of the Baldissero diorites shed new light on the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps before the opening of the Jurassic Tethys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a collaborative work carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group (GEP-ISFG), a polymerase chain reaction multiplex was optimized in order to type ten X-chromosome short tandem repeats (STRs) in a single reaction, including: DXS8378, DXS9902, DXS7132, DXS9898, DXS6809, DXS6789, DXS7133, GATA172D05, GATA31E08, and DXS7423. Using this X-decaplex, each 17 of the participating laboratories typed a population sample of approximately 200 unrelated individuals (100 males and 100 females). In this work, we report the allele frequencies for the ten X-STRs in 15 samples from Argentina (Buenos Aires, CA(3)rdoba, Rio Negro, Entre Rios, and Misiones), Brazil (SA o pound Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Parana, and Mato Grosso do Sul), Colombia (Antioquia), Costa Rica, Portugal (Northern and Central regions), and Spain (Galicia and Cantabria). Gene diversities were calculated for the ten markers in each population and all values were above 56%. The average diversity per locus varied between 66%, for DXS7133, and 82%, for DXS6809. For this set of STRs, a high discrimination power was obtained in all populations, both in males (a parts per thousand yen1 in 5 A- 10(5)) and females (a parts per thousand yen1 in 3 A- 10(9)), as well as high mean exclusion chance in father/daughter duos (a parts per thousand yen99.953%) and in father/mother/daughter trios (a parts per thousand yen99.999%). Genetic distance analysis showed no significant differences between northern and central Portugal or between the two Spanish samples from Galicia and Cantabria. Inside Brazil, significant differences were found between Rio de Janeiro and the other three populations, as well as between SA o pound Paulo and Parana. For the five Argentinean samples, significant distances were only observed when comparing Misiones with Entre Rios and with Rio Negro, the only two samples that do not differ significantly from Costa Rica. Antioquia differed from all other samples, except the one from Rio Negro.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from São Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Programa de Doctorado en Oceanografía


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Eine detaillierte geochemische und geochronologische Studie an Gesteinen der Monte Rosa Decke (MR; Westalpen) wurde durchgeführt. Die MR wurde während der alpinen Orogenese zunächst eklogitfaziell und nachfolgend grünschieferfaziell überprägt.Eine detaillierte U-Pb geochronologische Studie an Zirkonen und Monaziten des MR Granits ergab ein Permisches Intrusionsalter (270 ± 4 Ma). Der MR Granit gehört zu den post-variszischen magmatischen Einheiten, welche die Instabilität der variszischen kontinentalen Kruste andeuten. Für die MR kann eine paläogeographische Position als Teil der 'Briançonnais-Schwelle' angenommen werden.Innerhalb des MR Granits treten Talk-Kyanit-Chloritoid-Gesteine ('Weißschiefer') auf. Diese stellen wesentliche Indikatoren für eine alpine Hochdruckmetamorphose in der MR dar. Massenbilanzberechnungen wurden durchgeführt, um den Massentransfer zu quantifizieren, welcher für die Bildung eines Weißschiefers aus einem granitischen Protolith notwendig ist. Ein Modell für die Entwicklung der Weißschiefer wurde entwickelt.Es wurde eine in-situ 40Ar/39Ar UV-Laser-Ablationsstudie an Hellglimmern der alpinen Mineralparagenese durchgeführt. Sie ergab eine heterogene Altersverteilung. Diese Alter können durch Glimmerrekristallisation unter relativ 'trockenen' hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen begleitet von partiellem Verlust von radiogenem Argon während der alpinen Metamorphose erklärt werden. Eine ähnlich komplexe Entwicklung mit partieller Homogenisierung des Isotopensystems kann in der Strontium-Isotopie beobachtet werden. Diese Isotopenstudien liefern Hinweise auf das Schließverhalten von Isotopensystemen unter hochdruckmetamorphen Bedingungen.


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Iberia Africa plate boundary, cross, roughly W-E, connecting the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Azores triple junction to the Continental margin of Morocco. Relative movement between the two plate change along the boundary, from transtensive near the Azores archipelago, through trascurrent movement in the middle at the Gloria Fracture Zone, to transpressive in the Gulf of Cadiz area. This study presents the results of geophysical and geological analysis on the plate boundary area offshore Gibraltar. The main topic is to clarify the geodynamic evolution of this area from Oligocene to Quaternary. Recent studies have shown that the new plate boundary is represented by a 600 km long set of aligned, dextral trascurrent faults (the SWIM lineaments) connecting the Gloria fault to the Riff orogene. The western termination of these lineaments crosscuts the Gibraltar accretionary prism and seems to reach the Moroccan continental shelf. In the past two years newly acquired bathymetric data collected in the Moroccan offshore permit to enlighten the present position of the eastern portion of the plate boundary, previously thought to be a diffuse plate boundary. The plate boundary evolution, from the onset of compression in the Oligocene to the Late Pliocene activation of trascurrent structures, is not yet well constrained. The review of available seismics lines, gravity and bathymetric data, together with the analysis of new acquired bathymetric and high resolution seismic data offshore Morocco, allows to understand how the deformation acted at lithospheric scale under the compressive regime. Lithospheric folding in the area is suggested, and a new conceptual model is proposed for the propagation of the deformation acting in the brittle crust during this process. Our results show that lithospheric folding, both in oceanic and thinned continental crust, produced large wavelength synclines bounded by short wavelength, top thrust, anticlines. Two of these anticlines are located in the Gulf of Cadiz, and are represented by the Gorringe Ridge and Coral Patch seamounts. Lithospheric folding probably interacted with the Monchique – Madeira hotspot during the 72 Ma to Recent, NNE – SSW transit. Plume related volcanism is for the first time described on top of the Coral Patch seamount, where nine volcanoes are found by means of bathymetric data. 40Ar-39Ar age of 31.4±1.98 Ma are measured from one rock sample of one of these volcanoes. Analysis on biogenic samples show how the Coral Patch act as a starved offshore seamount since the Chattian. We proposed that compression stress formed lithospheric scale structures playing as a reserved lane for the upwelling of mantle material during the hotspot transit. The interaction between lithospheric folding and the hotspot emplacement can be also responsible for the irregularly spacing, and anomalous alignments, of individual islands and seamounts belonging to the Monchique - Madeira hotspot.


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In dieser Arbeit werden geochronologische und isotopen-geochemische Daten zur Entwicklung der Zentralen Westlichen Karpathen präsentiert. Die Karpathen bilden die östliche Fortsetzung der Alpen und können in drei Alpine Grundgebirgsdecken unterteilt werden, von denen zwei, die Veporische und die Gemerische, bearbeitet wurden. In der Veporischen Einheit wurden polymetamorphe Grundgebirgseinheiten untersucht, um deren genaue Altersstellung zu definieren und sie isotopengeochemisch zu klassifizieren. Dagegen wurde in der der Gemerischen Einheit, welche die Veporische Einheit überlagert, ein spezialisierter S-Typ Granit im Detail untersucht, um die petrogenetischen Prozesse, die zur magmatischen Entwicklung dieses Granits geführt haben, zu identifizieren. U-Pb Datierungen an Zirkonen der Veporischen Grundgebirgseinheiten zeigen für die gesamte Veporische Einheit ordovizische Entsehungsalter an (440-470 Ma). Diese Datierungen revidieren publizierte kambrische Entstehungsalter dieses Grundgebirges. Die Isotopensignatur (epsilon Nd und 87Sr/86Sr) der ordovizischen Grundgebirgseinheiten, bestehend aus stark überprägten Amphiboliten und Gneissen, ist von der Signatur der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit gut unterscheidbar. Die Bleiisotopenzusammensetzung dieser Gesteine ist stark krustal geprägt und überschneidet sich mit der der Tatrischen Einheit. Zusammen mit den T-DM Altern sind diese Einheiten vergleichbar mit prävariskischen Einheiten der Alpen. Somit kann das ordovizische Grundgebirge zu den peri-Gondwana Terranen gezählt werden, die an einem aktiven Kontinentalrand im Norden von Gondwana gebildet wurden. In den Gesteinen der Veporischen Einheit wurde im Weiteren eine starke metamorphe überprägung und intensiver felsischer Magmatismus karbonischen Alters erkannt (320-350 Ma). Dieses Ereignis ist zeitgleich mit dem Magmatismus, welcher hauptsächlich in der sich im Norden anschliessenden Tatrischen Einheit beobachtet wird. Dieser gehört der variskischen Orogenese an. Intensive alpine Deformation und Metamorphose konnte in der südlichen Veporischen Einheit anhand der Einzelzirkondatierungen und der Isotopendaten der ordovizischen Einheiten nachgewiesen werden. Am Dlha Dolina Granit in der Gemerischen Einheit können starke Fraktionierungs- und Auto-Metasomatose-Effekte beobachtet werden. Durch die magmatische Fraktionierung wird eine Anreicherung der SEE erzeugt, wogegen die Metasomatose die SEE stark verarmt. Es kommt sogar zur Ausbildung eines Tetraden Effektes im SEE Muster, welche den starken Einfluss von Fluiden während der spät-magmatischen Phase belegt. Gesamtgesteins Pb-Pb Daten beschränken das minimale Intrusionsalter dieses Granites auf 240 Ma. Dieses Alter ist in guter übereinstimmung mit den Sr-Isotopendaten der magmatisch dominierten Gesteine, wohingegen die stark metasomatisch geprägten Gesteine ein zu radiogenes 87Sr/86Sri aufweisen. Während dieser Arbeit wurde intensiv mit der Blei-Isotopenzusammensetzung von Gesamtgesteinsproben gearbeitet. Um die Auswertung dieser Daten optimieren zu können wurde ein Computerscript für das GPL Programm Octave erstellt. Die Hauptaufgabe dieses Scripts besteht darin, Regressionen für geochronologische Anwendungen gemäss York (1969) zu berechnen. Ausserdem können mu und kappa-Werte für diese Regressionen berechnet und eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse, welche hilfreich für den Vergleich von zwei Datensätzen ist, durchgeführt werden. Am Ende der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die analytische Methode für einen Mikrowellen beschleunigten Säureaufschluss von granitoidem Material zur Bestimmung der Sr- und Nd-Isotopenzusammensetzung und der Elementkonzentrationen vorgestellt. Diese kombinierte Methode nutzt ein TIMS für die Sr und Nd Isotopenmessungen und eine Einzelkollektor-ICPMS zur Bestimmung der SEE, Rb und Sr Konzentrationen, welche mithilfe von relativen Sensitivitätsfaktoren gegenüber einem internen Standard quantifiziert werden. Diese Methode wird durch Messungen von internationalen Referenzmaterialien bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine Reproduzierbarkeit von <10% für die Elementkonzentrationen und von <5% für Elementverhältnisse.


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Introgression of domestic cat genes into European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) populations and reduction of wildcats’ range in Europe, leaded by habitat loss and fragmentation, are considered two of the main conservation problems for this endangered feline. This thesis addressed the questions related with the artificial hybridization and populations’ fragmentation, using a conservation genetics perspective. We combined the use of highly polymorphic loci, Bayesian statistical inferences and landscape analyses tools to investigate the origin of the geographic-genetic substructure of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Italy and Europe. The genetic variability of microsatellites evidenced that European wildcat populations currently distributed in Italy differentiated in, and expanded from two distinct glacial refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. The genetic and geographic substructure detected between the eastern and western sides of the Apennine ridge, resulted by adaptation to specific ecological conditions of the Mediterranean habitats. European wildcat populations in Europe are strongly structured into 5 geographic-genetic macro clusters corresponding to: the Italian peninsular & Sicily; Balkans & north-eastern Italy; Germany eastern; central Europe; and Iberian Peninsula. Central European population might have differentiated in the extra-Mediterranean Würm ice age refuge areas (Northern Alps, Carpathians, and the Bulgarian mountain systems), while the divergence among and within the southern European populations might have resulted by the Pleistocene bio geographical framework of Europe, with three southern refugia localized in the Balkans, Italian Peninsula and Iberia Peninsula. We further combined the use of most informative autosomal SNPs with uniparental markers (mtDNA and Y-linked) for accurately detecting parental genotypes and levels of introgressive hybridization between European wild and domestic cats. A total of 11 hybrids were identified. The presence of domestic mitochondrial haplotypes shared with some wild individuals led us to hypnotize the possibility that ancient introgressive events might have occurred and that further investigation should be recommended.