913 resultados para Variable design parameters


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Atmospheric turbulence near the ground severely limits the quality of imagery acquired over long horizontal paths. In defense, surveillance, and border security applications, there is interest in deploying man-portable, embedded systems incorporating image reconstruction methods to compensate turbulence effects. While many image reconstruction methods have been proposed, their suitability for use in man-portable embedded systems is uncertain. To be effective, these systems must operate over significant variations in turbulence conditions while subject to other variations due to operation by novice users. Systems that meet these requirements and are otherwise designed to be immune to the factors that cause variation in performance are considered robust. In addition robustness in design, the portable nature of these systems implies a preference for systems with a minimum level of computational complexity. Speckle imaging methods have recently been proposed as being well suited for use in man-portable horizontal imagers. In this work, the robustness of speckle imaging methods is established by identifying a subset of design parameters that provide immunity to the expected variations in operating conditions while minimizing the computation time necessary for image recovery. Design parameters are selected by parametric evaluation of system performance as factors external to the system are varied. The precise control necessary for such an evaluation is made possible using image sets of turbulence degraded imagery developed using a novel technique for simulating anisoplanatic image formation over long horizontal paths. System performance is statistically evaluated over multiple reconstruction using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) to evaluate reconstruction quality. In addition to more general design parameters, the relative performance the bispectrum and the Knox-Thompson phase recovery methods is also compared. As an outcome of this work it can be concluded that speckle-imaging techniques are robust to the variation in turbulence conditions and user controlled parameters expected when operating during the day over long horizontal paths. Speckle imaging systems that incorporate 15 or more image frames and 4 estimates of the object phase per reconstruction provide up to 45% reduction in MSE and 68% reduction in the deviation. In addition, Knox-Thompson phase recover method is shown to produce images in half the time required by the bispectrum. The quality of images reconstructed using Knox-Thompson and bispectrum methods are also found to be nearly identical. Finally, it is shown that certain blind image quality metrics can be used in place of the MSE to evaluate quality in field scenarios. Using blind metrics rather depending on user estimates allows for reconstruction quality that differs from the minimum MSE by as little as 1%, significantly reducing the deviation in performance due to user action.


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These investigations will discuss the operational noise caused by automotive torque converters during speed ratio operation. Two specific cases of torque converter noise will be studied; cavitation, and a monotonic turbine induced noise. Cavitation occurs at or near stall, or zero turbine speed. The bubbles produced due to the extreme torques at low speed ratio operation, upon collapse, may cause a broadband noise that is unwanted by those who are occupying the vehicle as other portions of the vehicle drive train improve acoustically. Turbine induced noise, which occurs at high engine torque at around 0.5 speed ratio, is a narrow-band phenomenon that is audible to vehicle occupants currently. The solution to the turbine induced noise is known, however this study is to gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind this occurrence. The automated torque converter dynamometer test cell was utilized in these experiments to determine the effect of torque converter design parameters on the offset of cavitation and to employ the use a microwave telemetry system to directly measure pressures and structural motion on the turbine. Nearfield acoustics were used as a detection method for all phenomena while using a standardized speed ratio sweep test. Changes in filtered sound pressure levels enabled the ability to detect cavitation desinence. This, in turn, was utilized to determine the effects of various torque converter design parameters, including diameter, torus dimensions, and pump and stator blade designs on cavitation. The on turbine pressures and motion measured with the microwave telemetry were used to understand better the effects of a notched trailing edge turbine blade on the turbine induced noise.


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In the context of expensive numerical experiments, a promising solution for alleviating the computational costs consists of using partially converged simulations instead of exact solutions. The gain in computational time is at the price of precision in the response. This work addresses the issue of fitting a Gaussian process model to partially converged simulation data for further use in prediction. The main challenge consists of the adequate approximation of the error due to partial convergence, which is correlated in both design variables and time directions. Here, we propose fitting a Gaussian process in the joint space of design parameters and computational time. The model is constructed by building a nonstationary covariance kernel that reflects accurately the actual structure of the error. Practical solutions are proposed for solving parameter estimation issues associated with the proposed model. The method is applied to a computational fluid dynamics test case and shows significant improvement in prediction compared to a classical kriging model.


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Engineers are confronted with the energy demand of active medical implants in patients with increasing life expectancy. Scavenging energy from the patient’s body is envisioned as an alternative to conventional power sources. Joining in this effort towards human-powered implants, we propose an innovative concept that combines the deformation of an artery resulting from the arterial pressure pulse with a transduction mechanism based on magneto-hydrodynamics. To overcome certain limitations of a preliminary analytical study on this topic, we demonstrate here a more accurate model of our generator by implementing a three-dimensional multiphysics finite element method (FEM) simulation combining solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, electric and magnetic fields as well as the corresponding couplings. This simulation is used to optimize the generator with respect to several design parameters. A first validation is obtained by comparing the results of the FEM simulation with those of the analytical approach adopted in our previous study. With an expected overall conversion efficiency of 20% and an average output power of 30 μW, our generator outperforms previous devices based on arterial wall deformation by more than two orders of magnitude. Most importantly, our generator provides sufficient power to supply a cardiac pacemaker.


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Due to the fact that a metro network market is very cost sensitive, direct modulated schemes appear attractive. In this paper a CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) system is studied in detail by means of an Optical Communication System Design Software; a detailed study of the modulated current shape (exponential, sine and gaussian) for 2.5 Gb/s CWDM Metropolitan Area Networks is performed to evaluate its tolerance to linear impairments such as signal-to-noise-ratio degradation and dispersion. Point-to-point links are investigated and optimum design parameters are obtained. Through extensive sets of simulation results, it is shown that some of these shape pulses are more tolerant to dispersion when compared with conventional gaussian shape pulses. In order to achieve a low Bit Error Rate (BER), different types of optical transmitters are considered including strongly adiabatic and transient chirp dominated Directly Modulated Lasers (DMLs). We have used fibers with different dispersion characteristics, showing that the system performance depends, strongly, on the chosen DML?fiber couple.


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a hydro power plant for providing secondary regulation reserve is studied in detail. Special emphasis is given to the elastic water column effects both in the penstock and the tailrace tunnel. For this purpose, a nonlinear model based on the analogy between mass and momentum conservation equations of a water conduit and those of wave propagation in transmission lines is used. The influence of the plant configuration and design parameters on the fulfilment of the Spanish Electrical System Operator requirements is analysed


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This paper provides some results on the potential to minimize environmental impacts in residential buildings life cycle, through façade design strategies, analyzing also their impact on costs from a lifecycle perspective. On one hand, it assesses the environmental damage produced by the materials of the building envelope, and on the other, the benefits they offer in terms of habitability and liveability in the use phase. The analysis includes several design parameters used both for rehabilitation of existing facades, as for new facades, trying to cover various determinants and proposing project alternatives. With this study we intended to contribute to address the energy challenges for the coming years, trying also to propose pathways for innovative solutions for the building envelope.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral se encuadra en el ámbito de la medida de emisiones contaminantes y de consumo de combustible en motores de combustión interna alternativos cuando se utilizan como plantas de potencia para propulsión de vehículos ligeros de carretera, y más concretamente en las medidas dinámicas con el vehículo circulando en tráfico real. En este ámbito, el objetivo principal de la Tesis es estudiar los problemas asociados a la medición en tiempo real con equipos embarcados de variables medioambientales, energéticas y de actividad, de vehículos ligeros propulsados por motores térmicos en tráfico real. Y como consecuencia, desarrollar un equipo y una metodología apropiada para este objetivo, con el fin de realizar consiguientemente un estudio sobre los diferentes factores que influyen sobre las emisiones y el consumo de combustible de vehículos turismo en tráfico real. La Tesis se comienza realizando un estudio prospectivo sobre los trabajos de otros autores relativos al desarrollo de equipos portátiles de medida de emisiones (Portable Emission Measurement Systems – PEMS), problemas asociados a la medición dinámica de emisiones y estudios de aplicación en tráfico real utilizando este tipo de equipos. Como resultado de este estudio se plantea la necesidad de disponer de un equipo específicamente diseñado para ser embarcado en un vehículo que sea capaz de medir en tiempo real las concentraciones de emisiones y el caudal de gases de escape, al mismo tiempo que se registran variables del motor, del vehículo y del entorno como son la pendiente y los datos meteorológicos. De esta forma se establecen las especificaciones y condiciones de diseño del equipo PEMS. Aunque al inicio de esta Tesis ya existían en el mercado algunos sistemas portátiles de medida de emisiones (PEMS: Portable Emissions Measurement Systems), en esta Tesis se investiga, diseña y construye un nuevo sistema propio, denominado MIVECO – PEMS. Se exponen, discuten y justifican todas las soluciones técnicas incorporadas en el sistema que incluyen los subsistema de análisis de gases, subsistemas de toma de muestra incluyendo caudalímetro de gases de escape, el subsistema de medida de variables del entorno y actividad del vehículo y el conjunto de sistemas auxiliares. El diseño final responde a las hipótesis y necesidades planteadas y se valida en uso real, en banco de rodillos y en comparación con otro equipos de medida de emisiones estacionarios y portátiles. En esta Tesis se presenta también toda la investigación que ha conducido a establecer la metodología de tratamiento de las señales registradas en tiempo real que incluye la sincronización, cálculos y propagación de errores. La metodología de selección y caracterización de los recorridos y circuitos y de las pautas de conducción, preparación del vehículo y calibración de los equipos forma también parte del legado de esta Tesis. Para demostrar la capacidad de medida del equipo y el tipo de resultados que pueden obtenerse y que son útiles para la comunidad científica, y las autoridades medioambientales en la parte final de esta Tesis se plantean y se presentan los resultados de varios estudios de variables endógenas y exógenas que afectan a las emisiones instantáneas y a los factores de emisión y consumo (g/km) como: el estilo de conducción, la infraestructura vial, el nivel de congestión del tráfico, tráfico urbano o extraurbano, el contenido de biocarburante, tipo de motor (diesel y encendido provocado), etc. Las principales conclusiones de esta Tesis son que es posible medir emisiones másicas y consumo de motores de vehículos en uso real y que los resultados permiten establecer políticas de reducción de impacto medio ambiental y de eficiencia energética, pero, se deben establecer unas metodologías precisas y se debe tener mucho cuidado en todo el proceso de calibración, medida y postratamientos de los datos. Abstract This doctoral thesis is in the field of emissions and fuel consumption measurement of reciprocating internal combustion engines when are used as power-trains for light-duty road vehicles, and especially in the real-time dynamic measurements procedures when the vehicle is being driven in real traffic. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is to study the problems associated with on-board real-time measuring systems of environmental, energy and activity variables of light vehicles powered by internal combustion engines in real traffic, and as a result, to develop an instrument and an appropriate methodology for this purpose, and consequently to make a study of the different factors which influence the emissions and the fuel consumption of passenger cars in real traffic. The thesis begins developing a prospective study on other authors’ works about development of Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS), problems associated with dynamic emission measurements and application studies on actual traffic using PEMS. As a result of this study, it was shown that a measuring system specifically designed for being on-board on a vehicle, which can measure in real time emission concentrations and exhaust flow, and at the same time to record motor vehicle and environment variables as the slope and atmospheric data, is needed; and the specifications and design parameters of the equipment are proposed. Although at the beginning of this research work there were already on the market some PEMS, in this Thesis a new system is researched, designed and built, called MIVECO – PEMS, in order to meet such measurements needs. Following that, there are presented, discussed and justify all technical solutions incorporated in the system, including the gas analysis subsystem, sampling and exhaust gas flowmeter subsystem, the subsystem for measurement of environment variables and of the vehicle activity and the set of auxiliary subsystems. The final design meets the needs and hypotheses proposed, and is validated in real-life use and chassis dynamometer testing and is also compared with other stationary and on-board systems. This thesis also presents all the research that has led to the methodology of processing the set of signals recorded in real time including signal timing, calculations and error propagation. The methodology to select and characterize of the routes and circuits, the driving patterns, and the vehicle preparation and calibration of the instruments and sensors are part of the legacy of this thesis. To demonstrate the measurement capabilities of the system and the type of results that can be obtained and that are useful for the scientific community and the environmental authorities, at the end of this Thesis is presented the results of several studies of endogenous and exogenous variables that affect the instantaneous and averaged emissions and consumption factors (g/km), as: driving style, road infrastructure, the level of traffic congestion, urban and extra-urban traffic, biofuels content, type of engine (diesel or spark ignition) etc. The main conclusions of this thesis are that it is possible to measure mass emissions and consumption of vehicle engines in actual use and that the results allow us to establish policies to reduce environmental impact and improve energy efficiency, but, to establish precise methodologies and to be very careful in the entire process of calibration, measurement and data post-treatment is necessary.


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Este proyecto desarrolla una metodología de toma de datos y análisis para la optimización de la producción de la fase de avance de construcción del túnel de Seiró. Este túnel forma parte de las obras de construcción de la línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad corredor norte-noroeste a su paso por la provincia de Ourense. Mediante el análisis de diversos parámetros del diseño de la voladura, en la construcción de un túnel de 73 m2 de sección, en roca granítica, se pretende optimizar el tiempo de ciclo de excavación. Se estudia la variación de la fragmentación, el contorno y el avance obtenido y la influencia sobre estos parámetros del esquema de tiro y el tipo de cuele empleados y sus repercusiones en el tiempo de ciclo. El resultado del análisis concluye que el esquema de tiro óptimo, entre los usados, está formado por 112 barrenos de 51 mm de diámetro, con un cuele de 4 barrenos vacíos, que da lugar a mejores resultados de avance, contorno y fragmentación sin afectar negativamente al tiempo de ciclo. ABSTRACT This project develops a methodology for excavation cycle optimization by collecting and analyzing operational data for Seiró Tunnel construction site. This tunnel is included in construction project of high speed railway, located in N-NW direction, in Ourense province. Analyzing several blasting design parameters from the construction of a 73 m2 tunnel, in granitic rock, allows the optimization of cycle time. Variations in fragmentation, contour and advance length and influence about those parameters from blasting design und cut type used and its impact in the cycle time. Analysis results show up the best blasting design, among used, is formed of 112 holes 51 mm diameter, and a parallel cut with 4 empty holes. This configuration achieves the best fragmentation, contour and advance length without negative effects in time cycle


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a hydro power plant for providing secondary regulation reserve is studied in detail. S pecial emphasis is given to the elastic water column effects both in the penstock and the tailrace tunnel. For this purpose, a nonline ar model based on the analogy between mass and momentum conservation equations of a water conduit and those of wave propagation in transmission lines is used. The influence of the plant configuration and design parameters on the fulfilment of the Spanish Electrical System Operator requirem ents is analysed.


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An aerodynamic optimization of the ICE 2 high-speed train nose in term of front wind action sensitivity is carried out in this paper. The nose is parametrically defined by Be?zier Curves, and a three-dimensional representation of the nose is obtained using thirty one design variables. This implies a more complete parametrization, allowing the representation of a real model. In order to perform this study a genetic algorithm (GA) is used. Using a GA involves a large number of evaluations before finding such optimal. Hence it is proposed the use of metamodels or surrogate models to replace Navier-Stokes solver and speed up the optimization process. Adaptive sampling is considered to optimize surrogate model fitting and minimize computational cost when dealing with a very large number of design parameters. The paper introduces the feasi- bility of using GA in combination with metamodels for real high-speed train geometry optimization.


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Nowadays, processing Industry Sector is going through a series of changes, including right management and reduction of environmental affections. Any productive process which looks for sustainable management is incomplete if Cycle of Life of mineral resources sustainability is not taken into account. Raw materials for manufacturing are provided by mineral resources extraction processes, such as copper, aluminum, iron, gold, silver, silicon, titanium? Those elements are necessary for Mankind development and are obtained from the Earth through mineral extractive processes. Mineral extraction processes are operations which must take care about the environmental consequences. Extraction of huge volumes of rock for their transformation into raw materials for industry must be optimized to reduce ecological cost of the final product as l was possible. Reducing the ecological balance on a global scale has no sense to design an efficient manufacturing in secondary industry (transformation), if in first steps of the supply chain (extraction) impact exceeds the savings of resources in successive phases. Mining operations size suggests that it is an environmental aggressive activity, but precisely because of its great impact must be the first element to be considered. That idea implies that a new concept born: Reduce economical and environmental cost This work aims to make a reflection on the parameters that can be modified to reduce the energy cost of the process without an increasing in operational costs and always ensuring the same production capacity. That means minimize economic and environmental cost at same time. An efficient design of mining operation which has taken into account that idea does not implies an increasing of the operating cost. To get this objective is necessary to think in global operation view to make that all departments involved have common guidelines which make you think in the optimization of global energy costs. Sometimes a single operational cost must be increased to reduce global cost. This work makes a review through different design parameters of surface mining setting some key performance indicators (KPIs) which are estimated from an efficient point of view. Those KPIs can be included by HQE Policies as global indicators. The new concept developed is that a new criteria has to be applied in company policies: improve management, improving OPERATIONAL efficiency. That means, that is better to use current resources properly (machinery, equipment,?) than to replace them with new things but not used correctly. As a conclusion, through an efficient management of current technologies in each extractive operation an important reduction of the energy can be achieved looking at downstream in the process. That implies a lower energetic cost in the whole cycle of life in manufactured product.


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En el presente proyecto se estudiará la conveniencia de utilizar simulación numérica para evaluar, diseñar y mejorar el diseño de instalaciones geotérmicas planas. Para ello, se modelizará el conjunto de terreno y sistema geotérmico mediante el acoplamiento de un modelo tridimensional (terreno) y un modelo unidimensional, formado por la red de tubería geotérmica, que estará dispuesta en un plano cuya orientación dependerá de las aplicaciones. Para la simulación numérica se utilizará un software de análisis y resolución por elementos finitos tipo comercial. Finalmente, se definirán unos parámetros geométricos de diseño y, teniendo en cuenta las propiedades térmicas de cada material, se realizarán estudios paramétricos para determinar la influencia de cada grupo de parámetros. Ello requerirá la realización de cientos de simulaciones numéricas que permitirán optimizar el rendimiento de sistemas geotérmicos planos tanto horizontales (soleras), como verticales (muros pantalla). ABSTRACT In this project it is going to be studied the convenience of numerical simulation as to evaluate, design and improve the design of geothermal planar installations. With this purpose, the terrain and the geothermal system will be modeled by coupling a three-dimensional model (terrain) and a one-dimensional model formed by the geothermal piping network disposed in a plane with an orientation which will depend on the applications. For the numerical simulation commercial software of analyzing and resolving by finite elements will be used. Finally, geometric design parameters will be defined, and taking into account the thermal properties of each material, parametric studies will be performed to determine the influence of each group of parameters. This will require the completion of hundreds of numerical simulations which will enhance the performance of both horizontal (slabs) and vertical (diaphragm walls) geothermal systems.


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Tethered spacecraft missions to the Jovian system suit the use of electrodynamic tethers because: 1) magnetic stresses are 100 times greater than at the Earth; 2) the stationary orbit is one-third the relative distance for Earth; and 3) moon Io is a nearby giant plasma source. The (bare) tether is a reinforced aluminum foil with tens of kilometer length L and a fraction of millimeter thickness h, which collects electrons as an efficient Langmuir probe and can tap Jupiter’s rotational energy for both propulsion and power. In this paper, the critical capture operation is explicitly formulated in terms of orbit geometry and established magnetic and thermal plasma models. The design parameters L and h and capture perijove radius rp face opposite criteria independent of tape width. Efficient capture requires a low rp and a high L 3/2/h ratio. However, combined bounds on tether bowing and tether tensile stress, arising from a spin made necessary by the low Jovian gravity gradient, require a high rp and a low L 5/2/h ratio. Bounds on tether temperature again require a high rp and a low L 3/8/(tether emissivity)1/4 ratio. Optimal design values are discussed.


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Esta tesis presenta un análisis teórico del funcionamiento de toberas magnéticas para la propulsión espacial por plasmas. El estudio está basado en un modelo tridimensional y bi-fluido de la expansión supersónica de un plasma caliente en un campo magnético divergente. El modelo básico es ampliado progresivamente con la inclusión de términos convectivos dominantes de electrones, el campo magnético inducido por el plasma, poblaciones electrónicas múltiples a distintas temperaturas, y la capacidad de integrar el flujo en la región de expansión lejana. La respuesta hiperbólica del plasma es integrada con alta precisión y eficiencia haciendo uso del método de las líneas características. Se realiza una caracterización paramétrica de la expansión 2D del plasma en términos del grado de magnetización de iones, la geometría del campo magnético, y el perfil inicial del plasma. Se investigan los mecanismos de aceleración, mostrando que el campo ambipolar convierte la energía interna de electrones en energía dirigida de iones. Las corrientes diamagnéticas de Hall, que pueden hallarse distribuidas en el volumen del plasma o localizadas en una delgada capa de corriente en el borde del chorro, son esenciales para la operación de la tobera, ya que la fuerza magnética repulsiva sobre ellas es la encargada de confinar radialmente y acelerar axialmente el plasma. El empuje magnético es la reacción a esta fuerza sobre el motor. La respuesta del plasma muestra la separación gradual hacia adentro de los tubos de iones respecto de los magnéticos, lo cual produce la formación de corrientes eléctricas longitudinales y pone el plasma en rotación. La ganancia de empuje obtenida y las pérdidas radiales de la pluma de plasma se evalúan en función de los parámetros de diseño. Se analiza en detalle la separación magnética del plasma aguas abajo respecto a las líneas magnéticas (cerradas sobre sí mismas), necesaria para la aplicación de la tobera magnética a fines propulsivos. Se demuestra que tres teorías existentes sobre separación, que se fundamentan en la resistividad del plasma, la inercia de electrones, y el campo magnético que induce el plasma, son inadecuadas para la tobera magnética propulsiva, ya que producen separación hacia afuera en lugar de hacia adentro, aumentando la divergencia de la pluma. En su lugar, se muestra que la separación del plasma tiene lugar gracias a la inercia de iones y la desmagnetización gradual del plasma que tiene lugar aguas abajo, que permiten la separación ilimitada del flujo de iones respecto a las líneas de campo en condiciones muy generales. Se evalúa la cantidad de plasma que permanece unida al campo magnético y retorna hacia el motor a lo largo de las líneas cerradas de campo, mostrando que es marginal. Se muestra cómo el campo magnético inducido por el plasma incrementa la divergencia de la tobera magnética y por ende de la pluma de plasma en el caso propulsivo, contrariamente a las predicciones existentes. Se muestra también cómo el inducido favorece la desmagnetización del núcleo del chorro, acelerando la separación magnética. La hipótesis de ambipolaridad de corriente local, común a varios modelos de tobera magnética existentes, es discutida críticamente, mostrando que es inadecuada para el estudio de la separación de plasma. Una inconsistencia grave en la derivación matemática de uno de los modelos más aceptados es señalada y comentada. Incluyendo una especie adicional de electrones supratérmicos en el modelo, se estudia la formación y geometría de dobles capas eléctricas en el interior del plasma. Cuando dicha capa se forma, su curvatura aumenta cuanto más periféricamente se inyecten los electrones supratérmicos, cuanto menor sea el campo magnético, y cuanto más divergente sea la tobera magnética. El plasma con dos temperaturas electrónicas posee un mayor ratio de empuje magnético frente a total. A pesar de ello, no se encuentra ninguna ventaja propulsiva de las dobles capas, reforzando las críticas existentes frente a las propuestas de estas formaciones como un mecanismo de empuje. Por último, se presenta una formulación general de modelos autosemejantes de la expansión 2D de una pluma no magnetizada en el vacío. El error asociado a la hipótesis de autosemejanza es calculado, mostrando que es pequeño para plumas hipersónicas. Tres modelos de la literatura son particularizados a partir de la formulación general y comparados. Abstract This Thesis presents a theoretical analysis of the operation of magnetic nozzles for plasma space propulsion. The study is based on a two-dimensional, two-fluid model of the supersonic expansion of a hot plasma in a divergent magnetic field. The basic model is extended progressively to include the dominant electron convective terms, the plasma-induced magnetic field, multi-temperature electron populations, and the capability to integrate the plasma flow in the far expansion region. The hyperbolic plasma response is integrated accurately and efficiently with the method of the characteristic lines. The 2D plasma expansion is characterized parametrically in terms of the ion magnetization strength, the magnetic field geometry, and the initial plasma profile. Acceleration mechanisms are investigated, showing that the ambipolar electric field converts the internal electron energy into directed ion energy. The diamagnetic electron Hall current, which can be distributed in the plasma volume or localized in a thin current sheet at the jet edge, is shown to be central for the operation of the magnetic nozzle. The repelling magnetic force on this current is responsible for the radial confinement and axial acceleration of the plasma, and magnetic thrust is the reaction to this force on the magnetic coils of the thruster. The plasma response exhibits a gradual inward separation of the ion streamtubes from the magnetic streamtubes, which focuses the jet about the nozzle axis, gives rise to the formation of longitudinal currents and sets the plasma into rotation. The obtained thrust gain in the magnetic nozzle and radial plasma losses are evaluated as a function of the design parameters. The downstream plasma detachment from the closed magnetic field lines, required for the propulsive application of the magnetic nozzle, is investigated in detail. Three prevailing detachment theories for magnetic nozzles, relying on plasma resistivity, electron inertia, and the plasma-induced magnetic field, are shown to be inadequate for the propulsive magnetic nozzle, as these mechanisms detach the plume outward, increasing its divergence, rather than focusing it as desired. Instead, plasma detachment is shown to occur essentially due to ion inertia and the gradual demagnetization that takes place downstream, which enable the unbounded inward ion separation from the magnetic lines beyond the turning point of the outermost plasma streamline under rather general conditions. The plasma fraction that remains attached to the field and turns around along the magnetic field back to the thruster is evaluated and shown to be marginal. The plasmainduced magnetic field is shown to increase the divergence of the nozzle and the resulting plasma plume in the propulsive case, and to enhance the demagnetization of the central part of the plasma jet, contrary to existing predictions. The increased demagnetization favors the earlier ion inward separation from the magnetic field. The local current ambipolarity assumption, common to many existing magnetic nozzle models, is critically discussed, showing that it is unsuitable for the study of plasma detachment. A grave mathematical inconsistency in a well-accepted model, related to the acceptance of this assumption, is found out and commented on. The formation and 2D shape of electric double layers in the plasma expansion is studied with the inclusion of an additional suprathermal electron population in the model. When a double layer forms, its curvature is shown to increase the more peripherally suprathermal electrons are injected, the lower the magnetic field strength, and the more divergent the magnetic nozzle is. The twoelectron- temperature plasma is seen to have a greater magnetic-to-total thrust ratio. Notwithstanding, no propulsive advantage of the double layer is found, supporting and reinforcing previous critiques to their proposal as a thrust mechanism. Finally, a general framework of self-similar models of a 2D unmagnetized plasma plume expansion into vacuum is presented and discussed. The error associated with the self-similarity assumption is calculated and shown to be small for hypersonic plasma plumes. Three models of the literature are recovered as particularizations from the general framework and compared.