962 resultados para VOTO SECRETO


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A partir de diversas perspectivas analíticas acerca da eleição presidencial de 2006, esta dissertação se propõe a analisar o impacto do programa federal de transferência de renda Bolsa Família, na decisão do voto dos moradores da região Norte do Brasil. A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada é uma análise comparativa, confrontando o resultado das urnas das eleições presidenciais de 2002 e 2006 e correlacionando o número de beneficiados pelo programa Bolsa Família com a quantidade de votos na candidatura petista de Lula da Silva, em cada município da região. Na análise empírica, foi possível identificar, no Norte do Brasil, a mudança na base eleitoral do candidato do PT em direção às cidades menos desenvolvidas, assim como o impacto positivo do programa na votação do petista, haja vista a melhora de seu desempenho eleitoral na região. No estudo, pode-se apontar, ainda, a coexistência pacífica, em 2006, de um padrão de comportamento eleitoral racional, sociológico e psicológico, com predominância do primeiro, porém, sem transformá-lo em teoria universalizante.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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By analyzing the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of school education institutions vital, it is clear that they are linked to decipher. But it is believed that for the student to learn to read is necessary dialogue with the text, attribute meaning to writing and comprehension. When thinking about the use of technologies such as film subtitles, it is believed that they allow readers to form since they require a quick read without using the decryption with the attribution of meaning to follow the entire course of the film. This paper aims to present and analyze a film session the project subtitled and dubbed films in public schools and training of the reader, which investigates the contributions of cinematic legends in training readers in elementary school. In this paper we present data on the session of the film The Secret Garden, with students between six and ten years old in a public school in Marilia, SP. The session took place in film school, in a room adapted. When analyzing the results, we observed that reading subtitles contributes to children are not attached to decipher, because we used reading strategies to understand the plot and tried to dialogue with the text. This approach not only contributes reader for reading the screens, but also in fixed supports, for developing specific tactics for the scrolling text which can be applied to the texts on the immobilized support.


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This article reflects on the votive objects exhibited in the room of promises situated in the National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, located in the city named Aparecida (São Paulo, Brazil). At the sanctuary, there is an area to receive and exhibit votive offerings, which are donated as payment or to initiate a relationship of faith. This article’s aim is to understand how, from entering the room of promises, the votive object is selected and receives new directions, within the Sanctuary or outside it. Nonetheless, a small number are kept in this specific room dedicated to votive offerings. These objects become documents, social agents, because they reveal stabilization within associative relationships. With the help of readings from Information Science and other areas, and after carrying out ethnographic research over three years, this article shows how the materiality of information is indispensable for apprehending the relationship between society and information. Through contact with the votive offerings, the visitor establishes inferences, interpretations, which assist in comprehending the space, faith, and Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating


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The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating


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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa eleitoral realizada nos Campi da USP-Capital pelo Centro de Estudos das Negociações Internacionais (CAENI) e pelo Instituto Júnior de Pesquisas Sociais (IJPS) durante o período de campanha do segundo turno da eleição presidencial de 2010. Discutimos o processo de amostragem e a implicação de pesquisar sobre um universo de pessoas mais escolarizadas e jovens do que a população total. Mostraremos que é mais fácil isolar um comportamento prospectivo nessas condições do que em uma amostra onde o universo é a população de eleitores inteira do país.


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L’oggetto della nostra ricerca è l’opinione pubblica e il comportamento dell’elettore in una prospettiva comparata. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato analizzare la relevanza degli approcci psicologici per una migliore comprensiore della partecipazione politica, delle opinioni e delle scelte elettorali degli studenti Italiani e Bielorussi. Nella parte teorica, noi discutiamo i modelli dell'approccio cognitivo al comportamento di voto. Discutiamo inoltre il concetto dello stile cognitivo e le sue cinque categorie: stile sintetico, idealistico, pragmatico, analitico o realistico, come descritti da A.Harrison and R.M. Branson e adattati da A. Alexeev and L. Gromova. Nonostante il fatto che la ricerca tratta il caso degli studenti, noi crediamo che i risultati siano pertinenti per un’ulteriore ricerca dell’auditorio più vasto e variegato.


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A fronte dal recepimento del direttiva SHR nel nostro ordinamento, realizzato dal d.lgs. 27/2010, il presente lavoro si propone anzitutto di analizzare l'attuale ruolo della delega di voto - sollecitata e non - per poi verificare quale sia l'interesse concretamente sotteso a un voto così esercitato, con particolare attenzione alla sollecitazione di deleghe di voto, oggi destinata espressamente (per la prevalente dottrina) a consentire al promotore il perseguimento di interessi propri. Le considerazioni riguardo all'interesse concretamente sotteso al voto esercitato per delega portano a vagliarne la rilevanza ai fini della nozione di controllo, ex art. 2359 c.c., la quale esclude espressamente dai voti rilevanti esclusivamente quelli esercitati "per conto terzi", e non, dunque, anche quelli esercitati nell'interesse proprio da un soggetto non titolare della partecipazione. Viene quindi affrontata la principale critica ad un controllo raggiunto per tale via e, più in generale, attraverso una delle varie forme di dissociazione tra titolarità della partecipazione e legittimazione all'esercizio del voto ad essa relativo, ovvero la apparente mancanza di stabilità. Considerando tuttavia che ogni ipotesi di controllo c.d. di fatto per definizione non gode di stabilità se non si scelga di ammettere una valutazione di tale requisito necessariamente prognostica ed ex ante, si giunge alla conclusione che la fattispecie di un controllo acquisito tramite sollecitazione di deleghe si distingue da altre ipotesi di controllo di fatto esclusivamente per la maggiore difficoltà dell'accertamento in fatto del requisito della stabilità. Si affronta infine la possibilità di garantire il diritto di exit (ovvero una tutela risarcitoria) del socio di minoranza che veda modificate le condizioni di rischio del proprio investimento a causa di una modifica del soggetto controllante derivante da sollecitazione di deleghe, tramite applicazione diretta della disciplina OPA ovvero riconducendo la fattispecie all'art. 2497quater, lett. d, ove ne ricorrano i presupposti.