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The European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network of population-based congenital anomaly registries is an important source of epidemiologic information on congenital anomalies in Europe covering live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. EUROCAT's policy is to strive for high-quality data, while ensuring consistency and transparency across all member registries. A set of 30 data quality indicators (DQIs) was developed to assess five key elements of data quality: completeness of case ascertainment, accuracy of diagnosis, completeness of information on EUROCAT variables, timeliness of data transmission, and availability of population denominator information. This article describes each of the individual DQIs and presents the output for each registry as well as the EUROCAT (unweighted) average, for 29 full member registries for 2004-2008. This information is also available on the EUROCAT website for previous years. The EUROCAT DQIs allow registries to evaluate their performance in relation to other registries and allows appropriate interpretations to be made of the data collected. The DQIs provide direction for improving data collection and ascertainment, and they allow annual assessment for monitoring continuous improvement. The DQI are constantly reviewed and refined to best document registry procedures and processes regarding data collection, to ensure appropriateness of DQI, and to ensure transparency so that the data collected can make a substantial and useful contribution to epidemiologic research on congenital anomalies.
BACKGROUND: To report the clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of two novel mutations within the TGFBI gene. METHODS: The genotype of 41 affected members of 16 families and nine sporadic cases was investigated by direct sequencing of the TGFBI gene. Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of corneal opacification were reported and compared with the coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: A novel mutation Leu509Pro was detected in one family with a geographic pattern-like clinical phenotype. Histopathologically we found amyloid together with non-amyloid deposits and immunohistochemical staining of Keratoepithelin (KE) KE2 and KE15 antibodies. In two families and one sporadic case the novel mutation Gly623Arg with a late-onset, map-like corneal dystrophy was identified. Here amyloid and immunohistochemical staining of only KE2 antibodies occurred. Further, five already known mutations are reported: Arg124Cys Arg555Trp Arg124His His626Arg, Ala546Asp in 13 families and five sporadic cases of German origin. The underlying gene defect within the TBFBI gene was not identified in any of the four probands with Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy. CONCLUSIONS: The two novel mutations within the TGFBI gene add another two phenotypes with atypical immunohistochemical and histopathological features to those so far reported.
Social Services expenditure and provision in NI
Social Services expenditure and provision in NI
Making the switch: Compounds 1 and 2 are used as metabolic markers for NMR detection. When neuronal cells switch to a glycolytic state, an uneven distribution of (13) C in the N-acetyl group results, thus giving a mixture of the metabolites 1 and 2. It is therefore possible to monitor flux through different metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway, using a single molecule.
Key Indicators of PSS for NI (2002)
Social Services expenditure and provision in NI
Objective: Osteitis pubis is a noninfectious painful inflammatorydisorder of the symphysis pubis. Etiologic factors are numerous, themost common are: osseous extension of adductor, enthesis due tosport overuse, irritation after urological and abdominal procedures,and systemic inflammatory disorders in particularspondylarthropathies. Many cases are idiopathic. The symptomsconsist of regional chronic mechanical and sometime nocturnal pain.Diagnosis is usually confirmed by either bone scintigraphy or by MRI.There are no standard treatments but conservative approachesincluding rest and NSAIDS are generally recommended. In 2001, agood clinical and radiological response of three refractory cases with3 to 6 monthly perfusions of pamidronate was reported [1].Ibandronate is a much more powerful and long-lasting bisphosphonatethan pamidronate, and has not yet been reported in literature to ourknowledge in this indication.Patients and Methods: We present two cases of idiopathic origin:one woman (63 years old) and one man (36 years old).The symptomswere present >3 months in the first patient and one year in the second.The diagnosis was confirmed by MRI which showed bone edemaon both sizes of symphysis and in the second case bony erosionsadjacent to the joint were seen. Both cases failed to respond toconservative measures. Both patients received one single direct ivInjection of 3 mg of Ibandronate.Results: The injections resulted in a rapid (within a few days)resolution of pain that lasted more than 6 months in both patients.No side effects were observed. In the first case, an isotope bone scanperformed 4 months after the injection showed no residual uptake. Thesecond patient had a repeated MRI after 6 months. It demonstrated anattenuation of bone edema compared to the first MRI.Conclusion: IV Ibandronate may constitute a safe and effectivetreatment option for patients with refractory osteitis pubis.References1 Maksymowych WP, Aaron SL, Russell AS. Treatment of refractorysymphysitis pubis with intravenous pamidronate. J Rheumatol.2001;28(12):2754, 2001.
 Public reporting of quality indicators promotes the principle of a transparent and accountable health care system that encourages a continuing focus on improving the quality of care it provides. This work brings us a step further in enhancing the quality and safety of our system. It is important that this report is not relied upon to draw conclusions on quality of care. That was not the purpose of the exercise. The data is mostly over five years old and was collected from the system before the improvements to collection and reporting of information that the hospitals were asked to put in place as part of the work to prepare this report. The Department of Health will produce a report of quality indicators based on data from 2011 to 2013 inclusive later in 2014 which will identify regions and hospitals. A governance process will shortly be established to oversee the selection and reporting of these indicators. This system will report at national and regional level and will be aligned with international systems so that international comparisons can be reported. The publication of this report is an important step in the development of this national reporting system. It shows that we can use a major IT system called HIPE which captures information on all hospital stays in all public hospitals to examine quality and safety of care. Health Care Quality Indicators in the Irish Health System
(English Abstract) In western societies, grades are to date the most widespread means by which achievement and performance are assessed in educational contexts. Grades are used for their capacity to provide individuals with a clear indicator of success or failure, in particular in comparison to others; in this respect, we study their impact on particular work contexts requiring cooperation. Indeed, students are often exhorted to cooperate and work in groups, while at the same time assessed with grades and focused on inter-individual comparison. However, to the best of our knowledge, no work has investigated the effects of grades on cooperation and on indicators of cooperation, a central question to be addressed given its significance for educational trends encouraging cooperative practices, and which we propose to explore in the experimental parts of this thesis. The first experimental chapter, Chapter 4, investigates the effect of grades with regards to their capacity to highlight individual visibility and at the same time social comparison. It tries to disentangle which of these facets could affect a motivated bias likely to reduce cooperation, namely individuals' preference for information confirming their own choice. In two experiments, results showed that a graded-cooperative situation increased this preference effect in comparison to other conditions where only individual visibility was manipulated, and furthermore increased individuals' perception of a competitive atmosphere. Chapter 5 investigates the effect of grades on direct cooperative inter- individual interactions, namely on group information sharing. Two experiments showed that grades hindered informational communication between individuals, leading them to withhold crucial task-information. Finally, Chapter 6 investigates the effects of grades on another indicator of group cooperation, namely inter-individual coordination. Results indicated that showcasing grades at the onset of a cooperative task necessitating inter-individual coordination decreased group performance and elicited more negative dominant behaviours amongst participants. Together these results provide evidence that grades hamper group cooperation. We conclude by discussing implications for the practice of grading in Education. ------------------------------------------------------- (Résumé en langue française) Dans la plupart des pays occidentaux, les notes sont majoritairement utilisées pour évaluer la performance et rendre compte de la réussite scolaire des individus. Dans cette perspective, elles sont non seulement un indicateur de succès ou d'échec, mais aussi de la valeur comparative des individus. Dans cette thèse nous proposons de tester l'effet des notes lorsque celles-ci sont utilisées dans des contextes bien spécifiques de coopération. En effet, si les notes et la comparaison sociale sont pratique courante, les étudiants sont souvent encouragés et amenés à coopérer en groupe. Cependant, à notre connaissance, point d'études ont testé l'effet des notes sur la coopération; études qui seraient pourtant légitimes étant donné la tendance existante en milieu éducatif à encourager les pratiques coopératives. C'est précisément ce que proposent de faire les chapitres expérimentaux de cette thèse. Le premier (Chapitre 4) teste l'effet des notes au regard de leur capacité à accentuer à la fois la visibilité et la comparaison sociale. Deux expériences investiguent l'effet des notes et tentent de démêler ce qui, de la visibilité individuelle, de la comparaison sociale ou des deux, pourrait affecter un biais motivationnel qui réduit la propension à coopérer: la propension à préférer les informations qui confirment les choix de l'individu. Les résultats montrent qu'en situation coopérative, les notes accroissent ce biais comparativement à des situations où seule la visibilité individuelle est soulignée, suggérant de plus que les notes produisent une focalisation des individus sur une comparaison sociale compétitive. Le second (Chapitre 5) teste l'effet des notes sur les interactions coopératives des individus, précisément sur le partage d'information. Deux expériences montrent que dans un contexte de travail en groupe coopératif, les notes entravent le bon partage des informations entre individus, les amenant à faire de la rétention d'information. Enfin, le troisième (Chapitre 6) investigue l'effet des notes sur un autre indicateur de coopération en groupe: la coordination interindividuelle. Les résultats montrent que les notes réduisent la coordination des individus et les mènent à avoir des comportements de dominance négative entre eux. En somme, les notes entravent la coopération et réduisent les comportements coopératifs entre individus. Enfin, nous discutons des implications pour le milieu éducatif.