516 resultados para Unemployed.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências do Sono, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Sociais, 18 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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O Ensino Superior Politécnico deve aproveitar o Processo de Bolonha para assumir um papel de relevo na resposta às necessidades do mercado de trabalho, seja através da adequação dos planos curriculares das suas licenciaturas e mestrados às reais necessidades dos empregadores, seja através da realização de formações que permitam aos trabalhadores no activo ou no desemprego aumentar, actualizar, diversificar e aprofundar os seus conhecimentos, para melhorarem a sua empregabilidade e melhor competirem a nível nacional e internacional, de modo a constituirem uma mais valia para as organizações onde trabalham. O ISCAP tentou já essa via com sucesso, com a oferta de dois cursos, um na área da contabilidade e fiscalidade e outro na área da tradução.


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O presente relatório reflete um projeto de investigação no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação e Intervenção Social, que assume como metodologia a Investigação Ação-Participativa, e que é desenvolvido e construído com um grupo de pessoas desempregadas. Assim, e contando com os participantes como co-construtores de todo o processo, foi necessário elaborar uma análise e caracterização da realidade da qual surgiram alguns problemas. É com base neles que o projeto começa a ser delineado, tendo por base a educação não-formal de adultos, e recorrendo a ações e atividades para se alcançarem os objetivos definidos e, desta forma, ser possível compreender qual o impacto que ele teve na vida dos participantes. Denominado por “Deixem que eu me (Re)Encontre”, este projeto de investigação pretendeu proporcionar momentos de desenvolvimento da autoestima, de redescoberta de capacidades e competências, e de criação de uma rede de suporte afetivo, estimulando nos participantes a apropriação de um poder de intervenção, gerador de mudança nas suas vidas, que há muito se tinha perdido.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Actualmente 11,3 milhões de indivíduos estão co-infectados pela Tuberculose/Vírus Imunodeficiência Humana (TB/VIH), uma das principais causas de incapacidade e morte no mundo. É determinada pela exposição dos indivíduos aos factores de risco e condições/determinantes sociais de saúde. Várias são as medidas criadas a nível nacional e internacional na luta contra TB e a infecção VIH. Objectivo: Caracterizar e comparar os casos de TB entre os indivíduos não infectados com VIH e os infectados com VIH, considerando as características sócio-demográficas, o tratamento, patologias associadas e factores de risco. Método: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo e observacional. A informação foi obtida a partir da base de dados do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Tuberculose dos casos de TB notificados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2008 a 31 de Dezembro de 2009. Para tratamento e análise estatística (descritiva e inferencial) o programa usado foi o SPSS versão 18,0. Resultados: 12,8% dos indivíduos estavam co-infectados com TB/VIH e 87,2% não estavam co-infectados. A presença de VIH nos casos de tuberculose apresenta evidência de relação com quase todas variáveis em estudo (p<0,00) excepto a presença de insuficiência renal (p<0,307). Apresentam maior probalidade de risco da co-infecção TB/VIH os homens, a faixa etária [35;44[, os estrangeiros, os desempregados, estar em retratamento e fumar. Os indivíduos com Doença Hepática (OR= 5,238; IC95%: 3,706;7,403; ORA = 3,104; IC95%: 2,164;4,454), patologias associadas (OR=13,199; IC95%: 11,246; 15,491; ORA=21,348; IC95%:17,569; 25,940) e factores de risco (OR=3,237; IC95%: 2,968; 3,531; ORA=2,644; IC95%: 2,414; 2,985) tem maior probalidade da co-infecção TB/VIH. O ajustamento para o sexo e a idade interferiu em todas variáveis em estudo. Conclusão: Os homens, da faixa etária [35;44 [, desempregados, estrangeiros, em retratamento, fumadores apresentam maior probalidade de risco de estar co-infectado com TB/VIH.


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ABSTRACT - Background: From a public health perspective, the study of socio-demographic factors related to physical activity is important in order to identify subgroups for intervention programs. Purpose: This study also aimed to identify the prevalence and the socio-demographic correlates related with the achievement of recommended physical activity levels. Methods: Using data from the European Social Survey round 6, physical activity and socio-demographic characteristics were collected from 39278 European adults (18271 men, 21006 women), aged 18-64 years, from 28 countries in 2012. Meeting physical activity guidelines was assessed using World Health Organization criteria. Results: 64.50% (63.36% men, 66.49% women) attained physical activity recommended levels. The likelihood of attaining physical activity recommendations was higher in age group of 55-64 years (men: OR=1.22, p<0.05; women: OR=1.66, p<0.001), among those who had completed high school (men: OR=1.28, p<0.01; women: OR=1.26, p<0.05), among those who lived in rural areas (men: OR=1.20, p<0.001; women: OR=1.10, p<0.05), and among those who had 3 or more people living at home (men: OR=1.40, p<0.001; women: OR=1.43, p<0.001). On the other hand, attaining physical activity recommendations was negatively associated with being unemployed (men: OR=0.70, p<0.001; women: OR=0.87, p<0.05), being a student (men: OR=0.56, p<0.001; women: OR=0.64, p<0.01), being a retired person (men: OR=0.86, p<0.05) and with having a higher household income (OR=0.80, p<0.001; women: OR=0.81, p<0.01). Conclusion: This research helped clarify that, as the promotion of physical activity is critical to sustain health and prevent disease, socio-demographic factors are important to consider when planning the increase of physical activity.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess age- and nationality-specific trends in abortion rates over the last decade, and to describe women's characteristics, identifying risk factors for repeated abortion. METHODS: From 1990-1999, the Health Department of Canton Vaud (Switzerland) received 13'857 abortion requests from residents aged 14-49. Population data were obtained to compute rates. RESULTS: Both the number of abortions (1400 annually) as well as their rate (8.9 per thousand women [95% confidence interval (CI) 7.3-10.5]) were stable over the decade in question. The rate of abortion for foreign women, especially from ex-Yugoslavia and Africa, was twice that for Swiss women. Half of the requests came from single women, 43% had a low education level, and half were childless. The main reason for requesting termination of pregnancy was psychosocial (93%). The mean gestational age was 7.7 weeks (SD +/- 2.3), but 96% of requests were submitted before 12 weeks. Sixty-three percent of women reported that they had used no contraception, 36% the condom and 17% the pill. Among requests, the adjusted risk of repeated abortion (22% of abortion candidates) was greater among divorced/separated/widowed women (odds ratio [OR] 1.9 [95% CI 1.5-2.4]), unemployed women (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1.5-2.1]), and those who had not attended university (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1.1-2.2]). CONCLUSIONS: Although Swiss law only permitted abortion under strict conditions, this procedure was widely available in Vaud, which nevertheless has one of the lowest rates worldwide. Efforts must be intensified to ensure universal access to family planning services, especially for foreign women and adolescents. Professionals should also target "repeaters" to provide personalised counselling.


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BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department (ED) users meet several of the criteria of vulnerability, but this needs to be further examined taking into consideration all vulnerability's different dimensions. This study aimed to characterize frequent ED users and to define risk factors of frequent ED use within a universal health care coverage system, applying a conceptual framework of vulnerability. METHODS: A controlled, cross-sectional study comparing frequent ED users to a control group of non-frequent users was conducted at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Frequent users were defined as patients with five or more visits to the ED in the previous 12 months. The two groups were compared using validated scales for each one of the five dimensions of an innovative conceptual framework: socio-demographic characteristics; somatic, mental, and risk-behavior indicators; and use of health care services. Independent t-tests, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, Pearson's Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test were used for the comparison. To examine the -related to vulnerability- risk factors for being a frequent ED user, univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used. RESULTS: We compared 226 frequent users and 173 controls. Frequent users had more vulnerabilities in all five dimensions of the conceptual framework. They were younger, and more often immigrants from low/middle-income countries or unemployed, had more somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, were more often tobacco users, and had more primary care physician (PCP) visits. The most significant frequent ED use risk factors were a history of more than three hospital admissions in the previous 12 months (adj OR:23.2, 95%CI = 9.1-59.2), the absence of a PCP (adj OR:8.4, 95%CI = 2.1-32.7), living less than 5 km from an ED (adj OR:4.4, 95%CI = 2.1-9.0), and household income lower than USD 2,800/month (adj OR:4.3, 95%CI = 2.0-9.2). CONCLUSIONS: Frequent ED users within a universal health coverage system form a highly vulnerable population, when taking into account all five dimensions of a conceptual framework of vulnerability. The predictive factors identified could be useful in the early detection of future frequent users, in order to address their specific needs and decrease vulnerability, a key priority for health care policy makers. Application of the conceptual framework in future research is warranted.


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This study tested a model which predicted the relationship between underemployment and depressive affect as moderated by coping styles. A randomly selected community sample of 574 young adults completed a self-report employment status measure, the Underemployment Scale, the Center for Epidemiological Study Depression Scale, and the Coping^Stralegy Indicator. The interaction model was supported for men only. Results indicated that significant interactions between Perceived Job Requirements Underemployment by avoidance copings and Subjective Underemployment by avoidance coping predicted depressive affect for men. Further, the same results were found even after controlling for prior depressive affect. UsingJhe^ selfreport employment status measure revealed significant group differences between unemployed and underemployed men. Underemployed men who utilized more support seeking coping strategies reported higher depressive affect than unemployed men. The interaction model was not supported for women even though women have consistently reported higher depressive affect rates. These results have implications for underemployment and depressive affect research and practical implications for assisting men who feel subjectively underemployed and need to find an appropriate strategy to cope with the situation.


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The new economy has spirited a transformation ofwork organizations from big business structures into smaller, more flexible enterprises, many of which are launched as self-employment initiatives. The growing trend towards increasing selfemployment in Canada demands aeritical review of how educational programs support and encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities for students ofpost-secondary and adult training programs. The focus ofthis study was threefold. First, the study examined whether a relationship exists between self-directedness and success in self-employment. Secondly, the purpose of this research was to determine whether a relationship exists between psychological type as defined by Jung and success in selfemployment. Finally, this research effort attempted to develop a model for identifying individual potential for self-employment based on combined factors of self-directedness and psychological type. Success was measured in three stages: 1) Did the subject start a selfemployment initiative? 2) Did the business survive six months? 3) Did the business survive one year? The research went beyond classroom training activities to determine whether individuals actually started a business enterprise while participating ina self-employment program designed for individuals who were unemployed. Given that many people initiate a self-employment venture.without actually operating the business beyond the initial start-up, this research effort measured success based on a commitment of at least one year to the selfemployment initiative. Results ofthe study revealed that individuals with a high level of selfdirected learning readiness tended to be more likely to succeed in business in terms ofbusiness starts, survival for six months, and survival for one year. In addition, it was discovered that individuals who were extraverted intuitive types succeeded more often in business at all three levels than any other type. These findings supported a model using the SDLRS and the PET Type Check as predictors for success in entrepreneurial ventures.


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David Dorey, a Brock University student in 1993, was past president of the Unemployed Action Alliance. In 1993 he donated the fonds to Brock University Archives. The Unemployed Action Alliance was organized in 1983 with support from the St. Catharines and District Labour Council. The aims of the group were to unify the interests of unemployed people for greater benefit in finding employment, retraining and lobbying the provincial government.


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This qualitative study investigated the experiences of immigrant professional engineers in Canada, 81% of whom are unable to secure employment in their field despite arriving under the auspices of the Canadian government’s skilled workers program. The study sought to identify factors that impede such qualified engineers’ opportunities within the Canadian job market. Because global economic competition demands that qualified professionals contribute to technological innovation, Canada must develop transitional programs that acknowledge credentials and prior work experience in order to address the underutilization of these qualified professionals and allow immigrant engineers to gain employment within their field. To this end, the study examined personal narratives of immigrant engineers who have experienced unemployment despite high levels of educational attainment, and circumstances that contribute to immigrant engineers’ unemployed status. The paper presents a discussion and recommendations for future research in the area of qualification without suitable employment.  


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Des études récentes ont démontré l’importance du travail dans la construction de l’identité. Pour les personnes atteintes d’un trouble psychiatrique qui se retrouvent la plupart du temps exclues du marché du travail, l’absence d’un emploi suppose une construction identitaire problématique. Dans cette perspective, ce mémoire vise à mieux comprendre ce processus. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé dans cette recherche se base sur les principes de l’approche théorique de Dubar. Il permet d’étudier la reconstruction identitaire à partir de l’interaction entre l’identité revendiquée par les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale et l’identité attribuée par des personnes de leur entourage. En conséquence, cette recherche analyse le discours de 28 personnes atteintes d’un trouble mental ainsi que de celui de 6 intervenants sociaux. Nos résultats démontrent la reconstruction de formes identitaires problématiques. La première forme touche la majorité des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux. Ces dernières aspirent à réintégrer le marché du travail et vivre une vie normale. Toutefois, les intervenants sociaux les perçoivent comme des malades qui ne peuvent fonctionner normalement. La deuxième forme identitaire est reconstruite dans un rapport de concordance entre les perceptions des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux et celles des intervenants. Les répondants se perçoivent comme étant des malades. Cette identité est validée par les intervenants. La dernière forme identitaire s’inscrit dans un rapport conflictuel qui touche seulement une personne. Cette dernière se perçoit comme une personne malade, mais cette identité est refusée par l’intervenant qui la perçoit comme une personne fonctionnelle et apte à retourner sur le marché du travail.


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Depuis les débuts des études sur la chanson, plusieurs chercheurs ont pu déterminer que l’âge d’or de la chanson québécoise comprenait la production chansonnière des années soixante et soixante-dix. C’est en filiation avec cette époque culturellement engagée et collective que la chanson du tournant du millénaire s’établit. En effet, après le creux musical des années quatre-vingt au Québec, un groupe reprit le collier de la chanson engagée au début des années quatre-vingt-dix. En défendant les marginalisés de la société et en se faisant le porte-parole de ceux-ci, les Colocs ont contribué à l’acceptation sociale des chômeurs, des sans-abris, des sidéens, des dépressifs, et autres laissés pour compte de la société. En s’attaquant à des problématiques socio-politiques graves, le groupe permet de les voir sous un autre angle et de créer une mise en perspective chez les victimes. Par l’utilisation de procédés ironiques, les Colocs parvinrent à installer une distance entre les problèmes et leurs victimes. En majorité auto-ironiques, les chansons du groupe révèlent en plus une ironie de situation, aussi appelée ironie du sort. En parallèle aux Colocs, d’autres artistes des années quatre-vingt-dix et deux mille offrent des chansons engagées au caractère ironique, et permettent une comparaison fructueuse. Dans l’optique de dédramatiser des situations potentiellement catastrophiques et d’élaborer une forme de critique sociale engagée, les Colocs ont créé une production chansonnière où l’ironie primait.