180 resultados para Vagina
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A possible explanation for endometritis in mares is ascendant contamination from the vagina. The presence of Lactobacillus spp. is considered to be important in women for a healthy vaginal environment; however, there are few studies in mares related to the presence of Lactobacillus in the vaginal flora of healthy mares. The present work aims to determine the occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in the vaginal micro-environment of mares. A total of 35 crossbred multiparous mares, aged between 4 and 12 years, with no history of reproductive problems and with healthy reproductive tracts, were used. Two vaginal swabs were obtained from the mares during estrus for Lactobacillus isolation and PCR evaluation. Ten human female volunteers, aged between 24 and 35 years, sexually active, with no history of gynecological diseases and treatments in the past two years were used. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated from 5.7% of the mares' vaginal samples and from 90% of the women's vaginal samples. Lactobacillus DNA was detected by PCR in 22.9% of the mares' vaginal samples and in all of the vaginal samples from the healthy women. The primers used here were demonstrated to have in silico specificity for the detection of L. equi (AB425924.1), L. pantheris (DQ471798.1) and L. mucosae (DQ471799.1), but they did not anneal on Enterococcus faecalis (EU887827.1) or E. faecium (EU887814.1). In conclusion, this study showed a low occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. in mares, suggesting that this bacterium may not play a fundamental role in the equilibrium of the vaginal micro- environment of normal mares.
The process of spermatic division and differentiation (spermatogenesis) occurs with intratesticular temperature lower that the corporal temperature and for that is essential that the testicular thermoregulation mechanism occurs properly. For evaluation of the scrotal surface temperature can be used the infrared thermography or testicular sensors, besides that, can be evaluated the blood flux in the spermatic cord through the Doppler ultrasonography. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the testicular thermoregulation in adult buffaloes through scrotal thermography and Doppler ultrasound of testicular artery and verify its effect on sperm quality. For that were used seven healthy buffaloes, with age of 3 and 4 years, of the Murrah breed. The animals were subjected to 3 semen collections using artificial vagina, with one day of interval. In addiction, the retal temperature measurement (RT) with dry bulb thermometer, the measurement of scrotal surface temperature (SST) and body surface temperature (BST) through infrared thermography and the pulsatility (PI) and resistivity (RI) index of testicular artery by Doppler ultrasonography, were performed using 2 distinct moments: animals previously placed to shade (M1) and animals subjected to 4 hours of sun (M2). All parameters were compared by T test and the correlations were performed by Pearson test using the In Stat Graph Pad 3 (R) program. The significant level considered was 5%. There was an increase (p<0,05) of RT, SST, SNT and RI in M2. increasing trend was observed (0,05>p>0,01) PI and RI between M1 and M2. There was a low correlation between SST and semen quality. The results of this study allow us to conclude that adult buffaloes have low ability to perform body and testicular thermoregulation in situations of enviromental heat stress. However, this low capacity of testicular temperature maintenance demonstrated no correlation with the sperm kinetic parameters and sperm morphological defects in buffalo spermatozoa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A pesquisa de novas substâncias com atividade anti-Candida é importante devido à ocorrência de resistência por parte de algumas destas espécies aos antifúngicos usuais. Araújo e colaboradores (2009) comprovaram a atividade antifúngica do extrato de Syngonanthus nitens e torna-se relevante a proposta de formulações e o estudo destas. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi a avaliação da liberação, permeação e retenção na mucosa vaginal in vitro de formulação (creme) contendo o extrato de Syngonanthus nitens, em comparação com outra formulação proposta (gel), para averiguar qual das formulações apresenta mais vantagens para o tratamento da candidíase. Foi validado um método analítico para quantificação do extrato de S. nitens por espectrofotômetro UV-VIS utilizando o padrão luteolina. Os parâmetros analíticos utilizados para avaliar a credibilidade do método analítico foram: seletividade e especificidade, linearidade, limite de quantificação, precisão, exatidão e robustez. O método analítico proposto mostrou-se satisfatório: apresentou seletividade e especificidade; linearidade (os pontos obtidos nas concentrações de 5 a 30 µg/mL apresentaram-se lineares e com um ótimo coeficiente de correlação linear: 0,99996); precisão e exatidão; robustez; e o limite de quantificação foi de 0,5 µg/mL, com coeficiente de variação menor que 5%. Além disso, foram realizados testes de estabilidade preliminar e estudos reológicos, e a formulação creme apresentou resultados adequados para o uso proposto e também apresentou estabilidade. Os ensaios de liberação demonstraram que ambas as formulações apresentam cinética de liberação conforme o modelo de Higuchi, ou seja, a velocidade de liberação do fármaco da matriz do sistema se dá por difusão controlada. Os resultados mostram que as duas formulações apresentam perfil de liberação muito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A vaginose bacteriana (VB) é a alteração de flora vaginal mais freqüente em mulheres em idade fértil e se caracteriza pela substituição dos lactobacilos por outras espécies bacterianas. Inúmeras complicações ginecológicas e obstétricas estão associadas à VB, como a doença inflamatória pélvica, o aumento da vulnerabilidade à aquisição do HIV, a corioamnionite clínica e histológica e o baixo peso ao nascimento. Estudos recentes demonstraram que várias espécies até então raramente ou nunca isoladas em laboratório são associadas à VB. O Objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a freqüência de isolamento de Atopobium vaginae, Leptotrichia sp. e Megasphaera sp. em gestantes com vaginose bacteriana. Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal prospectivo. Foram incluídas no estudo 88 gestantes com diagnóstico de VB, atendidas no Centro de Saúde Escola da UNESP no período de janeiro a setembro de 2010. Durante o exame especular e utilizando-se zaragatoas estéreis, foram coletadas amostras da parede vaginal para a confecção dos esfregaços vaginais em lâminas. O exame a fresco foi utilizado para o diagnóstico de vaginite aeróbia, de acordo com os critérios descritos por Donders et al. (2002). Os esfregaços vaginais corados pelo método de Gram, foram utilizados para o diagnóstico de flora normal, intermediária e VB de acordo com os critérios de Nugent et al. (1991). Em seguida, 5 mL de solução fisiológica foi injetada com seringa estéril na parede vaginal posterior, e após homogeneização dessa solução com o auxílio de espátula, o conteúdo foi coletado. Os lavados vaginais coletados foram centrifugados e os pellets armazenados para posterior detecção de Atopobium vaginae, Leptotrichia sp. e Megasphaera sp. pela técnica de PCR em tempo real. Do total das 88 amostras de VB, 46 (52,3%) foram positivas para os 3 microrganismos pesquisados e apenas ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônicos abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that affect pets and production animals and it’s very common in tropical countries like Brazil; develops in sparsely pigmented, stratified squamous epithelium and in mucosal surfaces exposed Ultraviolet action. The SCC is quite infiltrative but rarely causes metastases. Its occurrence in the female reproductive tract is recognized in the literature on cattle breeds from Europe. This case was a female bovine, Nelore, adult, who was referred to the "Hospital Veterinário Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira" with dark brown fluid leakage and putrid odor, associated with ulcerative growth of the vagina. Because the extent of injury, the animal was euthanized and taken to the necropsy, which was observed on board structure, ulcerated and pus in the vaginal floor, infiltrated into the pelvic cavity to the serosa of the uterine body. The microscopic findings were detected neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells in the floor and vaginal metastases in the lung parenchyma, and classified the primary tumor and metastasis as squamous cell carcinoma moderately differentiated.
The present study describes a technique to obtain consecutive luteal samples by colpotomy. The animals received an epidural anesthesia and local anesthesia (vaginal vault) and after ten minutes the vaginal vault was incised with a scalpel blade and tissue was dissected to provide access to the pelvic cavity and to retract the ovary into the vagina. Then, a luteal biopsy was performed with a Yomann biopsy nipper. Signs indicative of pain and stress during the vaginal vault incision, traction of ovary or luteal biopsy were observed only in two collections. However, these signs were observed in ten collections during dissection of the vaginal wall and peritoneum. The occurrence of ataxia was observed in 26 collections and it was usually related to a longer duration of the procedure. Ataxia could be divided in light (15/26), moderate (6/26) and severe (5/26). The occurrence of ovarian adhesions ipsilateral to the incision was evaluated only in the initial four collections. Adhesions were present in 16 collections. The protocol described above provided a safe and efficient method to acquire luteal samples. The low incidence of adhesions allows the consecutive use of females without any interference in subsequent ovulations and collections.